I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 46: Extreme Wind Area


"The extreme wind vortex is divided into four major areas from the outside to the inside by the people of Dawu Holy Land."

"The outermost periphery, close to the 'Gangfeng Zone' that blocks the barrier."

"In the Gangfeng area, one can enter the magical realm. The Gangfeng penetrates the body. If you can resist it, you can purify your spiritual power. There are many big families, and the strong ones like to send elite disciples to enter to resist the Gangfeng practice."

"Flying for millions of miles from the Gangfeng Zone, the degree of danger gradually increases. Until it reaches the second level of the 'Extreme Wind Zone', even the Venerable can hardly withstand it."

"So the second level of the extreme wind zone can only be entered by true gods."

"In this area, a terrifying 'extreme wind' often blows, sweeping away all living things and tearing apart everything."

"Of course, most of the time, extreme winds are difficult to see, and they may not even appear once every hundred or thousand years."

"But once you see it, the danger level immediately increases tenfold."

"Flying a billion miles further into the 'extreme wind zone' is the 'whirlpool zone'."

"The whirlpool area on the third level is even more dangerous, because the extreme winds that are rare on the second level are very common in the whirlpool area. What is even more terrifying is that there will be a terrifying existence of an extreme wind whirlpool."

"Once the extreme wind vortex hits, the God King will be pulled in and fall inside!"

"I hope what we are looking for this time is not in the whirlpool area." Gohiko said solemnly.

"There is another one among the four major areas. Why didn't you tell me?" Shen Zhui asked.

"The central area on the fourth floor?" Gohiko shook his head and said, "It's called the no-man's land."

"Because no one can walk in there and come out, there is no information at all, and there is nothing to say."

"The Three Lions Family of Dawu Holy Land is powerful enough, but the information that Holy Son Futai gave us about the no-man's land is very little."

"To what extent?" Tuosen asked.

"It's so small that there are no warnings other than 'danger' and 'no entry'." Gohiko handed the information to Shen Zhui and Tuosen.

Shen Zhui and Tuo Sen took a look and found that the information contained a lot of information about the Gangfeng District, the Extreme Wind District, and the Whirlpool District. There was only one line about the No Man's Land.

"The King of Gods said this, it's really dangerous." Shen Zhui was helpless.

"I'm afraid only emperor-level figures can enter that kind of place." Tuosen said.

"That's why I won't talk about this place. If the treasure map detects that the Blood Sword God King died in no man's land, then I will turn around and leave." Gohiko said.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded.

It's not that you can't take some risks for the treasure, but there's no need to risk your life.

Not even the God King dared to enter this no-man's land. Obviously, the three of them would die if they entered this place.

The Gangfeng District poses no threat to them, and the Extreme Wind District is fine as long as their luck is not too bad.

But the whirlpool area is dangerous.

The uninhabited land is an absolute death place.

"I hope this treasure is in the extreme wind area." Shen Zhui muttered.

"I think it's impossible. If the Blood Sword God King can fall, it will probably be at least the whirlpool area, or even no man's land." Tuosen said.

"You're so stupid." Shen Zhui glared at him.

"Let's go and take a look first." Gohiko smiled, "If it's too dangerous, we'll sell the treasure map."

"Who would dare to ask for this treasure map in no man's land?" Tuosen added.

Gohiko glanced at Takumori and said calmly: "We can sell it farther."

"Isn't this just a scam?"

"Can you stop talking!"


The three of them chatted and transmitted messages all the way, and were soon led to a secret underground palace.

"Three of you, this is the Holy Son's exclusive teleportation array." The guard said, "From here, you can go to any place in Dawu Holy Land."

"It's so secret that the three of me know about it?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

Seemingly sensing the thoughts of Shen Zhui and others, the guard smiled and said, "There are at least hundreds of teleportation arrays like this in Three Lions. It doesn't matter if others know about it. Please, please."

"Thank you." Shen Zhui and the others immediately stepped into the teleportation array.

Dozens of short pillars standing on the outside of the formation suddenly shook, and streaks of white light shot into the sky.

"Buzz~" The three people disappeared immediately.


Red Dragon Kingdom.

Outside a tall city near the polar wind vortex, there is a dense virgin forest.

"Buzz~" There were ripples in the void, and Shen Zhui, Tuo Sen, and Wuyan slowly appeared under a big tree.

The towering trees are extremely dense, with branches stretching for dozens of miles.

