I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 145: The Emperor’s Secret Treasure!

War can make people ruthless, especially those in power!

Because the war that the superiors see is not a bloody scene, but numbers. The superior person is thinking about how to make this number positive, and the bigger the better.

As for the small group of people who sacrificed for this result, they will be diluted by the fruits of victory and the enemy's casualties.

It doesn't matter what the process is as long as the result is perfect.

This is what the superiors often say, ‘Everything is for the overall benefit’!

Originally, everything that was about to happen on the Flame Continent was only a part of the overall situation, even an insignificant part.

But not anymore.

Because of Shen Zhui's existence, the overall situation on the Flame Continent is undergoing drastic changes.

No matter which outcome this change leads to, good or bad. One thing will not change, that is, no one in the entire Flame Continent is worth as much as the number one genius with two great powers and a great destiny!

Shen Zhui himself understood this very well, and he was taking advantage of this to give his allies on the Flame Continent a chance to survive.

The Continent of Flame, under a glacier in the far north.

It is already the seventh day in the past.

Shen Zhui's body remained motionless, as if it were a piece of ten thousand-year-old ice that blended in with its surroundings.

"Zen Xin, how many people have we saved?" Shen asked in the cave world.

"Only counting the upper level God King, there are a total of 2,983 people." Zen said in his heart, "Some of them still have companions in the cave. I haven't had time to count them yet. However, this is for the entire trapped population on the Flame Continent. For people, it’s just a drop in the bucket.”

"Where are the six halls?" Shen Zhui asked. He was exhausted from running around these days and didn't have much chance to breathe.

"At the beginning of the war, 70% of the people were trapped in the six major war bases, and now there are four war bases left. Yesterday, Xinjue Palace and Muyun Palace were breached, and Xinjue God King and Muyun God King They were all at the fifth level of Hedao. They died in the battle in order to cover the escape of the others. It is said that King Jingxin used strange objects and did not give Xinjue and Muyun a chance to resurrect."

Shen Zhui's heart sank. He was killed by a strange object and could no longer reverse time and space to resurrect. Although he could save people on the Flame Continent, he did not dare to go near the Sixth Hall, because that was where the enemy's forces were strongest.

It turned out that on the fourth day, Shen Zhui had already rescued many people. There are many in the Hedao realm, and he wants to try to gather the power of these people to rescue the people in one of the halls.

But before he had this idea, the owner of the Divine Shark took action!

He can teleport, and so can Michus! If it weren't for the Great Avenue barrier, leaving a Five Elements clone as a scapegoat, his true self would have died long ago.

Of course, as long as the second soul is present, Shen Zhui is not truly dead, but in this case, the treasures on his body or even floating in the void cannot be saved.

Now, Shen Zhui can only hide under the glacier in the far north.

"Shen Zhui, maybe you should consider leaving." Zen said in his heart, "The four halls can still hold on now, but you have delayed it for some time."

"It's not enough." Shen Zhui shook his head and said, "The reason why the four halls have not been breached is entirely because I am still here. That Michus can't find me now, and he knows that I want to save people, so it's impossible to do this Quickly kill the people in the four major halls, he knows that if he kills all the people in the four major halls, there will be no point in my staying."

"But if I leave, the four halls will be breached in a matter of seconds."

"Alas, I can't persuade you." Zen Xin waved his hand and said, and a figure appeared behind him. "King Silver Moon, please advise him."

"Brother Shen, you have done enough." In a secluded place in the cave world, the Silver Moon King came over. She whispered, "You alone can't save everyone."

"I know." Shen Zhui murmured to himself, "I know I can't save everyone, and some people even call me stupid. But there is a difference between doing nothing and trying your best but not achieving the desired result."

"There is a difference, right, Silver Moon?"

The Silver Moon King looked at Shen Zhui's hopeful eyes and couldn't say anything to persuade him. He nodded seriously and said: "Yes, at least for me and for all the people who were rescued, it should be the same! "

"That's good, that's good." Shen Zhui showed a smile.


On the far north glacier, above the large ice field, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure was dressed in black and purple armor, and his scarlet eyes were scanning the world coldly, as if he wanted to see through the world.

Countless red lines appeared in his eyes. These lines were either messy or complete, connecting the endless void.

There is a faint trace of space in it, spreading from elsewhere, but here, it suddenly breaks off.

He lost track.

"Cunning little guy!" There was a trace of anger in Matthews's eyes.

"Damn ants! Come out!" Michus' roar resounded throughout the world, "or I'll kill everyone!"

