I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 15: Floating in the Void is born!

Even as a core member of Shen Zhui's true king's secret realm, the method of cultivating the accompanying holy beast to float in the void cost Shen Zhui a full one million contribution points.

Fortunately, after Shen Zhui had repaid Tuosen's seven million, Shen Zhui still had more than thirteen million contribution points left, which was considered sufficient.

"I just hope this secret method of incubation can work." After Shen Zhui took a picture of the secret method, he immediately withdrew from the Virtual God Realm.

Inside the Kunjun camp.

"How's it going, Shen Zhui, have you found it?" Zen Xin asked.

"Yes." Shen Zhui nodded heavily, "It cost one million, but this is just a secret method for hatching and identifying the master. I don't know whether it will succeed."

After all, this silver stone has been in the hands of the primitive god Ryan for who knows how long. Whether it can be hatched is still a question.

But Shen Zhui felt that there was still great hope.

Putting an end to the detection of divine consciousness, divine body, and bloodline power proves that the power accompanying the holy beast is still there.

Otherwise, it should have become a completely dead thing long ago.

"It will definitely work!" Zen Xin also looked at Shen Zhui excitedly.

"Let's get started." Shen Zhui took a deep breath and began to close the magic circle. No matter what he did, the fluctuations could not be transmitted out of the 100-meter-wide room.

Shen Zhui placed the silver stone in front of him and stared at it.

After a while...

"Buzz~" A spatial fluctuation occurred on Shen Zhui's body.

Wisps of space origin power condensed in mid-air, and mysterious secret patterns emerged.

Combined with his own divine power, soon, a complex circular talisman array floated from Shen Zhui's body towards the silver stone.

"Buzz~" After the hatching talisman array fell over, Shen Zhui felt a slight movement.

The talisman array was inlaid into the surface of the silver stone for an inch. Just this inch made Shen Zhui extremely excited.

There is a door!

"According to the secret method of hatching the companion beast, if it cannot be hatched, there will be no reaction at all. But now, there is a wave that matches the talisman formation."

Shen Zhui watched the changes in the talisman formation quietly.

The beautiful light of the talisman array made the silver stone become beautiful, and soon, a trace of energy burst out from the silver stone!

The two rays of light merged with each other, and a suction force was generated instantly!


The original power of space was quickly swallowed up, and the divine power was also absorbed!

This huge force is like a fisherman who is fishing and suddenly sees the fishing line being pulled straight!

The energy in the talisman array became empty in an instant!

Moreover, within that silver stone, there was a desire, a desire for space energy and divine power!

But at this time, Shen Zhui stopped moving.

Not only did it not continue to inject energy, but it actively controlled the speed and frequency of absorption by the opponent.

Injecting divine power, the speed of the original power of space became intermittent, intermittent and intermittently, and according to a certain rhythm, it was layered on the silver stone.

The light of the silver stones quickly overshadowed the light of the talisman array.

Immediately afterwards, the entire stone became transparent!

A silhouette that curled up like a dragon and horse emerged from inside.

Void floating larvae!

"Holy companion beast, it really is!" Shen Zhui was a little excited.

At this moment, the phantom suddenly moved, seemed to open its mouth, and forcibly grabbed the surrounding energy. Not only the power inside the talisman array, but even a crack appeared in the stable space.

"Ha, Xiao Fuyou, this is wrong." Shen Zhui waved his hand to block the attraction.

"Acquainted~" A strange, vague cry came from inside the stone, and an instinctive dissatisfaction and desire came from inside.

The attraction suddenly becomes stronger!

The stone suddenly shook, floating in the void, the peak race was forty-three!

This suction force, accompanied by the sound, immediately attacks the person blocking him.

Born with magical powers!

The attack power has reached the seventh level of the Venerable!

"Fortunately, my own fighting strength is not weak... The accompanying holy beast is really scary..." Shen Zhui was a little surprised. You know, it is just instinct, so powerful. What if it is a mature body?

I'm afraid I have to walk around when I see him, and I may not be able to run away!

"Go!" Two talisman formations appeared on Shen Zhui's body again.

The incubation talisman array not only has the function of incubation, providing energy, but also has the function of suppression.

After the two layers of talisman array came down, the attraction was completely cut off.

Let this void float, and you can only absorb energy according to Shen Zhui's rhythm, otherwise there is only a dead end.

