South Gate.

Nantianmen is the name of an uninhabited planet, located in the southern part of the star map where Tianhuang World is located.

A long time ago, this was the penultimate stop of an ancient starry sky road. It used to be prosperous, and there were creatures who built cities here.

Today, the surface of the planet can still be found, and some traces of the starry sky teleportation altar have long been abandoned and cannot be used.

The root cause is that the entire star field has changed significantly in the universe, and the original worm hole has already changed, or the direction and position have already changed.

The existing starry sky channel in the Hidden Dragon Star Region is also built around the position and direction of the wormhole, and even many transit planets along the way are artificially created.

When the power of wormholes can no longer be used, a starry sky channel loses its meaning of existence, and only corresponding records can be seen in ancient books over time.

on a barren plain.

Chen Yiming, like the three old immortals of picking up the stars, mobilized his own strength to power the starry sky teleportation formation giant stone into a space portal, opening up a temporary space channel.

The Three Old Immortals of Picking the Stars gathered the power of three Heavenly Immortals, and he could only rely on one person. The Black Dog and Gao Shuai were weaker than the other, so he couldn't do much in this regard.

Fortunately, his indestructible body + giant, the physique formed by the dual talents is strong enough, especially the recovery speed is the highest in the same level of talent, so that he will not be sucked up by the star teleportation formation boulder.

"That's okay? No need for spiritual stones at all!"

The black dog was dumbfounded, his eyes became dull, and the dog's head buzzed.

It has seen a similar scene more than once, but whether it is the Xianmen force or the Origin Stone Square force, unless a large number of Lingshi Origin Stone are assisted, it cannot be like Chen Yiming.

Gao Shuai breathed a sigh of relief.

When it comes to the source stone of the spiritual stone, he searched and plundered many immortal gates in Beiling City, and the amount of space fetish accumulated in the space was not small, but since he didn't need to get it, he didn't take the initiative to take it out.

time flies.

In the depths of the space portal, you can gradually see a black spot.

The black dot moves forward in the bizarre space channel, and the naked eye does not seem to be fast, crawling like a snail.

But in fact, when it is placed on the Star Map of the Hidden Dragon Star Region, it will move forward a large grid in one second. Even if it is diagonally across a long distance of the Star Region, it will not take much time.

one second.

two seconds.

Three seconds.


The voice just fell.

The Blue Star human spaceship team rushed out of the space portal.

One spaceship after another, covering the sky and the sun, suspended in the high sky of the planet Nantianmen, as if they were invaders from aliens.

? ? ?

The black dog sensed the Chen Yiming clan in the spaceship, and the dog's head was full of question marks.

This is too weak. Humans have three skin colors, yellow, white, and black. Among them, the extraordinary proportion of yellow skin is higher, white skin is second, and the extraordinary proportion of black skin is the lowest.

But even among yellow-skinned humans, there are a large number of individuals who do not possess extraordinary powers.

Except for a group of non-human creatures that appeared with the spaceship, the three star-condensing dragons were barely able to see it, and they were simply a group that barely walked out of the planet.

It's hard for the black dog to understand why such a weak group gave birth to Chen Yiming, a fierce man with the power to tear apart the gods.

Soon, the black dog noticed the spaceship, and it took a breath.

This... These spaceships are related to the existence of a certain taboo. The Kuroshio is in the star field where Xianmen is located, and it is also something that any Xianmen force does not dare to touch on the surface.

The black dog knows very little about the Kuroshio, but he is also surprised that Chen Yiming's clansmen dare to have an affair with him. If this is exposed, it cannot be explained.

When Gao Shuai saw the appearance of the black dog, he almost broke his defense and wanted to laugh.

Although the Kuroshio invasion of the living world is not successful every time, there are not many worlds that have the ability to destroy the invading power of the Kuroshio.

Before the Kuroshio invades a certain life world, the power of the layout is foolproof in most cases, except for a small probability accident.

For example, in a life world, a similar existence like Chen Yiming was born, or it was encountered by a powerful immortal who happened to pass by, and it was solved.

However, Blue Star is still extremely special.

When Gao Shuai used his prophetic ability to find a helper, it was on such a weak planet that he was almost chased to death by Chen Yiming in the prophecy screen.

In addition, it is hard to believe that the Kuroshio's offensive and counterattacks were continuously repelled, and even the Kuroshio was forced to evacuate. Otherwise, Chen Yiming would not be alive until now with such a continuous act of killing.


