I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 134: The terrifying Shen Zhui!

It's so scary, wow, I feel like the divine patterns on that statue are too strong, completely beyond my knowledge. "The Green Horned King waved his four hooves and said.

"A million-foot statue, and the material of the statue is unusual. How much does it cost? Just for people to worship, it costs a lot of money. It is really a luxury. If you can take this statue away, you can definitely sell it for a good price!" King Shenjian was also excited.

"Don't act rashly." King Silver Moon said vigilantly, "This is the eternal kingdom of the emperor. Although Emperor Xi Ming is dead, there is no guarantee that there will be no means left behind."

"Yes, let's not go after that statue." Shen Zhui also agreed.

No matter how precious this statue is, it cannot be moved at will before it is confirmed to be safe. Moreover, the fluctuations of the divine pattern are very powerful and are connected to the heaven and earth. I am afraid that I can't take it away even if I want to.

What's more, if the aboriginal cast statues left some protective means, whoever dares to desecrate them might be attacked.

"Preservation of life is the first priority, treasure hunting is the second priority, don't let your mind be deceived." King Silver Moon warned again.

After what she said, King Shenhuan and King Qingjiao also became more awake.

At the suggestion of King Silver Moon, the four of them bowed to the statue of Emperor Xi Ming.

Those who can cultivate to the level of the Great Emperor must be someone with amazing talents and talents that shocks the past and the present. Every Great Emperor is a being they need to look up to.

After the worship, the four people slowly walked towards the back of the statue.

At this time, Shen Zhui also discovered the mystery of this eternal kingdom.

The oaths of heaven are invalidated here!

However, seeing that King Silver Moon and others didn't mention this, Shen Zhui didn't think much about it and continued to follow.

Behind the statue, there is a white jade avenue.

This avenue is also extremely wide, like a plain.

In the distance, there are countless ancient-style cities floating in the sky and on the ground. Even though the sand people have become history, in this eternal kingdom, they all seem to have been newly established.

"Everything in the eternal kingdom will exist forever if it is not destroyed by external forces."

"Of course, now that Emperor Xi Ming has fallen, it is rumored that there has been a fight between emperors in the Shamin Star Territory. It is estimated that the eternal kingdom will also be damaged and slowly lose its eternal characteristics." Silver Moon King and Shen Zhui flew side by side, towards he explained.

This beautiful woman seems to have a lot of background and knows a lot. Along the way, King Shenjian and King Qingjiao also respected her, so Shen Zhui did not dare to underestimate her words.

After flying for a certain distance, the four of them saw huge stone monuments.

Ancient writings are engraved on these stone tablets, and they are densely packed. At a glance, there are nine stone tablets.

"What is written on it?" Shen Zhui asked. Although he had also learned the language of the Sand People, he did not know as much as the Silver Moon King. He did not recognize everything. He could only vaguely understand the names of several great emperors mentioned frequently on it. And the Holy City.

"These stone tablets record the great achievements of Emperor Xi Ming." King Silver Moon identified them and said, "There is also a part that introduces the existence of this eternal kingdom. It should be convenient for new people to enter the eternal kingdom and quickly become familiar with the environment."

"Entering the eternal kingdom is an honor in the eyes of the ancient sand people."

"Once upon a time, many geniuses came here, many strong people lived here, and it was prosperous for a while."

"But now, no one can be seen, and those creatures should all be dead."

King Silver Moon flew to another stone tablet, glanced back and forth and said, "We should be somewhere in the eternal kingdom, close to the center. There is mention of the Holy City of Xi Ming named after Emperor Xi Ming, but only a few words."

"The Eternal Altar outside should be a higher-level entry method. Only the geniuses and strong men among the sand people in the past can directly appear near the Holy City of Ximing." The Silver Moon King pointed at the second stone tablet. .

"I see. No wonder the conditions for entry are so harsh. Even if you are a sand citizen, it may not be easy to get in." Shen Zhui nodded.

Like the Secret World, there is a similar situation.

When Venerable Shen Zhuicai entered the secret world, King Jianhuang came to pick up their group.

But when he becomes General Jinwu, he can apply to use the teleportation channel.

