Chen Yiming sat cross-legged on the 100-meter-high roof, quietly watching all this happen.

"When the manpower is poor, there will be small families first, then everyone." He sighed and whispered to himself.

He does have the ability to change the outcome of this air strike to a certain extent.

The level 2 swordsmanship talent plus the level 1 indestructible talent allowed him to have the strength of an almost invincible hand of the same level in a small place like East Lake City.

After all, he has a talent of level 1 immortality, and can continuously restore physical strength and inner strength, and is not afraid of wheel battles at all.

Sighing to himself, five birds and beasts flew in the distance.

These five birds and beasts were all about seven or eight meters long. They destroyed the buildings on the edge of the city center and continued to destroy buildings along the way.

"But even if you can't make a full effort to change this air strike, you can still protect the surrounding area for about a mile." Chen Yiming stood up and glanced at the five birds and beasts flying towards him.

After adding a level 1 inextinguishable body talent, even with a trace of lightning power in his eyes, he also has a good vitality.

This power of lightning spreads to the five birds and beasts through the electromagnetic field, and a little numbness instantly spreads throughout the body.

The voice just fell.

Chen Yiming took a step forward, borrowed strength on the roof of a building dozens of meters away, and rushed to a bird and beast in the blink of an eye.

This bird and beast was just heading towards the Jingyue Community, and the Jiajiafu supermarket on the opposite side swooped down, inexplicably felt the numbness of thunder and lightning.

Out of the corner of its eyes, it saw a human being much smaller than it rushing two or three meters in front of it, and its pupils instantly became 30% larger.


A low voice came.

The neck of the bird and beast was streaked by a white sword light, and the blood shot out instantly, turning into a rain of blood that sprayed on the ground.

Chen Yiming beheaded a bird and beast with one blow, and the whole person had nowhere to take advantage of, and fell from a few dozen meters in the air.

Bang! Boom!

There were two consecutive sounds of heavy objects hitting the ground. The first sound was much smaller than the second.

A large pit with a diameter of about three meters was smashed out of Chen Yiming's landing. There was a basketball court more than a mile behind him, and birds and beasts with a length of seven or eight meters fell directly into it.

The basketball court was directly smashed into a huge crater with a diameter of more than 30 meters, and countless dust turned into smoke and dust spread around.

The remaining four birds and beasts saw this, and their eyes revealed fear that could not be hidden. After they made a harsh scream, they fluttered their wings and flew away from Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming raised his eyes to look at a bird and beast flying in the direction of his home, and without hesitation, he rose into the sky again, turning into a black shadow and rushing towards the bird and beast.

His speed is extremely fast, almost catching up with birds and beasts in the blink of an eye.

The bird and beast felt the sound of the breaking wind behind it, its feathers exploded, and it fluttered its wings, trying to fly to a higher place.


Chen Yiming kicked the belly of the bird and beast.

One is a human being less than two meters tall, and the other is a bird and beast with a body length of seven or eight meters.

Chen Yiming abandoned his sword and used his feet to forcibly change the flight direction of the birds and beasts, so that the bodies of the birds and beasts avoided his own building and smashed into the avenue outside the community.


Another loud noise came.

The seven or eight meters long body of the bird and beast smashed the avenue into two pieces.

The improvement of the martial artist's body cannot be made up for by body shape. The comparison of Chen Yiming's body, birds and beasts, is like the gap between steel knives and tofu.

Even if the tofu is dozens of times the volume of the knife, it is still easily cut open.

After beheading the second bird and beast, Chen Yiming jumped back to the roof of his house, and the remaining three of the five birds and beasts had already flown a mile or two away.

He stood on the roof overlooking the entire city battle.

East Lake City was attacked by flying birds and beasts, and in just over ten minutes, it was destroyed by half.

When these flying birds and beasts encounter opponents of the same strength, they often do not entangle them, but focus on the destruction of urban buildings.

In the government office area in the west of the city, all flying birds and beasts were blocked one mile away.

Except for the fringe areas, the interior of the city center has only been damaged very little.

Most of the birds and beasts who were trying to break through the block and rushed into it were like the two birds and beasts that Chen Yiming killed, and were strangled by the strongmen of the major martial arts halls and the group company.

Most of the destroyed areas are concentrated in the suburbs. Although there are also a large number of martial arts families in the suburbs, including the seven martial artist families, these families will only stick to their own residences.

At this time, the suburbs in the four directions of the east, south, north and west of Donghu City were full of collapsed houses, burning factories, and people running desperately.

Countless birds and beasts with a body length of three or four meters are slaughtering recklessly, like a scene of doomsday.

These birds and beasts with a body length of three or four meters have the strength to transform their bodies up and down six times, and use their flying ability to play humans with similar strengths.

"If this air strike is half a year ahead of schedule, I'm afraid I will be like those people." Chen Yiming said with emotion.

Taking the tragic incident caused by the beast tide into the city in his mind, he turned to look at the three main battlefields in East Lake City.

These three battlefields are all related to the three flying birds and beasts with the strength of the warrior realm. The three birds and beasts are about the same length as the Yanyang monitor lizard that Chen Yiming killed in the Nuhe Mountains, and they are all over ten meters long.

At this time, the three birds and beasts kept spinning in circles at a height of more than 100 meters above the city, each followed by four warrior-level humans.

These twelve warriors are all from the military, and everyone is covered with a layer of inner strength. From a distance, they look like flames, poisonous fog, ice cubes...

This is caused by the inner strength of different attributes, and the defensive power is equivalent to wearing a layer of invisible armor. As long as this layer of armor cannot be completely broken, the inner strength warrior will not be fatally injured.

"The military has nothing to do with those three birds and beasts!" Chen Yiming said in surprise.

He can be sure that 100% of the military there are people who have gone further in the martial artist realm.

When Chen Yiming participated in the auction organized by Liu Wanqing, he heard that the incomplete martial artist realm boxing method "Danyang Boxing" at the auction was learned by a character who cultivated to the second stage of the martial artist realm.

After Chen Yiming broke through to the Martial Artist Realm himself, he has been accumulating quantitatively without any qualitative improvement. Obviously, he is still in the first stage of the Martial Artist Realm.

The artistic conception diagram of the 'Danyang Fist' was drawn by reverse derivation. Obviously, it is impossible to have the cultivation method of the second stage of the warrior realm. Chen Yiming has not yet obtained relevant clues.

"Could it be that in this air raid, there were birds and beasts stronger than the first stage of the martial artist realm, which held back the characters of the same level in the military." Chen Yiming doubted.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that it was like this, otherwise it would be impossible to explain that the three birds and beasts continued to bounce for such a long time.

As for the Martial Artist Realm, which is a big realm higher than the Martial Artist Realm, Chen Yiming doesn't think that there will be such a level of characters in East Lake City, otherwise the war in the West Great Lakes would not have been fought for so long.

"It's a pity." Chen Yiming sighed.

This air raid took place in Donghu City, and he had to protect his family, so he couldn't escape.

If it happened in the Nuhe Mountains, Chen Yiming would definitely not miss this opportunity, and he would definitely go to find out.

Although he has not yet reached the end of the first stage of the martial artist, he also needs to take precautions, otherwise he may encounter a bottleneck and be stuck one day.

It has long been a habit to rush to break through the training levels all the way. If you are suddenly stopped due to lack of corresponding exercises, it will be really uncomfortable.

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