A sandstorm blew past, setting off a cloud of dust.

Soon, Blue Star human spaceships landed on the surface of the planet one by one in an orderly manner, the roar of the engine went out a little bit, and the surroundings gradually returned to calm.

Inside the spaceship.

Picture after picture of the starry sky, as well as the picture of the surface of the planet underfoot, are played on countless screens in a loop, and everyone can see it when they stay in their residence.


Countless people took a deep breath.

Listening to the broadcast, some people still couldn't accept it. Just after returning to their residence for a while, the spacecraft reached the vicinity of Tianhuang World.

Especially in the picture of Tianhuang World, the star is really huge, and the surrounding stars are simply the difference between the sun, the moon and the fluorescent light.

Some people recalled the general situation of the desolate world. The gods walked all over the ground, and the extraordinary was not as good as the dog. Sure enough, only such a huge star would have such a situation.

At this moment, an announcement was published on the official website of the Metaverse, informing everyone that the server would be suspended indefinitely, and the restart date would wait for a follow-up notice.

"No! No more!"

Xiao Wu sat in front of the computer, the page stayed on the official website of the Metaverse, and the moment he saw the announcement, he let out a scream like a pig.

In view of the unknown internal situation of Tianhuang World, and the need for Blue Star humans to prepare for the new environment, most of the entertainment must be stopped, and everything must make way for martial arts cultivation.

In other words, for a long time in the future, all resource activities of the Blue Star human race will revolve around this practice.

This is a hellish life for Xiao Wu of the game house.

When I think of the days when someone supervises my practice every day, my whole body feels as if I was bitten by an ant. The blue and thin mushrooms are unacceptable.

at the same time.

There are many, many people like Xiao Wu who let out bursts of wailing.

Unexpectedly, just after getting used to the life of the spaceship, before I could lie down completely, someone was about to hold a whip and urge everyone to return to the life of daily practice.

Cultivation, for those with sufficient talent, is a matter of accomplishment, but for those with useless talent, it is a matter of frustration.

Soon, the cabin doors of the spacecraft opened one by one.

The Chen family came out at the front, Papa Chen, Mama Chen, Yingying Chen, Wu Di with a big belly, and the top human beings in the spaceship and the military generals behind.

Chen Yiming's cub didn't know what was going on. Perhaps the bloodline was far beyond that of normal humans, which led to the departure from Blue Star and has not yet been born.

Chen Yiming glanced at Wu Di's stomach and was sure there was nothing wrong.

"elder brother!"

Chen Yingying rushed the fastest and was the most excited.

In the days of separation from Chen Yiming, the sense of security was greatly lost. Even if he knew that he had gotten rid of the threat of the Kuroshio, it would be difficult to regain his former sense of security.

Chen Yiming coughed and signaled his sister to pay attention to her image.

Gao Shuai stepped out, stretched out his hand, and a string of green beads appeared in his hand. He smiled and said, "This little gift is just a gift for the first meeting."

The green beads are not ordinary things, and they exude a strong breath of life, and it can be seen at a glance that they are treasures that assist in cultivation.

Seeing this, the black dog also reacted.

But there is no treasure on it that can be taken out, and he can only watch Gao Shuai's performance between the entanglements.

"This is?"

Chen Yingying didn't know if she could accept it, so she asked Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming took a few more glances at the string of green beads, which were not crystals or shiny ones, just what girls liked.

The main reason is that Fatty is unreliable in the future, and he doesn't know what big things will happen. Chen Yiming must take care of his sister to prevent being deceived by Fatty.

In that case, bring it to you.

Chen Yiming's hand was so fast that even Gao Shuai couldn't react. The string of green beads in his hand was handed over to Chen Yingying through Chen Yiming's hand.

Is this a sister-in-law madman?

Gao Shuai was quite surprised by this. After all, the Gao family was a star-level hegemonic force, with clansmen spread across multiple star regions, and their relatives were naturally relatively weak.

To be more realistic, the status of Gao Shuai is brought about by special prophecy talent, otherwise he will be sent out to take care of the industry in adulthood.

In addition, among the brothers and sisters of the Gao family, because of the competition for cultivation resources, it is already quite a palace to maintain a decent appearance.

For some branches, every time the cultivation resources are allocated, various problems will arise, and there are not a few fists and feet.

Of course, the foundation of a star-level hegemonic force is the top-level combat power, which is the level of the gods of the Yanxing realm.

