I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 175: Move in full force!

The Qingtian Demon God is dead!

This was huge news to Holy Master Fengyuan and Wagner. They could not handle the existence of a ninth-level Hedao realm and had to report it.

The two looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

Maybe they had thought of going in first to see if they could get the treasure, but now...it's obvious that they can't do it alone.

"It must be reported immediately." Wagner gasped, his eyes staring directly at the bones of the Demon God.

"This Qingtian is dead..." Holy Master Fengyuan also had deep fear in his eyes. You need to know that Demon God Qingtian is stronger than the two of them.

How long did you go in and hold on, and then you died?

Obviously the three of them had speculated in advance that anyone could break through this time and space barrier, but now the sudden change made the two of them want to retreat.

"Leave a clone to guard this place, retreat!" Holy Lord Fengyuan shouted, and then retreated together with Wagner.

In the Ship of Hope, Emperor Sha Ya raised his head slightly, looked into the distance, and through endless time and space, fell on Holy Lord Feng Yuan and Wagner.

"That's good to know, huh."

"Senior, what happened?" Shen Zhui raised his head and seemed to feel something.

He has passed the fourth stage of the trial. At this moment, his soul is soaring, and he will chat with Emperor Shaya from time to time.

"It's nothing, just a few clowns." Emperor Shaya smiled and said, "Even if you accept the inheritance, no one will bother you. Even those emperors outside, with my control, can't break through the magic circle left by the master. It affects you... By the way, how do you feel now?"

"It's going well for the time being. It has passed the fourth stage. But I can't be absolutely sure." Shen Zhui still gave a conservative statement. Because if this inheritance continues and the soul continues to be torn apart, it will be a bit dangerous, because his secret method of practicing the second soul cannot continue to improve.

"Yes, by passing the four stages so quickly, your performance can be considered among the top three among all inheritors."

"However, walking fast is not important, walking steadily is. You have four stages in three days. Although you are fast, there are others faster than you. But in the end, they all failed to survive the end, so you can't be careless." Emperor Shaya warned.

"Yes." Shen Zhui nodded, ended the chat, and continued to study the "Second Soul" with great concentration, and his soul energy slowly penetrated into the core of the warship, filling every place and blending with each other.


Outside the Emperor Star City, there is the Yinfeng Holy Land war base.

"Father." Holy Lord Feng Yuan knelt on the ground respectfully, looking at the golden figure in front of him.

"Speak." A cold voice came from the golden light.

"Father, Wagner and Qingtian and I entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the White Tower. By chance, we discovered a time and space barrier..."

Holy Lord Fengyuan told the story of the three of them in detail.

"...In the end, Demon God Qingtian died, and Wagner and I confirmed that that place was the entrance to the eternal world."

After saying that, Holy Lord Fengyuan lay on the ground and waited quietly.

"I have learned that the news of Qingtian's death has been blocked, and I will immediately send all the experts of the ninth level of Hedao Realm in the Holy Land to jointly enter."



Emperor Star City, inside the French Star Territory War Base.

"Dear King." Wagner knelt down under a black lotus about nine feet tall. There were forty-eight flower spots on the black lotus. Each petal was dark and shiny, as if it contained a different world.

"This is what happened. Feng Yuan and I speculated that the Nine Nether King of the Great Zhou Dynasty has entered it, but we cannot be sure of his life or death."

"Wagner." The black lotus rotated slightly, and a vague outline appeared on one of the lotus petals. "You and King Tianxing, take one of my natal lotus petals and go in. You must find what Emperor Xingyuan left before the other forces. "

"Yes." Wagner raised his head, and a black lotus petal floated into Wagner's forehead.


Virtual God Realm, God King Palace.

Ever since Shen Zhui killed God King Rixin and was later chased by the three Wagners, God King Ali has been paying attention to Shen Zhui's movements.

Although he arranged for King Guangyan to attack the war base outside Emperor Star City in order to relieve Shen Zhui's pressure, after all, water far away could not save the fire nearby. He was still very worried about whether Shen Zhui could survive.

"Huh? Shen Zhui closed the token communication in the Void God Realm? No, it was the White Tower forbidden area that disrupted time and space." God King Ali frowned slightly.

Messages also take time to be transmitted. Although the Void God Realm can be regarded as almost instantaneous, in the chaotic time and space, there are some extreme situations where messages cannot be transmitted.

"Shen Zhui, there is a force trying to contact a certain token on your body." In the ship of hope, Emperor Shaya suddenly said.