"Boom~" With this roar, the entire ice sheet, which was tens of thousands of miles away and more than a thousand miles thick, suddenly shattered completely and turned into powder and disappeared.

"Wow~" A large amount of sea water gushes out, and what was once a wonderland of ice suddenly turns into a violent ocean.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom~" A ripple rippled out from under Michus's feet, the vibration continued, and then the endless sea water evaporated directly in just a few seconds!

The ocean turned into land, and the land changed. In just a moment, this glacier completely disappeared!

Michus's consciousness covered the entire empty land, and every move was completely presented in his mind.

His consciousness began to explore the world inch by inch. Michus also knew that this method was very slow, but there was no way. Shen Zhui's cultivation was not very good, but his ability to hide was extremely good. Even he couldn't find it in an instant. come out.

Shen Zhui was hiding thousands of miles away from Michus, motionless. His whole body had turned into a stone, rolling towards the distance with this vibration.

How terrifying is the power caused by this strong man at the seventh level of Hedao Realm? At this moment, there are flying sand and rocks everywhere, and the speed of some of the rocks has reached the flying speed of the first level of Hedao Realm!

He blended in among the thousands of rubbles, not conspicuous at all.

"Whoosh whoosh~" Shen Zhui shot away at the speed of many gravels.

In the blink of an eye, he was out of range of thousands of miles.

But this is still not safe enough. For a strong man like Michus, there is no difference between being within a thousand-mile range and being under his nose.

"Huh? No?!" Michus frowned and looked a little ugly. "Damn it, I've been chasing him for three days, and I haven't been able to find him in three days. It's terrifying that a little invincible true god has such abilities. Maybe killing him and devouring his luck can help I got the chance to become enlightened."

"Hmph! King Jiuyou! Do you think there's nothing I can do about this?" Michus raised his hands and pressed them down gently.


The entire land mass of tens of millions of miles suddenly collapsed, and the space was unable to withstand the power of Michus and directly shattered into nothingness.

The space fragments turned into storms, sweeping across the world.

This far north glacier suddenly became a forbidden space!

Of course, Shen Zhui also withstood this wave of attacks, but he still fell deep underground unharmed.

The Flame Continent, as the former important place of the Sand People, could not be completely destroyed by Michus alone. At this moment, Shen Zhui was staying in the deepest part of the ground, submerged in the magma.

Since Michius' range attack covers tens of millions of miles, even though Michius himself is at a high level, once the power is dispersed and it is Shen Zhui's turn, it becomes less powerful.

Coupled with the barrier of the avenue, Shen Zhui was completely able to keep his composure.

"Fortunately, I have killed a lot of people these days, and I have enough good skills to resist attacks of this level. However, if this Michus comes again a hundred or eighty times, it will be a big deal. I hope he doesn't have this ability. "In a piece of magma, Shen Zhui said secretly.

Sure enough, after several angry attacks, Michus stopped. I don't know if this move consumes too much, or if I think Shen Zhui has already left here.

After a few roars, the movement above weakened.

However, Shen Zhui had no intention of detecting it with his spiritual consciousness, and just paid attention to the movements around him with all his strength.

At this time, the tyranny of the mind is revealed. The spiritual consciousness may be able to be discovered, and the only thing that can be detected by the mind is the mind.

And it is obvious that although Michius has a high level, he has not cultivated his mental strength.

Waited for about half an hour.

Michus left and returned.

Once again, an indiscriminate attack was carried out at another place.

One of the attacks was even a thousand miles away from Shen Zhui!

"The old guy is so insidious!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't let down his guard, otherwise if he went out, he would be discovered immediately.

"Is it really not here anymore?" Michus also looked around in confusion.

Shen Zhui's ability to save his life also made him feel quite troubled.

Michus snorted coldly and immediately waved his hand, only to see a shadow appear next to him, it was the God King of Mirror Heart.

"Lord Michus, how are you?" God King Jingxin asked as soon as he appeared.

"Not found." Matthews groaned.

"Even Lord Michus..." King Jingxin's breath suffocated. He originally thought that Michus was a sure shot, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even find Shen Zhui.

"There must be a big secret in this person. He is just an invincible true god. He only knows how to teleport and control the world. Moreover, he attacked him several times, but was blocked by a mysterious power in him."

Michus snorted coldly: "If it were somewhere else, I would smash this continent together, but the Flame Continent is different. There are remnants of the Great Emperor's Tao Yun here, which cannot be destroyed at all. So this method will not work. . If you want to find him, the only way to find him is if the Emperor himself takes action."

