I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 346: I'm a little embarrassed about this


   The clan elder pointed to the front and tightened his body. The cold was biting and made him very uncomfortable.

   "Here is it?"

Lin Fan looked around and didn’t see any weird places. The only thing that felt strange was that the temperature here was really low. If it weren’t for his profound cultivation and the profound knowledge of the Sun, I’m afraid he would be a little disgusted with this place. .

   "Yes, that's the vertical hole. This is the most magical place I have discovered when I have been in Mingshan for so many years." said the clan elder.

   "Thank you, the old man, let me leave the rest of the matter to me."

   Lin Fan saw the clan elder endure the cold, as if he couldn't hold it back, but he didn't let people continue to approach him. It was already a very good thing that people were willing to bring him here.

   "Friend Lin, be careful." The clan elder warned, and then hid far away. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. After staying for a long time, the body cannot bear it.


   Lin Fan came to the cave that the clan elder said.

   looked down.

   was surprised to find that the hole is not bottomed, and a steady stream of cold wind blows from the bottom. The temperature here is many times lower than the outside.

   He was thinking.

   Do you want to go down and have a look.

   But what should I do if I am in danger.

  Think before and after.

   I still decided to check it out. If there is a problem, it can be transferred directly to the Tianjiao domain, but it is not so scary.

   Without even thinking about it, he jumped straight down.

   After entering the passage, the cold wind rushed up, and it continued to erode the power in the body. If it were not for his extremely strong power of the sun, it would definitely be a little troublesome in this situation.

   "I hope I can gain something."

   Some places he thinks are definitely not the inexplicable cold, it must be due to it. It is certainly not trivial to say that this cave entrance, unremarkable, can blow out such a cold wind.

   With the continuous sinking, the temperature is getting lower and lower, but it is all within the tolerance range.

   After a while.

   Keep your feet on the ground and reach the bottom.

   The eyes suddenly opened up.

   is another place where there is a cave.

   "What's the situation in Mingshan, there are things inside, the underground world?" Lin Fan didn't know what to say, but he couldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

at this time.

   He just started to look around.

There are many crystal stones erected around   , which can reflect his figure.

   "It's really a magical place."

   Lin Fan sighed.

   I observed very carefully.

   then found a road spreading forward, as if something unknown was waiting for him.

   Lin Fan walked toward the front, gradually blending into the darkness.

   Since it has come.

   does not back down.

   No matter what you have, you must explore clearly.

   When he reached the deepest point.

   was shocked by the scene inside.

   When he reached the end, he saw a dark phoenix perched on the circular altar, exuding a chilly aura. As Lin Fan arrived, the dark phoenix slowly opened his eyes.

   A powerful force broke out completely.

   in an instant.

   The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and it was already extremely low.

"Who are you?"

   Minghuang spoke, her voice was a female voice, but you shouldn't just look down on the Minghuang in front of you just because it sounds like a female voice. In Lin Fan's view, the opponent's cultivation base might be the same as the master.

   "Senior, in the next wasteland, Lin Fan, passing by here, if you disturb, please don't blame Senior." Lin Fan respectfully said.

   You have to be better when you are strong.

   At the same time, be prepared to retreat at any time.

   As long as the other party does it.

   He promised to leave here as soon as possible and directly teleport to Tianjiao domain.


   I just asked why this place is so gloomy and cold. It turns out that there is a dark phoenix staying here, and the emanating dark energy is so gloomy.

   He observed Minghuang's every move.

   surprisingly found that the other party seemed to have changed a little when he heard that he was a disciple of the Heavenly Desolate Holy Land.

   "Heavenly Desolate Holy Land, oh, do you know a little girl named Anting?" Minghuang asked.

  An Ting?

   He remembered.

   Isn't that his junior sister, who owns the burning sky and purple fire, and has a strong background, oh, yes, he remembers that Master An Ting said that Senior Sister An Ting is the crystallization of Minghuang and a human race.

   Look at the size of the Ming Phoenix in front of you.

  Thinking of the human race man, how big is it to be full.

   It feels terrible to think about it.

   "Back to senior, An Ting is my junior sister. I have a good relationship with Junior sister An. I don't know how senior knows about my junior sister?" Lin Fan asked pretendingly.

   He knows it now.

   The Minghuang in front of him is definitely Anting's biological mother.

   Good luck.

   I thought it was going to be a tragedy, but I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

   Minghuang said: "Don't you know Anting's identity?"

