I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 3: The second soul rebelled?

Everything went perfectly.

It took Shen Zhui decades to peel off Xiao Ling's conscious body and use the map of all creatures to create a new human body for him, with a very high talent for cultivation.

After that, while letting the Yuan embryo absorb the original energy of the Shamin Star Domain represented by the Xiaoling, it tries to open the entrance to the origin of the Kyushu Great Thousand World. This is the second step.

This process also takes a lot of time, because this is not the growth of Shen Zhui, but the growth of the Yuan embryo, so the rhythm of the breakthrough must be controlled. If the Yuan embryo starts to break through, then Xiaoling's consciousness transfer will be absolutely impossible. .

Although Emperor Shaya didn't understand why Shen Zhui did this, he still tried his best to help. For him, as long as he could complete the task, nothing else mattered.

"We must succeed." Shen Zhui looked silently at the almost transparent little spirit in front of him and another lifelike body. The two are merging with each other.

"You have tried your best. Things have come to this point. If it fails, it will not be your fault." Tuosen on the side comforted Shen Zhui.

After Shen Zhui recognized his master, he released Tuo Sen and told him everything he could, especially about Xiao Ling.

This encounter was quite bizarre, and it was a great blessing to be able to save his life, not to mention that all three of them might be intact, but Xiaoling would lose his specialness, which Tuosen was happy to see.

If Xiao Ling has always been the origin of the Star Territory... I'm afraid he really can't protect him and will be hunted down endlessly.

"It's done!" Another ten years passed, and the fusion was finally successful. Xiao Ling had transformed into a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, matching his growth level.

"Brother Tuosen, brother Shen Zhui, where am I? Am I not dead?" Xiao Ling opened her eyes and stared blankly ahead.

"Xiaoling, come here." Tuosen waved his hand and took Xiaoling into the cave world.

The moment they entered the cave world, Tuo Sen and Shen Zhui were overjoyed. This proved that Xiao Ling was no longer special.

"I won't say much more to say thank you. You guys stay in the golden treasure chest and wait for me to come out of seclusion." Shen Zhui looked at Tuo Sen.

"Yes." Tuosen nodded and disappeared into the golden treasure chest.

"Shen Zhui." Emperor Shaya looked at him expectantly.

"I know." Shen Zhui smiled softly, and then swallowed the remaining ball of terrifying energy into his body.

"Boom~" A torrent of origin was injected into the Yuan embryo, helping the Yuan embryo mature rapidly.

"Kakaka~" The Yuan embryo's size was originally only a hundred thousand feet, but after being baptized by this torrent of energy, it immediately grew taller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the fourth breakthrough began!

"If I purely absorb the chaos crystal, I would need 10 million cubes to allow the Yuan embryo to break through. But now, after consuming less than one ten thousandth of the original energy of this mass, the Yuan embryo has started to break through for the fourth time." Shen Zhui Can't help but sigh.

But it's no wonder that the source of the star field can give birth to the energy of an entire star field!

It is used for Shen Zhui to absorb. The fourth breakthrough is completely enough. In the plan of the Lord of Star Source, the source of the star field can at least allow Shen Zhui to complete the fifth engulfment!

"The Great Thousand Worlds of Kyushu..."

When the Yuan embryo began to break through, Shen Zhui slowly felt an invisible connection, which came from the world he was born in, Kyushu.

"It's really mysterious to be able to open the entrance to the origin no matter how far away it is." A thought flashed through Shen Zhui's mind, and he quickly entered the origin and began to devour it for the fourth time.




As the number of devouring times increases, the execution of "Yuan Devouring Art" no longer becomes gentle.

The original ocean originally gave people a warm feeling, but now, it has become extremely violent, and the absorption has also become extremely violent!

"The place of origin feels that someone is devouring it, and feels threatened, but it is not strong enough now." Shen Zhui was in the place of origin, absorbing it quickly.

"The fourth swallowing is completed. Compared with the origin of Kyushu, I am also compared with the Milky Way and the gravel. But slowly, my existence will become more and more obvious."

"The stronger the sense of existence, the easier it is to be discovered. At the same time, the pressure becomes stronger and stronger. Until the ninth devouring, I am afraid that the heaven and earth will shake. Everyone will stand against me and try their best to kill me... Um?"

Shen Zhui suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body froze.

He suddenly thought of the three caves in the pool that the Lord of Star Source showed him in the Ship of Hope.