Shen Zhui, Wuyan, and Tuosen were alert to their surroundings.

"The great induction technique tells me that there is no danger." Tuosen said.

"Huh~" Shen Zhui and Wu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Tuo Sen's great induction technique is a magical power, and it is much more convenient to predict danger than divine consciousness.

"Wow~" A map was opened.

After a while.

"We spread the word outside Borg City." Gohiko said. "It's about three million miles away from the Wind Pass."

"The one-way teleportation array can travel eight billion miles. The Holy Son is quite luxurious." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

From the map, they also knew that this place had left the Three Lions Kingdom and entered the Red Dragon Kingdom. The two countries were extremely far apart.

"This is normal. Holy Son Futai is equivalent to the prince of Zhou Dynasty. Of course he is rich enough."

"Didn't you see that he cheated King Zhenxing of 600,000 innate spiritual fluids at that auction without blinking an eye? He didn't take it seriously at all." Gohiko said with a smile.

"Well, let's go." Shen Zhui waved his hand, and the Kaslin warship suddenly appeared quietly above the forest.

"Shua~" The Kaslin, which entered stealth mode, suddenly became transparent and penetrated into the clouds.

The clouds rolled in and the surrounding scenery receded rapidly.

"Shen Zhui, at this speed, we can reach the Wind Pass in about half a day." Zenxinhui reported.

"Half a day?" Shen Zhui nodded.

The Kaslin was originally a seventh-level magic weapon. Later, Shen Zhui obtained a warship core secret treasure from True God Phil, which upgraded the energy core of the Kaslin. In other aspects, it was still the best seventh-level weapon, but this speed was... Kankan has reached the eighth-level divine weapon level.

"Flying five hundred thousand miles in half an hour, Shen Zhui, the speed of your Kaslin is pretty good." Gohiko smacked his lips, "The speed of a seventh-tier warship is almost as fast as that of an eighth-tier warship."

"Compared to the Poshen, my Kaslin is just a cart." Shen Zhui shook his head.

The Broken God, even if it is broken, can fly at least eight million miles in half an hour!

Moreover, it can also span space, one hundred thousand miles per second. The Kaslin does not have this function at all.

There's no comparison at all.

"The Poshen is amazing." Gohiko also sighed. He had naturally heard about the auction. "But it's rare. Generally speaking, an eighth-level warship that can fly five million miles in half an hour is considered the best." ."

"If we come back successfully this time, we will definitely get a top-quality warship." Shen Zhui said.

"I hope I can get the opportunity to become the God King!" Gohiko said with high spirits.

"I just need to pay off the debt." Tuosen said.



Half a day later, the wind pass was broken.

"We are here, this is the cosmic-level dangerous polar wind vortex." Standing on the warship, overlooking the vast world ahead, at a glance, the endless wind enveloped the area, and the entire area hundreds of millions of miles away was completely blurred. The extreme wind whirlpool dangerous area occupies half of the Dawu Star Territory. You can imagine how wide it is.

"Ahead is the entrance to Zhifeng Pass." Wu Yan was also a little excited. "You can enter by paying one drop of innate spiritual fluid."

"Did the treasure map respond?"

"There is only fuzzy induction guidance." Shen Zhui said.

"Then hurry in." Wu Yan said.

"Let's go." The Kaslin put away, and the three of them flew directly towards a huge portal in front of the hazy wind and mist.

"Everyone must pay one drop of innate spiritual fluid to enter the barrier." Immediately in front of the portal, there was a true god wearing dragon-patterned armor blocking the way.

This is the true god of the Red Dragon Kingdom.

"If you need information about the Extreme Wind Vortex, the price is ten drops, one bottle, or ten bottles of innate spiritual liquid according to different levels. The content is more detailed."

"You can identify where strange beasts gather and where each area is relatively safe and where you can rest."

"No need." Shen Zhui waved his hand. They had the information given by Futai. Why do they need the bargains here? A small bottle containing three drops of innate spiritual fluid floated over.

The true god of the Red Dragon Kingdom didn't say much. He waved his hand and made a move.

After paying three drops of innate spiritual liquid, the three of them crossed the barrier.

Phew~ After crossing the barrier, they were met by a strong wind.

The huge wind blew, and Shen Zhui felt that the wind hitting his body was equivalent to a supernatural power attacking him.

"Is this the Gangfeng District? It's really weird." Shen Zhui couldn't help but muttered.

"The sensing here is still vague, let's go."

