I Can Enter The Game

Chapter 41: Do it yourself! It's over!

The video released by Qin Ren's studio is a clarification video. Because of the popularity of Guo Huai's video, the attention of this video is not low.

"First of all, let me state that the Huahai promotional video of Qinglin Villa was made by our studio. In addition, is the person who sent the smeared video a fool? He will not investigate the identity of the other person if he smeared him? They are actually blue oceans in the city. The chairman of the group is also at the forefront of the entire Fujian Province, and needs to be trusted by others?"

"In addition, we have already understood that this incident was originally because the bear child was ignorant and made mistakes, and the unreasonable parents did not care about education, but instead threw it. It really makes sense to hold a mobile phone?"

The surveillance video of the villa and the current conversation captured by the pickup were added to the back of the video, which Qin Ren specially took from Qin Lin.

As soon as this video came out, it was already bombed in the same city.

As soon as the promotional video of Qinglin Villa was posted on the open-air video of the Oriental Commercial Plaza, it was already on fire. What happened yesterday made Qinglin Villa even more popular. It was just that the fire stinks last night, and everyone was scolding Qinglin Villa.

But no one thought that things would turn around overnight?

Qin Ren's studio was also willing to spend the money, and voted for DOU+ as well. Under the hot topic of Guo Huai's video, their video also became popular, and even Chen Shengfei became popular, and many videos about Chen Shengfei appeared. .

Naturally, those self-media accounts in the city who knew Chen Shengfei were gaining popularity.

In a short period of time, the matter has become another topic of social concern.

Nowadays, too many arrogant children make mistakes and their parents are unreasonable. Naturally, plus the fact that the unreasonable parents treat characters like Chen Shengfei as their trust, it is even more dramatic, and the parents are ignorant and stupid.

So, everyone who watched the video yesterday was stunned.

This reversal made them unable to react.

Many people looked at their abusive comments and silently chose to delete them. Then their sense of justice broke out again and they commented again: "Bear boy..."

After Guo Huai watched the video, he frantically took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for Blue Ocean Group's information. When he saw Chen Shengfei's information, his legs felt weak.

"Damn, you killed me." Guo Huai cursed angrily.

He didn't investigate seriously because he believed his cousin, cousin, and wanted to use this to gain a wave of fans. Who would have known that this cousin would cheat on him, and that she even had such an identity?

He immediately wanted to delete the video, but suddenly received a notification from the official system: "Your video is suspected of illegal and false dissemination and has been banned."

Immediately afterwards, another official system prompt appeared: "Your account is suspected of spreading illegal and false videos, the circumstances are serious, and the account has been permanently banned."

"No... No..." Guo Huai was anxious.

In the past 3 years, he spent a lot of money on material, filming, and DOU+ for this self-media account. He only started to make money this year. Moreover, he also received 2 advertisements. If the account is gone, he will pay double compensation. .

Guo Huai anxiously took out his mobile phone and contacted the Douyin official responsible for his own operations, but found that he was directly blocked.

He was immediately stunned.

With more than 200,000 fans and a self-media account with a lot of moisture, it is obviously insignificant on Douyin, especially after being sent a lawyer's letter by a lawyer team, how can you live or die?

It's okay if people don't continue to pursue them. If they continue to pursue them, they will fend for themselves.

"It's over!" Guo Huai was not stupid, knowing his situation, he called his cousin sister-in-law angrily: "Cousin sister-in-law, didn't you tell me the truth? Why is this happening? I treat you as my relatives, How dare you cheat on me like this? You are not as good as dogs."

Lin Chunlan was obviously unhappy when she was scolded: "It's not just a video, it's just deleted, I'm still suffering, it's all been filmed, I don't know how to go to work."

After speaking, Lin Chunlan hung up Guo Huai angrily.

"Fuck..." Guo Huai smashed the phone angrily. Can this be solved by deleting the video?

Isn't it just a video?

Not to mention that he is going to vomit blood.

If the other party warns them of slandering and damaging their reputation again, with hundreds of thousands of likes, plus so many hot videos, they will have to eat three free meals.

Now he finally knows what it means to be a person who the more you trust, the more likely he will deceive you.

When he woke up in the morning, Qin Lin left 300 kilograms of ripe okra, and sent the remaining okra to RT-Mart, and then sent the remaining strawberries, watermelons, and okra from the game to the villa.

