I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 16: Demonstrate the Dharma!

"System, exchange twenty thousand good deeds for enlightenment time!"

"The exchange is successful, the countdown to enlightenment time is 20, 19, 18..."

When the time of enlightenment began, the scene in Shen Zhui's eyes became illusory, as if he was no longer in a prison, but in a hazy and chaotic space.

He felt that his whole body was extremely relaxed, as if all his worries had disappeared, his mind went blank, and the straw stick in his hand was subconsciously thrown away.

This ethereal feeling is completely different from the enlightenment of time.

Just like a drowning person sinking into the sea of ​​misery, understanding time is like a drowning person suddenly knowing how to raise his head above the water.

The time of enlightenment is an invisible force that pulls the whole person out of the water and breaks free from the shackles of the sea of ​​suffering.


There was a buzz in his mind, and a figure suddenly appeared in this hazy space.

This figure looked exactly like Shen Zhui, but there was an aura of agility about him.

He holds an iron ruler and wears silver armor. He seems to be an independent individual and seems to be inextricably related to the main body.

By clearly understanding time and seeing things, you can recognize your shortcomings.

The time of enlightenment and the teaching of the Dharma point out the way forward.

Shen Zhui, who had mastered the "Unity of Heaven and Man" rule, began to practice in front of him.

"The Nine Levels of the Iron Ruler" has a total of eighteen moves, with six cores: point, stab, split, collapse, thrust, and pick, each with three variations.

Each move and style can be performed in combination, with endless magical uses.

After three years of hard training, Shen Zhui is naturally familiar with these eighteen movements, but now watching another virtual version of himself practice, it feels completely different.

This is a teacher who has the same body, realm, and physical skills in all aspects, but only has perfect ruler skills.

Different from other people's teachings in the real world, in this virtual space, every move and every move of the other party is as if they were performed by oneself.

This time of enlightenment is equivalent to giving him two perspectives. One is to practice in a state of unity between heaven and man, imprinting every move in his mind.

One is to view and summarize from the perspective of others.

With the two facts confirmed, Shen Zhui knew a way to the unity of heaven and man in a very short period of time!

In the cell, Shen Zhui stood quietly with his eyes closed, motionless, like a statue.

If someone were in the same room with him at this time, they would notice that even his heartbeat and breathing have become extremely rhythmic.

Shen Zhui seemed to have experienced a long time in the illusory space, but in fact he only breathed for a moment.

The moment he opened his eyes, his vitality was full of energy, his heartbeat and breathing were like a volcanic eruption, suddenly soaring, his whole body's essence and energy were unified, and his state was at its peak instantly!


Picking up a straw stick, Shen Zhui started moving in the cell.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

A phantom suddenly appeared, and the grass stick seemed to merge with him, and the light made his shadow reflected on the wall merge into one.

With Shen Zhui as the center, wherever the straw stick was swung, everything was shrouded in phantoms.

This is the unique ‘power’ of Dachengjing techniques.

However, when I became enlightened, my actions were completely different from before.

In usual practice, weapons were just dead objects with no special feeling, but at this moment, Shen Zhui felt that the weapon in his hand seemed to be alive.

It was as if there was some slight but mysterious force touching his weapon with a unique rhythm and resonating with his moves.

What is the power of heaven and earth? The power of heaven and earth is the aura of heaven and earth!

Everything is between heaven and earth, and every move it makes will cause fluctuations in the aura of heaven and earth.

It's just that the Houtian warriors are too weak to detect it, and it's difficult to even detect it, let alone take advantage of it.

In contrast, innate masters have innate spiritual energy stored in the Dantian in their bodies, and are guided by the source. They can naturally easily activate the power of heaven and earth, absorb and store it.

This is the fundamental gap between nature and nurture.

Shen Zhui had mastered his skills before, and the momentum brought by the iron ruler phantom was fierce, domineering, and full of murderous intent.

It looks very powerful, but it is like a playful child, hitting eighteen kinds of musical instruments at once. Although the sound is huge, it is chaotic.

But at this moment, when Shen Zhui felt the changes coming from the weapon, reflecting on the scene in the virtual space, he figured out a hint of charm.

Slowly controlling the changes in potential, he arranged the notes of the "potential" in an orderly manner, and slowly formed a simple movement.

As the movement formed, this mysterious experience suddenly deepened, as if the barrier had been broken. At the same time, the invisible power became clearer.


Shen Zhui was practicing the ruler technique before, and weeds and dust were flying in the small cell.

But as Shen Zhui adjusted again and again, he slowly touched the threshold of 'harmony between man and nature'.

The situation is completely different!

Driven by the invisible force, the weeds no longer flew around in an orderly manner, and the dust also strangely formed a small tornado, moving around Shen Zhui.

Shen Zhui, who was immersed in this mysterious realm, was unaware of these changes. He just followed this refreshing feeling and tried his best to make the notes more beautiful.

