I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 319: Wasteland encounter...

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my ability to practice martial arts crit!

Wu Meng is a triple powerhouse of heaven and man, has long been united in spirit and soul, and is far from being born again.

Lin Fan performed the first form of cutting the sky, hitting his forehead with one finger, which seemed to cause no injury, but had a destructive force to defeat the Wumeng Divine Soul, directly destroying it, without any chance.

"What a powerful move, at the moment when it is performed, I only feel that it can really kill the sky."

Lin Fan was scared.

He didn't expect that Zhan Tian Dou Di Fa would have caused him to die forever, but now he discovered that the Heaven Slashing Technique was even more explosive. It was no longer a great death, but a dying.

Cut the sky?

He could be regarded as knowing that Heavenly Swordsman did not necessarily want to really kill the sky, but was affected by such jerkiness, thinking that he would do it by himself, and finally paid a heavy price for his malignancy.

It is really unimaginable pain.

"Junior Brother, your last move is too strong, I didn't even see how it happened."

Chen Yuan was incoherent, looking dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded, his brain humming.

Lin Fan said unfathomably, "A little bit of sentiment, the world is one, the one used, it's not a stunning move, it's just a little trouble."

Speaking indifferently, very pretending words.

Chen Yuan retorted speechlessly.

Can only silently endure the pressure of the younger brother, if this is still a little trouble, then what he did is not a joke.

Lin Fan decided to go back and practice hard. The Heaven-cutting Technique was too strong. Just the first form of not cultivating to Consummation gave him such a terrifying lethality.

If this is to cultivate to the extreme, wouldn't it be necessary to go to heaven?

The opponent is the triple cultivation base of the Heaven and Human Realm, and has already touched the mysterious rules. Although the opponent can't use it, it has been able to kill the enemy with the power of heaven and earth.

It is difficult to kill Wu Meng with his current cultivation base.

But this kind of difficulty disappeared after he practiced cutting the sky.

When performing the Heaven-cutting Technique, he could clearly feel that the power of heaven and earth was suppressed by him, and the opponent didn't even have time to react. In a state of panic and anxiety, he was killed by a single blow.

"Junior Brother, you are really humble." Chen Yuan thought for a while and could only answer with this sentence.

Lin Fan came to Wumeng's corpse, severely cut off the opponent's head, grabbed the opponent's black robe, turned his wrist, and directly placed his head.

Chen Yuan looked at the scene in amazement, "This is..."

People have been beaten to death by you, leaving them a whole body, it seems that it is not too much to have their heads cut off, this kind of behavior he can only say, is there any special hobby of the junior?

"Take it back and show it to the elders, you should be able to find something."

Lin Fan also wanted to let the elders know that with my current strength, do you feel the tremendous pressure to slay the three layers of the Heaven and Human Realm?

When I left, I touched the corpse and didn't find anything useful.

Along the way, Chen Yuan was immersed in the overbearing and brutality of his junior.

The other party was able to detach from the body and search for the body again, but this process was directly omitted in front of the younger brother, and there was no follow-up at all.

He looked at him with straight eyes.


Heavenly waste holy land.

In the mountains.

"Apprentice, after a year of retreat, your cultivation has reached the second level of blood and qi. This speed is amazing."

Zhao Dazheng was very pleased.

The disciples he recruited were really excellent. They had no complaints during a year of retreat, and at the same time they handed in a satisfactory answer.

Wu Yun respectfully said: "It's all taught by the master."

"Haha." Zhao Dazheng stroked his beard and laughed, "You work hard, and when you step into the spiritual realm, you will teach you the unique knowledge as a teacher."

Zhao Da really regarded Wu Yun as a direct disciple.

Ready to pass the mantle to him.

Wu Yun said gratefully, "Thank you, Master."

He is very interested in Zhao Dazheng's unique knowledge, or he is not only interested in it, but really wants to realize that the unique skills of these Dao realm powerhouses are not so simple. It is very likely that they are the ancient Tianzun's unique knowledge.

"What Xie Shizun does, you are an old man's disciple, and you should be told, I only hope that you can inherit the mantle of a teacher and carry forward the holy place." Zhao Dazheng's words and deeds made Wu Yun feel the other party's sincerity and said To be honest, in his opinion, Zhao Dazheng is indeed a qualified master.

"Master, where did Brother Lin go?" Wu Yun asked.

Zhao Dazheng said: "Oh, your brother Lin left with Chen Yuan and went to Yongcheng to investigate some things. He has been away for several days."

"Master, what's the matter?"

Wu Yun was shocked. He had already figured out the situation. Chen Yuan's cultivation was average, he couldn't get on the stage, and he couldn't cause trouble to others. Lin Fan and Ma De were the only ones who were really too thief.

The attitude towards him was as if he knew something.

God is mysterious.