Becoming a core member of the True King's Secret Realm can be teleported directly from the secret realm to far away places.

Obviously, although they are different civilizations, privilege grading is inevitable everywhere.

"This stele records some of the proud sons of heaven who were born in the Holy City of Ximing." The four people walked past the seven stele one by one, and the Silver Moon King pointed at one of the stele.

"There is also this monument, which records some major events that have happened in the Holy City of Ximing."

"And here, here..."

The four Silver Moon Kings walked past nine stone monuments.

There is a faint flow of brilliance on the stone tablet. Even after countless years, it is still full of charm. The writing on it is like the inscription of the avenue, and people can't help but worship it.

The sky in the distance is shining, and the ancient and huge cities seem to be telling the prosperity of the past.

It seemed like there were only the four of them, Shen Zhui, walking on this land in the whole world.

But just when Shen Zhui was ready to observe for a while.

King Shenhuan suddenly asked. "Silver Moon, Silver Moon, do these nine monuments record the location of the treasure house?"

Silver Moon King's head was covered with black lines, and he looked at King Shenjian speechlessly.

Shen Zhui couldn't help but shook his head.

This king of gods is simply crazy about treasures.

"If you were Emperor Xi Ming, would you record your treasures here?" King Silver Moon said angrily, "There is no mark on the location of the Holy City."

"Uh, cough..." King Shenhuan coughed twice in embarrassment and suddenly stopped talking.

However, King Shenhuan's words reminded them of the purpose of their trip.

They enter the eternal kingdom not to remember, but to hunt for treasure!

When an emperor-level powerhouse dies, he will definitely leave behind many treasures to inherit. Even if you can only get one or two pieces, it is still a worthwhile trip!

"Emperor Xi Ming divided the Forty-Nine King's City, a holy city, into the eternal kingdom."

"According to the comprehensive information, the royal city is generally where the true gods among the sand people live, while in the holy city, only god kings are qualified to enter and gain enlightenment. Of course, a few geniuses like Brother Shen should also be qualified to enter the holy city. ." Silver Moon King said.

"Where is the holy city?" King Qingjiao asked.

"I don't know either." King Silver Moon looked around, "But we should be between the Holy City and the Royal City, very close to the Holy City, but the Eternal Kingdom is too big, and I'm not sure which way is the right way. Toward the Holy City."

The eternal kingdom is huge.

Generally, the cave world of a true god is tens of millions of miles away. After breaking through to the God King, the cave world is measured in billions of miles.

Like some relatively powerful high-level god kings, the cave world can reach tens of billions of miles, and Shen Zhui is at this level. His cave is now more than ten billion miles away.

As for the God-King of the Hedao Realm, every time he goes up, the Origin Avenue transforms his own world and undergoes earth-shaking changes.

As for the emperor's eternal kingdom, its area is completely comparable to that of a small star field!

The cave world of the strong, full of mysteries, is a good place to cultivate the descendants of disciples and the geniuses of the tribe.

At the same time, it is also the best storage space for storing treasures.

For example, if Shen Zhui didn't fight, the sky-swallowing bottle, Hunyuan shuttle and other important treasures would be placed in the cave world.

That is to say, floating in the void must be accompanied by the divine body, so it has always been contained by the divine body.

If at this time a great emperor suddenly kills Shen Zhui with a soul attack and destroys his soul, although the life core will be defeated, the divine body and the cave will not die immediately.

Thousands of years later, if the wall of the cave world becomes weak and someone is discovered and enters, they will be able to obtain many of Shen Zhui's treasures.

However, Shen Zhui's cave world is also extremely broad, with remaining rules suppressing it, and its scope exceeds tens of billions of miles... To find the place where Shen Zhui stores the Hunyuan Shuttle and the Sky-Swallowing Bottle, some venerable true gods can break their legs. !

Emperor Xi Ming's eternal kingdom is the same, with a larger scope, but the most likely place to store treasures is of course the holy city with the most geniuses and strong men.

It's just that I can't determine the location at this time, and I don't know where to find it.

"Zen Xin, scan this area." Shen Zhui said in a message.

"Cannot be scanned." Zen Heart's voice echoed in Shen Zhui's mind, "There are certain rules in Emperor Xi Ming's eternal kingdom that are still in operation, preventing the divine weapons from detecting them."

