I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 124: His death has nothing to do with me

Wu Qingqiu has been paying attention to the situation of Junior Brother, but when Junior Brother shows weakness, she does not hesitate to go up and help.

But she was relieved when she saw Junior Brother kill the enemy.


"Girl, dare to be distracted by fighting with me, you are really careless."

It was an old man who was fighting Wu Qingqiu.

Because of his old age, he arched his body, slightly short, like the skin of a dead tree, wrinkled, especially his hands, as if wrapped in a layer of skin.

Wu Qingqiu was startled, and fixed his eyes. I don't know when, a white silk thread was wrapped around her arms. Her expression suddenly changed, and she didn't notice the situation at all.

"Little girl, although your strength is strong, the sky silk thread cannot break your body protection strength, but it is not that simple if you want to disconnect it." Dry wind smiled, staring at Wu Qingqiu's chest. , The slender tongue makes people feel nauseous.

With a violent pull in the dry wind, Wu Qingqiu suddenly realized that his arms were a little out of his own control, and he was careless. He fought each other and focused on his junior apprentice. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dry Wind stretched out his hands towards Wu Qingqiu's chest and counted silently in his heart. This was the 363th.

"Damn thing, do you want me to lose face in front of Junior Brother?"


With a shocked expression, Dry Wind looked at Wu Qingqiu in surprise. He didn't know what the other party meant, but soon he found that the situation was very wrong, and Wu Qingqiu's arms were spinning vigorously.

call out!

call out!

The dry wind couldn't hold the sky silk thread in his hand, his fingers were directly broken, he screamed heartbreakingly, his face was full of disbelief, how could such a thing happen.

"Go to hell."

Wu Qingqiu took this opportunity to slap both palms forward, the rotation of the force condensed the palms, and instantly broke out, directly knocking the dry wind upside down, his chest cracked, and blood stained his chest.

"What is your power..."

The dry wind held it hard and asked, but Wu Qingqiu stepped forward and kicked his head before he finished speaking. Half of his head broke and fell on the deck without moving.

"Senior Sister, are you okay?"

When Lin Fan saw that his senior sister was carelessly trapped by the opponent, he was ready to hit him close to death, but unexpectedly, the situation reversed in an instant. The senior sister suppressed the opponent with tyrannical means. Stunned for a while.

Wu Qingqiu, who killed the wind, stared sharply at the corpse. Hearing the voice of Junior Brother, her eyes softened suddenly, "It's okay, Junior Brother, are you okay with you?"

"I'm fine," Lin Fan said.

I was thinking...Senior Sister’s method was a bit ruthless. After killing people, she treated herself very well. He changed very quickly. He was thinking that if he was really with Sister Sister, he would really be sorry for Sister Sister that day. Regarding the matter, will the senior sister cook for him with a smile on her face, and then faint herself.

When I woke up, I found that my hands and feet were tied up, and the senior sister stood in front of her with a pair of scissors and smiled.

Just when they were talking.

There was something wrong with Cui Zhen.

There was a boom.

Cui Zhen was repulsed by a horrible force, and he used his sword to stand firmly on the deck. The originally flat blade had already sunk many fingerprints.

Zhou Ke looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, it's all rubbish, and it doesn't matter if you haven't been able to take you down. It doesn't matter, I can be there."

Now Zhou Ke's energy and blood have been mobilized, and his body is much stronger than before. With white heat from his fists, long hair and cape, his eyes are staring sharply at everyone.

Liang Xuan and Kang Huai came to Cui Zhen and looked at Zhou Ke vigilantly.

"Junior Brother, Junior Sister, be careful. He just swallowed a mysterious pill and his strength skyrocketed." Cui Zhen looked solemn, and felt that even if he joined forces, he might not be Zhou Ke's opponent.

Hear what Brother Cui said.

Their faces changed in shock.

Brothers can't help it?

Wu Qingqiu whispered: "Junior Brother, this guy is very tricky and strong. You will be watching you later. Don't get involved."

She exhorted her a lot.

The other party's cultivation base is here, and the strength is terrifying. Once the result is disastrous, even if she is there, it may not be able to protect the junior.

"Ok, I know."

Lin Fan paid attention to Zhou Ke's situation, and could feel that the opponent's internal organs were very active, especially the opponent's keel seemed to be activated by a certain force, some changes had taken place, and his potential was being greatly consumed.

In a moment.

Cui Zhen, Liang Xuan, Kang Huai, and Wu Qingqiu joined forces to block all of the other side's way, and the ultimate move fell, fighting with each other.


Zhou Ke Kuang magnified and laughed, completely like a human-shaped tank, ramming and swinging his fists, and the resulting fist wind was extraordinary and fierce. The fist wind roared and everyone could not get close.

Liang Xuan slapped the opponent's back with a palm, and the strength penetrated, but she did not expect a counter-strength gushing out of the opponent's body, which directly shook her back. She looked down, and the blood vessels on the back of her hand were bumpy and painful.

"Brother, his strength is weird, he should have practiced some kind of horizontal kung fu, and he has a strong reaction force."

Wu Qingqiu looked solemnly, passing by the crowd, violently violently, patted Zhou Ke's thigh, then dodged, and slapped the opponent's back again, trying to penetrate the opponent with strength.

Same as Liang Xuan said.

The countershock is indeed very strong, and her strength can't penetrate the opponent's body.

"Go together and blow him up."

Cui Zhen abandoned his sword and leaped into the air. With a flick of his arm, a rope broke through the air, binding Zhou Ke, and then slapped his chest with a palm. After the palm fell, he looked up and found that the corners of Zhou Ke's mouth were exposed. smile.

Liang Xuan, Wu Qingqiu, and Kang Huai shot at the same time, slapped their backs, and the vigor erupted and oscillated, forming vigor fluctuations centered on them.

"not good!"

Four people spoke at the same time.

"Hahaha..." Zhou Ke laughed, his facial expressions grinning, "Fucked, it's all really fooled, it's impossible for you to let go of your strength and stay away from me. Everyone says me The cosmic blood-transforming art of cultivation is useless, and it can only be effective by many people who use the energy to penetrate the body, but how do they know that I have cultivated my body for decades because of this cosmic blood-transforming art."

Lin Fan stepped on, swiftly swept away, rose into the air, fell from the sky, dropped a palm, and slapped the opponent's head fiercely.

Zhou Ke raised his head ~www.readwn.com~ and here is another one, okay, today I will melt your blood all over, if your kid wants to sneak attack, let you taste..."


Lin Fan slapped Zhou Ke's head with a palm, exploded with seven times the strength, and directly slapped Zhou Ke's head into the body.

Afterwards, Lin Fan flipped in the air and landed steadily.

It's really useless.



Wu Qingqiu and the others cast their eyes on Lin Fan, looking at him in shock.

Lin Fan bit his head and said sincerely:

"Senior brothers and sisters, listen to my explanation. Just now, the strength he can hold is about to reach its limit. When I drop my palm, he can't hold it anymore. His death has little to do with me."

"Brother, senior sister, you really have to believe me."

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