I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 171: Horror attraction!

How is it possible, this, this is too exaggerated..." Shen Zhui couldn't help but speak out.

"What's wrong, what did you see?" Tuosen asked solemnly.

"Look." Shen Zhui waved his hand, and the source of water condensed a light curtain, and a projection suddenly appeared in front of Tuo Sen.

In the water curtain, a majestic triplex warship appeared. On both sides of the main battleship, there was a smaller cylindrical hull attached, and the two sections of the main body were shaped like square cones.

This majestic and endless main battleship has nine sections and is surrounded by endless source vortices. The colorful source vortices, one ring after another, envelope the entire warship, making people unable to help but indulge in it.

A ring of origin vortex covers the mountains, and behind the mountains is a flat continent. There are tiny white dots all over the surface. If you look closely, you can see that they are white towers!

However, after the first quarter, the second quarter is an endless ocean. The ocean is calm, vast, and calm.

The third section is about tall palaces that are primitive and rough, full of wild beauty, row after row, endless...

There are also the fourth and fifth quarters...

Shen Zhui didn't even see it all in such a huge scope, as if it contained a whole continent!


If Shen Zhui hadn't seen a wider area, Tuo Sen might not have believed that what he saw was actually a warship.

Even looking at it from such a long distance, he was so huge that no outline of the warship could be seen, only the palace and the mountains.

Especially the group of white towers that are intact and evenly distributed, still emitting a faint light, are even more fascinating.

The dilapidated white towers they encountered before were already so perverted that they could pull and kill King He Shen, who was at the eighth level of the Hedao Realm. But now these white towers are not only intact, but they also seem to be able to function?

"There are rumors on the Origin Star that the White Tower is a powerful weapon created by the Sand People, but no one can take away the White Tower. Even the ninth level of Hedao Realm cannot destroy the White Tower in the slightest."

"The strange thing is why it is only found on the Origin Star but rare elsewhere." Shen Zhui muttered to himself.

"If what you saw is true," Tuosen said, "Perhaps those damaged white towers should be placed on the first section."

"This warship is amazing. We can now confirm that it has definitely entered the eternal kingdom of Emperor Xingyuan." Shen Zhui trembled in his heart.

Can you stop shaking? This warship is completely dark, like a continent of steel. Just looking at it makes people breathless. And the warship has never been seen so big... Even if the master craftsman of the Pulin tribe uses a planet as a magic weapon, it is far less big than the vast warship in hundreds of billions of stars. You need to know that the magic weapon planet built by the God-King of the Pulin Tribe is only about tens of millions of stars away.

Now this one is hundreds of millions times bigger, completely incomparable.

"In terms of scope, I'm afraid even the Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth God King's Palace cannot match it." Shen Zhui couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Not necessarily, maybe that warship is not a magic weapon at all, it's just the same thing." Tuosen said.

"After all, I don't know how many epochs have passed. Even the magic weapon may have been damaged."

But Tuo Sen didn't believe his guess, because the white tower was clearly working!

"Could it be an...artifact?!" Shen Zhui and Tuo Sen looked at each other, with this thought appearing in their eyes.

After a moment of silence, Shen Zhui was the first to ask.

"going or not."

"The Great Induction Technique has no warning."

"So you can go?"

"No, generally this situation is good or bad in a 50-50 ratio."

"We have little spirits."

"It's because of the little spirit."

Shen Zhui nodded. Faced with the temptation and danger of a possible artifact, he and Tuo Sen had a certain degree of disagreement.

But this is normal, even close Taoist couples will have different opinions, not to mention that now there is a little spirit.

Tuosen already has a very close connection with this child who may have had the same experience as him and who lived and died together for thirty-seven years.

"Then I'll go over and take a look. You guys wait for me here." Shen Zhui suggested. He didn't embarrass his brother. Although if he insists, Tuosen may take Xiaoling to take this risk.

No artifact in history is so easy to obtain, because the bloody storm caused by the artifact can fill the story of an era!

Tuo Sen felt a little embarrassed for the first time.