Seeing the accompanying holy beast helplessly devouring energy at its own pace, Shen Zhui couldn't help but smile.

"Ordinary people, even if they find this cub, may not be able to open the shell of this holy beast.

"Even if you can open it, you won't be able to recognize what it is, and even if you recognize it, I'm afraid it will only be a simple and crude recognition of the owner, or a blind supply of energy."

"However, this will only catalyze the primitive wild floating in the void. There is no way to recognize the master. It is easy to escape or resist to death!"

"Fortunately, I am a core member of the True King's Secret Realm. Standing on the shoulders of countless sages, I know how to tame and recognize the master." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

A companion beast, and a holy beast among companion beasts, has the perverted ability of teleportation. How can it easily surrender and recognize its master?

That is to say, even if Shen Zhui obtained this secret method of taming, he would never have imagined that in order to make this companion holy beast recognize its master, he actually wanted to combine his own divine power, bloodline power, and spiritual thoughts when it devoured energy when it was young. 1. Form a soul imprint, which will be absorbed subtly and poured into the soul floating in the void.

In this way, the companion beast can recognize its owner and establish a connection with its owner, without affecting the other person's potential, and may even improve to a certain extent!

This is the foundation of the Divine Dynasty, which encompasses all things and uses everything in the world for its own use.

Nothing missing, nothing missing!

Even if you don’t have it, you are still preparing to have it!

"Buzz~" He continued like this for an hour according to the secret method.

The shadow gradually solidified, Shen Zhui removed one layer of the talisman formation, and the attraction no longer appeared.

Shen Zhui felt a strange connection between himself and the floating void.

"Little Fuyou, start absorbing." Shen Zhui's mind gave the order.

"Acquainted~" A humming sound appeared, and the floating in the void immediately began to generate a powerful attraction.

"Boom~" The energy torrent of the three-layer talisman array was swallowed up completely in one go.

"Okay, I'm not afraid that you will waste energy, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to absorb that much!" A light flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes, and piles of World Stones immediately appeared, and torrents of energy emerged in the cave world.

At the same time, there are ten crystal clear space stones stacked on the world stone.

A space stone costs five million contribution points per piece, but Shen Zhui only needs one million points to purchase it. This was when Shen Zhui was preparing to practice the secret space technique "Time and Space Escape" for himself.

But now, the time and space escape has been mastered for a long time, and of course it is used for floating.

"Hula~" A torrent poured into the silver stone, but the energy of the World Stone and Space Stone was also amazing, which was completely enough for the floating in the void to absorb freely.

"Kakaka~" Debris began to fall from the silver stone.

Shen Zhui stood up, leaving a clone to guard him, and stopped paying attention.

Normally, the process of incubating the companion holy beast lasts for ten or even decades.

However, secret incubation can greatly shorten this process by providing sufficient energy. The contract is completed, and now all you need to do is wait patiently.


After walking out of the Kun Army camp, Shen Zhui appeared in the Kun Army camp.

As he casually walked around the military camp, many strong men took the initiative to greet Shen Zhui and addressed him as General Wu Lian.

Shen Zhui walked along, meditating while a large number of people followed behind him. Unknowingly, he looked like a general inspecting the military camp.

"Huh? Why are so many people following me?" Shen Zhui looked back, feeling a little surprised.

Behind him were four junior true gods and forty or fifty peak venerables. The formation was neat and orderly. As soon as he stopped, the people behind him immediately stood still and guarded him in the center.

"Lord Fang." A junior true god with a full beard said, "I am Wu Yong, the captain of the bodyguard of the general of the Kun army."

"I'm Lin Wei, the deputy captain of the bodyguard of General Kun's army."

"He Feng, I am also the deputy captain of the guard."

People spoke one after another and announced their names one by one.

Four elementary true gods and fifty peak venerables were all members of the personal escort team belonging to the original commander-in-chief Lin Kun.

Looking at their appearance, Shen Zhui smiled lightly and said, "I am not a general, just a martial arts trainer."

"Only the commander-in-chief can serve as a martial arts trainer. Please don't refuse, sir," Wu Yong said.

"Yes, sir, although we are defeated, our broken bodies can still be used, and we are willing to follow you to avenge the humiliation of Kun's army!" Lin Wei said.

"With adults here, our Kun army's hope is to regroup!"

