I Can Edit Skills

Chapter 131: People are not ruthless

"I will post an entry for the practice (

"What the **** is that?"

Someone was apprehensive.

"I saw it! I saw it! There are walking corpses that eat people! Anyone swallowed by the gray fog will become that kind of thing! It's not peaceful to die!"

This may be someone who saw the situation in the gray fog at a glance, or it may be a mistaken thought.

"I'm so tired, rest for a while, and then run after the gray fog starts moving at night. If I don't rest, I'll die..."

The fact that the gray fog will not move and spread during the day has been known to most people, so the daytime is a rare rest time for people.

A family of three walked in the direction of Dijia Jiuhao City in the crowd of people lying or sitting all over the place.

"Fuck it, give it, use it quietly."

Zhang Hao saw that there were fewer people around, and no one paid attention to himself, so he secretly stuffed his wife with a spirit crystal. These were left by Zhou Ji last time.

They can't stop and rest, but they can use the spirit crystal to absorb the spirit energy to maintain their stamina.

This is the roughest method. Compared with the array method, this method has a very low utilization rate of the spiritual element in the spiritual crystal.

But at such a time, Zhang Hao couldn't care about wasting it.

What Zhang Hao didn't expect was that his actions just now were secret, but someone still noticed his actions.

"That one over there, do you have extra spirit crystals? Can you lend me a few? Return them when you arrive at Jiu No.

The speaker was a young man leaning against a tree by the roadside, with a mean face and a strange hairstyle.

"Old Zhang."

Zhang Hao's wife clung to his sleeve and became nervous.

But at this time, Zhang Hao acted as if he hadn't heard him at all. He dragged his wife and children and walked forward. He held a spiritual crystal tightly in his arms, and the already depleted spiritual essence slowly recovered. .

"Hey! What about you, that man! Do you know who I am? The little eyes of Xuan Bing No. 3 City, have you heard of it?!"

Perhaps it was Zhang Hao's ignoring behavior that angered the young man. He stood up and chased after him in two steps. The spirit energy that had just recovered a little slowly condensed, forming an ice needle in front of him.

"Stop immediately! Hand over all the spirit crystals on your body!"

Feeling the fluctuations of the spiritual essence, Zhang Hao's body also tensed up. A flying sword suddenly flew out of his arms, and instantly pierced the young man's shoulder with the momentum of thunder. Along the way, he dissipated his spiritual essence, allowing the ice needles that had just condensed to dissipate in an instant.

The young man whose shoulders were severely injured screamed and rolled on the ground. A few companions who seemed to be acquaintances gathered around.

"Come on! Someone killed someone?"

They shouted in all directions, trying to attract crowds to watch. One of them stopped in front of Zhang Hao.

It's a pity that most of the guards stayed behind, and there was no one here to preside over justice. More people watched from afar and did not make much movement.

Zhang Hao's face was slightly cold, and the flying sword flew out again. This time, he directly penetrated the lower abdomen of the person blocking him in front of him.

Hit hard!

With the help of his companions, the young man who had just been pierced in the shoulder has stopped the bleeding. He grinned at Zhang Hao with a vicious look in his eyes.

"He has..."

Before he could finish speaking, Feijian had already passed through his neck.

The young man's eyes widened in horror, and he tightly covered the wound on his neck, but the blood spurted out as if he didn't want money, and the young man's eyes gradually lost their vigour.

The people around immediately dispersed, and they didn't even dare to look at Zhang Hao.

"Old Zhang...you...you killed someone. When did you learn the trick? Where did the flying sword come from?"

Zhang Hao's wife's voice trembled a little, and she could clearly feel that Zhang Hao's body was shaking slightly, but she was holding on at this time.

"It was given to me when Xiaoji came over last time." Zhang Hao glanced at his wife and children, his eyes slowly firmed. "Also, when he chatted with me last time, he said with a little emotion that when he was out, he was not ruthless and could not stand firm. I... take it seriously!"

Late at night.

At the port of Dijia Jiuhao City, there was a lot of people talking.

Several floating shuttles were crowded on the street, and more people looked at the floating shuttle docked at the port and looked forward to it.

"What? Today's tickets are sold out? Tomorrow's? Tomorrow's tickets are sold out too?"

A man with a big belly in front of him kept wiping the sweat from his forehead and yelled loudly at the ticket office.

"Do you know who I am? I am the head of the legal department of the second city of the second land! I order you to call out four tickets for me!"

"I'm sorry, sir, the tickets for the next two days are already sold out. Would you like to consider the earliest flight of the floating shuttle in the morning the day after tomorrow?"

The man gasped, and finally said through gritted teeth: "Okay! First, give me eight tickets, four anonymous and four registered!"

Zhang Hao silently looked at the actions of the man in front of him, thinking in his heart.

Tickets are only available in the morning the day after tomorrow, but can they really last until then?

After the fat man in front bought the tickets, he held up the four anonymous tickets and shouted loudly: "I want to buy and exchange tickets! I will use a thousand spirit crystals plus four unrecognized tickets for the first shift early in the morning to exchange for today. Tickets for the night!"

A thousand spirit crystals.

This number has attracted a lot of people's attention to focus on here. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, no one was willing to exchange with him.

The man looked around, then looked at his wife and a pair of children. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Up to five thousand! Five thousand spirit crystals exchanged!"

"I'll change with you!"

Soon, someone spoke.

Spirit crystals are useful at any time, the only difference is more and less.

Zhang Hao's actions caught his eye, and he hurriedly said to the conductor in front: "I also want six tickets, three registered and three anonymous!"

Just before he could finish speaking, he saw a man in a guard uniform pushed through the crowd and walked in, grabbing Zhang Hao's arm directly.

"Your name is Zhang Hao, isn't it? Someone reported you for murder, come with me."

"What? I didn't! They were slanders!"

The moment Zhang Hao heard this, the blood on his face faded.

"Heh, my lord has arrested more prisoners than you have ever seen. Looking at your bear-like appearance, do you still say no?! Come here honestly!"

The guard pulled hard and twisted Zhang Hao's hands upside down, directly putting his special shackles on him.

Outside, Zhang Hao's wife, who was waiting with her son, opened her mouth in horror when she saw this scene. He covered his chest tightly with one hand and hugged his son tightly with the other.

Tears fell involuntarily.

What did the old man say? By the way, in case something happens to him, buying a ticket is the first! At that time, she was still wondering why Lao Zhang said this to herself suddenly. Now that she thinks about it, it may really be Lao Zhang who thinks that things during the day may still happen.

She remembered Zhang Hao's entrustment to her before entering the city, and took her son to the ticket office. Son, don't let him turn around and look at Zhang Hao.

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