I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 151: 1 ring

"I practice martial arts can crit(!

Watching the elder sister leave.

Lin Fan looked at the Xuanwu real power in his hand, although the weight was light, but the heart was extremely heavy.

"Hey, senior sister, if I lose you, am I inferior to a beast?"

He made many changes for the senior sister.

I used to like to go to brothels for white prostitution, but now look at it, even if there are white prostitution activities, has he stepped halfway through the threshold?


The most is to take a look, feast your eyes, and leave in a hurry.

In the past, it was cultivation. When the spirits were tense, he went to the brothel to see if there was any illegal prostitution activities. If so, he didn't mind giving the other party gifts that only he had.

"Brother Lin."

At this time, a clear voice came.

Cao Zhenshuang came from a distance. This junior girl is not young, but she has a good figure. This is the benefit of training. A narrow waist and hips are better than any fitness.

"Sister Cao, what's the matter?"

"Brother, when I first returned to the mountain gate, someone delivered a letter and was stopped outside. I saw it was given to the senior, so I took it and sent it to the senior." Cao Zhenshuang was very enthusiastic.

The relationship between her and Lin Fan is just the same, and she also knows that Brother Lin is a thigh, and his strength is obvious to all, and he can compete with the master of boxing.

She also wanted to take the initiative to hug Brother Lin's thigh, and often brush her presence in front of the brother.

But she knew that Senior Sister Wu loved Senior Brother Lin.

There is a difference between men and women, and the emergence of initiative can easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings, causing Senior Sister Wu to have a grudge against her.

Therefore, the appearance of appropriateness is just fine.

"Thank you Junior Sister."

"Then brother is busy first, I'll leave first."

Cao Zhenshuang left with a smile, and successfully brushed a wave of presence in front of Brother Lin, and he was in a good mood.

Lin Fan opened the envelope. It turned out that Wang Baofeng had sent it to him, and he looked at it carefully.

Unexpectedly, Wang Baofeng's child was born.

A daughter just as he wanted.

Invite Lin Fan to come to the palace for a banquet.

"Hope all the time, you finally have a child." Lin Fan smiled, and the troubles followed. What gifts should the girls give.

of course.

Even if he didn't give anything, Wang Baofeng was still very enthusiastic and would never have any opinions, but he could not agree that he would not give anything.

Prepare gifts to go.


Many people rushed towards the palace of the royal family. Everyone had a smile on their faces. The royal palace was very happy, and the prince was pleased. He sent people to distribute food and cloth in the city.

Have fun with the people.

Inside the house.

"Ma'am, it's really hard work for you. I gave birth to such a lovely girl. Husband's love is not good." Madam Wang's face is very haggard, but with all kinds of precious things, she is full of blood.

Madam Wang smiled at the corner of her mouth, "With a daughter, there will be a boy with a son and a daughter. To meet your expectations, it's just too painful. It's better to wait for her to be older."

"No, it's fine to have a daughter, nothing else." Wang Baofeng hurriedly shook his head.

"What you want most is not a son and a daughter, why don't you want it again."

Wang Baofeng said distressed: "Xiufang, when you gave birth to her, I was waiting outside. Listening to your voice, I was very worried in my heart, just in case. If you are really wrong, I have this one. What's the use of women."

"What nonsense, even if something is really going on, doesn't it satisfy your wishes and let you find a new age and beauty."

"Xiufang, I can learn from your heart, and there is no falsehood. If you think I have this idea, I will immediately show my determination, and I will cut me here." Wang Baofeng said vowedly.

Later, Xiufang was staring straight at him, and he was still staring at sensitive parts.

Suddenly the whole body trembled.

He hurriedly hugged the child to Xiufang, "Madam, what I said is true, don't think I dare not, I am not worried about your future happiness."

With a smirk.

The smiling Xiufang wanted to smoke him.

"What nonsense are you talking about in front of the child."

"Why, she is still young, how can she understand."

Mrs. Wang knew that her husband was not serious, "If you didn't tell you this, how many people did you invite this time?"

"A lot, if I am a little familiar, I have invited, and there are some that I didn't contact afterwards. As long as I gave gifts, I have invited them."

"You all invite you who are unfamiliar, and you don't know what to say about you."

"Madam, I’m not familiar with it, but I’ve been a gift, I can’t help but remember, now we have a girl, and the expenses will be a lot in the future. Naturally, we can save it."

"You...have Brother Lin informed?"

"It has been notified long ago, anyone can not notify, but my brother Lin can't fail to notify."


Su Xiufang has a good sense of Lin Fan, and thinks that the only reliable friend her husband knows is this person, and he is also kind to the Wang family. I have to say that this husband, who seems to be easily deceived, can sometimes do it. A good thing.

The next day.


The butler stands at the door, greets the guests, collects gifts, registers them, and then...

"Master Chen from the Jiujiu firm gave a pair of Yu Ruyi."