"His name is Gao Shuai, he was born in the Gao family of the star domain, and is an old Voldemort." Chen Yiming introduced truthfully, and he looked serious in the process of speaking.

Hearing this, Gao Shuai's face suffocated.

It's as if you, Chen Yiming, have never done it before? Yuanshifang, Zhentian City Lord, and the three old immortals of picking stars, etc., are only a lot more than those who have been pitted by you.

However, after Chen Yingying heard the big clan in the star field, she suddenly felt a sense of distance.

The senior human beings and many military bosses who came along behind also felt the same way.

The Blue Star human beings are about to descend into the world of desolation, and the basic information on the cultivation power and cultivation realm will be sent back to the spaceship by Chen Yiming through the spirit villain at the same time.

Therefore, Blue Star humans are not ignorant of the true star domain hegemony-level forces, and they understand the gap, and it is even more difficult to talk to each other on an equal footing.

In other words, if it weren't for the existence of Chen Yiming, in Gao Shuai's eyes, the Blue Star human beings were just ants that had crawled on the ground.

A small episode passed quickly.

More people walked out of the cabin door of the spacecraft, and they were immediately attracted by the huge star in the wild world, and the open-pit mines were very conspicuous.

For a while, I could only use bursts of exclamations to express everyone's mood at this moment. Even the solar system where Blue Star was located was far from being comparable to the Heavenly Desolate World.

Chen Yiming reunited with his family for a while, and then he and Gao Shuai started to transform the star portal boulder.

The part he is responsible for is mainly to forcibly disintegrate and erase the internal original formation according to Gao Shuai's ideas, and Gao Shuai is responsible for checking whether there are any remaining omissions.

Finally, transfer the formation for constructing the secret realm of different space to the inside of the special boulder.


More than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the wild world, the turmoil that swept the entire Lingnan realm is still not over, but the foreign forces of the Immortal Sect have long since disappeared like a lost dog.

Nowadays, the forces of Yuanshifang are indisputable, and the powers of the Boundless Island family are in the limelight, and there is a tendency to firmly occupy the hegemony of the Lingnan realm.

Some foggy weather.

Visibility in the air is very low.

An elite army of 100 people, wearing dark green military uniforms and straw hats made of weeds, walked forward in the mountains and forests, not fast, and minimized the movement caused by walking.

They are the military exploration detachment of the Great Xia Kingdom. Now the Blue Star Human Base Camp is located in the secret realm of different space, and occasionally dispatches people to collect information from thousands of miles around.

However, the situation of the hundred-strong elite army is not very good now, and their reconnaissance operations seem to have exposed traces. Some people from the village recruit friends and gather into teams to go out to check the situation.

"Get down!"

Suddenly, the general at the front of the team, a middle-aged man with a martial arts cultivation base, raised his hand and gave an order to command the team.

After this silent order was given, everyone immediately stopped moving forward, then lay down on the spot, using the grass in the forest to hide their figures.

Not long after In a distant mountain stream in front, several youths with spears, bare upper body, walked through the ditch with bare feet, and there was a sound of exploding water.

"Dad and they underestimate us too."

"That's right, Brother Hu, you can split mountains and rivers. This time, you will definitely impress the old men."

"Don't worry, if Brother Hu is here, you can just help out. Just remember to increase your momentum, otherwise the adults will not believe it when you go back."

The conversation of several teenagers spread far into the ears of every elite soldier.

But everyone remained motionless, and even held their breath, including the leading Martial Master Jing General, and had to endure the grievances.

The reason is that with the strength of this 100-strong elite army, there is a high probability that it will not be able to defeat those few teenagers.

This is not a joke, but the average cultivation level of Blue Star human beings is really far inferior to the wilderness villages in the wild world. It is the result of being hanged.

Especially given the current situation in the Lingnan area, the villages are extremely vigilant and sensitive to outsiders inside and outside the sphere of influence.

time flies.

After more than ten minutes, the teenagers had already left a long way.

This elite army of 100 men stood up again, moved their numb muscles and bones a little, and continued to advance in small steps.

All of the elite soldiers swear in their hearts that after returning to the secret realm of the different space, they must practice desperately, and break through quickly by virtue of the practice environment of the wild world.

Each of them is a battle-hardened elite, but today facing a few indigenous village youths, they don't even have the confidence to meet each other, and they are completely unacceptable in their hearts.

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