I Can Enter The Game

Chapter 444: Will it be Professor Xiao Qin in the future? Forced to be a liar!

Qin Lin really didn't expect Brother Li to do this trick to him.

He was frightened and recalled in his mind in a panic, whether there was any experiment on rice cultivation in the book of the Crop Genetic Experiments Encyclopedia that was relied on by the Special Slate Book Society last time.

Some memories emerge, rice research is the top priority of crop research, and there are still many experiments on rice in that book.

You can still mess around when necessary.

Otherwise it would be so painful.

But he also decided not to give any interviews or talk to anyone.

If someone really came to ask him, if he was a little serious, he would be exposed.

Now Brother Li really can't do it anymore, he has learned to turn the tables.

This will not work.

Next time, he must be firm, so that he has no chance to turn the tables.

At this time, countless people were already watching the live broadcast of Li Kai's experimental report.

Really heard from Li Kai that this realization was developed by Xiao Qin, and everyone could only admire it.

A person who is not studying a related major, relying on self-study and Professor Li Kai's guidance, can cultivate a project that national scientific research has given up.

This can no longer be described by the word cowhide, it is very cowhide.

When they saw the photo of Xiao Qin squatting and watching the rice seeds, they felt inexplicably worshipping.

"I didn't believe in genius before, but now I do."

"If there are monsters in this world, I think this Xiao Qin is!"

"Xiao Qin's book was read in vain, and mine was read in vain!"

"I'm a crop research major, and I feel like I've read my book in vain."


Everyone on the Internet was shocked by Li Kai's words.

In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Minister Lu, Academician Zhu, Academician Jin, and Luo Hui were not surprised when they saw these people?

Minister Lu, Academician Zhu, and Academician Jin are all because they are very concerned about the Qinglin Company, and they feel that Qinglin Manor and the Qin boss are very good.

Looking at the photos released by Li Kai now, they are all dumbfounded.

Does Boss Qin still have this ability?

But Professor Li Kai can't be joking about this kind of experiment report. Otherwise, if you give the credit for this experiment to Boss Qin, the rest of the research team in Qinglin's laboratory will definitely have opinions.

If this is not true, it is impossible to keep it secret. After all, there are still many people on the experimental list.

Obviously, they didn't know it at all. At this time, the people on the experimental list also felt incredible, and they felt like they were hit by a pie.

They did participate in some researches of Xiangshui Gongmi.

But they are all involved in the data analysis after Xiangshui Gongmi has been planted, which is not helpful at all for the process of how to cultivate and how to cultivate it.

They didn't expect their name to appear on that list at all.

In other words, in other laboratories, other leaders, their names are completely ineligible to be mentioned.

The truth is that their names are indeed written.

They know what this represents, and it will bring them honor and a strong resume. In the future, when the knowledge about this Xiangshui Gongmi is used in textbooks, their names will also appear.

Now they know what the people in the seed production increase research team said before. The Qinglin laboratory is indeed very different from other places, and it is a very good place to do research.

Professor Li Kai is really good and willing to help others.

For a time, these people's sense of belonging to Qinglin's laboratory was extremely strong, and their enthusiasm for work was also extremely high.

Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Looking at the two photos of Qin Lin, Minister Lu could only sigh with emotion: "What a waste of talent! What tourism major and what kind of villa are you doing?"

He is in charge of scientific research, and naturally he is more concerned about scientific research.

Like this Boss Qin, he can study and cultivate things like Xiangshui Gongmi by himself. If he studied crop research before, or even other research majors, I am afraid that he will become famous in the university.

Then he must have noticed that now this Boss Qin must have been doing research for him in the Academy of Chemical Sciences.

Now look at what Boss Qin is doing? Doing a villa, running a company, learning Chinese medicine, cooking, horse riding... It's simply not doing a proper job.

Although it is said that Boss Qin is also high on these things, they are all top-notch, but this talent is not scattered, ah?

The scattered talents are so powerful, if you focus this talent on scientific research.

"Hey!" Minister Lu finally sighed silently, and said unwillingly: "What tourism major are you studying!"

There have been several talented people like Boss Qin in the history of scientific research, and each of them has made great contributions to changing this era.

