I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 11: A difficult life-and-death mission!

"Did you just kill this group of Langgu tribe?" Noah's tone became stiffer, and Shen Zhui noticed that after seeing the seal, the female general's attitude seemed to have worsened.

"Now that the seal has been confirmed, why are you still asking so many questions? Your whereabouts are yours," the giant spirit said fiercely, "General Wu Lian is ranked first in Zhengbiancheng. You are just a partial general. Why don't you pay your respects to my lord as soon as possible."

"..." Shen Zhui was speechless. After all, the Giant Spirit King was also an invincible true god, so why did he still have such a hobby of teasing people.

From the interrogation of the Langgu tribe just now, Shen Zhui also knew that the person who was chasing and killing this group of Langgu tribe was this female general.

He had taken the credit from others, and now that he was doing it again, he felt like he was bullying others.

Sure enough, after the giant spirit finished speaking, Shen Zhui saw that the anger in the other person's eyes became even stronger.

However, he still suppressed his emotions and saluted: "Noa, the ninth general of the Tianquan Army, I have met, my lord."

"Okay, General Noah." Shen Zhui said, "Since we are one of our own, we will also be colleagues in the future. There is no need to be so polite. Please lead the way, General."

"Please." Noah's expression was cold. It seemed that Shen Zhui's words had the opposite effect. He didn't even bother to act anymore. After returning the documents and seal, he went straight back to his warship.

"Oh, she's still a hot-tempered girl." The giant spirit looked at Noah's back with a smile, "I might as well not even use the polite words to invite you, a superior officer, to join the warship."

"Alright, giant spirit." Shen Zhui said, "If a strong dragon can't defeat a local snake, don't make it more difficult for me."

The giant spirit laughed twice, then said no more and flew onto the warship.

The two warships took off, one behind the other, and rushed towards Zhengbian City.

On the silver warship, Noah sat on the general's seat, while the guard next to him angrily said: "General, you are so bullying. A person with connections from above actually dared to be so arrogant. Not only did he rob us and recover After so many years of service, yet still be so rude to the general."

Noah's face also looked a little ugly.

Zhengbiancheng also carried out military missions. She was the leader of the mission for the Langgu clan, but now someone else had taken the lead. How could she still have a good face?

If that's all, that's it, but a martial arts trainer happened to parachute from above.

Or just a venerable person.

Obviously... this Langgu tribe was not killed by the handsome young man at all, but by the guards.

Venerable level, protector of the true god, airborne as an official.

This is simply the standard equipment for young men from aristocratic families to come down to gain military glory!

Seeing that Noah had no objection, the guard continued angrily: "Is he the only one with a Venerable rank to be a martial arts general? The higher ups are really crazy, sending such a person here... The general just died in the battle, and the alien temple is constantly instigating banditry. , I thought they could send a strong person from above, but it turned out...

Hey, this position should belong to you, General! "

"Okay." Noah interrupted Konoe, "Xiaolin, don't say this in front of that person again."

"But, sister..."

"Call me General!"

"Yes, General, please keep this in mind." The guard shut up a little aggrievedly.

"He won't be able to stay for long." Noah said coldly, "It's not that simple to gain credit for conquering the border city. If you can't endure the hardship, you will leave naturally. We just have to stick to our duties."


The silver warship flew under the banner of the Tianquan Legion, and there were no more accidents along the way.

The reputation of the Seven Big Dipper Legions in Zheng Pingtian does have some weight. Shen Zhui clearly felt hostility several times, but in the end he ignored it.

About half an hour later, a majestic city appeared on the horizon.

Above the tall and mighty Xiongcheng are the Yellow Banner of the Zhou Dynasty, the Beidou Army Banner, and the Star Banner of Tianquan.

The highest position in Zhengbian City is the military commander level, commanding one hundred thousand soldiers.

There are three people in total, one chief and two deputy commanders.

According to intelligence, these three people include one ultimate true god and two peak true gods.

Next, there are ten major generals.

Thirdly, there are twenty generals, and Noah is one of them.

Martial arts generals are not among the top ten generals, but they have the same status as the generals.

Its function is to train soldiers!

There are multiple martial arts generals, and they also have the power of supervision.

But this position is very delicate.

Theoretically, his position is above the generals and below the main generals. But in fact, the partial generals control the military power, and it is not the general's turn to train the soldiers. The general generals also hold this position.

