I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 165: Is this your child?

As far as the Source Star, five billion stars away, the Godbreaker is flying slowly.

"Da da da~" In the control room, the silver figure Zen Xin walked in.

"Shen Zhui, there are still 500 million stars left. The God-Breaking Vessel will activate the space crossing. The God-Breaking Vessel has been fully charged. However, the Origin Star is surrounded by a magic circle, and it is the place where the most powerful people gather, so battles occur frequently. , we cannot jump directly to the Origin Star, we can only cross to a place 500 million stars away from it."

Zenxin pointed at the light screen in front of him and zoomed in on one point, "The coordinates Tuosen gave you are at a place called Emperor Star City on the Origin Star. If his position no longer changes significantly, it is estimated that it will take four hours. You can join him on the left or right."

"Emperor Star City..." Shen Zhui nodded. Zhiyuan Star is the most important treasure land. Because it is the holy land of the sand people, and it is quite the secret world of Dazhou.

"It is rumored that Emperor Star City is home to the most powerful Holy Lord of the Sand people - Emperor Xingyuan. He is also the first emperor-level figure born in the Shamin Star Territory. The other emperors, including Emperor Gu Ling and Emperor Xi Ming, are Trained by Emperor Xingyuan."

"Emperor Star City occupies one-tenth of the area of ​​Origin Star, but it is a bit special." Zen thought.


"Yes, other great emperors' eternal kingdoms are hidden deep in space, leaving only a few altar entrances to enter. But this Star Source Emperor is different. Part of its eternal kingdom is in the real world, that is, Emperor Star City." Zen Xin explained.

"It is like an iceberg on the sea, with a corner exposed above the water. Under the water, there is a huge world that far exceeds the Emperor Star City."

"Nowadays, the eternal kingdoms of other great emperors have been almost explored, leaving only the eternal kingdom of Emperor Xingyuan, which has not yet been fully explored."

"Why can't you find the entrance?" Shen Zhui asked.

"That's right." Zen Xin nodded and said, "Some people speculate that there is only one entrance to Emperor Xingyuan's eternal kingdom, which is Emperor Star City. But now no one can find out how to enter under this iceberg."

"Emperor Star City has a vast area. Compared with the scope of other emperors' eternal kingdoms, the exposed tip of the iceberg of Emperor Xingyuan's eternal kingdom is close to half of the area of ​​the other emperors' eternal kingdoms."

"It's such an exaggeration. Could it be that Emperor Xingyuan is also the Lord of the World?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but be surprised.

You need to know that whether it is the cave world or the eternal kingdom, it can all reflect the strength of a strong person.

Shen Zhui's cave world is ten thousand times larger than the average high-level god king. The stronger the cave, the stronger the divine body, which is an important indicator of strength.

An exposed Emperor Star City is close to half the size of the eternal kingdoms of the other great emperors. Obviously, the Star Source Emperor is much larger than the other great emperors, so Shen Zhui guessed that the Star Source Emperor might be the most powerful emperor in the world. host.

"It seems that the great emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, Sith Great World, Fran Star Territory and many other forces are waiting for the relics of the Star Source Great Emperor." Shen Zhui said secretly.

Until now, although the great emperors of various forces have sent their own disciples to appear, they have still not taken action. This is not in line with common sense.

But if it is to wait for a certain treasure to be born, then it makes sense.

"Seize the time and jump." Shen Zhui gathered his thoughts and didn't think any more.

No matter what treasures the emperors were fighting for, he couldn't participate. With more than twenty emperors competing for it, it would definitely be an earth-shattering fight, and there might even be a chance that the emperor would fall. Once the emperor fell, without the protection of the strongest, the ethnic group might be completely wiped out!

If he wants to participate in a war of this level, he must devour it more than five times and completely transform his original divine body into an eternal divine body.

However, Shen Zhui didn't think about treasure hunting. As long as he helped Tuo Sen out of trouble, he would leave to the Origin Star immediately.


To the source star, Emperor Star City.

On a huge ruins.

"Shua~" A figure was flying down from a broken tower.

There are huge buildings everywhere here, but because of the death of the owner, they have lost some of their power and turned into ruins.

But even so, this place can still be called a city of giants, because even a piece of gravel that falls exceeds a hundred feet.

"Chichi~" The light figure cut open a boulder and nimbly got in through the gap. The gaps created by stacked boulders create underground mazes.

Huge gravel blocks were piled together, and human cultivators less than two meters tall were like ants among them.

Tuosen shuttled around and quickly descended thousands of feet under the gap between the boulders. The light here was weak and it was very suitable for hiding.

