I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 11: The final battle!

But after fighting with the origin of this universe, the Lord of Nine Netherworlds found a way.

To practice the Origin Secret Technique, you must first reach a world-class spiritual realm!

This secret technique should not exist in the universe at all, because it was created to replace the real world with the spiritual world and to challenge the supreme rules of the universe.

"It turns out that what Old Man Xinyuan gave me is part of this secret method, the second soul, the mental method... The Lord of the Nine Nethers has really made a big move. Does this mean that I will definitely learn it? "Shen Zhui was a little sad.

The Secret Technique of Origin, once practiced, is at the twelfth level!

Moreover, mental power, divine power, and soul power have all reached their peak.

The next four levels are all heading towards the peak and preparing to break through to the thirteenth level.

And once it breaks through to the thirteenth level, the system will also be activated to its strongest state.

Unlike the first three states of the system, which require time and effort, the fourth state can be fully understood in an instant!

Now, Shen Zhui has mastered the secret technique of "Original Point".

This is a more advanced secret technique than the Devouring Element Art, and what supports his breakthrough is the lifelong power of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds!

"It's time to go out." Shen Zhui raised his head, his body filled with light.

Now, his system has changed.

He himself has also set foot on the twelfth level of world master.

The barrier of the ship of hope can no longer stop him!

"It's useless, Xia Yu, you guys are all destined to die..." The manifested body looked at Xia Wudao coldly. His current state was unfathomable, and the origin of the world was constantly surging around him.

It can be said that he is getting stronger every moment!

"How do you know the master's intentions?" Xia Wudao's mouth was bleeding and his eyes were cold.

"Oh?" The Second Soul sneered, "Really? You think I don't know that the Lord of Nine Netherworlds is still alive. You think I don't know that he has been looking for ways to resist?"

"It's useless, all this is in vain!"

"You bunch of bugs that affect the universe will eventually be punished!"

"Hahaha." Xia Wudao suddenly laughed, "No matter what you know, from the time you started to have human emotions, you are no longer that invincible existence."

"This is the greatest brilliance of Master!"

"If the original will of the universe has human emotions, can it still be considered a human being?"


Suddenly the sound stopped. The second soul almost didn't think about it. He opened his sleeves and swung his left hand towards a blank space on the left like lightning. Just to his upper left, a figure appeared out of thin air.


The two palms intersected, bursting out a boundless sea of ​​energy. One side is as dark as ink, and the other side is as bright as gold.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

The manifested body trembled and was actually knocked away.

"You actually got out of trouble!"

The manifested body looked at the figure appearing on the left in surprise. He clearly remembered that Shen Zhui was trapped, and it was absolutely impossible to escape so quickly, but at this moment. Shen Zhui actually appeared in front of him again.

Not only was he not dead, but he was actually stronger than before.

"Impossible..." The manifested body was a little panicked, "I also know everything the Lord of the Nine Nethers knows. I know what you know! What you don't know, I know too!"

"How can this be?"

"Shen Zhui..."

Xia Wudao looked at Shen Zhui with a complicated expression. Because the artifact in his hand, the Nine Nether Bell, had flown into Shen Zhui's hands involuntarily.

As the person closest to the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, Xia Wudao knew part of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds' plans.

He even knew that the master might not be dead!

He was Emperor Xia, so of course he could get the Nine Nether Bell, but now... the Nine Nether Bell was in Shen Zhui's hands, and Xia Wudao understood.

The master is no more, and the inheritance plan rests on Shen Zhui, just as he had guessed long ago.

However, what he couldn't guess was how strong Shen Zhui was now.

"Emperor Xia, please return to the Great World of Jiuzhou and tell everyone the true identity of this beast to prevent the strong men of Great Zhou from fighting with others." Shen Zhui said.

"Leave the rest to me." There was a trace of solemnity on Shen Zhui's face.

He broke through, but the manifested body was equally powerful.

But facing this battle, there is no retreat at all.

Regardless of whether he inherited everything from the Lord of Nine Nethers, he had no way to retreat, because he knew that the scope of the manifested body's suppression had been expanded this time.

In the earliest era, it was just about killing the Lord of the World.

When he became the Lord of Nine Netherworld, he began to clean up even the Great Emperor.

So far, it has directly wiped out most of the powerful people in the universe. This range starts from the God King!

When the time comes, your lover and relatives will be affected, and no one above the God King will be able to survive.

"I have no other choice, this is my fate!"

"It was doomed from the very beginning when I was pulled into this world." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

Xia Wudao looked at Shen Zhui, then at the manifested body, nodded immediately, and flew back.

The manifested body did not stop Xia Wudao from leaving. He was just a great emperor. Even holding a divine weapon could not threaten him, the twelfth-level world master.

But Shen Zhui... From the moment he appeared, he understood that Shen Zhui might not be weaker than him.

"Shen Zhui, your world is really wonderful!"

The manifested body's eyes fell on Shen Zhui, and his eyes moved as if he was getting to know Shen Zhui again:

"The Lord of the Nine Netherworlds rose from humble beginnings, and so did you. And they have all reached such a height..."

"Could it be that you have other trump cards?"

Shen Zhui snorted coldly and did not answer.

The system seems to be something that the other party does not know. Because of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, the manifested body does not know about it at all.

"No need to guess. You can't guess it no matter how hard you guess."

Shen chased the calm opponent.

"You want to complete the mission that the origin of the universe has always given you, and I want to prevent this disaster."

"There is no room for maneuver. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Moreover, you are just a puppet influenced by the original will of the universe. There are many things that you don't know at all." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice.

"A long time ago, the Lord of the Nine Nethers was so proud, but now, he is dead." The manifestation sneered, "Every time the universe is cleared, the abilities given to the destroyers by the universe are evolving."

"The first time was from the Ancient God Clan, and the second time was from the Second Soul of the Lord of Nine Netherworlds."

"The third time, it was me. A me stronger than the first two."

The second spirit, the manifested body, looked at Shen Zhui with a sneer, "And you, at best, are comparable to the Lord of Nine Netherworlds. How can you stop me and prevent this disaster?"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill!" Shen Zhui didn't give the opponent a chance at all, because the manifested body was formed by his second soul. He was getting stronger every moment, and he could sense some situations.

If we start now, there is still a big chance, but if we delay, it will be difficult.

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