Sometimes when encountering a tough general, the power in the hands of the martial arts general is not even as great as that of the general.

The Great Zhou Dynasty has been fighting for many years, covering a vast territory, with different regional styles. Taking advantage of the situation, the position system is also very different, and even seems a bit complicated.

It happened that the general of Kun's army who was conquering the border city died in battle. Whoever can also serve as the general of martial arts means that he can become the general of Kun's army.

Now that he understood this position, Shen Zhui also understood why this female general treated him so badly.

It wasn't entirely because of grabbing credit, but more because her eldest brother Lin Kun died in battle, and a martial arts general parachuted in from above.

"I wonder why she has such a cold attitude." Shen Zhui suddenly realized that he actually didn't think much about it when he got the blank document. It was purely because the position of general martial arts officer did not require too much attention and made it easier to move.

But now it seems that I have inadvertently blocked the way for others to rise.

"After entering the city, I have to find an opportunity to talk to someone. If this female general gives me a stumbling block, it will only increase my trouble." Shen Zhui said secretly.

Of course, he is now Fang Liang and can leave at any time. The above will naturally give an explanation, such as death in battle or transfer.

However, once this is done, the mission will probably fail.

"Huhu~" After the two warships flew into Zhengbian City, they quickly landed in the Kunjun military camp in the northeast corner.

A huge military camp is built on the mountain, with all kinds of training facilities available.

When Shen Zhui fell, the bodyguards of the Thirteenth Army Chief 'King Yinghe' who was conquering the border city also arrived.

After Shen Zhui landed from the warship, the junior true god beat the dragon and phoenix drums in the army and gathered the soldiers in the Kun army camp and another mid-level true god general.

"Everyone, this is the martial arts training general Jun Liang sent from above. From today on, he will be responsible for the training of the Kun Army." The guard of the Thirteenth Army Leader announced.

The people below had expressionless faces, and no one even looked at Shen Zhui a second time.

The leader of Kun's army died in battle, leaving the group without a leader. If the two major generals of Kun's army were quickly rectified, there might be a chance to regroup.

Now there is no chief general, but suddenly there is a martial arts general. It seems that the military leader does not plan to use Kun's army to fight in the short term.

This is what everyone is thinking.

"Ahem..." The guard of the Thirteenth Army Chief coughed awkwardly, because after announcing the order, Noah took the people away directly.

Behind Shen Zhui stood Lant and Djinn, and it didn't matter what the attitude of these soldiers was.

On the other hand, another general, with a fat body and a smile, came over.

"General Fang, Xiao Ming, the subordinate officer, is the partial general of the Kun army. On behalf of the Kun army, I would like to welcome General Fang."

Seeing that Shen Zhui was already chatting with Xiao Ming, the guards of the Thirteenth Army Chief didn't stay any longer and left directly.

Judging from the way he was walking so fast, it seemed that Kunjun was an ominous place.

Shen Zhui glanced at the sparse soldiers around him and chuckled: "General Xiao, I don't feel much sincerity in welcoming you. It seems that I am almost the same as the enemy. Besides, General Xiao can't represent the entire Kun army, right?"

Xiao Ming didn't mind at all that there was something wrong with Shen Zhui's words, he still smiled and said: "General Fang, don't be surprised. I have already ordered someone to prepare a dinner to cleanse the general."

Shen Zhui was not very interested in the bureaucratic style of this true god, so he immediately shook his head and said: "There is no need for a dinner party. Fang Mou has been running all the way, and now he just wants to find a quiet place to rest."

Xiao Ming's eyes were slightly unhappy, but he quickly hid it, "Then I will lead the general to rest."

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded.


In the next few days, Shen Zhui stayed at home, neither participating in Kunjun affairs nor talking to others, as if he didn't exist.

The female general Noya ignored him, but Xiao Ming visited him many times, invited Shen Zhui to have a party, openly and secretly encouraged Shen Zhui to train the whole army, and even helped Shen Zhui take over the Kun army, but Shen Zhui was ignored. Pushed the blame.

After going back and forth for a month, seeing that Shen Zhui remained unmoved, he gradually lost his mind and became as indifferent as Noa.

"Humph, I'm really ignorant." Xiao Ming flicked his sleeves and looked at Shen Zhui's residence, a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

"Sir, is Fang Liang still unwilling to cooperate?" a guard asked in the room.