"Who?" A clear voice sounded, with a sense of vigilance.

"Xiao Ling, it's me." Tuo Sen waved his hand.

"Brother Tuosen, has your friend arrived?" Nanhai, who was about eight or nine years old, stepped on a boulder and jumped to Tuosen's side.

His head has reached Tuosen's armpit, and he seems to have grown much taller.

"Come on, I just went out and placed a sensor token on the top of the tower." Tuosen said, "If he comes over, he can quickly confirm our location."

"Can he take us out?" Xiao Ling stared at Tuosen expectantly.

"Well, he's better than me." Tuosen smiled and touched Xiaoling's head.

"No, brother Tuosen is the most powerful, and your friend is the second most powerful." Xiaoling rubbed Tuosen's palm.

While the two were talking, a faint wave of spiritual thoughts suddenly passed through the ground.

Tuo Sen raised his head and took a look, and immediately signaled Xiao Ling to use the Dead Leaf Art to suppress the aura.

The two figures, one large and one small, were like lifeless stones, falling silent.

Above the white tower, an old man at the eighth level of the Hedao Realm stared around and slowly withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

The old man was wearing a Taoist robe, and the stars on it were dense and flowing, as if they were following a certain trajectory. "Strange... I clearly noticed a strange movement here, as if a treasure was born, but then disappeared in the blink of an eye. Could it be that I sensed it wrong?"

"Recently, there have been frequent rumors on Zhiyuan Star that the treasure of Emperor Xingyuan has appeared. Is it groundless?"

After the old man pondered for a moment, he disappeared with a swish sound.

About a quarter of an hour later, his figure reappeared above the white tower.

I repeated this three times, walked over from different directions to investigate, and found that I still found nothing before leaving.


To the Origin Star, outside the Emperor Star City.

"Huh~" A breeze blew by, the sand and dust swirled, and a figure slowly formed on the ground. He was wearing a dark golden battle armor with a light gray godhead between his eyebrows. It was Shen Zhui.

"Shen Zhui, you are now in the eastern part of Emperor Star City, only 200 million stars away from the position marked by Tuosen, but you have to be careful, there are too many powerful people in Emperor Star City." Zen Xin reminded, "My The upper limit of detection is the fifth level of Hedao Realm. Beyond this level, if the aura is not deliberately leaked, I will not be able to detect it and cannot give an early warning."

"I understand." Shen Zhui nodded. A strong person who is above the fifth level of the Hedao Realm and has understood the yin and yang and the avenue of life and death can completely integrate himself into the world and not be discovered by others. Unless his spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of humans, it is possible to discover him.

The Origin Star is huge, but with all the major forces and top experts from all over the world gathered together, it becomes very crowded, and you may encounter enemies at any time. Even though he now has the Void Floating, Shen Zhui does not dare to be careless. He must know that there are only a few god-kings who can master teleportation above the fifth level of the Harmonized Dao Realm, but it is not impossible.

"Fly over slowly. Now we can only rely on Gui Yixin to clear the way." Shen Zhui took a deep breath and immediately flew towards Emperor Star City.


Emperor Star City is said to be a city, but there is no city wall.

As the dojo of Emperor Xingyuan, there is no need for defensive things like city walls.

In their place are boundary markers that define the boundaries.

"Whoosh~" Leaping over a huge stone boundary monument that was a thousand feet high, Shen Zhui entered the scope of Emperor Star City.

"Buzz~" The power of the eternal avenue filled the air and swept across Shen Zhui's body. Shen Zhui's figure sank slightly, and in an instant he dropped from a height of ten thousand feet to less than a thousand feet.

No matter how much Shen Zhui flew upwards, his figure was always only a thousand feet above the ground.

"In Emperor Star City, it is forbidden to fly above the boundary wall, but this kind of thing actually happens." Shen Zhui became increasingly vigilant.

The flight height is compressed, which proves that the space for movement has also become smaller. At this height, it is extremely easy to be discovered, and it is even possible to bump into others.

"Whoosh~" Just as Shen Zhui was flying, a huge boulder about ten feet in diameter suddenly shot up into the sky from the ruins on the ground and headed straight towards Shen Zhui.

In the space full of binding force in Emperor Star City, the speed of this boulder actually left a long afterimage, dragging out a fiery red flame tail.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui's expression changed, and he immediately took action, and a sword energy suddenly burst out.

"Chichichichichichichi~" When the boulder was a hundred meters away from Shen Zhui, it was cut into tens of thousands of pieces by the sword energy, and flew away away from Shen Zhui's body.

"Who!" Shen Zhui looked at the direction in which the boulder was thrown.