"The magic weapon can't scan, so we can only rely on guessing?" Shen Zhui frowned.

"Why don't we split up and act separately." King Silver Moon suggested, "Each of us chooses a direction in the southeast, northwest, and whoever finds the Holy City will notify each other."

"Split up the action?" King Shenjian was slightly stunned, "If you encounter danger..."

"I think it's okay." King Qingjiao said, "It will save time and effort."

"I have no objection." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Brother Shen, you choose first." King Silver Moon looked at Shen Zhui.

Shen Zhui pondered for a moment and then said, "I'll choose Dongfang."

"Okay." Silver Moon King's eyes moved slightly, and he nodded, "Then I will go south, Shenhuan, you go north, Qingjiao, you go west."

"Each fly with all your strength in the direction of your choice. If you see this sign, it is the Holy City." The Silver Moon King waved his hand, and a majestic giant was drawn in the void, as well as a pattern of intertwined swords and axes behind him.

"Each of us can fly for up to ten days. If we fail to find the Holy City after ten days, we will return here to gather."


"Take care and get moving!"


After some discussion, the four of them quickly acted according to the plan.

King Silver Moon flew to the south, King Shenhuan went north, and King Qingjiao went west.

As for Shen Zhui, he flew eastward for a while and stopped.

"Huh? Shen Zhui, why did you stop?" Zen Xin asked.

"If you don't stop, why don't you continue heading east foolishly?" Shen Zhui said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Zen was slightly stunned, but he quickly reacted and his face changed slightly: "You mean you were deceived by them?"

"That's right." Shen Zhui said with a smile, "The emperor's eternal path completely crowds out the heavenly path and replaces it. Therefore, the heavenly path oath becomes invalid the moment we enter the eternal kingdom, and I lose my role to them."

"Zen Xin, don't you think it's strange? King Silver Moon is so smart and well-prepared, and he understands the Shamin civilization extremely well. Especially after looking at the nine stone tablets, there is such a huge amount of information on the stone tablets. I don’t believe it when it comes to the Holy City.”

"So she immediately proposed to divide the troops into four groups, just to seize the treasure?" Zen heart was slightly startled.

"After she discovered that I couldn't fully understand the stone tablet, she immediately used two tricks." Shen Zhui said with a smile. "The first was to make the Shenhuang King pretend to be crazy and deliberately ask where the treasure was, so that my mind would shift from the stone tablet to the treasure. On the body."

"The stone tablet is dead and cannot be taken away. Once a normal person hears about the Emperor's treasure, how can he care about it?"

"Then she proposed to divide the troops into four groups and let each of us choose one. The purpose was to get rid of me!"

Zenxin shook his head and said, "No, how does she know which way you choose? You have to know that she asked you to choose first. What if you are wrong?"

"What if you don't agree to separate?"

"Besides, isn't she afraid of being discovered by you and unable to get out afterwards? They can't pass through the outer space passage!"

"To answer your first question first," Shen Zhui said, "Dividing according to the directions of southeast, northwest and northwest is just a cover."

"This is an eternal kingdom, and the rules of space are constantly changing. Do you remember the Cold Pond of Space? I guess if you don't find the key point, you won't be able to find the real entrance to the Holy City even if you fly in all four directions."

"So, no matter what I choose, it doesn't matter."

"Secondly, if I don't agree, it's easy to handle."

"She only needs to take me in one direction for a few days. When her patience is exhausted, she then proposes to divide the troops into four directions to search. It will be a smooth process."

"As for the last question..."

Shen Zhui sighed: "This is why I say she is smart."

"Leaving aside whether there is only one place to go out of this eternal altar, do they still need me?"

"Even if it was necessary, she left some room for maneuver."

“She set a time of ten days, and no matter what happened after ten days, she would remind me of my true location.

But those ten days of lead were enough for the three of them to seize the opportunity and pocket the treasure. "

"At that time, leave a few more treasures for me to divide, and even give me a little more... What do you think I will do?"

Zenxin shook his head and said: "If all this is just speculation, even if you suspect it, as long as she refuses to admit it, then you have to be grateful to her... People are really unpredictable."