"I don't know where this young master came from. He can't get enough oil and salt." Xiao Ming said bitterly. After a pause, he looked at his alien guard again, "Zike, do you have any other good ideas?"

The junior true god named Zi Ke narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his small eyes and said: "If you want to control the entire Kun Army, you must let that woman Noya obey your orders. The identity of General Martial Arts is very suitable, but that person If you don’t want to cooperate, it will be a bit difficult.”

"But sir, you must not relax, this is an opportunity!"

"Where did the opportunity come from?" Xiao Ming asked, "He has two true god guards, what can I do to him!"

"Sir, my subordinates think that Young Master Fang always has weaknesses. As long as you are patient and look for them, you can always take advantage of them!"

"Your Excellency is the host and he is the guest. As long as you plan properly, maybe his two powerful guards can also be your help!"

"When the time is right and he loses his use value, you can get rid of him!"

"Once the murder of Shangguan is discovered, I will be finished." Xiao Ming said coldly.

"But what if he wasn't killed by your Excellency?" the guard said, "What if he died in the line of duty..."

Xiao Ming's eyes lit up, "Then it's none of my business."


In the military camp, inside a marching hall.

Shen Zhui sat quietly in the secret room, but his spiritual thoughts entered the virtual god world.

As soon as he entered the Virtual God Realm, he quickly came to the mission area in Qinglong Palace.

At this time, there was already a junior true god man standing inside. As soon as he saw Shen Zhui, he saluted respectfully and said, "Sir."

"Here's the information I want." Shen Zhui's tone was a little unkind.

"Sir, the search is still ongoing. All departments of the Supervision Department are already doing their best to search. However, there are still many strong people doing tasks in Zhengpingtian, and a large number of intelligence personnel need to be used..."

"Bastard!" Shen Zhui was furious and shouted, "Their mission is a mission, but my mission is not a mission? It has been more than a month, and the location of the seventh demon lord has not been found yet. Your Intelligence Department of the Supervision Department What are they for?"

"Sir." The junior true god's expression suddenly changed, and he broke into a cold sweat. Under Shen Zhui's majesty, he was unable to argue at all.

What is Shen Zhui's current status?

The core members of the True King Secret Realm have the same status as the crowned king!

Moreover, Shen Zhui is a genius as famous as Tuo Sen. He is said to be a rare genius in millions of years, and he has the combat power of a true god at the peak.

He, a little elementary true god, would naturally get flustered when Shen Zhui got angry.

"Sir, this is indeed because..."

"Don't give me nonsense!" Shen Zhui shouted when he saw that the other party was still trying to shirk the blame. "Now I will give you two choices."

"First, send me the intelligence within seven days, including the accurate address, risk assessment and other detailed information. I don't care what difficulties you have. That is the business of your intelligence department. According to the rules, this is what you should do. of!"

"Moreover, it must be real-time information. If there is any change, please tell me immediately."

"Two, I will report it to the God King Palace immediately."

"You make your own choice." Shen Zhui said coldly.

"Yes, sir." The junior true god immediately did not dare to say any more and said quickly, "The information will be sent within seven days."

"Huh," Shen Zhui glanced at the other party and immediately cut off the contact.

"The people in the Supervision Department are really cheap. Shen Zhui, this is what you should do. You talk to them in a friendly manner, but they don't take it to heart. Only when you get angry, as a core member of the True King's Secret Realm, will they take it seriously. ." The giant spirit came slowly from behind,

"If you do too many underhanded things, you'll have this fucked-up style of acting based on your face."

Shen Zhuishen thought so.

According to the rules, when you start to carry out the mission, you have to prepare all the information immediately within a month.

But it's been a month, and the information still hasn't arrived. I don't even know the specific location of the seventh demon lord, the Demon King, so how can I act?

Although the speed of time in this place is faster than that of the world, it is not as fast as that of the secret world.

After one month of staying here, nearly three months have passed in the secret world!

How could Shen Zhui not be anxious?

If he was angry and questioned, but the other party was still unable to provide information, then Shen Zhui really understood whether the intelligence department of the Supervision Department was encountering difficulties.

But when he got angry, the other party immediately changed his tune.

Sure enough, it's just like what the Giant Spirit King said, it's just one word, cheap!

"But even if you get the information."