No one answered.

Shen Zhui was filled with energy and immediately looked down in the direction of the boulder. After a moment, he was stunned.

Because under the ruins, there was no one at all, and there was only one place where someone had carved a magic circle.

As long as someone passes by the area induced by this magic circle, they will be activated independently, use local materials, and use the surrounding boulders to attack others.

Originally, this magic circle could fire eighteen pieces in a row, but as long as the first piece was shattered, it would not continue to attack, wasting the number of times.

But if it is successfully hit, it will continue to flow, and eighteen boulders will be accelerated through the magic circle to smash it to death!

The stones in Emperor Star City are extremely hard. Under the influence of eternal Tao power, they are almost comparable to medium-heavy treasures. Although they will turn into ordinary stones after being taken out, here they are enough to threaten the God King of the fourth and fifth levels of Hedao realm.

"Someone actually made a magic circle trap here!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel his heart sink. Emperor Star City was in danger. If he had been weaker and caught off guard, he might have been injured.

"Leave quickly." Shen Zhui wasted no time in destroying the magic circle. Obviously the owner of this magic circle must know that someone has triggered the magic circle, and maybe he is coming here.

Whoosh~ Shen Zhui flashed, started running at top speed, and rushed towards Tuo Sen.

Less than twenty breaths later, a foreign god-king with four hooves and animal feet and two horns on his head came through the void and landed next to the giant stone formation.

"Running so fast." The Alien Beast God King shook his head and left quickly.


Following the guidance, he flew deep into Emperor Star City. The ambushes Shen Zhui encountered along the way were an eye-opener for him!

There are endless traps, traps, ambushes with magic circles, and even puppet temptations.

Some were accidentally triggered and escaped, while others were discovered in advance through mental effort.

If Shen Zhui hadn't swallowed the origin of the third world, he probably wouldn't have been able to get within a thousand miles of Emperor Star City.

"The seemingly peaceful Emperor Star City is surrounded by dangers. The strong ones are more cunning and insidious. I must be cautious and cautious." Shen Zhui looked around, highly focused and not daring to be careless.

If he does not use the Summoned Diary Artifact Spirit, with his own combat power, he can at best compete with the seventh level of the Hedao Realm. If he encounters the eighth level of the Hedao Realm, he can only turn around and run away, unable to repeat the Tianying Continent's killing of Poison. The matter of the God King.

Although there is a golden treasure chest, the golden treasure chest can only be beaten passively and has no means of attack. If one of them is not good, the person and the treasure may be trapped.


Along the way, with the avenue barrier, phaseless magic skills, and mental detection fully activated, Shen Zhui leaped hundreds of millions of stars without any danger.

Finally, when his fugue trembled slightly, Shen Zhui finally arrived.

"It's right here." Shen Zhui glanced around and immediately saw a tall, broken white tower.

"Huh? This place..." Shen Zhui frowned. There were a lot of huge rocks under the white tower, and occasionally there were hills of transparent crystals. These hills, like glass mirrors, could interfere with the gods. The consciousness refracts it farther away, making it look extremely weird.

"Whoosh~" Shen Zhui followed the induction and quickly rushed into the gap between the boulders below.

In the dark space, there are many twists and turns, all the way down thousands of feet.

"Buzz~" Shen Zhui suddenly felt that he had hit a large web of sword energy, cutting into his divine body.

The next second, the two-second sword edge stabbed him.

"Tuo Sen, it's me." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice without moving.

"Whoosh~" Two high-grade and heavy-treasure divine swords hovered three inches in front of Shen Zhui.

Then the owner of the long sword slowly walked out from behind the boulder in front, it was Tuosen.

"Shen Zhui, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com you are here." Tuo Sen showed a smile.

"For such a big battle...can you withdraw the sword formation first?" Shen Zhui said, this guy is a shady person. If one of the divine swords was not his own, his spiritual consciousness would not be able to detect it!

"Whoosh~" The two divine swords swirled and returned to Tuosen's hands.

Shen Zhui approached and found a little boy standing next to Tuo Sen.

"Hey, who is this little brat, yours? When did you have a child...an illegitimate child?"

"Not my child, his name is Xiao Ling." Tuo Sen helplessly touched Xiao Ling's head, "I'll tell you more in detail later... Xiao Ling, this is Brother Tuo Sen's good friend, Shen Zhui."

When Xiao Ling looked up at Shen Zhui, there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and he suddenly hid behind Tuo Sen. The surrounding boulders glowed slightly, vaguely stabbing at Shen Zhui, "Brother Tuo Sen, Xiao Ling is afraid of him... …”

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