I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 115: 3 Must

Where the body was buried, a pit was dug, and those who heard it wept, and those who saw it were shocked.

"It's miserable."

Xie Zhan saw this scene in front of him, muttering to himself, watching the woman who originally wore a ghost face, without a mask, was really exposed to them, and had to say that she was indeed a beautiful woman, maybe The age may be a bit old, but these are not a problem for them.

"She is..."

He wants to say that looking at the slightly messy clothes, is it X first and then kill? No, if this is the case, there will definitely be violent struggles. The clothes can't be like this. The only thing that can get acquainted with is to kill first and then kill. X.

After watching the whole life for a long time, two words popped out of his mouth.

"Really cruel."


The clue is broken.

You can only go back and investigate the situation first. Who is involved? As long as it is a master, it is easy to find. The number of masters is often only that. It is impossible to be so obscure with one enemy and multiple methods.

As long as there is a clue, you can peel off the cocoon and find it out slowly.


Baishan Mountain, authentic Taoism.

After returning to the mountain gate, he changed his clothes and put on the clothes on the mountain gate. It was not because of a guilty conscience and fear of being discovered, but this clothes carried a lot of killings. Affect mood.

After changing his clothes, he went to report to Senior Sister that he was safe. Others didn't care, but Senior Sister, he had to go, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

Seeing Lin Fan's return, the senior sister asked what he had already thought of.

Is there any danger?

Where is it hurt?

Are there any troubles?

They were all caring inquiries, which made Lin Fan feel that there was still someone caring about him when he returned to the mountain gate. It felt very good.

If you go back to the mountain gate and don't see anyone, and no one is concerned about him, you should look very lonely and lonely.

"Senior Sister, it's okay, this road is very safe." Lin Fan said.

Wu Qingqiu relaxed when she saw that her younger brother could come back safely. During the time that Lin Fan was out, she would take the initiative to pass the place where the younger brother lived every day.

See if you are back.

She couldn't feel at ease until she saw her brother come back with her own eyes.

"Junior Brother, if you take up the task in the future, you can call Senior Sister to go with you. Senior Sister should be able to help you, or if you need to contribute something to redeem, you can talk to Senior Sister and I can redeem it for you."

These words moved Lin Fan very much, and he didn't even know how to face the enthusiasm of the senior sister.

"Sister, you don't need it. Your contribution points have been accumulated through your hard work. You must also use these to redeem the necessary things that can improve your cultivation. I can solve these problems by myself."

Lin Fan certainly cannot use Wu Qingqiu's contribution points.

Nobody's contribution points are from the wind.

What's more, he is absolutely not allowed to use senior sister, senior sister is good enough for him, if you really rely on senior sister's goodness, you can squeeze senior sister's wool at will, that's really...

Wu Qingqiu didn't say much.

She could feel that Junior Brother is a face-saving person, and he is also a male chauvinist. It is good to mention it, but it is not good to say it.

"If Junior Brother really needs it, tell Senior Sister and return it to Senior Sister in the future." Wu Qingqiu said with a smile.

Lin Fan said, "Well, I see, Senior Sister, I will hand in the task first."

"Okay, let's go." Wu Qingqiu watched Lin Fan leave, looking at his leaving back, until he disappeared in front of his eyes, with a smile on his mouth, and returned to the house.

Hand over tasks and get 500 contribution points.

When I came to the Chuan Gongtang, I stood in the distance and looked at it. Yang Shen was not there, so he changed to another stranger.

Shanmen Chuan Gongtang has collected a lot of cheats, all of which are complete copies. If the incomplete ones are of the magical skill level, Shanmen masters will find a way to complete them. If any incomplete cheats cannot be followed up, then for the cultivator, Will cause very bad effects.

"Brother, the martial arts I practice are all cultivated during the exercise. Now that I have come to the marrow, is there any recommendation?" Lin Fan asked respectfully, and asked those who didn’t understand. Don’t be ashamed. Pretend to be forced, pretend to know everything, and when you regret it, it's too late.

"Does Junior Brother have confidence in his own strength?"

"Yes, I am relatively strong and I want to practice some powerful martial arts."

"Does it need scope or is it a single one?"

"Is it against the enemy?"


"Well... it's better to be compatible."

"I think...I have it."

Brother Chuan Gongtang quickly selected a martial skill for Lin Fan.

"This junior, according to your requirements, I think this martial art is the most suitable for you. When you reach the marrow-washing state, you have to practice a decent martial art. Have a different performance."

Lin Fan took over the martial arts and watched carefully.

"Three Wonders in the Sun..."

Looking at the name, there is a kind of style, it seems to be very simple, but I don't know how powerful it is.

"Brother, can you explain it to me." He didn't want to exchange martial arts that were not suitable for him, so he wanted to figure out that if it wasn't suitable, he could change to other martial arts.

Brother Chuan Gong said: "You can take it back and have a look at it by yourself. This was originally a cheat book that the inner sect brothers could redeem, but later Shanmen seniors thought this cheat book was very comprehensive and suitable for the outer sects. , The improvement in strength is very impressive, and there are also comments from the predecessors of the mountain gate, and you can understand it by just looking at it."

Lin Fan flipped through it and saw some comments as expected.

"Junior brother, rest assured, it's absolutely suitable. This is a wild cheat, no matter who it is."

"Thank you, brother." Lin Fan clasped his fists and turned to leave.

Inside the house.

Lin Fan flipped through the secret book, and didn't know if it was what he said to the brother Chuan Gong.

time flies.

He is completely obsessed with this martial art.

After a long time.

Turning to the last page, he already probably knew the situation of this martial art.

Yao Ri was a former master of the authentic Taoist school. He merged his three stunts with the palm of his hand, and finally integrated into this martial skill.

The attribute of this martial art is fire. After successful cultivation, a punch, a palm, and a finger contain not only the power of strength, but also a kind of firepower, which can burn the muscles of others and cause the power of strength to not work well, etc. effect.

In the initial stage, the skin can be burnt with fire to produce hot temperatures. This is the initial stage, and the stronger the power becomes later.

Already has the power of magic.

And this fire attribute is not the generation of vigor, but when practicing this martial skill, you are also in the five elements within the excitement.

The five internal organs ~www.readwn.com~ There are five elements in the five internal organs, which belong to yin.

The six fu-organs belong to Yang.

The heart belongs to fire and also belongs to yin.

Practicing the Three Absolutes of the Sun will produce fire attributes in the cultivation of the heart, and because of the yin, it can achieve the harmony of yin and yang and balance this martial skill.

Lin Fan thought for a while.

Suddenly I discovered that someone who can integrate martial arts is really not easy, at least not what he can compare now, this principle is one after another, and it is very consistent.

At the same time, there are also records in this martial art.

If you can't cultivate to be transparent for eight years, it's best to abolish the three absolutes of cultivation, otherwise the heart will be damaged and the impact will be huge.

Lin Fan thought for a while.

With my hard work, persistence, and crit support, it should be complete within eight months.

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