"It's nothing, it should be the appearance of the Witch God Clan." Zhao Dazheng was indifferent and didn't take this situation to heart. It was just that the matter happened in the city within the scope of the Holy Land and needed to be taken care of.

"Oh, that's the case." Wu Yun nodded thoughtfully.

at this time.


The round black ball was thrown and landed on the ground.

"Elder, take a look at who this thing is?" Lin Fan and Chen Yuan came, and for them, they didn't have any hesitation in this operation.

Chen Yuan was very puzzled and didn't understand the operation of Junior Brother very well.

What are we going to do with Elder Zhao?

He is an honest man.

No idea.

"This is..." Zhao Dazheng waved his sleeves and uncovered his black robe. He was surprised to find that it was a human head. He did not panic and looked at it with solemn eyes. After a while, "This is the Witch God Race."

It can be determined from the pattern on the opponent's face.

"Yes, it's the Witch God Clan, who appeared in Yongcheng, was beheaded by me, and returned with his head. I wanted to ask the elder if he had seen it."

Lin Fan smiled, Yu Guang watched Wu Yun's expression change, and found that the other party hadn't changed at all, but showed that kind of dissatisfaction because of his dissatisfaction by throwing human heads here.

This guy has nothing to do with the witch **** clan?

Lin Fan had such thoughts in his heart.

But it is not certain. The Witch God Clan is relatively cold, and even if he sees people of the same clan die tragically, he can behave indifferently, as if it had never happened.

Zhao Dazheng said: "It can only be determined that it is the Witch God Clan, nothing else can be seen."

"Oh." Lin Fan nodded, and then smiled: "Junior Brother's retreat is over, and the cultivation base is progressing well. He has reached the second level of vitality. Elder, in my opinion, the talent of Junior Brother is extremely high."

"Hahaha, compared with you, there is still a big gap." Zhao Da is self-aware, although Wu Yun satisfied him, but compared with Lin Fan, there is a gap.

This is something I have to admit.

From when Lin Fan worshipped Tang Feihong as his teacher.

He has already seen through the opponent's cultivation level, which was still very weak at that time, but now, just look at it, and he has already cultivated to this realm after only a long time.

Even if he is empowered, he is not so overbearing.

It can only be said that the talent of this child is not at all such weak performance, but is tyrannical to the extreme, an unimaginable point.

Wu Yun was very upset. What's the matter with Master, how can I disagree with my disciple so much? If I, regardless of who the other party is, I have to say that my disciple is invincible in the world.

Regardless of whether it is a talent or something.

Those are amazing talents, unparalleled in the world.

How can there be such a master.

It's just that the master has already said this, how can he refute, he can only keep it in his heart secretly, wait for a certain day, and slap Lin Fan in the face fiercely.


If it wasn't for the purpose of staying in this body, he could only start to practice again. He wanted to return to the body and let Lin Fan see what a cultivation base was.

Lin Fan said, "Elder, I'll leave this head to you. There is nothing else, I will go back first, but the younger brother is in retreat for a year. I think I have to rest for a few days and continue to practice."

"Will it be too urgent?" Zhao Dazheng felt sorry for the disciple. He was able to retreat for a year, and felt that it was okay to rest for a few months and continue to retreat.

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "Elder, this kind of thing does not matter whether it is urgent or not. The cultivation level of the younger brother represents the face of the elder. He is young, has a good spirit, and has a high level of comprehension. Moreover, the emergence of the Witch God Race is full of dangers. If the cultivation base is not high, it is easy to encounter danger."

At this time, Wu Yun already had the urge to kill Lin Fan.


I just left the customs, you want me to be a master, let me continue to retreat.

Is this something human can do?


He believed that Master would never agree with such unreasonable demands.


"Yeah..." Elder Zhao pondered, recalling Lin Fan's opinion, "It makes sense, and it makes sense. While young, energetic, cultivate hard, endure hardships, and become a master. That's true."

After figuring it out.

He looked at the apprentice and said, "Apprentice, what your brother said is very reasonable, but you have just finished the retreat. It is okay to relax, so let’s take a rest for a few days and prepare for your training needs for your teacher. Break through the blood qi realm and reach the divine spirit realm, okay?"

Wu Yun stared at Master.

Special mother, do you really agree?

"Master, I..." Wu Yun wanted to refuse.

Lin Fan patted Wu Yun on the shoulder and said, "Little Junior Brother, Elder Zhao has never had such a huge expectation of people. As an elder's lover, you can't let your Master down."

Speaking with earnestness and earnestness.

This gave Wu Yun an illusion, as if it was my fault if I disagreed, and I was ignorant.

Wu Yun looked at Master's expectant eyes.

Gritted his teeth.

"Master, I know, I won't let you down."

At this time, it was not the time to flop with Lin Fan.