   She felt a headache for her daughter. She even said she would go to the human forces to practice and experience life, but she didn't know what she thought. The parents are the pinnacle powers of the world, and they should train them. Isn't it better to go to the human sacred place to practice?

at this time.

   Facing Minghuang's inquiry.

   Can he say he doesn’t know?

   If you don't know, it must be too false. The high level of Anting's identity in the Holy Land knows that, knowing that the other party is the descendant of Ming Phoenix, he must be the guardian of the treasure, after all, the Ming Phoenix is ​​one of the peak powers of the world.

   Take good care of her daughter, isn't it a good relationship?

   "Junior Sister An, identity...ah, I remember that the elder said that Junior Sister An is the descendant of Senior Minghuang, and the senior is...Could it be that Senior is Junior Sister An Ting's sister." Lin Fan pretended to be surprised.

   Minghuang rolled his eyes and said: "I am her mother."

   "It turns out to be a mother, I think Senior is so young, I thought it was a elder sister, I hope Senior is not to blame." Lin Fan said such a blunt flattery, without feeling any embarrassment at all.

   As long as you don’t feel embarrassed, others won’t feel that way.

   Minghuang felt that the kid in front of her was too slippery, and the old lady showed herself to others. No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't see a person. It's also a skill that you can open your eyes and talk nonsense.

   "Since it is Anting's brother, it is my family, what are you doing here?"

   Minghuang naturally knew what the disciple Lin Fan in front of him represented.

  Tianjiao disciple of Tianhuang Holy Land.

   The demon clan hates it.

   At a young age, with a high level of cultivation, he can already kill the powerhouses of the Dao realm.

   This is an incredible thing in the Shenwu world.

   The way she looks at each other is the same as the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law.

  The charm of the kid is indeed amazing.

   If it weren't for her already.

   I am afraid that I will be seduced by this kid too.

   She wants the other person to be with her daughter, um, it's quite suitable, it's really good.

   Where does Lin Fan know what Minghuang is thinking.

   also felt that the other person's eyes were too bright, falling on him all the time.

   Facing Minghuang's inquiry.

   Naturally, he never thought of hiding anything.

   "Senior, I came to Mingshan to find Netherworld ghost fire, so I came to try my luck." Lin Fan said.

   For this kind of horror that doesn't know how long it has been alive, it is meaningless to lie, and truthful explanations can win the favor of the other party.

   "Netherworld Wraith..."

   Minghuang looked at Lin Fan and knew that this product was a special product of Mingshan, but it may not be able to appear for a hundred years or thousands of years. To put it bluntly, it is fate, even some Dao realm powerhouses have not found one.

   is enough to explain the preciousness of this thing.

   "Senior, if there is no such thing, I will leave immediately."

In Lin Fan’s view, even if there is a ghost fire here, I’m afraid it’s not his own turn. Does anyone need it? It’s better to leave early. Of course, how much he hopes the other party can show the demeanor of the predecessors a little, just say something. , I have the ghost fire, and it’s okay to send you.


   This is just his thoughts.

   After all, where does the good thing come from?

   Minghuang looked at Lin Fan.

   "You are my daughter's brother, but you are telling me, how is my daughter?"

   heard what the other party said.

   Lin Fan was shocked.

   To tell the truth, this kind of inquiry is a kind of sub-question. As long as the brain is not stupid to the extreme, you know how to answer it, which is the most perfect.

What does    just mean?

   Could it be that... Is she trying to force the marriage?

   There is no meditation.

   answered decisively.

   "Sister An, beautiful as a flower, kind and sensible..."

   Lin Fan talked endlessly, without stopping at all, completely blending the vocabulary he learned during the nine-year compulsory education, and throwing it all at the other party.

   If Tang Feihong is here.

   is definitely an expression of hating iron but not steel, which is really embarrassing.

   In contrast, Minghuang is in a good mood.

  Who doesn't want their children to be madly praised, even if they are a little embarrassed, it is just a sentence, not as good as you said.

   I will never say a word, you are trying to kill my child.

"Enough, enough, you kid would say, it also shows that my daughter is indeed very good. You are my daughter's senior, and you are my junior. There is Nether Ghost Fire here, so I don't want to hide it from you." Minghuang said quietly.

   Lin Fan is overjoyed.

   It really does.

   If there is no good thing, how can a strong like Minghuang rest here?

at this time.