The three of them flew some distance away, then boarded the Kaslin warship and continued flying deeper.


At the speed of the Kaslin, it only takes an hour to fly across the Gangfeng Zone, which is less than a million miles away.

"Hoo~" The Kaslin passed over a huge mountain, which was thousands of feet high.

The mountain is covered with red light. It is a treasure created by the eighteen gods and kings to suppress the extreme wind vortex and slow down its spread.

At the same time, this is also a warning.

It means that the extreme wind zone is ahead.

"We've reached the extreme wind zone, and our senses are a little clearer." Shen Zhui said on the battleship Caslin.

"Keep going, but be careful. There are powerful beasts and some adventurers in this extremely windy area," Gohiko said.

The strange beasts are scary, and the strong men who come to take risks are also scary. This place is not as orderly as outside. Killing people and seizing treasures is a common thing.


Along the way, Shen Zhui also carefully controlled the Kaslin warship.



There was a faint roar of beasts.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui and the other three all looked towards the place where the sounds were dense.

After a while, when the Kaslin flew over a mountain, he saw the basin in the distance. There is a tiger-headed beast that is more than ten miles long. It is staring above with its head raised. Above it is a strange beast with huge scale wings.

"Bang bang bang bang!" A fierce fighting soon sounded.

Mountains collapsed and the ground caved in.

"What a powerful alien beast. How can such a powerful alien beast survive here?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but marvel.

The power of the collision between the two strange beasts alone has reached the level of the ultimate true god.

Although the technique is crude and just pure power, it is also very amazing.

"To be able to produce such a terrifying wind in the extremely windy area, it must require an amazing amount of energy. It is a dangerous place, but from another perspective, it is also a treasured place." Gohiko said, "In such a place, strange monsters are born. It’s not surprising. Even their excessive energy makes them stronger than ordinary beasts.”

"Catch both ends?" Tuosen asked, "You should be able to sell it for a lot of money."


Shen Zhui was also speechless, Tuo Sen was really poor and crazy.

"It takes time and effort to catch these beasts, and they can't be sold for much." Gohiko said, "It's too difficult to enslave these beasts with violent souls and chaotic souls, and once they are enslaved, it is basically impossible to continue to improve."

"Roar~~~" The tiger beast roared and charged forward suddenly.

The scale-armored monster also swooped down and attacked.

The ground trembled for a moment, and Shen Zhui even made the Kaslin avoid it.

Just when he turned the angle of the warship and prepared to fly over.

"Wait!" Tuo Sen suddenly stopped Shen Zhui.

"What's wrong?" Shen Zhui and Wu Yan both asked.

"Look." Tuosen pointed to the rear where the two strange beasts were fighting.

Follow Tuosen's fingers and look over...

"Oh?!" Shen Zhui's eyes lit up.

He saw a cave entrance behind the alien beast. Outside the cave entrance were some swords, armors, beads, cloth banners and other magic weapons. These magic weapons all exuded powerful fluctuations.

"So many magic weapons? And almost all of them are seventh-level magic weapons!" Shen Zhui was delighted.

Over the long years, there have been too many powerful true gods who came to explore the Extreme Wind Whirlpool.

The magical weapons left behind after their deaths were not used by these low-intelligent beasts. They just collected them based on their instinctive sensitivity to treasures, and instinctively carried these treasures away.

These two strange beasts are at the extreme true god level, the extreme wind zone. This realm can be regarded as the two overlords. There are naturally a lot of treasures collected.

"Go over!" Shen Zhui put away the warship, and Gohiko Takumori restrained his aura and began to lurk over.

"I came to this extreme wind whirlpool for the treasure. No matter how small the mosquito is, it's still meat." Shen Zhui immediately made a decision, "Don't go back empty-handed if you don't find the treasure of the Blood Sword God King." ."

"Hoho~" The huge tiger beast's hair lit up.

He has two heads and eight legs, and it seems a little difficult to face the two-winged beast floating in the air.

"Kaka~" The two-winged beast swooped down, and its mouthparts, which originally seemed to be just the size of a palm, suddenly opened and turned out to be a thousand meters in size, biting the tiger beast's waist.

However, at this moment, a cunning look appeared in the tiger beast's huge eyes.

"Roar!" It suddenly turned over, its huge body fell directly, and its eight legs wrapped around the wings and claws of the two-winged beast.

At the same time, the tiger's neck suddenly stretched out, like a phantom, biting the head of the two-winged giant beast. Almost bit the whole thing in!