"Could it be that..." A suspicion suddenly arose in Shen Zhui's mind.


Three years later, the fifth devouring began!

All Shen Zhui's distracting thoughts disappeared, and there was only one goal left in his mind, which was to completely transform the original divine body into an eternal divine body!

"This is the most critical time."

"It is also the most important swallowing in the Yuan Devouring Art!"

"The nine times of devouring the origin accounted for half of the origin of the universe, while the fifth devouring was close to 10% of the origin of the world. Therefore, the fifth devouring was the first time I caused the subconscious rejection of the origin of the universe."

"If the origin of the great world of Kyushu is also conscious, the process of devouring it is like a hide-and-seek game. I am the hiding prey, and the origin of the great world is the hunter.

So, this fifth swallowing... is the first time it discovered my traces! "

"Then the sixth, seventh, and eighth times... my danger level increased, but by the ninth time, my eternal divine body occupied more than half of the original source, and the positions of the hunter and the prey changed. ! On the contrary, I want to be stronger than my original will!" Shen Zhui clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath.

Does the world of Kyushu have its own consciousness?

Maybe, maybe not.

In the descriptions of Lord Ji Yue and Lord Xingyuan, they both said that the origin of the world does not have the consciousness of "self", but the consciousness of "instinct protection" will be born.

Of course, there is also a possibility that there is a world lord who transforms it and guides it to condense into self-consciousness... Xiaoling is an example.

But that is only the origin of the star field level, the origin of the world level, it is too difficult and even impossible to achieve.

"Chichichi~" Taking advantage of the Yuan embryo's breakthrough, Shen Zhui entered the original ocean.

The fifth time he entered, Shen Zhui obviously felt completely different from the previous times.

In the past, he was just a speck of dust. A corner that fell into the ocean could not stir up a single wave.

But now, he turned into a huge boulder, and crashed into the ocean at an extremely fast speed, roaring and burning.


Suddenly, there were waves!

The entire world of Kyushu has a ripple of time and space.

This ripple is so slight that even the Great Emperor cannot detect it.

However, at this moment, some people still noticed.

West Antarctica, Zhao State.

In the royal capital, Zhao Xing suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Hmm? The ripples of time and space in the Kyushu world, is this his breakthrough?"

"No way, he's almost dead... It can't be him."

Zhao Xing disappeared into the royal capital in a flash.

After that, he transformed into tens of thousands of people and instantly appeared in countless corners of time and space in the world of Kyushu, searching for traces quickly.


Also in West Antarctica, Liang Kingdom.

Liang Wang Xia Wudao was looking down at a man in black below.

"You puppet, don't even think about turning the world upside down and swallowing me up. I am the real Xia Wudao, and you are just my clone!!" The man in black roared and struggled continuously.

"You are me, and I am you." The middle-aged man in rich clothes standing in front of the throne said expressionlessly, "Let's merge."


The roaring voice of the man in black stopped suddenly, and his body turned into a black torrent that merged into Xia Wudao's body.

After a moment, Xia Wudao opened his eyes, and a sense of vicissitudes of life emanated.

"Finally escaped reincarnation...huh?"

A trace of confusion suddenly appeared in Xia Wudao's eyes, and he quickly left the hall.

"Is this, could it be him?" Xia Wudao's face changed slightly, as if he felt that he had made a mistake.

The original divine body is undergoing rapid transformation!

The five elements, yin and yang, and the origin of life and death, eventually merged into one, and evolved deeper in Shen Zhui's body.


The eternal divinity comes out of the body. At first, it is just a ray of brilliance. As time goes by, it slowly spreads throughout the body, and the whole person becomes crystal clear, filled with the golden light of divinity.

Just like the supreme rules that have existed since ancient times, those who successfully merge with the Tao and realize the eternity of the Tao will be immortal forever. Their physical bodies are unimaginably powerful, and they are detached from the rules, laws, and the original Tao.

Just like the rules and laws of the true god cannot harm the legal body of the god king, the eternal divine body can also be immune to the attacks of the original avenue, because the eternal divine body itself contains the supreme path, and any five elements, yin and yang, and the avenue of life and death are just one of its direct currents. , just like attacking the ocean with water droplets, it will only succeed in the end, but will not hurt it.

