I Can Edit Skills

Chapter 418: Origin

Guangqing Xianyu was obviously provoked by the behavior of the Federation of Agents. They cooperated with the demon clan, and the populations on several planets were kidnapped, and several planets suffered devastating blows.

In the preaching building, Elder Lan, a powerhouse in the God Transformation Realm, was a little haggard.

A huge flying shuttle was placed in front of him. This was the first capture of Guangqing Immortal Territory in nearly half a month.

"Everyone, we currently only have such a template, and we do not guarantee whether there is any anti-dismantling self-destruction formation in it. Therefore, I hope everyone will be cautious and cautious."

After he finished speaking, the surrounding elders and deacons who had been waiting for various spiritual weapons began to enter the arena to dismantle and analyze the shuttle.

The reason why those monsters can come and go in the Guangqing Immortal Territory is mainly because of the acceleration formation and transition formation carried on this shuttle. The startup warm-up is fast, the acceleration efficiency is fast, and the transition state is fast. This situation caused Guangqing Xianyu to slay their legion many times. After receiving the signal, the enemy had already fled far away after arriving at the location.

"By the way, what about the people from Xingyu Pavilion? Elder Sun should also be anxious to get angry. They may also need to observe this kind of transition device now, and see if they can find any way to pass through the boundary screen from above. "

Elder Lan glanced at it and suddenly asked aside.

"Oh, this is Elder Lan, we just received a message that Xingyu Pavilion only sent out a group of people this morning. It seems that there has been a breakthrough in the teleportation formation, and the first test was successful. Now we are going to get closer. A second experiment at the edge of the boundary of the Infinite Immortal Realm."

A deacon on the side replied.

"Have you found a way to bypass the boundary screen?" Elder Lan froze for a while, and then heard the deacon continue.

"It is said that it was a plan provided by a deacon of the Gongfa Pavilion. When someone passed the Gongfa Pavilion, they heard Elder Yao shouting and scolding inside. It seems that Elder Sun wanted to transfer the deacon to Xingyu Pavilion."


"Xiao Zhou, in fact, it's not much fun to study the exercises. You see now, the spells used are basically popular, and the powerful exercises have to be screened and controlled, and the competition is still very fierce. It's different. Except for some formations that trigger the riot of spirit essence, the rest of the functional formations can be sold at will. Many people like to go out and bring a few arrays with them in case of emergency, and they can also learn by analogy after in-depth study. , and have a relationship with the refining tools, spiritual tools, etc..."

Elder Sun still had a kind smile on his face, and looking at Zhou Ji made Zhou Ji feel the feeling of a big bad wolf coaxing Little Red Riding Hood.

"Uh... I'm sorry Elder Sun, I still like the exercises, and I'm only familiar with this one, there are still many things I need to learn..."

Zhou Ji stiffly rejected Elder Sun's kindness. After all, he still knows how much talent he has in the field of formation. It can be installed for a while with the practice editor, but it will be revealed sooner or later if it is installed all the time.

Just as Elder Sun was talking, Fei Shuo approached the No. 3 Boundary Curtain passage.

It was also the first time that Zhou Ji saw something that overflowed and solidified from the original passage.

From a distance, it looks like a masterpiece of foaming agent, and it looks like someone smeared dry cream on the screen.

On the edge of the boundary screen passage, there are two people floating there. There is also a shuttle of Xingyu Pavilion and a team of escorts in the distance.

The moment he saw the two of them, Zhou Ji realized that this time Guangqing Xianyu was probably going to be real. The old man Xu, who took Fan Tu's soul out of his body with a single flick, was beating on the white material with great interest. .

"Elder Xu, is there nothing you can do?"

The first elder looked at the old man in front of him who was much shorter than himself and asked.

"Ah, I think about it, I seem to have seen this kind of material somewhere, it seems... it seems to be in a certain Jedi. There is nothing special about this thing, it can be compressed through the environment without spirit element, supported by spirit element. It can quickly expand and solidify. It has excellent defense performance and excellent cushioning performance, and after it has solidified into a solid, it will automatically secrete new materials to fill the vacancy after absorbing spiritual energy."

"So, this thing is a good refining material."

The Great Elder looked at the white solid in surprise. After seeing that Elder Xu's shot was only to open a gap that was one person wide, and the gap quickly healed by himself, he knew that he might have misunderstood. Maybe if you let yourself bombard with spiritual energy here, you won't be able to open a channel if you drain yourself.

"I thought so too at the time, so I took some samples to study, and it took five years of hard work..."

Old Xu's eyes were filled with memories.

"It turns out that this thing has no plasticity at all. In addition to self-reproduction and growth when encountering spiritual energy, it also does the same when encountering water. In addition, whether it is used as a main ingredient or a secondary ingredient, it will not be effective, or even It will support the internal structure of the magic weapon."

"Ah this..."

The Great Elder was about to pry it off a little and go back to try it, but when Elder Xu said that, as soon as his fingers were loosened, the white solid that had just been pryed off was absorbed back to the screen by itself.

"Ah, by the way, this thing seems to have the characteristics of automatic aggregation within a certain range, I don't know how much."

"Old Xu, where did you see this thing? I've been to the Jedi before, and I don't seem to have encountered it before."

"I think about it..."

Old Xu squinted his eyes slightly, and immediately opened them: "Ah, yes, that was three hundred years ago or two hundred years ago. At that time, I went to investigate the Jedi, and I was curious about what was under the ground of the Jedi, so I dug down and dug. I dug and dug and found this thing."

"Then... Did you add the reminder not to dig down in the request to explore the Jedi in Immortal Realm?"

The elder was thoughtful.

"Yes, this thing is still very dangerous. People who don't understand its characteristics are likely to be overcast."

As Elder Xu said, his palm lightly stroked the white solid.

Ling Yuan burst out gently, and a white viscous liquid was secreted from the white solid, wrapping up along Xu Lao's arm.

Even when Elder Xu took his arm away, the sticky liquid still existed.

The first elder just watched as Elder Xu was wrapped in the infinitely proliferating liquid, and then slowly changed from a human shape to a white sphere with a diameter of about two meters.

But even so, the Great Elder still watched quietly, as if he was not worried about the situation of Elder Xu at all.


At this moment ~www.readwn.com~ a tyrannical cyclone erupted from the sphere, the white sphere was instantly blown into pieces, and then attached to the piece on the boundary screen passage as if pulled by some kind of pulling force. On the white solid blocking the channel.

"Actually, when you encounter this thing, it's very simple to deal with. Just disconnect the output of the spirit energy and completely restrain your breath. But people who see it for the first time tend to panic and start trying to use the spirit energy to disperse this thing. , so the result will only be swallowed by this thing. If you want to break through the bondage, only a full blow from the spirit can shatter it."

"But... how did the Federation of Agents get this thing?"

The first elder also frowned slightly at this time, while Xu Lao, who was on the side, continued to talk to himself.

"...After this thing encounters water, it can climb as high as the water rises, and if it is placed in a place with abundant spiritual energy, although it will grow at a certain rate, the growth cycle will actually be longer. Slow down. In the end I still felt like this thing was useless and useless, so I threw it back into the hole I dug.

As far as I know, every immortal domain has studied this thing at the beginning, but later found it to be useless, so only a part of the sample is left, and the follow-up will be nothing. "

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