I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 333: This doesn't seem very good

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Get together.

"Brother Lin, the place where the blood demon's scourge is the most serious is none other than the gangster."

Wei Zhong informed Lin Fan of the situation. The situation is really miserable. These blood monsters are very strange, strong, and wretched enough to be contagious, and there are too many in number. They are often lurking in the mountains and forests. It is an idiot dream to destroy the blood demon.

Dayin is better here.

At least the authentic Dao Sect is maintaining, the Thousand Chance's ability is to control the wild beasts. The wild beasts are very strong, and they also cause great interference to the blood demon, so that the situation of Dayin is much better than that of Dagan.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Lin Fan felt that the blood demon was like a zombie virus, with a very strong infectious power. Following this rhythm, both Da Yin and Da Gan would suffer a heavy blow.

"It's okay, I will deal with these things. In the Shenwu Realm, the Witch God Race is a force that has been destroyed. It has gradually become active in the past few years. In the Shenwu Realm, they have no way to extend their black hands here. It's really **** it. Thing, they must be knocked off their hands."

He attaches great importance to this place. It is his hometown. The Witch God Clan is casually making trouble in the Shenwu Realm, and no one will say anything, even if he doesn't take the initiative to provoke Lin Fan.

He didn't want to ignore it.

But now, he went to his hometown to behave, how can he tolerate it, it must be solved by thunder means.

"Brother Lin, where do you start the investigation?" Wei Zhong asked.

Since the appearance of the blood demon, he has been investigating the blood demon, but the investigation until now, there is no news, even if the blood demon was captured, he has not learned anything from them.

Too mysterious.

It is like a mysterious thing walking in the dark, full of weirdness and mystery.

"I have a way."

Lin Fan was very confident. When the blood demon was not solved, he talked with them almost. He felt that it was time to act.

Continue to let the blood demon rampage.

Who knows how many innocent people will die.

In the forest, the surrounding trees are very luxuriant. This was once the hunter's favorite place to hunt and the best place for them to raise their families. They often caught a lot of prey.

But with the appearance of the blood demon.

No one dared to show up here, and even the beasts in it all fled and ran away.

at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared here. The gloomy environment didn't make him any fear. Instead, he raised his head and looked around curiously.

The blood demon likes to hide here.

As he stepped into the territory of the blood demon, he felt that the blood demon sensed his arrival.

"The perception is very strong, it can be sensed within a kilometer, if ordinary people step into this place, they will definitely not survive."

Just when he analyzed the situation at this time.

There was movement and rustling noises around, like the wind hitting, and the blowing leaves rustled. With this sound, it brought a deep feeling of depression to people's hearts.

Several blood demons climbed on the tree flexibly, staring at the target in their eyes, their thirst for blood had reached a limit.

In an instant.

The blood demon pounced at an extremely fast speed, like a cheetah, using both hands and feet, fighting for a moment, then took the target down and sucked the blood.

"Blood demon, Hugh is presumptuous."

An angry shout came.

Several figures appeared.

Knife light and sword shadow, flickering constantly.

He didn't expect anyone to show up, and found that these people were not uniformly dressed, like quack players, temporarily forming a team, walking in the wilderness to deal with the blood demon.

It didn't take long.

This group of people repelled the blood demon. The blood demon looked like a beast, clutching the tree with its limbs, leaning over the body, still watching with enthusiasm, and they never gave up on their prey.

The emergence of the rivers and lakes crusades against the blood demon, panting, and the brief encounters caused them to consume a lot of physical strength, which was difficult for the blood demon to deal with.

Their main purpose is to save people, not to kill the blood demon.

The blood demon can call the same kind.

Once surrounded by blood demon.

There will be no chance for the other side.

"Go, leave with us, you are really true, the wilderness is so dangerous, you dare to come out, I don't know the blood demon has a keen sense of smell." A woman came to Lin Fan and pulled Lin Fan. She is about to leave, although she is not weak, there is no problem in dragging people away.

But she dragged Lin Fan.

Which is what she can pull if she wants to.

"Girl, it's okay." Lin Fan turned his head and smiled.

It's just this one.

But it made the other person look dumbfounded, as if the whole world was already quiet.

Even the elder sisters of Shenwu Realm couldn't stand Lin Fan's face.