At this moment, Xiao Ling on the side said: "Brother Tuosen, we can go with him."

"I feel like something is calling me over there..."

"What?" Tuo Sen and Shen Zhui both had a strange look in their eyes.

Tuo Sen knelt down and said, "Xiao Ling, do you feel there is any danger over there?"

Xiao Ling shook his head first, and then nodded.

This action made Shen and Zhui look at each other, wondering what Xiao Ling felt.

However, their hesitation did not last long.

Just for a while, there was another wave of fluctuations in the skyline behind.

Different from the chaotic time and space and original power, this group of breath is obviously neat and powerful.

Therefore, it can only be life.

"Someone is coming." Shen Zhui turned around immediately.

"Qingtian Demon God?" Tuosen asked nervously.

"No." Shen Zhui shook his head and said with a somewhat self-deprecating smile, "It's Wagner and Feng Yuan. Now we have stoked a hornet's nest. The Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, and Fran Star Territory are all represented by these three well-established companies. The boss."

"Hmph, it seems that the collapse of the heart of the Daoxin Dao has stung their nerves. They are determined to destroy me once."

Shen Zhui had long understood that Demon God Qingtian had no good intentions at all in wanting to exchange. Even if he really made an oath of heaven to let him go, there would still be two strong men waiting behind him.

Sometimes wars are fought with momentum. During the Shamin War, geniuses often rose up in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there were successors. On the other hand, the Demon Palace Alliance was supported by old guys.

Extreme physical conditions create extreme situations. In evil forces such as the Demon Palace, most of the strong ones are old monsters who have lived for many years, but in Da Zhou, new people rise up frequently.

Yang An in the early days, himself in the future, Wang Lin of Ten Thousand Curses, and Tuo Sen were all regarded as 'newcomers' who had practiced cultivation for less than a thousand years.

It is impossible for the old monsters to admit that the rules they have set are wrong, so it is extremely necessary to kill people like them.

"They don't seem to have discovered us yet." Shen Zhui's mind drifted through the chaos of time and space, observing Holy Master Feng Yuan and Wagner.

The two of them had completely different ways of breaking into the forbidden areas of the White Tower. If the origin of chaotic time and space is a raging river, and I step on the stones under the river surface to jump forward, the other party will just rush over.

Although I took a detour, my speed was faster. Although the other party walks slower, he walks relatively straight.

Tuo Sen looked at Xiao Ling, then looked behind him, and sighed softly, "Let's go, let's go to the warship."



Now that the decision was made, the two adults and one boy set off immediately.

Time and space shift, and the origin surges.

There is a barrier between the world where the warship is and Shen Zhui and them.

The river flows on the plane, but the chaotic time and space, as well as the origin of the mysterious formation, are like a big river flowing three-dimensionally up, down, left, and right.

Occasionally it will reveal a gap, a weak point that can be squeezed through. Otherwise, Shen Zhui estimated that even if he called out the weapon spirit, it would be difficult to penetrate the thickest barrier.

"Right now, rush over!" After waiting for a long time, Holy Master Feng Yuan and the others were very close. Only then did Shen Zhui and the other three find a gap, and then quickly used the Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death to clear the way and got in.

"Buzz~" Traveling quickly, after about ten breaths, the three of them quickly passed through the barrier of chaotic time and space.

However, Holy Master Fengyuan and Wagner did not stand in front of this barrier until a quarter of an hour later.

"We can't force our way in anymore," Wagner said solemnly.

"Yes." Holy Lord Fengyuan stared ahead and nodded. It was true that they were tall, but after crossing the river, a dark pit appeared in front of them.

If they continue to barge in, both of them might be drowned.

"Fellow Taoist Fengyuan, do you see anything?" Wagner asked.

"This curtain of time and space seems to have some kind of pattern, and it doesn't seem to be formed naturally." Holy Master Feng Yuan said, "It seems to be man-made."

"Good advice, fellow Taoist." Wagner complimented, but he was disdainful in his heart. Even a fool could see that this was artificial. He said a bunch of nonsense but didn't say anything at all.

Is this Feng Yuan really stupid, or is he just trying to fool me?