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

I gave such a big gift at the beginning.

After thinking about it, it became clear.

Jiujiu has a close relationship with the Wang family, and many businesses rely on the Wang family. It is also right to give a gift.

"The shopkeeper Li of Juhe Restaurant gave a golden hairpin."


Some people onlookers were amazed.

For them, these things may be precious things that they cannot afford for a lifetime.

In the crowd.

At first glance, several of them looked like men coming from other places, and they were also shocked by this masterpiece.

"Is this the Wang's family, the richest man in Ningcheng?"

A big man asked.

The people next to each other talked casually as if chatting at home.

"Yes, the Wang family is the richest man in Ningcheng. A few days ago, the Wang family was so happy to entertain all the guests and gave food and cloth to the people in the city yesterday."

"Such a high profile is not afraid of causing trouble?"

"Trouble? What's the trouble? The Prince of the Wang family has something to do with Orthodox Taoism. Long ago, the Wang family almost suffered a catastrophe. Then guess what happened?"

"what happened?"

Just now.

"Hecheng Quartet will slaughter the master to give a thousand-year-old coral."

The butler who notified the gift list was dumbfounded.

The Millennium Coral Wannianhong.

The outstanding one among the rare and exotic treasures.

Even Wang Baofeng, who was entertaining guests in the hall, heard the announcement and came out in a hurry, very puzzled.

He naturally knew that the Quartet would.

It was the people who killed the Su family. Later, Brother Lin invited the brother and sister to sit down and settle the matter.

In his opinion, this matter is over.

It's just that what does the Sifanghui operation mean now?

"Excuse me, are you?" Wang Baofeng saw that the person here was not Tu Tian, ​​who he knew well, but a middle-aged man.

The man clasped his fist and said, "Lei Tai, the master of the Lower Sifang Hall, was ordered by the host to send Thousand-Year Coral. Congratulations to Prince Wang for his daughter."

"Thank you, Master Tu, and please invite Hall Master Lei to please." Wang Baofeng invited, and people came to give gifts, and he was polite to the Wang family. As the owner, he naturally can't be too stingy.

Lei Tai said: "I took the Prince's mind, but there are still important things to do in the help, so don't bother and say goodbye."

"Pall Master Lei, go well."

Wang Baofeng clasped his fist.

In the crowd of onlookers.

"You see, it was this gang who came to trouble the Wang family. Later, the boss of this gang came directly with dozens of heads and came to apologize. You said that this is the kind of ability. As long as there is nothing wrong with the brain, who will provoke."

The people who spoke were very envious.

And the few big guys who asked, how could they be calm at this time, they were already shocked by the scene before them.

Hecheng Quartet.

That's ridiculous.

Among them, the gang leader Tu Tian is the old gang leader, powerful, and he is a hegemon in Hecheng.

At the same time they also thought of one thing.

Indeed heard the rumors.

Tu Tian, ​​the old gang leader of the Sifanghui, personally beheaded his son and dozens of other gangs, chopped off their heads and went to a certain place to plead guilty, but he did not expect it to be here.



All the people gave way, and some people exclaimed.

"What a big wolf."

Everyone who heard the sound looked in their direction, and saw a man calmly riding on the giant wolf. His gray eyes were full of ferocious and gloomy eyes, and the people who looked at were cold all over.

"Hui Hui, be friendly. Didn't you see that the people are afraid of you?" Lin Fan patted Hui Hui's head.

Huihui wailed.


I am already very friendly. If I say the look in my eyes, I am born like this, and I definitely can't change it.

The butler saw the figure riding on the giant wolf and hurriedly shouted towards the courtyard: "Master, Lord Lin is here."

Then he hurried forward and said respectfully: "Master Lin, you are here."

After saying this, the butler looked at the giant wolf with some fear, always feeling that the giant wolf could bite off his head in one bite.

And it's bigger than the last time I saw it.

Can wolves grow to this extent?

The body length is two meters, the height is about 1.5 meters, and the hair is shiny, especially when exposed to the sun, it looks unusual.

"Well, here it is." Lin Fan smiled.

When Wang Baofeng heard Lin Fan coming, he ran faster, "Brother Lin, but you are finally here."

Lin Fan got down from Huihui, "It's early enough."

"Haha, please inside."


"Who is it then?" the foreigner asked.

"That's a good friend of Prince Wang, a disciple of the authentic Taoist school. The relationship within the mountain gate is very wide. When the Prince is in trouble, he is pleased. You see that the mountain gate master is a master. Others ride horses and ride wolves. He is very overbearing. ."

"How do you know so clearly?"

"Hey, who can't know about these, he has a very good relationship with Prince Wang, and he will come to Wang's house every few days. Everyone in the city knows."

After this short period of effort.

Several people from outside the city already knew that this Wang family had a very deep background, and it seemed that they couldn't provoke them.