"Hey!" The winged beast struggled wildly.

"Crack, click, click!" But the tiger beast just bit hard, and soon, it actually bit off its head. The aura of the two-winged beast quickly weakened, and its struggling body also sagged.

The two-headed tiger beast was also covered in wounds, and its golden hair was stained with blood. Its steel-like body also had many cracks, but it was still very excited. It looked up to the sky and roared, seeming to declare its sovereignty. .

"Crack, click, click~" It began to eat the body of the winged monster, and the hair on its body slowly shone.

Devouring the opponent's body is the simplest and crudest way for this strange beast to evolve.

I saw the tiger beast devouring it, the injuries on its body gradually disappeared, and its aura continued to rise.

The two heads actually overlapped and became one!

The breath of the ultimate true god level is slowly evolving towards the invincible level!

But at this moment...

The tiger beast suddenly raised its head and stared at a certain place.

The surroundings were peaceful, without any living creatures.

It lowered its head in confusion and continued eating.

But at this moment——

"Swish, swish, swish~" Three figures suddenly appeared.

"Roar~" The tiger beast was furious, roared and looked at the three figures, and then jumped forward suddenly.

"Bang!" Sword energy, knife energy, and the huge power of various laws swept over immediately, cutting into pieces the body of the fallen two-winged monster where the tiger beast had been.

"Ho ho ho~" The tiger beast was extremely angry. The thing it had been promoted to was actually destroyed like this.

"Roar~" A head suddenly sprouted from its left and right sides. All its strength and some kind of innate magical power emerged, and it immediately rushed towards the three of them.

"Death!" Two wings emerged from Tuo Sen's back. The pink wings shook, and the seven-star gilded rainbow sword suddenly flew out.

"Heavenly Sword Style!"

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sword light flashed, and the tiger beast's huge claws passed by the divine sword. A string of fire appeared, and its sharp claws quickly collapsed.

"Roar~" The tiger beast was in pain, but became ferocious and continued to attack.

But at this time, he was attacked by Shen Zhui and Gohiko respectively.

"Bang." Gohiko's silver stick hit him deeply into the ground, leaving only three heads emerging.

"Pfft~" Shen Zhui's dragon bone knife slashed across the three heads.

"Bang!" The tiger beast's body shook, blood flowed, and it stopped moving immediately.

Although this kind of strange beast has a much stronger defensive power than ordinary races, it does not have the body of a true god and cannot condense the divine body. The death of the divine body means complete death.

"The defense and power are really strong. Although it is the breath of the ultimate true god, its defense and power are almost catching up with the invincible true god. Fortunately, it does not understand the secret method and its use of power is extremely rough." Shen Zhui fell down.

"It's quite strong, and he's very vigilant." Gohiko also came closer, "This defense and strength alone are enough to make many true gods avoid him."

"Where's the treasure!" Tuosen didn't care about the strange beasts.

He just wants treasure now.

"Over there." Shen Zhui immediately ran away and flew to the cave in the distance.

The entrance of the cave was emitting the light of many divine weapons. It was obvious that these strange beasts did not understand the value of divine weapons at all. A large number of seventh-level divine weapons were thrown around casually, many of which were broken and some were complete.

"It seems that this is the habitat of the strange beast. All the collected treasures are placed in the cave." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"Shua~" With a wave of his hand, his spiritual consciousness entered the cave and immediately rolled out all the treasures inside.

"Wow~" Treasure light overflowed, and a large number of treasures piled up together.

"There are a total of one hundred and thirty-one treasures, including fifty seventh-level magic weapons and only one eighth-level magic weapon, which is still elementary." Shen Zhui swept his consciousness and quickly discovered the number of levels of these treasures. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com

"It's just an eighth-level magic weapon." Gohiko and Takumori felt a little regretful.

"This is normal." Shen Zhui said with a smile, "Generally, those who can use eighth-level magic weapons are basically ultimate gods, or even invincible gods. The ultimate gods cannot defeat this strange beast, so it is not difficult to run away."

"Having such an eighth-level magic weapon is pretty good. Having so many seventh-level magic weapons is also a big gain."

"Yeah." Wuyan and Takumori both nodded.

Just when they were about to put away their treasures and continue on their way.


"Shua~" Suddenly a streamer flew from the distant sky.

Shen Zhui and the other three looked up.

One, two, three...hundreds of streams of light soon appeared!

The ones in charge are actually several invincible true gods with huge auras!

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