"This Silver Moon King is too cruel."

"No, she is still not ruthless enough." Shen Zhui said calmly, "If she was really a ruthless person, she should have killed me first and then taken away my teleportation treasure."

"Hmph! If she really does this, they will be the ones who die." Zen Xin snorted coldly.

Others don't know Shen Zhui's strength, but his Zen mind is very clear.

In the ten years of seclusion in the island space, Shen Zhui has made great progress!

In particular, the realization of the 'Heart Thunder Sword' technique, combined with the way of the sword in his heart, gave Shen Zhui the full strength to fight against the God King in the Hedao realm.

In the virtual battle in the Void God Realm, using this move, Shen Zhui had already defeated the 200th powerful ‘Heart-Splitting’ God King on the starry sky ranking list!

According to the Starry Sky True God List, it is estimated that the combat power of the Heart-Splitting God King is at the third level of Hedao Realm!

This is just a battle in the Virtual God Realm, not counting the fusion of the main body and the second soul, and the increase in combat power brought about by floating.

Combining mental strength with the way of the sword, the move 'Heavenly Collapsing Style', which was born out of the Ancient Spirit Emperor, was a completely unparalleled improvement.

The second level of mental power is exquisite, the third level is unified, and the fourth level is eternal.

The fourth level is comparable to the Eternal Way of the Great Emperor!

But only after the ninefold union of the God-Kings can they be eternal.

The improvement brought by physical strength alone is exaggerated, but combined with the way of sword?

Even Zen Xin didn't know how high Shen Zhui could reach if he fought with all his strength.

"What are you going to do?" Zen Xin asked, "These three people have betrayed their trust, do you want to kill them?"

"There's no need to kill." Shen Zhui shook his head and said, "Each road goes to the sky, and apart from this eternal kingdom, they are also people who have fought hard and contributed to the Great Zhou Alliance."

"She left some room, and I will leave them some decency."

Strictly speaking, Silver Moon King is not considered to be 'doing evil', it is just against the spirit of the contract.

Even if the oath of heaven loses its effect, and the promise is a piece of paper, it must be calculated according to the rules of the world in a certain memory. This is not considered a violation of the contract, but can only be regarded as unethical. It's not like we're going to fight or kill each other.

Shen Zhui is not a demon, so he certainly won't kill anyone in anger.

Of course, Shen Zhui couldn't hand over the benefits to others in vain.

Since there is no more friendship between each other, let's fight based on our own abilities!

"Shen Zhui, since you have expected it, there must be a way?" Zen Xin asked, "Let me guess, did you release a clone to follow the Silver Moon King?"

"Clever!" Shen Zhui smiled, "But you didn't guess all of them correctly. I released four of them, three of which were concealed using the phaseless magic technique. They not only targeted the Silver Moon King, but also the Divine King and the Green Horned King. .

Silver Moon King is so smart, she will never go in the right direction first just in case.

You know, the outside world knows that I have a hidden treasure.

If I have doubts and follow up secretly, wouldn’t it be a failure?

Even if I have a clone, I can't think of it as having a hidden treasure, right?

She will definitely think that even if I become suspicious, she will be the first to follow me, the Silver Moon King.

So I guess, it is very likely that King Shenjian and King Qingjiao are going in the right direction. "

"Three ways to follow?" Zen Xin gave a thumbs up and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com "It's amazing, you thought it over carefully. It doesn't matter even if you guess wrong, the three clones will still keep a close eye on you."

"But what is the other one used for?"

Shen Zhui shook his head and said: "There is another way, go straight to the east to explore. Because there is still a very small chance, it is all my illusion, I am judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"If I find that I did something wrong, I will immediately dissipate the three following clones.

At the same time, if the clone heading east discovers the treasure, I, Shen Zhui, will never go in there first to search for the treasure. Instead, I will abide by my oath and wait for the three of them to come back before we act together! "

"Shen Zhui." Zen Xin listened to the whole process and couldn't help but glance at Shen Zhui and couldn't help but said, "Why do I think you are scarier than the Silver Moon King... Fortunately, you don't have murderous intentions, otherwise how could the Silver Moon King and the others die? They don’t even know!”

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