Suppose there is a parallel world: its history has taken a turn during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and all the ancient legends have become true - there are gods and demons, people can call the wind and rain, swallow clouds and mist, people can move mountains and seas, practice transcendence, and live forever. Immortality... In such a world, how will the history of humankind evolve?

Will human history continue to develop into a slave society - a semi-slave and semi-feudal society - a feudal society?

If human beings will eventually form the concept of a country, and a strong man will unify the world and establish a dynasty.

So a dynasty with practitioners, gods and demons, good and evil sects, and ordinary people... what kind of social system will it form?

Based on this doubt a long time ago, I began to conceive of this book.

After much thought, I finally borrowed the dynasty "Zhou" and the enfeoffment system.

Of course, this book is not a rigorous historical text. It just borrows a few points, so you don’t need to take it seriously.

Now that a dynasty has been formed, even in a backward feudal society, maintaining the stability of the country has become the first priority for the rulers.

In any dynasty, if the ruler cannot guarantee the minimum survival needs of his people, the final result will be a change of dynasty.

What is the biggest unstable factor in such a fantasy world?

That’s right, they are practitioners!

In many stories, you can usually see descriptions like this:

The cultivators are aloof, while the demons regard human life as a piece of grass. They will wipe out an entire city with a wave of their hands and millions of mortals will die miserably...

And this kind of thing is something that the powerful rulers absolutely don’t want to see.

Therefore, after the strong men in this fantasy world established a unified country, the first thing they considered was how to limit the power of the practitioners.

This force is divided into external and internal forces.

On the outside, there are naturally those sectarians and monsters who yearn for freedom, regard themselves as gods, and do not regard ordinary people as human beings.

Inside, there are those aristocratic clans, as well as the forbidden warriors and Qi practitioners.

Foreign enemies are easy to deal with. When the dynasty is strong, war is the best method.

It's difficult internally. Those aristocratic families are all heroes who followed this strong man to conquer the world.

Of course you can't do it forcefully. This is not a world of low martial arts. If we start a fight, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos again, and I don't know how many people will die! then what should we do? We can only start from the law. As long as the law is effective, the stability and rule of the court can be maintained to a large extent. No matter which dynasty or generation, the first task after the establishment of a country is to legislate and ensure that it can be strictly implemented.

The more simple and primitive the world, the simpler the court laws are, and the more complex the social structure is, the more strict and complex the laws must be.

As a result, the emperor canonized the gods, built temples, and built Taoist cities to supervise the world.

Eight hundred years later, Shen Zhui appeared in this world.

Everyone will know what happened next.

When I write books, I like to leave my words blank. Later, I suddenly think back to the foreshadowing: XXX turned out to be like this... So if you have any doubts, you can continue reading.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the background of this world, and the story has just begun.

What were the dynasties like before the Zhou Dynasty? Were the sects always incompatible with the dynasty? What will be the consequences of destroying the ancestral line and abandoning the temple? What was the purpose behind the establishment of the temple?


Well, the road ahead is long~


That’s all for talking about the plot, sorting out some early questions and mistakes, and also answering some book friends’ doubts.

First, there is the systematic conversion of prison terms.


My tooth aches when I think about this, and I didn’t realize it until I wrote hundreds of thousands of words.

The author must admit here that I feel sorry for the math teachers in elementary school, junior high school, and high school (forget about university teachers, I don’t even have a few advanced math classes) (*/ω\*)!

After discovering this problem, we only wrote years and nothing else when converting prison terms into good deeds. This problem must not affect the reading experience...right?

The second question is why Lei Ting Jue didn’t explain it to the people in the county government.

Because there is no need. Wei Wenhe can tell at a glance whether he is an evildoer.


Liking books seems to be a family inheritance. When I was a child, my family worked in a paper factory, and there were always carts of old books of all kinds dragged to the paper factory. My dad likes to pick up stacks of stories and read them at home.

When I was in elementary school, my family collected a whole set of story club journals, including Yilin, Readers, Zhiyin, etc...

I was a little older, probably in junior high school, and my first contact with online literature was Tomato’s first physical book Cunmang. At that time, it was just one volume, and it was owned by a salesman, and I read it for two hours. Then he left. I was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep at that time.

Later, it became more complicated, including "Fireworks", "Legends of Modern and Ancient Times", "Martial Arts World"...

Until I was in high school in the county town, there were all kinds of physical books with 800 pages in bookstores, which cost twenty yuan a book. A few classmates would pool their money together for fifty cents, buy them, tear them into pages, and put them in the textbook to read, but it was very annoying. Yes, there are always some pages of driving plots. Find them at Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm will be inexplicably missing after passing through the hands of two or three people...

Well...if this book has such an opportunity in the future, such a situation should not happen, and we won't be able to drive...


I am really grateful to editor-in-chief Qilin Ju, editor-in-chief Taishan Ju, and Qidian for providing a good platform and guidance.

I have written more than 200,000 words with trepidation and surprise, and now, it is finally the critical time for this book to be put on the shelves.

Friends who can see this, please also support genuine reading. I will not go into details about how important subscription is to a book.

Lao Guo said it well: Fathers in the country can tolerate me and prevent me from doing evil in the world.

I hope I don’t have to be told by others that writing a book is not a good job, and I also hope I can straighten my back and not compromise with life.

I will definitely try my best to make this book better and better!

Friends from QQ reading or other channels, please come to Qidian PC version or next app on July 1st to support the first subscription.


Finally, let’s talk about updates.

It will be on the shelves at 0 o'clock tonight, and I will upload the VIP chapters at the same time, with 10 updates and 30,000 words.

In the future, the update time will be around 8:30 pm.

There are guaranteed to be three updates of 10,000 words per day on the shelves, with additional updates from time to time.

If a new helmsman appears, we will add an update.

The original helmsman has been upgraded, and we will also add an update.

A monthly ticket of 100 plus one update will be added.

Of course, I will try my best to write more and give rewards and so on. Don’t force me, just open an automatic subscription.

Thank you again for your support and love. I wish everyone good health and all the best.

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