"Under the current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cross the border." Rant frowned and said, "Given the current state of the Kun Army, they have no mission to cross the border at all. If we don't go in with the big army, the giant spirit and I will Its presence is too conspicuous.”

Shen Zhui sighed.

Indeed, this life-and-death mission can be said to be extremely difficult.

First of all, lurking across the border is a hassle.

Between the two outer realms, there is a very powerful true spirit detection method!

Anyone who enters will be scanned for realm cultivation.

Of course, this is just a rough scan.

But it was enough to find a lot of problems.

Shen Zhui was fine by himself. He was only at the level of a Venerable. Even if he was detected after crossing the border, a Venerable would not be conspicuous.

The other side is eager for the Venerable level to come over and die.

But the true god is different. The damage caused by the true god is terrifying, and the invincible true god is even more serious!

If we take Lant and Djinn there, and only three of us are involved, the possibility of being discovered is very high!

When a group of strong men gather around him, I am afraid that before he can get close to the seventh demon lord, the Demon King, he will be surrounded by many enemies.

Therefore, the only way is to follow the Tianquan Legion!

With the large army dispatched, the Invincible True God is not so eye-catching. After all, there are many Invincible True Gods throughout Tianwaitian, and even the God King is dispatched.

If you blend in with the army, even if you are discovered, you may not be able to deal with it.

Originally, Shen Zhui thought that his choice of martial arts trainer was a good position.

But after more than a month of understanding, Shen Zhui also discovered a big problem.

The leader of Kun's army died in the last battle, and the entire army was crippled. The position of general is vacant, and the combat power evaluation has dropped to the lowest level, ranking last among the top ten armies. It cannot meet the rating of going into battle at all, and the superiors will not let Kun's army go into battle at all.

There were two difficulties facing Shen Zhui.

First, there are no large-scale legion battles in Zhengbian City for the time being.

Second, even if there were, Kun's army would not be able to catch up with it for the time being.

"Unless I reveal my identity as a core member of the True King's Secret Realm to the Thirteenth Army Leader now, I will change places. But in this case, my danger will increase. If I don't protect it, there is a risk of leakage, which will attract many powerful people from outside the world. The assassination."

"Besides, it is impossible for the Thirteenth Army Commander to launch a war without authorization just because I have a mission. I have never met him, and I don't have such a big reputation to let him take this risk." Shen Zhui suddenly felt a headache.

He had a vague feeling that the difficulty of this task was set by the top management of Secret World.

An all-round test of the problem-solving abilities of secret geniuses.

Merely being able to kill people is probably not the main purpose of training for life and death level tasks.

How to sort out the many difficulties, finally solve the problem and complete the task is the top priority. That’s enough to get the high reward after the mission is completed!

Seeing Shen Zhui deep in thought, Lant and Ju Ling were very sensible and did not disturb this young genius. They had also experienced this kind of task, and they didn't have many good ways to bypass the God Kings. Deduction setting mission test.

What's more, it would be more beneficial to him to let Shen Zhui solve the problem by himself. They are just protectors, not Shen Zhui's thugs.

Shen Zhui, who was staying in the Kunjun military camp, walked out of the room with some boredom and came to a mountain peak, looking in the direction of the Yinfeng Holy Land.

At this moment, Xiao Ming, the general of the Kun Army, came over.

"Sir, you seem to have something on your mind?" Xiao Ming returned to his previous enthusiastic attitude and came over. "Xiaguan has a few bottles of fruit wine here. They are not as good as the fine wine and jade liquid that you have in the world, but they can also relieve your sorrow."

Shen Zhui glanced at Xiao Ming and said calmly: "General Xiao, you don't have to worry about me. I'm just here to gain some military merit and qualifications and then go back. I won't get involved in the fight between you and Noa."

Xiao Ming was not angry when faced with Shen Zhui's straightforward words that "clarified his true feelings". Instead, he showed a hint of joy. "Since you want military glory, why don't you help me?"

"You are for military glory, I am for power."

"If your Excellency is willing to help me reorganize the Kun Army in the name of General Wu Lian, I guarantee that your Excellency will have a beautiful achievement in the military file!"

"Oh? Are you saying that my reputation as a martial arts general can reorganize the Kun army?" Shen Zhui's heart moved.

"This is natural!" Xiao Ming said with a smile, "And your two guards, plus me and General Noah, can raise the Kun Army's rating in a short time."

"What are you going to do?" Shen Zhui asked.

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