"Please, sir, avenge Kun's army!" A group of venerables behind him also roared in unison.

"..." Shen Zhui didn't know what to say for a while.

He had just won a battle with him, so why did he become the savior in their mouths?

Are you already that strong? The overlord's aura can't be concealed, so why do these people bow to you?

These guys are so... so discerning!

However, Shen Zhui soon discovered that this was not the case.

Because without realizing it, Djinn and Lant were following behind him.

What’s more, Noah came over with the documents from the Thirteenth Army Chief.

Kun Jun's rating rose to three stars!

"That's it." Shen Zhui suddenly realized.

The Kun Army was originally on the verge of being broken up and reorganized. After the death of General Zhu, the entire Kun Army's rating dropped directly to one star, and it was about to be disbanded at any time.

And the strongest Qianjun is already seven stars!

The leader of the Thirteenth Army has ten generals, each with a banner. Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Gen, Kan, Li, Kang, Ji!

Kunjun was originally ranked second.

But now we are at the bottom...

None of the remaining nine armies is below four stars.

The general died, and the masters suffered heavy losses.

Noya and Xiao Ming, the only ones who have a chance to emerge, are at odds with each other. They don't agree with each other and their abilities are not enough.

Everyone in the Kun army looked down upon them.

It would be a good thing if one of the two partial generals could take the lead or work together.

But the problem is that neither of them can do it, and they are still working on their own.

Many strong men in the Kun Army were filled with disappointment. Those who left were left, and those who were transferred were transferred away.

The original commander-in-chief of the Kun Army was a top true god, with as many as twenty-four high-level true gods under his command!

Now, there are only two true gods with high combat power, Xiao Ming and Nuoya.

There were only fourteen true god-level people in total. When Shen Zhui came, he beheaded one of them...

The Tianquan Army has strict military management and fierce competition. If it cannot generate stars for more than ten years, the Kun Army will be disbanded.

Without a general, there is no hope of reorganization, and naturally there are no resources or benefits.

Both emotionally and substantively, there is a desire to one day be able to escape this predicament.

And the appearance of Shen Zhui is like a life-saving straw!

So these true gods and venerables began to take the initiative.

Even if the young master of this aristocratic family just wants to have fun, he is a martial arts general after all, and he has two such powerful guards!

Even if they were coaxing, they still had to find a way to coax Shen Zhui into becoming a good general.

That's how it happened now.

They may not have a good impression of Shen Zhui, but it is a hope for these veterans!

"Since I am the leader, don't follow me and disband." Shen Zhui chuckled.

"Sir." Wu Yong was anxious, "Sir, you should make arrangements to investigate at this time..."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?!" Shen Zhui looked at him coldly.

He Feng on the side pulled Wu Yong, who immediately lowered his head and said, "Yes, I obey."

The group of people sighed and dispersed.

"This is a good opportunity, why not take advantage of it?" The giant spirit Haolant came over and said, "With such an opportunity, you can successfully integrate the entire army."

"There's no rush." ​​Shen Zhui smiled and said, "They won't cherish things that are too easy to get. Let's take another look."

When Wu Yong, He Feng, Lin Wei and others saw the scene of Shen Zhui, Xiao Ming in the side hall was furious!

"This bastard deceived me so hard!"

"We just agreed yesterday that he wanted to gain credit and I wanted the power of the Kun army. In order to cooperate with his acting, I gave him enough face before the martial arts performance. However, he used my subordinates to establish his power!" Xiao Ming slapped him in anger! Slap it on the table.

The guard on the side said: "Sir, this Fang Liang's guard captured Ruien alive, but killed him in front of the martial arts arena. He didn't get any of the spoils, and gave them all to his subordinates. The plan was very big."

Xiao Ming's face was ashen and he said: "He wants to take the credit and the power of the general! He is treating Xiao like a monkey!"

"However, his two guards do have some skills. Being able to capture Ryan alive is probably a big deal." The guards said worriedly, "If he really plans to stay here for a long time, I'm afraid it will be difficult for adults to shake him in a short period of time." Location."

Xiao Ming's face was gloomy. Judging from what Shen Zhui did today, this battle raised Kun Jun's star rating. It can be said that it saved Kun Jun from the fire and water.

And this should be his credit, Xiao Ming, even the information was provided by him!