"The ordinary cultivation system, step by step, finally achieves the eternal divine body, transcending the five elements of yin and yang." Shen Zhui suddenly had an enlightenment, "But my secret method is different. Other practitioners, that is the world. Although the eternal divine body given is difficult to kill, it will be controlled by the world."

"With the prosperity of the world and the tyranny of life as a whole, the greater the emperor level is, the stronger it will be. But if a great emperor is born when a world reaches the end of its lifespan, its power will only be half as powerful as an eternal god. Wang Qiang a little bit."

"The stronger the world is, the stronger it will be after the eternity of enlightenment. On the contrary, it will be very weak."

"So, in the normal path of cultivation, great emperors will choose a world of great prosperity if they make breakthroughs."

"No wonder...I understand."

Shen Zhui was immersed in the ocean of origin and suddenly realized.

"No wonder the emperors after the unification of Kyushu would be too strong. No wonder the Human Emperor has been fighting abroad and rarely returns."

"By expanding your territory, you can breed more lives and plunder more resources to cultivate strong men of your own tribe and improve your overall strength."

"In this way, the emperor's strength will become stronger!"

"Those vassal groups can either choose to rely on them or be destroyed. So they have no choice at all. That's why there are so many emperors who obey the orders of the Emperor."

"When you reach the Great Emperor level, you don't want much. All you want is to go one step further and break through to the world level."

"But there is a gap in the inheritance of the Lord of the World. Many people don't even know that the realm of the Lord of the World exists, so they spontaneously figured it out. Today's cultivation system..."

"So, the Demon God's Palace, the Great Sith World, the Holy Land of the Wind...these people all intend to make themselves stronger. The top experts among them all want to become the master of the world, and they even do not hesitate to start a war for this purpose. Until we find a way!”

Shen Zhui's divine body shone brightly. At this moment, he was extremely out of the world. When he saw Emperor Shaya next to him, he was dazzled.

Because Shen Zhui had not completely broken through at this moment, the slight pressure leaked made him feel his heart trembling.

"It's a completely different path. Is this the true face of the Giant Divine Art?" Emperor Sha Ya lamented, "It's a pity that even if the master showed me back then, I couldn't learn it, and I didn't even cultivate the Yuan embryo..."

The combination of the Dao system and the use of force to break the Dharma system are two completely different paths.

The eternal divine body achieved is naturally stronger than the latter!

Because the latter is not limited to the vast world, even the master of Ji Yue, who is more perverted in using force to break the law, has also created perverted methods such as Yuan Devouring Art, Giant God Technique, and Hidden Source.

These three are considered to be at the top even in the path of using force to break the law!


The transformation of the eternal divine body continues, and a full nine years have passed in the outside world.

Although these nine years are just a blink of an eye for the strong men, a lot of things have happened.

Under the shock of Emperor Shaya, the Demon Palace, Yinfeng Holy Land, Great Zhou...all the forces had long since retreated.

The great emperors from all sides sealed off the forbidden area of ​​​​the White Tower together, leaving only a clone of each to stay.

Because no one knows whether they have accepted the inheritance in it, or what changes have occurred. Since the attack cannot get in... then we can only leave a clone, wait for the final result to appear, and then judge whether the news is good or bad and make arrangements.

Of course, the war as a whole is not over yet. Emperor Shaya only said that no one is allowed to enter the small place on the Origin Star, but there are no traces of takeover in other places.

Therefore, naturally there are still people fighting and fighting on the other treasure lands...


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Shen Zhui had been immersed in the origin of the world for five years.

"Wow~" Shen Zhui's divine body was shocked, and finally stopped continuing to transform, reaching the saturation level that could be achieved by the fifth devouring.

Moreover, the oppression of the place of origin was also the limit that he could not bear, constantly repelling Shen Zhui.

"The Yuan embryo has broken through twice in succession. It has been absorbed for so long. It is already considered rare among the rare. The origin I have absorbed has exceeded half of the origin of the world! If I stay any longer, I am afraid that the will of the origin will directly kill me..." Shen Zhui said secretly.

The instinctive protection of the original will is reflected in the increasingly strong rejection, which directly hits the soul. Although Shen Zhui has been recognized by the Ship of Hope and his soul has become incredibly powerful, he also feels that there is some danger.

Moreover, less than half of the original energy of the Sha Min Star Territory has been consumed. Now Shen Zhui has suddenly become a fighting emperor, and his power has skyrocketed. If he continues to devour it, it may not be a good thing.