"Huh? Contact me?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"Yes." Emperor Sha Ya pointed lightly, and the fugue order that Shen caught up with floated up, "The target of contact is this thing."

"What a perfect eternal avenue. I didn't expect that your Emperor of Destiny would actually have such a method. Through the arrangement of the master, he was finally blocked outside the ship of hope? Tsk tsk." Emperor Shaya admired.

But Shen Zhui was surprised that this ship of hope could actually block the token transmission. It should be known that the virtual god world is everywhere. Even in the eternal world of Emperor Xi Ming, everyone could enter the virtual god world to contact him. .

"Are you going to let it in?"

"Senior, please let me know the news." Shen Zhui nodded.

Soon, Shen Zhui sensed the message in the fugue order, which was a message from God King Ali.

Shen Zhui thought for a moment and immediately entered the virtual god world.

"Master Ali." Shen Zhui appeared in the God King's Palace.

"You came in when you were free. It seems you escaped?" When God King Ali saw Shen Zhui, he suddenly smiled.

"I'm lucky, I'm safe for the time being." Shen Zhui did not say that he was accepting the inheritance of life and death. Even if he told God King Ali... the other party would not be able to help him.

Now that the inheritance has begun, it can be said that even if the emperor comes, it will be useless, and the lord of the world will be enough. Maybe there is a way to stop it by beings like Lord Ji Yue. After all, in Emperor Shaya's description, the Lord of Star Source considered himself to be far less powerful than Lord Ji Yue.

"Can I get rid of it completely?"

"I'm afraid not at the moment." Shen Zhui shook his head.

"Do you need me to take action? Although I don't want you to rely on us for everything, you can do it this time." God King Ali said.

"Thank you Sir Ali, I won't use it for the time being." Shen Zhui declined the offer.

"Well," God King Ali didn't ask much. A genius like Shen Zhui can be resurrected even if he dies.

However, what he doesn't know is that Shen Zhui has lost the right to be resurrected, has embarked on another path, and is facing an extremely terrifying inheritance of life and death...


In the first four stages, the pain of soul tearing intensified, but Shen Zhui was still able to bear it.

But starting from the fifth stage, the pain suddenly becomes different.

Some sounds and images began to appear in Shen Zhui's mind. The pain was no longer pure, but took on a different form.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there is nothing but the purest, soul-rending pain.

Shen Zhui will also experience the most common pains of birth, old age, illness and death, as well as the pain caused by painful 'memories' such as separation and loss of loved ones.

There will even be a weird scene: sometimes he will suddenly be on a lonely glacier, alone in the whole world.

Occasionally, it will happen that he has become invincible in the world, but has lost the desire to pursue exploration and the hope of survival.

Sometimes you will be 'forced' to do a certain thing and fall into an endless loop, such as pushing a huge boulder to the top of the mountain every day, but it will fall down again once you reach the top...

Repeatedly for thousands of years!

"Starting from the fifth stage, it is no longer just a test of the soul's strength, but also a test of the soul's will."

"The pain caused by this extra illusion will first tear apart my mental defense, and then the original pain will be doubled... Huh~ Fortunately, I have the heart of the extreme, and I have cultivated to the third level. ." Shen Zhui gritted his teeth and quickly made adjustments.

In addition to studying the "Second Soul", another part of his attention was devoted to studying the ancient books on mental cultivation given to him by the old man Xinyuan.

Heart, pure and upright!

"Any danger that comes will eventually be fed back to the soul."

"If the spiritual defense line is lost, the physical body is nothing but a walking zombie. If a person's mind is occupied by fear and pain, he will be easily defeated. The power of the mind can be positive or negative."

"For the same two terminally ill patients, one didn't know he was going to die, lived happily every day, cooperated with treatment, and finally miraculously recovered. The other was worried every day, fell into despair, and died soon after... …This is the power of the mind.”

"If a practitioner who has not been born with mental power accepts this inheritance, I am afraid that he will collapse in the fifth stage." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The illusions born from the core of the warship shock the soul. The extremely real illusions are enough to make people collapse. But for Shen Zhui, the power of unity can absorb part of the emotional energy and turn it into his own use, which is equivalent to borrowing strength.

"But this is only the fifth stage, and it's actually so difficult. I don't know how strong the creator of this World Ship is." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

The Ship of Hope is a replica of the World Ship. Although it is no problem to carry it through the fifth stage, Shen Zhui is slightly worried about the future.


Time passes slowly.

In the Ship of Hope, Shen Zhui spent a hundred years without knowing it, and ten months passed in the outside world.

