I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 259: Master, I was wrong

"What the **** is Tianlong Egg?"

Someone asked, very confused. Although the experience was outside, the relevant knowledge reserves were very scarce, and they belonged to a very scarce existence.

Where did the people who came out knew what the Tianlong Egg was, they were all confused and eager to know.

at this time.

A middle-aged man slowly said: "I know that there is a legend that there is a creature named Tianlong, and any adult Tianlong has Taoist cultivation base, so you should also know why this Tianlong egg appeared, which attracted this. Are you fighting for it?"


"So scary?"

Take a breath of air-conditioning.

Call it terrible.

The middle-aged man wanted to get the Heavenly Dragon Egg very much.

But he has self-knowledge. Although his cultivation level is not weak, it is better not to compete with those monsters. What should he do? Living well is the most important thing.


"Everyone, this thing has been obtained by my holy land disciples, do you really want to steal it?" The cold-faced elder said solemnly.

He hoped that the prestige of Heavenly Desolate Holy Land would stun these guys.

But this possibility is very low.

Regardless of whether it is the Jagged Sect or other forces, they are not weak. If you encounter the situation of the Tianlong Egg, you will definitely not endure it. Even if it is dangerous, it is worth the risk.

Jian Gu Wu Jiandao: "Hand over the Heavenly Dragon Egg and re-fight, whoever gets it will be the one who gets it."

"Fart, it's impossible." Lin Fan refused directly, wanting him to hand over the good things, unless the sun came out from the west, "If you want to grab it, come on, it's meaningless to talk nonsense."

Wu Jian didn't talk much, he directly lifted his sword, waved his sword, and a sword light cut through the sky and came through the sky. It was extremely powerful and deserved to be the arrogant of Jiangu.

Lin Fan slammed the sword light directly into pieces.

Now he has been besieged. Fortunately, the cold-faced elder, Fu Bai, and the little old man share the firepower, that is, Chen Yuan was sent out early. Although he is a holy child, his cultivation is still unable to participate in this kind of battle.

The little old man's soul is united, his realm is improved, his cultivation base is soaring, he is naturally not afraid.

Lin Fan is one enemy three.

Shuga Buddha!

Wu Jian!

Nie Changhai!

On the other hand, Saint Yun Sheng didn't participate, she didn't want to do anything to Lin Fan, and she didn't want to engage in evil. Although the elders of the Profound Sky Holy Land had already participated in it, she still watched.

do not know what to do.

"King Kong!"

The Buddha was floating in the air, and a Vajra Wrath Buddha emerged. He grabbed it with a giant hand. The five fingers were thick, covering the sky and the sun. He wanted to hold Lin Fan in his palm.

"Kill me!"

Lin Fan slammed his fist with six arms and banged fiercely. The clashing sound continued, and the King Kong was broken, but he had to face the ultimate move of the monstrous sword intent and Nie Changhai.



The fierce collision, Broken Dragon Mountain collapsed, trees collapsed, and the imposing impact made the outsiders stunned.

"He fights the three arrogances alone, but he hasn't fallen to the bottom, he's so overbearing."

"Lin Fan, the sacred land of the wild, I think he is the strongest young generation in the Divine Martial Realm."

"How does he cultivate? Even if he takes drugs, he is not so fierce."

Envy appeared in everyone's minds.

It's really dumbfounded.

at this time.

Nie Changhai's eyes condensed, a big hand, the iron-blooded flag flew to clenched, and the flag waved frantically, the flag screamed, and the blood mist rolled up.

The iron-blooded banner he kept tempering was terrifying.

Moreover, Lin Fan was quite an enemy some time ago.

But Nie Changhai was also regarded as an enemy, giving Lin Fan a boost in strength.

Lin Fan took out the Falling God Branch and hit the blood fog tornado, and the iron-blooded banner shook. Nie Changhai knew that this thing had a strong restraint on the magic weapon, and the other three banners were collected.

The four major flags merged into one flag, which is even more powerful.


Nie Changhai waved the flag of fusion four times in total, bursting out four divine lights, containing four different powers.

"Dare to use magic weapons."

Lin Fan must teach this tough guy a lesson.

Have not experienced the brutal beating of Luoshenzhi.

After all, I don’t know the sinister society.

Swinging the branch, the Falling God Branch speeded up its fall, and with a bang, it shattered and struck the Divine Light, and was shaken by the mighty iron-blooded banner of the Falling God Branch and was damaged.

The things that Brother Gu gave were really fierce.

Up to now, I haven't encountered a magic weapon that can compete with Luoshenzhi.

Nie Changhai discovered that this thing had extremely restrained his magic weapon, his expression changed, he retracted the iron-blooded banner, looked at Lin Fan solemnly, and prepared to confront the opponent with his body.

Just after Lin Fan dealt with the iron-blooded banner, a light of Buddha struck.

The stalwart Buddha light is very warm, as if the whole person is in a warm greenhouse.


Shuga Buddha whispered, and the Buddha's light shined on the world.

The six Buddha characters appeared.

Each word of the Buddha glows with gold, exuding stalwart power. The six-character mantra is extremely mysterious and contains the infinite blessings of the Buddhas. He wants to suppress Lin Fan with his stalwart power.

"It's ruthless, I'm calling the master, but he doesn't show mercy."

Lin Fan curled his mouth, as if seeing through Xiu Jia Buddhazi, waved his fist, the mysterious fist intent blessed, the sky trembled, and the mysterious fist intent radiated from his fist.