"This Fang Liang..." Xiao Ming squeezed his palms, "Let him be arrogant for a while. When I break through to the high level of True God, I will find a way to make him die outside!"


Just when everyone thought that this new martial arts general was going to drastically rectify the Kun army.

However, Shen Zhui stayed in the military camp for half a month.

In half a month, the soldiers have not practiced once, and they have not sent out any more missions, even though Kun Jun is now a three-star and can take on many missions.

Many people were anxious, but no one could force Shen Zhui to do anything as Ju Ling and Lant were two masters guarding the goal.

Shen Zhui is waiting for the companion sacred beast to hatch.

For Shen Zhui, even if the mission failed immediately, he would be very satisfied.

Obtaining a companion holy beast floating in the void, this unexpected gain is completely comparable to doing seven or eight dangerous level missions.

Before the accompanying holy beast was hatched, Shen Zhui had no plans to do anything else.

"Zen Xin, how much does it cost to cultivate this companion holy beast to the true god level..." Shen Zhui couldn't help but look at the silver stone.

The ninth space stone has been absorbed and has not been hatched yet!

If it were a true god, it would probably burst. However, the void float has not broken out of its shell yet. Although the stone has shrunk a lot compared to half a month ago, the outline of a larva is gradually revealed.

"The list of material combinations for training is written here. You can read it yourself." Zenxin handed over a jade slip.

"The supreme level of magical power - the required materials are worth 100 million contribution points."

"Venerable level to true god level - the materials required are worth five billion contribution points."

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui couldn't help but gasped, "It's so expensive, I might as well call it a gold-swallowing beast!"

"Do you think the companion beast is so easy to raise? It took Ryan thousands of years to raise a blood-black vine to the level of a true god, and all the money was spent on the companion beast."

"The Void Floating is stronger, and Ryan is a superficial cultivation method, while the Great Zhou Secret Realm provides the best combination method for feeding. If you don't want to affect the potential of the Void Floating, spending money is a must!"

"A companion holy beast that can be upgraded to a god king. Ordinary venerables would never even think about raising it. That's because you are a core member of the True King's Secret Realm, not an ordinary venerable, and you have discounts. Otherwise, I wouldn't have it at all." I suggest you keep it and sell it directly." Zen thought.

"Sell it?" Shen Zhui shook his head quickly.

Just kidding, if you raise it, floating in the void can make you teleport!

What is the concept of teleportation? You have the chance to run away when facing the God King!

How could he be willing to sell such a trump card?

"Raise! You must raise him!" Shen Zhui gritted his teeth and said, "You have to train him to the level of a true god even if you sell iron."

"You can sell your Blood Crow Vine first." Zen Xin said, "It is enough to train Fuyou to the peak level of the Venerable. The void floating at the peak of the Venerable should still be of great help to you. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com ”

"I'm in Zhengpingtian now, how can I sell it?" Shen Zhui frowned.

"Don't worry about this. The senior officials of Dazhou have considered it very carefully." Zen Xin smiled and said, "There is an auction in the secret world, which can delay delivery."

"As long as you are sure you have this thing, you can put it up for auction first. After the auction is successful, just set a delivery time. The true gods can afford to wait for several years or even more than ten years."

"Of course, the longer the delivery time you set, the lower the price will be. And according to the rules of the auction, if the delivery time is exceeded, a certain proportion of liquidated damages will have to be paid," Zen thought.

"Just wait until the geniuses complete their tasks and return to deliver."

"Of course, you don't have to choose the delayed auction. There is a trading place set up in a secret realm in Zhengpingtian."

"And when you get the money, you can take the materials you want from Zheng Pingtian's anonymous chamber of commerce."

"As for the whereabouts of both parties to the transaction, the auction in the secret world will be absolutely confidential." Zen thought.

"Well, it looks like we have to take the time to go there." Shen Zhui said, "Sending a clone there is not difficult."

"Kakakaka~" Just when Shen Zhui was about to leave the secret room, he heard the silver stone fragments falling suddenly faster!

"Buzz buzz~" The whole space trembled sharply. Shen Zhui quickly strengthened the magic circle, stabilized the space, and at the same time released the space field, and then stared ahead.

"Boom~" A strange beast with a round head and long tail, dark golden wings, and mysterious patterns flowing all over its body emerged from the space.

Floating in the void, it finally hatched successfully!

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