"I have a guess." Wagner stared ahead for a moment and said, "This may be the entrance to the eternal kingdom of Emperor Starsource."

Holy Master Feng Yuan's eyelids moved slightly, "Why did Mr. Wagner say that? Maybe it was just caused by a formation, or maybe it was just a coincidence."

"I don't really believe in coincidences." Wag groaned in confusion, "So I plan to report it to the emperor of my clan."

Holy Master Feng Yuan thought for a moment and took a compromise method: "The entrance of the Great Emperor is the final battle to determine the cauldron, and it is of great importance. Why don't we two search first."

"It makes sense." Wagner nodded, and the two quickly separated.


While Holy Master Feng Yuan and Wagner were hesitating before the barrier, Shen chased Tuosen and the other three, who had already flown into the barrier for a quarter of an hour.

Inside and outside the chaotic time and space, it seems that there are two worlds.

There was chaos and danger outside, but there was peace, stability and order inside. It seemed that after traveling through mountains and rivers, they had crossed the raging river of time and space and reached the shore.

"Warship, brother Tuosen, brother Shen Zhui, look, it's really a warship!" Xiao Ling couldn't help but clapped her hands and cheered.

Shen Zhui and Tuo Sen had naturally seen it in advance, and their hearts were shocked until now.

After confirming that it was safe, they let go of the flight. However, after flying for a quarter of an hour, they were actually still far away from the warship.

As the saying goes, Wangshan is a dead horse. Shen Zhui is now considered a man who can arm-wrestle with the eighth level of Hedao realm. He didn't expect to see this scene again.

About half an hour later, the three finally flew to the front of the ancient warship, in front of the white tower group surrounded by the first ring of origin vortexes.

"Zen Heart, come out." Shen Zhui muttered silently, and immediately summoned his Zen Heart, "Scan this warship."

The detection range of the Zen Mind is much wider than that of the Divine Mind, but it cannot be interfered with. The current space is stable, so naturally the Zen Mind scan is most suitable.

"The scan is expected to take sixty seconds." Zenxin nodded and quickly detected.

About sixty seconds later, accurate data was fed back.

"The entire warship is 124.6 billion star miles long, 403 billion star miles long, and 12 billion star miles high."

"According to the distribution of color segments enveloped by the source vortex, there are nine sections in total, such as dialogue towers, oceans, palaces, etc. If you want to detect it in detail, it will take a lot of time, and you have to get closer." Zen thought.

"Such a big place, just by searching everywhere, we may not be able to figure it out clearly even if we spend ten days and a half months." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the black hull in front of him like a chasm.

"Tuosen, take out your detector as well. We will focus on searching the White Tower Group and the Palace Group. You and I will each send a few clones to the back. I will wait here."

"Yes." Tuosen nodded and immediately followed the instructions. It is necessary to detect the magic weapon puppet, which is not difficult.

As for Shen Zhui, he was more prepared than Tuo Sen. He adopted an ant colony detection method and took out tens of thousands of small eighth-level puppets and thousands of ninth-level puppets from the cave world and swarmed up.

Compared to huge warships, these things are like real ants, but at least they can avoid many dangers.

Even if the puppet is lost, it is still a kind of feedback. At least he will be more vigilant when his true self passes.

"Wait, I hope we can find the main control room before the people behind us catch up." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"I just hope I can find a way out." There was a trace of sadness on Tuosen's eyebrows. "I don't know why, but after entering here, I always feel uneasy, as if I am about to lose something."

Shen Zhui's eyes fell on Xiao Ling, then he took out a bottle of wine from his arms and threw it to Tuo Sen. He took a sip and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect him. No matter what his identity is, there will always be him in Kyushu." A place to stay.”

Tuosen was silent, just nodded, and took a heavy sip of wine.

Xiao Ling, who was on the side, was completely unaware of the conversation between the two and kept looking at the warship ahead.

About a quarter of an hour later.

News continued to come from the puppets sent out and the Five Elements clones that Shen Zhui separated from himself. A large number of items were even brought over.