Only by enduring can there be hope.

"My good disciple, I didn't misunderstand you as a teacher." Elder Zhao showed a relieved look.

Lin Fan and Brother Chen left.

After he leaves.

Wu Yun whispered: "Master, I can understand you for asking me to practice, but have you noticed that Brother Lin really has an opinion on me? As soon as my retreat was over, I was asked to practice again. This is not suitable. Reasonable."

"Apprentice, your teacher doesn't allow you to think like this, your brother is doing you good." Zhao Dazheng said earnestly.

He knew his lover's temper was a bit stubborn.

You need to sharpen your temper.

Wu Yun was speechless.

What a fart.

However, this human head was one of the twelve witches' guardians, and he did not expect to be killed.

This is the cultivation base of the Heaven and Human Realm.


Dead Sea!

A gleaming coffin quickly shuttled, ignoring the wandering thunder, and struck in that distant direction.

The coffin was pitch black, with patterns on the surface, it looked weird, as if it was sealed with something weird.

A few days later.

Dagan coast.

The sixth man walked on the shore as usual, tidying up his fishing nets. Recently, the coastal conditions were not so good. As a fisherman, he did not dare to move at will, so he could only get some fishing nets and catch some small fish on the shore.

"Hey, ghost weather, you can't even get out of the boat."

The sixth man dragged the fishing net vigorously. After dragging it several times, he found that it was heavy, and the complaining emotion disappeared in an instant, but was replaced by joy.

"It's so heavy, could it be the big guy..."

The sixth child was ecstatic and didn't even think about it.

Drag hard.

"Come on, my good fellow."

With the strength of the sixth man, the fishing net was gradually dragged to the shore.


The sixth child didn't have time to check what he caught. Tired, he sat on the ground, panting and wiping sweat on his forehead.

"Good fellow, it took so much effort."

After a short rest.

The sixth man stood up, patted his butt, and checked the harvest.

"What is this stuff?"

He was completely dumbfounded when he saw the coffin, how could there be a sarcophagus here, and it gave him a gloomy, unlucky, and terrifying feeling.

Although it is.

But he did not leave, but approached the sarcophagus boldly.

"It looks scary, but how can there be a sarcophagus in the sea? Could it be a sea burial? Doesn't it mean that there will be funeral objects."

The sixth man muttered to himself.

There is no initial fear of the sarcophagus.

But some expectations.

Quickly lifted the fishing net from the sarcophagus, and then pushed the coffin lid vigorously, but the lid was too heavy to move.

The sixth man pushed the lid of the coffin with his palms, his feet stomped on the ground, his body was sloping, he gritted his teeth and struggling on the ground.


There was a rubbing sound.

The sixth man was overjoyed, and if he moved, he really moved. As long as he moved, that would be a good thing.


He roared, and with constant efforts, he finally pushed the lid of the coffin a half away.

"Hey, there can be such a harvest."

The sixth man stood in front of the sarcophagus and couldn't wait to look at it. He found that the inside of the sarcophagus was very dark and could not be seen clearly. The sun was shining and it was possible to see it, but it seemed as if there was a black mist shrouded in it.

Not even a figure can be seen.

He stretched his hand into it boldly and explored randomly, frowning, as if he had touched something soft, not right, a little hard, and obedient.

He was still groping wildly.



Old Liu raised his hand fiercely, his fingers seemed to have been bitten, and the wound was open, blood was flowing. He cursed, out of desperation, turned around to look for tools, prepared to find a piece of wood, and pried open the lid of the coffin directly.

Turn your back to look for.


There was movement.

The sixth child turned around suspiciously, without finding anything, then turned around and continued searching.

It's just that the movement this time is a bit big.


There was movement again.


The sixth child hurriedly turned his head and looked around vigilantly, and then found that the voice came from the sarcophagus.

He was thinking.

Then I mustered up the courage to approach the sarcophagus. The pace was very slow. I didn't dare to go too fast. I was afraid that there would be sea snakes in the sarcophagus. After all, when I first touched it, there was something.

Follow him closer.

The squeak is clearer.


He stopped, and saw a strange red worm appearing on the edge of the sarcophagus, just like a fat intestine, very strange.

"What is this stuff?"

The sixth child was dumbfounded.

I’ve never seen this before~www.readwn.com~ The red worm shook his head, shook his head, pierced into the sixth forehead like lightning, and saw the red worm pierced through the forehead. Pouring into his head.


The sixth child fell to the ground, with a strange thing in his eyes.


The forehead that broke through the blood hole unexpectedly recovered.

The whole coast is quiet.

Only the sixth child was lying there alone, without any sense.

After a long time.

it's getting dark.

The old sixth who was lying there motionless moved his fingers, then tilted his head back, straightened his body, and made a low voice.

Then he turned and walked away.

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