"It's almost time to leave." With a thought in Shen Zhui's mind, he ordered the Yuan embryo to stop absorbing and then left.

"Boom~" The world inside the body grew crazily, and a golden god stood on it.

The explosive power, every move and every move is in harmony with the way of heaven. This is the power of the eternal divine body.

Moreover, Shen Zhui's eternal divine body is not limited to the vast world and far exceeds the normal emperor level.

It should be noted that the more powerful Daqian World can cultivate tens of thousands of emperors, but... without affecting its own operation, Hedao can achieve eternal emperors and occupy no more than one ten thousandth of the original power.

And Shen Zhui alone now accounts for half of it!

The power hidden in the body of the Eternal God, the Tao that was forcibly swallowed, turned into incredible power, capable of defeating some weak emperors!

"The Giant Divine Technique is so powerful." Emperor Shaya glanced at Shen Zhui, feeling a little frightened, "I can feel the power of the master in you."

"Senior Sha Ya, thank you very much." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. Now that the Eternal Divine Body is completed, Sha Ya has contributed a lot to it.

"No, I want to thank you." Emperor Sha Ya shook his head and said, "Without you, I would not be able to escape. I don't know how many epochs I have to wait for."

"My lifespan has long since expired. This is the origin of the universe. It is restricted by the supreme rules. No one can save me. Moreover... I have lived enough. You don't have to be sad." Emperor Shaya looked at Shen Zhui with a look on his face. Strange, he immediately comforted him.

"In my life, I have been doing nothing but cultivating myself to the level of the God King. It is like smoke rising from my ancestral grave."

"I have witnessed so many things, lived as long as several great emperors, and now I have seen with my own eyes a successor with greater potential than my master... I have no regrets."

Shen Zhui wanted to say something else, but all he heard was that Emperor Sha Ya smiled and said, "I've explained everything that needs to be explained. Let's go. Take care."

Then Emperor Shaya waved his hand, and suddenly began to break from his feet, turning into particles of nothingness, and slowly disappeared...

"Senior Sha Ya..." Shen Zhui looked at the other party's death with some regret.

Although I had known for a long time that the other party was relieved and had lived long enough... But leaving so freely and freely still made me feel a little emotional.

This can be regarded as a leader of his own.

"He is free." Suddenly a voice sounded.

"Yeah, trapped here for seventeen epochs...huh? You-" Shen Zhui subconsciously answered the voice, but then he stood on his back.

Emperor Shaya is dead. Tuosen and Xiaoling are in the golden treasure chest. Whose voice does it belong to? !

"Ahhhh!" Suddenly, Shen Zhui's mind felt a sharp pain, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, golden light burst out from Shen Zhui's body, and his eternal divine body was torn apart.

"Whoosh~" A ray of light emerged like liquid and turned into a human figure.

The figure is as tall as Shen Zhui, and his appearance is exactly the same. He is wearing a black uniform, but his eyes are extremely cold.

"The second soul?!!" Shen Zhui's eyes were red and his face was full of disbelief that his second soul actually split on its own initiative.

"It's surprising?" The black figure stared at Shen Zhui indifferently, "There is something even more surprising."

"Boom, boom~" loud noises came.

Above the Ship of Hope, the ninth-level source vortex suddenly burst into light and was completely activated.

"What? This, this..." Shen Zhui's heart was beating wildly. The core of the warship in his sea of ​​consciousness was actually activated like this.

What surprised Shen Zhui even more was that when he wanted to enable system blocking, he found...

The system also failed!

"W-who are you!" Shen Zhui stared at the second spirit. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

The second soul just stared at Shen Zhui with a pitiful look, as if to say, you don't even know who you are, but you want to ask me who I am?

"After all, you can't calculate your fate. You and him... are trapped in this tomb together." The eyes of the second soul seemed to pierce Shen Zhui. He dropped a word, and then a black light turned into a huge The palm of his hand was printed on Shen Zhui's forehead.

"Boom~" Suddenly, a warship-like cage formed in the hall, sealing the entire space.

Whoosh~ The next moment, the second soul appeared outside the ship of hope.

"Kakakakakaka~" The second spirit sealed the warship with great skill. The entire warship suddenly became a world of its own and was completely sealed in a very short period of time!

"It's too noisy." The second soul frowned slightly, as if listening to something, "The entire universe is too noisy."

The next moment, the second spirit came out of the chaotic time and space.

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