Not to mention, here is a woman who has never practiced in her mood.

This is simply a super killer.

The enemy who killed was wiped out and defeated.

"Okay... so handsome."

Jiang Rong opened her mouth and her face was shocked. She felt that her life was really in vain. She had seen many handsome men before, but compared with the ones before her.

That is simply a quilt.

Isn't it at the same level long ago?

Lin Fan is very indifferent.

What happens right now is normal, and it has long been accustomed to it, and it is not special.

"Jiang Rong, what are you trying to do, hurry up." someone shouted.

Jiang Rong said in surprise, "I can't move him if he doesn't leave."

How could she have thought that this would be the case.

I can't pull it.

Really dumbfounded.

"In that case, it was his own choice. We have done our best to do our best. The blood demon is coming, hurry up..."

It is a man who speaks. Seeing this situation, he naturally doesn't want to bother about it, and has done well enough. It's not that they don't want to save, but that the other party doesn't cherish such an opportunity at all.

That's all they can do.

Jiang Rong heard the calls of his teammates.

According to the past situation.

At this critical moment, she naturally turned and left decisively and would never stay. After all, this situation was not something she could contend with.

But now...

I don't know why, she really didn't want to leave Lin Fan's side, as if she couldn't bear to see such a beautiful thing in her heart, and she was destroyed like this.

"Please, come with me." Jiang Rong grabbed Lin Fan, begging with a face, hoping that he could follow her away. It's really dangerous here, and the blood demon is terrifying, and it's not something we can deal with.

Staying here is looking for death.

The blood demon is too terrifying, people who have seen the terrible side of the blood demon have long left a shadow in their hearts.

At this moment, the masters of the rivers and lakes who had already attacked far away showed anxious expression when they saw Jiang Rong still next to each other.

"What happened to Jiang Rong, she said to leave, why didn't she leave."

"Do you want to look back?"

"Can't look back, otherwise we won't be able to leave."

It was not easy for them to be able to knock the blood demon back once, and now the blood demon was attacking the opponent again, even if they wanted to rescue it, it was too late.

"This is Jiang Rong's own choice, and there is nothing we can do."

I have said it many times.

Experienced many times.

Why does this happen.

Jiang Rong's face turned pale when he saw the blood demon attack, and the arms that pulled Lin Fan's arm began to tremble.

She looked at the handsome face in front of her.

I don't know what the other party thinks

The blood demon struck.

It's dangerous to the extreme.

Why is so calm and composed.

"Little girl, don't panic, it's not as scary as you think." Lin Fan saw that this little girl was kind-hearted and knew that she was dangerous, but she dared to stand by her side and pulled herself away. Think about it, let the little girl feel at ease. .

To prevent the danger from approaching, scare the little girl to pee.

If so, it would be bad.

After all, it's a girl's house. It must be a scandal and shameful thing to really need to diaper, and it must have an impact on finding a man in the future.

After all, men still have some prejudice against bedwetting girls.

Jiang Rong looked at each other in shock.

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

I didn't understand it at all.

It's already this kind of moment, how can you remain so calm? What is it that makes you so confident?

There were blood demon rushing in all directions, looking hideous and terrifying.

Impulsive to the blood.

Jiang Rong dared not move.

She was desperate, and resisting would only make her death more painful. If she closes her eyes, she can die more easily.

But at this moment.

An amazing scene happened.

The blood demon that approached, as if under some terrible suppression, fell directly from the air with a bang.


Jiang Rong rubbed his eyes.

"True? Am I dreaming?"

She was really stunned.

How could this happen, to be honest, she had never seen such a situation before, she could only say that it was really terrifying.

Lin Fan patted Jiang Rong's head and said: "Little girl, you have a good heart, but what you see before you is not a dream, but what happened to you. Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, these blood demons are not so scary."

He spoke softly.

The tone is very gentle.

It seemed to be talking to the little sheep.

Not far away.

The people in the rivers and lakes who were ready to give up, saw the situation there, and stood stupidly in place.


They have never seen such a situation.

In the end, his eyes fell on Lin Fan.

That seems to be very young, it seems that the means are not what they can imagine.

Could it be?