"To catch a small Shen Zhui, does the Emperor need to take action?" King Jingxin was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Normally, he would have thought this news was ridiculous, but now, he had to believe it.

"Great Emperor, I'm afraid I won't take action." God King Jingxin said in a deep voice.

"I think so too." Michus nodded, "This would make you and I look too incompetent."

"So there is only one last option left."

"Lord Michus, you mean..."

"Yes, it's the Divine Shark." Michus nodded, "If I use the core energy of the Divine Shark to attack, then I'm 90% sure to kill Shen Zhui."

"But the Divine Shark is our back-up..." God King Jingxin hesitated.

The Demon God Palace’s dispatch this time was not casual.

The first is to catch Da Zhou off guard and sneak into the Flame Continent, which is very secretive. Only when they arrived at the Flame Continent did Da Zhou get the information.

Because there is no time for rescue and sending people is useless, Dazhou is likely to give up on the Flame Continent and can only tell the people on the Yan Continent to escape for their lives. The result was indeed the case, they easily occupied the Flame Continent.

But the Demon God Palace also has a second plan. Assuming that Da Zhou refuses to give up control of the Flame Continent, the Yan Continent will inevitably fall into a fierce battle.

When it comes to the fight for a treasure land, it cannot be suppressed by the Divine Shark.

Therefore, there is a powerful secret treasure stored on the Shenshark. Even if Dazhou sends a strong man from the ninth level of Hedao Realm over, they can still buy enough time!

This treasure can kill the ninth level of the Hedao Realm when attacking, and it can also stop the ninth level of the Hedao Realm when defending.

It was refined by the Emperor himself and contained a drop of the Emperor's blood.

But because it was so important, both Matthews and he needed to agree before making this decision.

Michus's intention now is obvious, he just wants to use this treasure.

"If this treasure is used, the power of the emperor's essence and blood that was contaminated by Shen Zhui when he died will never be resurrected!" Michus said.

"Is it too wasteful to use the secret treasure refined by the emperor to deal with Shen Zhui?" God King Jingxin hesitated. "If it fails, I'm afraid there will be unbearable consequences."

Michus shook his head and said: "Jing Xin, you don't pay enough attention to this little guy. Maybe you don't understand the concept of him escaping from my hands."

"I might as well put it bluntly. Even if you were at the sixth level of the Hedao Realm, you wouldn't be able to survive for more than half a day with me, Michus, chasing you! But this Shen Zhui managed to escape for three whole days!"

The face of the God King of Mirror Heart changed, but he also knew that Matthews was very strong. Although it was hurtful, it was not a lie.

In the world of Sith, Michus is a famous master!

"Seven days have passed now." Musis said in a deep voice, "Shen Zhui here will definitely attract strong men to rescue him! If nothing unexpected happens, the strong men sent by the God King Palace will arrive soon, and may even One step faster than our reinforcements!”

"We don't have much time left. You'd better decide now. If you decide to use it, agree immediately. If you don't agree, then kill all the four halls immediately and complete the original mission. But this time the mission has been greatly compromised. , you and I will probably be called losers in the eyes of the big shots!"

The God King Jingxin's expression was uncertain, and he seemed to be thinking quickly.

Soon, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I agree!"

"Very good." Matthews showed a smile and said, "Let's get started."


Shen Zhui, the back-up man of Michus and the King of Mirror Hearts, who was dormant underground, didn't know about it.

But the second spirit he left not far away from the Divine Shark noticed something strange.

I saw the Divine Shark, which had not moved for seven days, with light flowing, and countless bloody secret patterns appearing on it. The entire Divine Shark seemed to have come to life.

"Dong~dongdong~" A heartbeat sounded, as if a peerless evil creature had awakened and descended on the world.

"Ahhh-" Shen Zhui couldn't help but cry out as he felt that the blood all over his body was about to soar through his body and disappear.

Fortunately, Michus had already left, and this brief cry did not disturb anyone.

"What on earth is it?" Shen Zhui looked at the Divine Shark in shock. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

His second spirit has always been lurking here. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is in the safest place.

The second spirit stayed under the Shenshark's nose, and the other party would never think of it.

"Boom!" At this moment, the Shenshark soared into the sky from the ground and quickly disappeared into the vast wilderness.

At this moment, Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel a huge sense of crisis in his mind.

"Is this thing aimed at me?"

"No, it must be for me!"

Shen Zhui's heart skipped a beat and his mouth became dry.

"Oops, they must have other methods, I am in danger!"


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