Throw a punch.

The two forces collided, and the Buddha Xiu Jia was extremely confident in the six-character mantra, and the supernatural powers of Buddhism were so easy to resist, but soon, he was shocked.

The six-character mantra is broken, and the Buddha's light is annihilated.

The opponent's fist power was still spreading, and with a loud shout, the King Kong Furious Buddha appeared, resisting the opponent's fist power, his body vibrated, and the blood in his body shook.

"What a strong force."

Xiu Jia Fuzi was shocked.

How can I think that the opponent's strength is so terrifying, and he almost couldn't resist it. Facing the siege of the three of them, he could do his job with ease, how strong the opponent was.

Wu Jian came from across the air and pierced forward with a sword. This sword contained the true meaning of kendo. It was the strongest kendo true meaning he had comprehended in the secret place of Sword Valley, sitting quietly for several years, observing the sword stele of his predecessors.

Nie Changhai came with a fist, his blood swelling, and Bahuang fist sweeping everything.

Even the Xiu Jia Buddha who was defeated by Lin Fan's six-character mantra, cheered up again, forming a pincer with them, and wanted to completely take Lin Fan down.

"Good job, save trouble."

Lin Fan smiled, his momentum skyrocketed. Facing the trio of tiger-like offensives, he did not panic at all, and his strength was completely surging. He displayed the "Zhenlong Jing" fascinating, and the sky dragon phantom roared and wrapped his body.

The outsiders who watched this kind of power were amazed.

Even the three of them felt that the power erupting from this guy in front of them was too terrifying, and there was a feeling that it was irresistible, but they were all gods, and when they were afraid.

This rivalry is a contest of disobedience among Tianjiao.


The four forces collided with each other, and the power was amazing. Even the elders who fought against each other were a little hard to resist the aftermath of this power, their bodies retreated and did not dare to approach them. They couldn't imagine how terrifying this power was.

"Good guy, the strength of this kid is too strong, even if my soul is united, I am not his opponent." The little old man is like hell, no one can practice so fast, it is simply abnormal.

The cold-faced elder was speechless with Fu Bai.

For some reason, Fu Bai found that the elder Lengmian looked at him a bit weird, as if feeling sad for him.

Fu Bai asked himself.

I am so sad.

Elder, are you thinking about something wrong?

Everyone wants to know what the situation is like at this time.

The power generated by this stock is too strong.

There was a boom.

Nie Changhai and Wu Jian flew out, wiping off the blood stains on the corners of their mouths, eyes a little aggrieved.

I didn't expect to lose.

"Have you seen that the three Tianjiao couldn't compare to him? This is too terrifying."

"It's terrible, his appearance will make Shenwu Realm Tianjiao bleak."

"Not necessarily, they are not the strongest in the Divine Martial Realm."

"What is not the strongest, even if it is not the strongest, it is the top group."


They saw a strange thing.

Lin Fan was actually clutching Xiu Jia Buddhazi in his hand.

The other two were both repelled, so why was Xiu Jia Fuzi caught in his hands?

Don't say they don't understand.

Even the Buddha of Xiu Jia was stunned, and the other two dear brothers were forced to retreat. Why should he grab himself?

Is a soft spot.

still is……

"Amitabha Buddha." Xiu Jiafuzi smiled.

"Ah, your head." Lin Fan waved his fists and hit his eye sockets, suddenly panda eyes appeared.

"Sister Lin, you didn't arrest them, why are you arresting me."

Xiu Jia Fuzi felt that he had been treated unfairly, and wanted to offer a fair treatment.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Fan asked back, punched Xiu Jia Fuzi's nose again, slapped and wailed, his nose was deflated, and his nosebleeds were dripping.

Xiuga Buddha didn't expect Lin Fan to hold such a grudge.

This is to record the previous events on him.

"do not do that……"

"do not do that?"

It was another punch.

"Don't fight."


Still a punch.

"Why do you have to hit me."


Still a punch.



Keep punching!

"Master, don't fight, I was wrong..."

Xiu Jia Fuzi, who had swollen into a pig-headed face, yelled, begging for mercy. He felt that Lin Fan was too vengeful to let the other two go, but he caught him in his hand and hit him in the face with his six-armed fist. .

it hurts!

It's really swollen.

Those onlookers outside were shocked when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, Buddha Xiu Jia was actually the opponent's disciple.

"Oh, this is really deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor."

"Yes, when you see Master get something good, you have to **** it. It's terrible."

"He is a Buddhism, and he actually worships others as a teacher. It's also okay..."

Everyone talked a lot.

It was really embarrassing that Buddha Xiujia wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Fan let go of the Buddha Xiuga, "Be a good disciple, be good in the future, and you have to know how to respect the teacher, otherwise it won't be as simple as beating a pig's head next time."

He didn't kill Wu Jian and Nie Changhai~www.readwn.com~ If they were killed, the two forces would not give up. With his current strength, he could not compete with the real old-brand powerhouses.

Besides, it's just fighting for the baby, and there is not so much deep hatred for the time being.

"Everyone, anyone else wants to fight with me?"

"If you want, just say quickly, if not, I'll leave."

Lin Fan looked at everyone.

In his opinion, there should be no more.

Unless you are blind, you haven't seen the situation just now.

Didn't you see Wu Jian and Nie Changhai standing there aggrieved?

If it feels hopeful.

I've continued to do it a long time ago.

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