As time passed, Shen Zhui's seven clones even began to try to break into those palaces. But what is helpless is that even if those palaces faced attacks from the seventh level of the Hedao realm, they were unscathed and left no trace at all.

On the entire warship, wherever there were buildings, they were all wrapped in invisible forces, and they could only bring back some rocks and incomprehensible fragments of debris.


Another quarter of an hour, the fastest flying clone

Go to the White Towers to search, and the other clones continue to search the palace.

As for me, I am outside, practicing the three world-class secret techniques while waiting.


While Shen Zhui was practicing the Yuan Embryon and the Giant Divine Technique, in the Dongtian World, the inheritance stone slab left by the Lord of the World Ji Yue suddenly started to tremble slightly.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was startled and immediately checked. The inheritance slate was of great importance. She got it from Emperor Xi Ming, but Shen Zhui had always left it at the center of the cave world.

But now, the chaotic space within the stone slab suddenly began to tremble.

"What happened?" Shen Zhui was shocked and confused.

And at this moment——


The vast group of white towers suddenly burst out with light, the entire flat continent suddenly turned into a black hole, and the source vortex suddenly opened a huge abyss passage!

"Whoosh~" There was a huge attraction inside. The divine weapon puppets in the first ring of the White Tower Continent, including Shen Zhui's clone, were all sucked in in an instant and fell into the endless passage. among.

"Not good!" Shen Zhui felt the terrifying attraction coming from him, which even affected him, and immediately retreated with Tuo Sen and Xiao Ling.

"Whoosh whoosh~" Tuo Sen and Shen Zhui immediately pulled Xiao Ling back and retreated. As for the clone, he fell into darkness. Although his consciousness was still awake, there was a turbulent flow of darkness that wanted to tear him apart.

"Swish, swish, swish~" The three of them flew very fast, and they burst out a very long distance in one fell swoop.

But just then——

"Boom~" "Boom~"

A trembling sound like the buzzing sound of an explosion suddenly came from the colorful source vortex.

The huge attraction, like an invisible colorful ring, directly crossed the space and landed on Shen Zhui.

"What?!" Shen Zhui was shocked and immediately involuntarily activated his strongest combat power.

"Big, big!" The original divine body immediately expanded, reaching a height of millions of feet. At the same time, a trace of eternal divinity stabilized the body, trying to break free.

"Xiao Ling!" Tuo Sen roared, because he found that he was suddenly pushed away by a force, and Xiao Ling was swept away by the pulling force.

"No!" Tuo Sen rushed over quickly, trying to catch Xiao Ling, but in an instant he was ejected far away.

"Yin-Yang Wheel of Life and Death, go!" Shen Zhui immediately let the Yin-Yang Wheel of Life and Death catch Xiao Ling, but the pull was too fast and there was no time.

The attraction of the vortex became extremely terrifying in an instant, and Tuosen was soon absorbed into it.

"No!" Shen Zhui's eyes were splitting, as if he saw the fate of King He Shen.

"Let's go!" Two streams of light erupted from Tuo Sen's body, and the two divine swords rotated rapidly around Shen Zhui, trying to block part of the attraction.

And he himself followed Xiao Ling and was attracted into the whirlpool.

"Lao Jiu, think of a solution quickly!" Shen Zhui roared immediately. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com

"Shen, Shen Zhui, I don't know what this thing is, but according to my speculation, its pulling power will reach the astonishing peak of Hedao in ten breaths. There is only one way now!" the voice of the weapon spirit said. Also a little anxious.

"What can I do? Tell me quickly!" Shen Zhui roared. His Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death were hard to resist. The power of this pulling force was simply too terrifying.

"You go with the flow and give up resistance." Qi Ling said quickly, "Then hide in the golden treasure box. The golden treasure box will never be destroyed. If you are lucky, you can pull Tuosen and the child into the treasure box together. Inside……"

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Zhui gave up resistance and quickly accelerated towards the whirlpool passage.

"Boom~" Time and space seemed to be pulled to pieces, drowning out the voice of the weapon spirit:

"His fate is up to him..."

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