An idea appeared in their hearts, that is, they met a real peerless master outside, no... it's no longer described as a peerless master, but a real fairy.

Really want to be like this.

What are you still running?

Go back directly.

"Meet seniors."

They appeared behind Lin Fan, clasped their fists, and addressed them respectfully.

Look at the blood demon.

It was discovered that these blood demons had been suppressed by a certain kind of force, and they were extremely vicious blood demons. In front of the seniors, they looked like sheep, and were not well-behaved.

"You haven't left?" Lin Fan asked, turning around.

This turn, to them, was like the sun shining.

"Ah, the predecessor's appearance is so dazzling..."

Seeing them raising their hands to cover them, as if shocked by his appearance.

Lin Fan:...

He was instantly stunned.

Where did these guys come from?

It was so exaggerated.

To be honest.

He had never met such an exaggerated person.

Lin Fan sighed helplessly.

Can't say.

It can only be said that your acting skills are really exaggerated.

Although he knew that his appearance was extremely lethal to anyone, there was no need to be so exaggerated.

"Where are you from?" Lin Fan asked.

"Back to senior, we are all people with lofty ideals, because we have the same philosophy, we fight against the blood demon together."

They spent a long time in Dayin.

It's an old world.

The cultivation base is not high.

But it's not weak.

A group of people can deal with the blood demon alone, but if there are a lot of blood demon, there is no way.

Lin Fan said, "Well, you don’t have to worry about the blood demon. I will solve it. There will be no blood demon infestation in the future. If you are okay, you can leave. If you want to help with the next thing, you won’t have it. Way."

Tell the truth.

I hope these young people can know their own situation.

Although the predecessor is a bit blunt.

But they accepted it frankly.

"Excuse me, my surname, senior?"

They wandered around Dayin, and to be honest, they had never seen such a young peerless powerhouse.

"Lin Fan, you may or may not have heard of it, but these are not important. You can live your life well in the future, and these things should be over."

Lin Fan didn't say much, raised his hand, and instantly disappeared in front of everyone with the blood demon.


Jiang Rong looked at the direction where Lin Fan disappeared.

It's been a long time since I couldn't return to my senses.

If Lin Fan was a person who had no power to bind a chicken, fighting for his ownership would be an extremely fierce battle.

Everyone remembered what the predecessor had said in their minds.

"Lin Fan?"

"The name is familiar, but it's very strange, as if I've heard it somewhere."

"Hey, I seem to have thought of it. Once in the Dragon Vessel battle, there seemed to be a peerless powerhouse who swept the spot and saved the Dragon Veins of Dayin. It seems to be a disciple of the Orthodox School, called Lin Fan."

"But he has already left with the fairy."

"If you leave, you can come back. The one we saw just now was Lin Fan. He is back."

Everyone was overjoyed.

The joy on their faces was hard to conceal. They actually saw legendary figures. When Lin Fan was still in the Divine Martial Realm, they were still unknown cultivators, and they didn't know where they were.


"Uncle Wu, I saw my father." Chen Ziyi said softly.

Cang Dang!

The thing in Wu Jun's hand fell to the ground, and his expression was shocked: "Did you see it?"

"Well, I saw it."

Chen Ziyi nodded.

Wu Jun suddenly realized: "It seems that he really came back. I saw that there was wine in front of the tombstone of Mr. Guo that day, and he was cleaned up. I was wondering who did it. It turned out that all my guesses were correct. But why did he meet us?"

Chen Ziyi said, "My father came back, probably because of the blood demon. The matter was very urgent, so I didn't meet with Uncle Wu."

Wu Jun shook his head and said, "No, I know what your father is like. He has already met me. We are doing well~www.readwn.com~ He will definitely not show up. For him, we have a good life. He feels relieved, does your mother know?"

"I didn't say, I didn't tell her." Chen Ziyi said.

Wu Jun thoughtfully said: "I think you'd better speak up. It's been decades. At the beginning... hey."

"Uncle Wu?"


"Is it really just an accident? Why was there me in the first place?"

Wu Jun looked at Chen Ziyi.

Did not say.

Just watch it.

How does this make him speak?

Your mother took the initiative to dedicate her life?

Your father doesn't take any measures, and he has you directly. This seems to be said, and it hurts the child's heart. It's better not to say it.

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