"One hundred years. In one hundred years, we have passed the sixth stage and entered the seventh stage of recognizing the master." Emperor Sha Ya looked at Shen Zhui with some excitement. "After the death of the master, among all the inheritors, Shen Zhui is the fastest and steadiest one. Until now, he has never been in a very critical situation."

"I hope you can succeed." Emperor Shaya murmured to himself, "If you can succeed, I will be free..."

At this moment, Emperor Sha Ya frowned and looked outside with a cold expression.

"Humph, it's been ten months, so many people have died, and we still don't give up!"

"Come on, let's see how many lives you have and how many treasures you have to fill in the arrangements left by the master!"

Whoosh~ Emperor Shaya flashed and disappeared into the hall.


Since Shen Zhui stepped onto the Source Star to accept the inheritance, the entire Shamin Starfield seems to have opened a new node.

War is always brewing and gaining momentum in the early stage, falling into a stalemate in the middle stage, with everyone suffering damage; and being brutal in the later stage, the outcome is divided into two points.

Winning and losing in the corners of the battlefield are not the focus of people's attention, but the center of the war.

There is no doubt that the Origin Star is such a central point. Whoever can occupy the Origin Star will have a decisive advantage in this battle.

For a long time, no one thought that their side had an absolute advantage, whether it was the evil alliances such as Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, or the Great Zhou side.

Many people are waiting for a turning point, and now, there are obvious changes on the Origin Star.

I don’t know when, the powerful people from the Demon God Palace and Yinfeng Holy Land died one after another.

There are famous ones, such as Demon God Qingtian, the second Holy Lord of the Demon Palace, and there are also unknown powerful men who were discovered by Dazhou intelligence...

These people were all at least the eighth level of the Hedao Realm, and all of them were confirmed to have died by the intelligence agency in a very short period of time.

"Strange, what is going on? Why did so many strong men suddenly die on the side of the Demon God Palace...Ali, is this information accurate?" In the God King's Palace in the Void God Realm, the Purple Scale God King looked to the side. God King Ali asked, "Could it be intentional? Is there any conspiracy?"

"Deliberately breaking the news that one of our own strong decision makers is dead is a huge blow to morale. And according to the intelligence, not one or two of them are dead. In just ten months, at least they are dead. Thirty-five of them are at the ninth level of the Hedao Realm... There is a 90% chance that something big has happened in the Demon God Palace!"

God King Ali paused and continued: "Guangyan launched an attack outside Emperor Star City, rushed into the opponent's three war bases and massacred them, but the opponent finally left the matter alone and seemed not to care about the previous strategy at all. Let him advance on our territory."

The Purple Scale God King frowned, "What is worthy of them doing this?"

"The entrance." God King Ali said calmly, "It is only possible that they have found the entrance to the eternal world of Emperor Xingyuan."

"You and I both know that all parties are following the Emperor's will and are looking for the most important treasure. To the Emperor, it doesn't matter who owns the Shamin Star Territory. As long as the final treasure is obtained, it is victory."

"Then where is the entrance?"

"It can only be in the forbidden area of ​​​​the White Tower." God King Ali said, "Qingtian, Feng Yuan, and Wagner chased Shen Zhui into the forbidden area of ​​​​the White Tower, but in the end they announced that the matter was over, and they lost track of Shen Zhui."

"Not long after, news came out of the death of King Qingtian and many people at the eighth or ninth level of the Hedao Realm. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. I suspect that Demon God Qingtian and the others were already dead and just covered up the news."

"Do you think...Does Shen Zhui know about this place?" Purple Scale God King asked,

"He has shut down communication for five months, and I can't contact him. However, we can follow the enemy's footsteps and find the entrance!"

Just when the Purple Scale God King was about to say something, suddenly——

"Buzz~" A golden light suddenly appeared from the ground in the hall. The golden light condensed into a nine-clawed golden dragon, floating above the hall, looking down at Ali and the Purple Scale God King.

"Your Majesty!" God King Ali and Purple Scale God King were startled, and immediately stood up from the throne and saluted respectfully.

"Purple scales, Ali." The nine-clawed golden dragon spoke human words, and the pressure filled the hall, and all the rules and origins were ineffective.

"According to my decree, the eight most powerful men from the God King's Palace are dispatched in full force. Set off immediately to the forbidden area of ​​the White Tower of Origin Star!"

Buzz~ A golden light fell, and the heavy imperial edict suddenly came out from the dragon's mouth.

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