Ming Phoenix transforms into a human form and becomes a glamorous woman, with an unexplainable temperament all over her body. The only regret is that the makeup that Ming Phoenix comes with is a bit domineering, and it feels like at first glance. Not like a good person, but a vicious and cruel appearance.

   Junior Sister An’s father is a good mouth, maybe it is really love, this kind of makeup can be obtained, it is indeed a bit special.

   Then I saw Ming Phoenix raising his hand, the huge rock on the ground shattered, and a gloomy flame floated out, surrounded by many ghosts, all of which were the images of some deceased.

   "Netherworld ghost fire."

   Lin Fan muttered to himself, really wanting it.

   This is a good thing.

   He is now behind the ghost fire. If he can refining, he will have three fires, the sky and the world, I dare not say that it is the only one, but it is definitely a few.

   Not right...

   The flames after the critical strike changed drastically.

   The flame he has is absolutely the only one in the world.

"want to?"

   Minghuang found Lin Fan's eager little eyes, and asked with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

   Lin Fan wanted to grab it, bullshit, don't want me to do anything here, of course, he can't be too much, after all, he doesn't have a deep relationship with Minghuang, and it's only involved in the relationship between junior and senior.

   "This is senior, even if I want it, senior must agree to it." Lin Fan said.

   Hey, what a pity.

   There are ghost fires in Mingshan Mountain, but it is hidden too deeply. This is Minghuang, a very powerful species in the world, even if the master arrives, he dare not say that it can suppress the other party.

   For Ming Phoenix, she didn't have to have a ghost fire, but she was thinking about whether sending this ghost fire would be worthwhile. After thinking about it carefully, she found that it was a good deal and definitely not worth it.

   is a good bond.

  As a Minghuang clan, she is combined with humans and has a daughter, but for special reasons, her daughter's body is a bit special and can't bear the underworld like Minghuang, and needs to burn the sky and purple fire to suppress it.

   If the ghost fire of the Netherworld is refining for his daughter, it may make the Nether Qi skyrocket, but the consequences are also unpredictable.


   Minghuang never thought about taking risks.

   There is one thing she didn't say.

   She is very optimistic about Lin Fan. After all, she is so young that she can cultivate to this situation. It is rare, or unheard of, unseen, and future achievements are by no means simple.


   Invincible in the world is possible.

"Originally, this fire was meant for my daughter, but you, as her senior, took good care of my daughter. Since you want it, you will give it to you." Ming Huang raised his hand, and the ghost fire drifted towards Lin Fan. Away.

   Lin Fan was stunned.

   didn't even think about it.

   directly accepted the ghost fire.

   "Senior, you give me this fire, what about the junior sister?" Lin Fan said, but there was no hesitation in the movement in his hand. It was really decisive to take the ghost fire.

   is the real thing.

  Everything else is bragging.

   "It's okay, I heard that the ancestors of the Sheng family have a ghost fire. When they have the opportunity to kill the old thing, the flame will come naturally." Minghuang said calmly.

   Lin Fan was stunned.


   is really not a good person, he said so bluntly, he was wondering what kind of person the junior sister's father was, and he was able to bring down such a terrifying Phoenix.


   He knew which Sheng family Minghuang was talking about, didn't he just send someone to chase him down.

   Good job.

   If it weren't for too many things now, he would have already done something to the Sheng family. It would have been delayed until now. Now, it is really a good thing for a powerful person like Minghuang to focus on the opponent's ancestor.

   "Senior~www.readwn.com~ This mountain is full of mystery, shouldn't the ghost fire be the most precious thing?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

   He knows the value of ghost fire is extremely high.

   But looking at the mysteries of Mingshan, it will definitely not exist only as a ghost fire, there must be other big secrets that he can't discover for the time being.

"Ha ha!"

   Minghuang looked at Lin Fan with bright eyes.

"Thinking really well, Mingshan is not as simple as you think. The ghost fire is just a special product of Mingshan, but what a huge mystery it contains. Up to now, I only have a little clue, right. For you, these are very far away, so there is no need to know for now."

   Lin Fan who said this was a little unhappy.

   Isn't this looking down on people?

   But he didn’t ask...

  The strong have little secrets. Minghuang is a master, and it is not normal for a master to maintain his demeanor.


  He is indeed full of great curiosity about Mingshan. As for what is hidden, naturally he can only know when he cultivates to that level.

   For other things, he didn't go too far.

   I only want to live forever.

   But at the moment, he sees no hope.

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