As soon as he arrived at the villa, he saw Gao Yaoyao running out with a face full of excitement: "Boss, do you know who that Mr. Chen is? He is the chairman of a large group in the city, and the We Media account that slandered you is miserable. The other party's video and account were blocked just now."

She was also very worried that Shanzhuang was being slandered. She had been following the development of the incident. Now that she saw Qin Lin, she couldn't help but announce the good news.

Qin Lin asked Chen Dabei to bring security to unload the car, and he took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Yesterday, the video was really unavailable, and even the account was blocked.

This was in his expectation. As soon as Mr. Chen's identity came out, even if Mr. Chen didn't speak, Douyin would not appease the person who posted the video. After all, the fault was on the side of a certain sound, and they were also afraid that Mr. Chen would care about looking for it. trouble.

However, he won't forget if others hate him.

If it were another situation, and he had no way to fight back, then maybe his villa would be finished, and all his efforts during this period of time would be in vain.

Moreover, he is very clear that if he encounters such a person in tourism, he will not kill a chicken and warn a monkey, and he will meet him in the future.

Therefore, Qin Lin left the villa again and went straight to the Youcheng Police Station.

There is a criminal law called libel.

Slandering the reputation of others, as long as the scope of dissemination reaches a certain level, or causing serious mental harm to the victim will constitute the crime of defamation, and according to the severity, it will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights.

However, this criminal law also leaves room, that is, unless it seriously endangers the social order and national interests, it will only be dealt with after being notified.

The so-called "deal with the complaint" refers to the crime of defamation, the court will accept the case when the victim makes a private complaint, otherwise it will not be accepted, which means providing a private reconciliation.

This also caused the cost of defamation to be too low, and the reason why many people on the Internet are unscrupulous. Once such a thing happens, the victim squeezes tears and admits his mistake, or shies away from being young and ignorant, and many victims forget it.

What's more, take out the money and keep it private.

Many victims see that things have happened, they just want to get some immediate benefits, and they also accept it.

Naturally, there are some people who don't eat both sets, just to teach you a lesson, and if the situation is serious, they can only go in and eat three free meals.

Qin Lin wanted to kill the chickens as an example now, so he resolutely went to report the case first.

It's the parents' fault that the arrogant child is not educated. The parent knows that it is still sloppy without education, so he will educate the parent well for the society and be a role model for the arrogant child.

Qin Lin entered the police station, registered the case, and provided evidence. In fact, the video was so noisy that the police officers of the Youcheng Police Station also knew about it, so it was easy to accept it.

After that, the police station asked Qin Lin to go back first and began to investigate the identity of the woman in the video.

On the other side, Guo Huai's face became even more ugly when he received the message from his mobile phone.

"Mr. Guo, your account has been blocked and you failed to perform the advertising contract~www.readwn.com~ I hope you will make compensation as soon as possible, otherwise we will sue you..."

He received two advertisements, which were compensated according to the contract, even if he sold his car.

This made him angrier the more he thought about it. In order to vent his anger on his cousin cousin, his career was in vain, and this cousin was still like nobody.

Guo Huai went out angrily, and drove directly to his cousin's house. When he arrived at the door, he knocked fiercely on the door.

"Cousin, are you here?" Cousin said somewhat embarrassedly: "I know this has affected you, but the video has been blocked. I'll invite you to a meal to apologize."

"That can be solved with a meal?" Guo Huai shouted angrily: "Did you know that my account was blocked because I helped you, and I smashed more than 100,000 for this account? There are two more advertisements flying, Now I have to pay more than 200,000 yuan, and you all have to give me the money, otherwise I will never finish with you."

Lin Chunlan heard this and came out dissatisfied: "Guo Huai, that's what you are wrong, I just showed you the video and complained to you, don't think I didn't know it was you who wanted to use it. This video has become popular, and now something has happened, but it comes to us to sprinkle."

Hearing this, Guo Huai almost vomited blood. How could he finally know what this cousin is? It's no wonder that this kind of rude means would do such a shameful thing in Qinglin Villa.

The two sides were arguing when suddenly several policemen came upstairs.

One of the police officers saw the three and said, "Ms. Lin Chunlan and Mr. Jiang Hang, I hope you will cooperate with us to investigate the defamation incident at Qinglin Villa, and please tell us the account owner of Youcheng Huaiying Media."

Hearing this, Lin Chunlan was immediately dumbfounded. She thought it was just a trivial matter, she never expected that the police would come to the door, and her legs were a little weak in fright.

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