When Luo Hui saw the report of Li Kai's experiment, his face was still very gloomy.

He and Qin Lin didn't really have any grudges, but it was true that they were very upset.

After all, he made a big mistake at Qinglin Manor. He went to Qinglin Manor without any insight and breakthrough, and he was unhappy with Qinglin Manor.

For this reason, he was also called by the leader to have a talk, and naturally he was scolded in a subtle way. The competition between him and Academician Jin was completely lost.

So, he was very upset.

Now, seeing that Boss Qin, who didn't give him any face, even developed a national-level research project, he was naturally extremely unhappy.

Why is the other party?


Li Kai's experimental report is over, but this experimental report is destined to make waves on the Internet, and the popularity will not go down in a short time.

You must know that the popularity of Dabei Weishen lasted for a long time, and now Xiaoqin has studied the influence and level of Xiangshui Gongmi.

The key point is that Xiao Qin is more handsome, especially the chic British capital who rides a horse and dances a gun is really not comparable to others.

Such a little Qin, men all hope to become such a person, women can really become nympho.

Naturally, as the news exploded, more and more videos about Qin Lin were exposed on the Internet.

A person who calls himself Qin Lin's hometown: "Qin Lin has been smart since he was a child. I remember that he played all the time when he was a child, and he could pass the test very well. The children who played with him in the same house were stripped of their pants after each test. Spanked, but Xiao Qin watched with the rice! 》

A person who claimed to be Qin Lin's classmate: "I remember Xiao Qin went to learn how to ride a horse when he was in college. I was fortunate enough to meet him once, and he was very handsome at that time! 》

A person who claims to be the librarian of Qinlin University: "Xiao Qin is really a blind talent when he majors in tourism. I remember seeing him borrowing scientific research books in the library. At that time, there were several scientific research students discussing crops. The research question was refuted by him in a few words and there was no way to retaliate. 》

A person who claims to be a student of Qinlin University: "When I was peeping at the women's toilet, I accidentally bumped into Xiao Qin..."

claiming to be...

There are all kinds of people who claim to be Qin Lin's previous acquaintances, acquaintances, and people who have met on the Internet.

In fact, most of these are rubbish, and only a few can take advantage of it.

What kind of library to borrow books, what kind of women's toilet peeping, why don't these people feel ashamed for making up?

But the key point is that the remarks such as borrowing books from the library are still believed by some people, and the popularity and comments are still very high.

This makes him very powerless, and in the end he can only say that there are many popular people.

There's a bunch of people online

Qinglin Manor Office.

Qin Lin met Shen Li.

"Dong Qin, someone from Xiangshui Gongmi, applied with our laboratory and wanted some Qinglin rice seeds." Shen Li reported a matter to Qin Lin.

After the successful research of Qinglin rice, there is a new crop gene fragment, the laboratory has applied for a patent, and this Qinglin rice will be exclusive to the Qinglin laboratory in the future.

Naturally, this patent application may not be necessary for decades, because Xiangshui Gongmi has very strict environmental requirements, as is Qinglinmi.

Although Qin Lin relied on the plug-in to let the rice adapt to the environment once, the environment in other places is still not good, and others may not plant it if it is used.

Therefore, unless someone conducts research on Qinglin rice again, let this Qinglin rice adapt to the environment in other places.

It is a pity that the cost of this kind of experiment is too high. After the country established the project, it was abandoned. It is simply not an experimental laboratory that is capable of research.

That won't be possible until there is another qualitative leap in technology, at least for a few decades.

However, Xiangshui Gongmi's application for seeds surprised Qin Lin. However, since Qinglinmi has adapted to the environment of Youcheng, it should not be suitable for the environment of Xiangshui.

After all, Qinglin rice will not be viable if it grows out of Ming City. Even in Ming City, if it is a little farther from You City, the crops that are planted are all withered and yellow, and the results can be imagined.

It may be difficult to grow Qinglin rice in Xiangshui.

Therefore, upon hearing Shen Li's words, Qin Lin was not stingy, and said with a smile, "Give them the seeds! After all, our Qinglin rice is also researched by others' Xiangshui tribute rice."

Naturally, this is an external statement, and no one can know about the system and the game.