"Brother Lin, do you think my daughter looks like me." Wang Baofeng took the initiative to bring her daughter to Lin Fan. Other visitors wanted to hug him, but he didn't give it. My daughter is something you can hold, my brother Lin I didn't even hug it.

Lin Fan carefully hugged the child in his arms, "Much better than you, has the name been chosen?"

"No, it's up to you to prepare. If you didn't help, she might not be able to show up here." Wang Baofeng said.

"You have handed over the problem to me, everything is not good, this child will grow up in the future, but I will be blamed." Lin Fan joked.

"Brother Lin, what I said is true."

"Um... I think about it."

Naming is a big deal, it's not like naming pets and just picking them up.

Wang Baofeng waited.

The guests present did not dare to urge.

Everyone knows that this person is a disciple of the Orthodox School, and he is very powerful in the mountain gate. The Prince Wang asked him for help, and he directly took the senior brother and sister of the mountain gate to the town.

And it's not one who came.

Therefore, since then, the prestige of the Wang family in Ningcheng has increased again.

Lin Fan said: "Lingyue is like the wind, and she is knowledgeable and reasonable. She is called Wang Ningshu. The girl still has to be dignified and virtuous like her sister-in-law."

"Wang Ningshu..." Wang Baofeng yelled softly, then said with joy: "Okay, this name is good, it's called Wang Ningshu."

At this time, Mrs. Wang came with the help of the maidservant, "Brother Lin, it is your kindness that she can come safely. Why don't you recognize her as a godfather, so that she can be filial to you in the future."

Wang Baofeng patted his thigh and said, "Madam, this is a good suggestion, Brother Lin, look..."

"Well, since my sister-in-law said it, I naturally agree. I came in a hurry and didn't prepare any gifts. I only bought a longevity lock. I hope I don't dislike it." Lin Fan took out a gold longevity lock and put it in. Infant.

"Brother Lin, if you can recognize her as a goddaughter, it is her best gift. You are her godfather. She will have to laugh secretly in the future. Who dares to bully her." Wang Baofeng said.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Brother Wang, you put so much pressure on me, so I will have to work hard in my cultivation in the future, otherwise I'm really afraid that I won't be able to protect it."


Suddenly, both sides laughed.

This kind of harmonious friendship is extremely envious of everyone who sees it.

They also want to have such friends.

It doesn't need to be so powerful, but any ordinary disciple will do.


"Brother Wang, I’m in a hurry this time. I will go out with the elders of the mountain gate in a few days. If you have a business in the city near the Qingnangzong, you have to pay attention to it. The Zhengdao school and the Qingnangzong are about to happen. Conflict, I am afraid that it will affect you at that time."

Lin Fan said this matter.

Wang Baofeng said, "I don't have much business there. If something happens, it's okay to give up there. But Brother Lin, will you be in danger if you go out this time?"

"Danger is hard to say, but there must be trouble, but Brother Wang can rest assured that with my current strength, there is no problem with self-protection," Lin Fan said.

"Brother Lin, wait a moment for me."

Lin Fan didn't know what Wang Baofeng was going to do, and then saw him leave in a hurry, returning soon afterwards.

I saw Wang Baofeng holding a box in his hand.

The box is well kept, it is a bit dusty, and it seems to have been stored for a long time.

"Brother Lin, this thing was left by my grandfather back then. He said that when he was young, he helped an expert in the rivers and lakes. That expert said he was the hidden weapon master Situ Xin. In order to thank my grandfather, he specially gave it to Something."

Wang Baofeng took out a ring from the box, which was jet-black and looked like a tattered thing.

Lin Fan's heart moved.

Could it be the Sumi ring?

But it is impossible to think about it.

"Brother Lin, take a look."

Lin Fan took the ring and observed it carefully. For the time being, he didn't find any doorways or any danger, it was just an ordinary ring.

Then I listened to Wang Baofeng's next talk.

"My grandfather didn't understand what it was at the time. Once I wore it on, I found that this ring could absorb energy and almost sucked my grandpa dry. If it weren't for my grandpa to take it off in time, I'm afraid it would be a big deal. I was thinking that one day when my Wang family came out with a high level of cultivation, and no matter how hard I studied, who would have thought that in my generation, it would still be like a bird, with little progress."

Wang Baofeng spread his hands, a look of helplessness.

It's not that they don't want to figure out the function of this ring, but that they don't have this ability.

It’s like giving you a masterpiece divine bow, but I’m blind myself, I don’t dare to take it out at ordinary times, I can only use it as a collection~www.readwn.com~ Can you absorb energy? "

Lin Fan frowned. He had never heard of such a thing before. Could it be that some kind of strange thing failed? He originally wanted to study it slowly.

But he found Wang Baofeng looking curiously.

Obviously, I just want to know what's the use of this stuff.

Meditate for a moment.

Lin Fan decided to give it a try.

Even if there is a problem, just take it off at that time.

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