Because he found that when he controlled the "moment" and played the notes more neatly, the feeling of pleasure became deeper.

At this moment, he was clearly out of the virtual space, but he felt that his mind was dancing and spreading outside the cell.

This feeling is still deepening. The weapon in his hand is no longer just the three-foot-long straw stick, but the spiritual energy in this world!

"Boom!" "Fuck!"

Suddenly, dull sounds came from the fences and iron gates.

It was very subtle at first, but gradually became larger.

Scratches appeared on the iron door, and as for the wooden fence, chipped wood chips flew everywhere.

This sound was also accompanied by a certain rhythm, and some prisoners in nearby cells also woke up.

"Where's the sound coming from?"

"what happened?"

"Someone robbed the prison?"

"How can it be a prison robbery? This is the county jail!"

"Damn it! You're not allowed to sleep anymore!"


The movement became louder and louder, and waves of spiritual energy from heaven and earth were like soldiers ordered to charge, following the master's orders, sweeping away all surrounding obstacles.

As the scope of Shen Zhui's control became wider and wider, the power of heaven and earth he aroused became stronger and stronger. The prisoners in the cells adjacent to him were almost suffocated by this power of heaven and earth.

"Innate aura?! Oh my god! Is there an innate master being held next to me?!"

"What kind of nerve is this? How can a congenital master be locked up with us!"

"I can't, I can't breathe anymore...Help! Help!"

This movement mixed with the boiling noises of the prisoners finally alerted the officers guarding the prison.

Hearing the sound, the yamen servant hurriedly walked down the stairs holding the long knife at his waist.

Ming Huo fiercely knocked on the iron door and warned: "Quiet! Quiet! Why are you making such a fuss?"

Naturally, the government officials would not think about prison robbery. Usually, warriors with a good life would make noises after being imprisoned because their diet had deteriorated, but they would usually obey after being whipped for a few times.

But this time it was different. After dozens of continuous lashes, the noise did not subside, but became like a prairie fire.

"Scar, what's going on? Someone really wants to rob the prison, right?" A younger government officer was inexplicably frightened.

"What are you talking about! Don't scare yourself!" The elderly government officer, who was nicknamed because of the scar on his face, immediately shouted sharply.

However, he was also a little panicked. As a seventh-level acquired warrior, he felt it more strongly than others. The dark cell inexplicably brought a strong sense of oppression, which made him tremble.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were loud noises from deep in the cell, as if someone was hitting the iron door, and it was like a hammer hitting the heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Scarface's expression suddenly changed.

"Hurry and report to Chief Liu and order someone to block the exit of the dungeon."

"Hey." The young government servant, who was already a little timid, immediately left in a hurry.

"Damn it...there really isn't a blind guy who wants to escape from prison, right?" He pulled out the long knife, lit it on fire, and walked towards the source of the sound with the scarred face.


County government office, Mingtang.

Wei Wenhe, the county magistrate, was looking at a map, and next to him stood Wang Long, the leader of the martial arts squad room, and Zhao Hu.

"...You're saying that the Li family may have a hiding place in Fengshan Ridge, a hundred miles away?"

Seeing the county magistrate asking questions, he went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Zhao Hu said quickly: "My subordinates just speculated that the squad leader sent us to keep an eye on the movements of the Li and Yang family's caravan. My subordinates found that there were about a hundred people. Caravans always carry a large amount of supplies and rush to Fengshanling in batches every once in a while."

"When they came out and returned to the territory of the two major families, they were replaced by a group of new faces, but the number remained at around a hundred people."

"My subordinates once sent people to sneak into them to inquire. These people have a very strict reputation. They never mentioned what the supplies were. They only knew that there would be more horses and silver coins when they returned to the city. In order to avoid alerting the snake, I did not dare to send people to intercept them. Looking at it, there is no way to verify what they were trading, we can only speculate.”

Wei Wenhe did not look back, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in mist, leaving only the outline of a tall figure.

He was still staring at the map. When Zhao Hu finished speaking, he just waved his hand.

"Well, I understand, you can go down first."

"Yes." Zhao Hu said respectfully.

After Zhao Hu retreated, Wei Wenhe looked at the map for a while, and then turned around. The fog dissipated, revealing a face that was a little too young.

Very different from the rumored identity of the majestic old man, Wei Wenhe looks more like a weak and handsome scholar.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Wang Long pondered for a while and said: "The Fengshan Ridge area is a place where mountain people gather to trade. Caravans often come to sell supplies. It is difficult to judge whether this is true or not."

Wei Wenhe waved his hand and was about to say something, but his expression suddenly changed.

"Junior brother, what's wrong?" Wang Long asked immediately when he saw his expression change.

Wei Wenhe suddenly relaxed and laughed, "Let's go, senior brother, it's good news to go to the county prison."

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