"Okay, Director Qin!" Shen Li nodded, and after leaving the manor, he returned to the Qinglin laboratory office building and notified Lai Jing to let him come over.

When Lai Jing first entered the Qinglin laboratory, he felt very shocked. Now the Qinglin laboratory is not bad at all, and the scope is expanding again and again.

I don't know how many more individual laboratories have been built, and they have been divided into crop research groups.

Whether it is scientific research personnel or security personnel, they are recruited again and again, and security guards are almost all veteran veterans. Under Yunfei's training, the state is almost the same as in the army.

Even if Lai Jing only went to the laboratory office building, he had to undergo two inspections along the way. It must be known that the office area and the experimental area are separate.

He thought of the research results of Qinglin's laboratory, which was normal.

But Lai Jing doesn't care about this now, he cares about the seeds of Qinglin rice.

He also didn't think that he had scolded Qinglin's company on the Internet before, and the other party didn't care so much and agreed to give them the seeds of Qinglin rice.

Lai Jing soon saw Shen Li, and immediately said respectfully, "Mr. Shen, I have long admired the great name."

Before there was Xiangshui Gongmi, he could not kill Qinglin Company, or even dare to steel Qinglin Company. Now, even if he sees Shen Li, he must nod and bow.

When Xiangshui Gongmi was no longer his reliance, the size of the company he was in charge of, not to mention the entire Qinglin company, and the Qinglin laboratory were far from comparable.

Shen Li had a lot of things to do, and didn't want to talk to Lai Jing, so he had someone bring the seeds of Qinglin rice to Lai Jing, and then he let Lai Jing leave.

He knew about Xiangshui Gongmi and Qinglin's company on the Internet before, and naturally he didn't like this one.

Lai Jing felt Shen Li's attitude, but he doesn't care now, as long as he has the Qinglin rice seeds, he can take them back and cultivate them.

Beidi Pavilion

When it is planted on their side of Xiangshui, they will naturally not be called Qinglin rice, they will still be Xiangshui tribute rice, but their Xiangshui tribute rice has also been upgraded.

Thinking about it, Lai Jing left Qinglin's laboratory and bought a plane ticket to go back as soon as possible.

When he arrived at Xiangshui, he also immediately called the company's research director and gave the seeds to the other party, so that the other party could cultivate them as soon as possible.

Although this time is not yet the time for Xiangshui Gongmi to cultivate rice seedlings, the climate is not right, but they already have relevant greenhouse technology, which has no impact at all, and can even simulate the climate of the four seasons, and it is possible to cultivate rice seedlings at any time.

If the land does not need to recuperate~www.readwn.com~ They can also plant Xiangshui Gongmi all year round.

time flies.

A week has passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Lin greeted Minister Lu in the office again, and Minister Lu was accompanied by another person.

"Boss Qin, I'm here to disturb you again." Minister Lu smiled and sat down with the man before introducing: "Boss Qin, this is Minister Zheng from special procurement."

"Boss Qin, I have long admired your name." Minister Zheng also shook hands with Qin Lin immediately.

"Mr. Zheng, hello!" Qin Lin also responded, perhaps knowing the other party's intention, for the sake of Qinglin rice.

Special purchases are special supplies.

The last time I came was a director, but this time it was a minister.

Minister Zheng also took out a document and handed it to Qin Lin, saying, "Boss Qin, we want to buy a special batch..." (300 words are omitted, you can't write a story about a deal with a **!)

When Minister Lu saw that Minister Deng and Qin Lin had finished their discussions, he also took out a document and handed it to Qin Lin, saying, "Boss Qin, this time I will also give you something. Xiangshui Gongmi, you have to match your identities, or you will embarrass others."

Qin Lin took a look at the document and was stunned: "This is an evaluation document for the title of professor."

A professor is generally an evaluation title of each university, and each university has its own evaluation standards, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences can also evaluate this title.

Moreover, the title assessed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is more sufficient in weight.

"..." Qin Lin opened his mouth slightly when he looked at the document.

He felt that Brother Li and Minister Lu were teaming up to do it themselves.

Where would he dare to take such a title file? He knows how much he has.

Doesn't that make him a super-big liar of cultural knowledge?

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