I Can Edit Skills

Chapter 392: repel

The wolf demon fled in a hurry under the siege of two Lu Tongs and a team leader who was in the real Yuan Ying realm, and the vague lighting above was gradually dispersed.

It's still a two-on-three situation.

However, Jia Xiao was already breathing heavily at this time, and it was obvious that the one-on-two battle had caused him a bit of a loss.

Fortunately, the intelligent agent on the opposite side is not going anywhere. His metal skeleton has been laid out, and even a shocking scar has been cracked at the artificial dantian. It seems that if it weren't for the intelligent agent, it would be easy to block it with its spirit in time, and it is estimated that the liquid in it would have been astigmatized long ago. At this time, fresh and tender tree buds continued to grow on the bull demon, and then it was shaken off by the spirit energy of the bull demon.

As for the old-fashioned Elder Ma, he straightened his waist at this time, and looked a little younger.

The wolf demon saw that the battle situation over there was not dominant, and wanted to lean towards his boss, the bull demon.

At this time, Zhou Ji didn't want to let him go. During the vibration of the external meridian, another wind and thunder arrow appeared in front of him.

As the arrow continued to vibrate, the majestic energy was squeezed into it, and the external meridian finally cracked because it could not withstand the output of the spiritual energy.


Another circle of ripples spread out, and the wind and thunder arrow in Zhou Ji's hand flew out dragging the blue-purple tail flame, leaving a lightning-like trace in the dark deep sky.

The attack of the spiritual realm has already initially threatened the primordial spirit. The wind and thunder arrow cut through the sky and appeared behind the wolf demon in an instant.

The touch on his chest had just been healed by the activation of the spiritual energy, but in the blink of an eye, another equally vicious and powerful arrow struck the same location!

"Brother save me!"

The wolf demon only felt that the hair was about to explode, and he stretched out his hand and shouted at the bull demon over there.

The bull demon finally moved at this time. After all, this wolf demon is his own capable person, and he cannot be let down here.

I saw the body of the bull demon in the air trembled slightly, and then stretched out his hand to shoot it forward. Just this action forced Zhou Ji's wind and thunder arrow to shift its direction and fly towards the bull demon himself.

In mid-air, the flying arrow trembled and slowly collapsed and annihilated.

Zhou Ji watched this scene silently and didn't say much. In the position where the flying arrow collapsed, he even saw a slight distortion in the space.

This is due to the distortion caused by the gravitational field, which directly grinds one's own attack!

After smashing the flying arrow, the cow demon's chest and abdomen swelled and then collapsed, as if something had been vomited back into his mouth. Then he gritted his teeth, smacked his mouth, chewed twice, then rolled his throat and swallowed something.

Immediately, Zhou Ji saw the skin of the bull demon squirming, and seeds the size of sesame seeds with blood were squeezed out of his skin.

"Hey, Tie knot, didn't you say that the success rate is high, it seems to be impossible today."

The Jedi was not captured for the first time, which already represented the failure of this raid, and it would be unwise for them to be entangled with these monsters and intelligent bodies.

"The success rate refers to the probability of success. If the success rate is less than 100%, there is a possibility of failure."

The one-eyed pattern on the face of the agent flickered, and at the same time there was a sound.

The conversation between these two guys did not avoid others, but there was no useful information in the conversation.

But at this time, Jia Xiao was staring at Elder Ma over there: "Old Ma, we have known each other for a long time, right? I didn't expect you to join the demon clan and attack humans one day!"

Hearing this, Elder Ma's face did not have much ugly expression.

"Hey, Lao Jia, you know, I'm getting old. I've been a failure all my life. I wanted to train when I was young, but I couldn't make progress until I got stuck in the internal training, so I temporarily turned to spirit. Xiu. But it was already too late by then, and even if I tried my best, in the end I just stopped at transforming into a spirit and couldn't make progress. Now my body has begun to age, and I can't wait any longer."

"But that won't make you join the demon clan!"

Jia Xiao had no smile on his face for the first time.

"Haha, what's wrong with the demon clan, they have pill demons, they can help me break through, they can help me prolong my life, and they also promise to help me win the house in case it doesn't work! What about the Dongxuan faction? They think about me Make good use of an old guy like me before you die, and drain our last bit of use!"

"But that's blood pill..."

Elder Jia only felt that his mouth was dry, as if he was blown away by that old guy Yao Yongming.

"so what!"

"Haha, Elder Jia, everyone has their own aspirations, so there's no need to say more."

Seeing that the two were about to start again, the bull demon laughed, directly interrupting the conversation between the two.

"The blood pill tastes good, and it can help your cultivation, so why not do it. I see you humans, you just haven't crossed that mental obstacle. Look at our demon clan, attacking each other and eating each other's blood, Only in this way can we be strong, and you can learn from it too."

The bull demon said, and the chest and abdomen were drummed again.

This time, as if it was intentional, half of his fingers were clearly exposed beyond his fatty lips, and then he sucked it back like a candy bar.

Even Zhou Ji's complexion changed at this time, and he felt that his stomach was overturned.

The huge flying shuttle did not know when it appeared behind these intelligent bodies and monsters, and the outer wall was already lit up.

"The support from Guangqing Xianyu is expected to arrive in ten minutes, and we need to leave."

The agent never seems to know what private voice transmission is, and everyone can capture the voice every time it speaks. But in comparison, the bull demon is even more unscrupulous. While chewing what he vomited to replenish his body's dark wounds, he turned and walked towards the array that was lit up on the shuttle.

"You have the final say, iron lump. You have to make up for the soldiers we lost this time."

"Just follow the agreement."

The intelligent body, which should be in the realm of transformation, also ignored the others and turned around and walked to another formation.

Elder Ma glanced at everyone coldly, and also boarded the shuttle together. And the wolf demon, who gave Zhou Ji a vicious look at the three of them, and hurriedly followed his leader.

The large-caliber crystal cannon has been completely damaged in the battle just now~www.readwn.com~ At this time, everyone present could only silently watch the other party swagger away.

Jia Xiao's chest rose and fell quickly for a moment, and Zhou Ji noticed that he seemed to be muttering something in a low voice.

When he got close, he caught Jia Xiao's voice.

"It doesn't matter, they also suffered heavy casualties. All the subordinates of Ningdan were killed in battle. The intelligent body's artificial dantian was seriously injured, and the bull demon was also seriously injured and needed to use its own reserves of energy to recover, and those spiritual tools in the realm of Ningdan could be pulled back completely. For research purposes, it’s okay, it’s okay…”

But in the next moment, I saw that the giant flying shuttle in the air had already stored up energy, and the wreckage of the spiritual weapon soldiers scattered all over the place flew to a formation behind the flying shuttle as if being pulled.


Seeing this move, Jia Xiao's expression changed immediately, and he directly released his Primordial Spirit and cast a magic trick.

It is a pity that the magic formula has not been completed yet, and the giant flying shuttle has turned into a streamer and gone away. Only some spiritual weapon stumps that were not drawn into the formation were left floating in the air.

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