I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 51: Disappeared?

As soon as the blood essence and blood of the Shadow Demon Leopard King was thrown into the spiritual cave, it fell directly into the hands of the spiritual villain in the mansion.

"Chichi" The essence and blood slowly blended with the little man, and soon the first step of refining the essence and blood began, subduing the will of the ferocious beast!

"Roar!" From the drop of essence and blood, bursts of roaring sounds suddenly came out. This sound was like a real substance, constantly impacting the little man. Under each roar, the little man's body shook slightly. shake.

Reluctance, despair, bloodthirsty, killing, waves of negative emotions impacted Shen Zhui's mind.

This Shadow Demonic Leopard King died at the hands of Shen Zhui, an intermediate leveler of Lingqiao. Naturally, he felt extremely unwilling to do so. If it weren't for Shen Zhui's dual cultivation of Taoism and Wushu, and each one of them was extremely outstanding, it would be impossible for a pure Qi practitioner or martial artist to kill it.

Once the innate magical power comes out, even those with weaker magical powers will die in its hands, but it capsized in the gutter here of Shen Zhui. The hatred contained in his soul cannot be washed away by the water from all over the world.

"You can't defeat me even if you're alive, but you still want to be a monster in death? Tower of the Void, Zhen!" Shen Zhui shouted in a low voice.

A pagoda suddenly appeared above the head of the little Lingpo man. There was a layer of yellow dragons sloping down from the base of the tower, completely covering the little Lingpo man. The impact of the ferocious beast's will was suddenly greatly reduced, and the little Lingpo man also Stability is restored.

The impact of the Shadow Leopard King's will, layer after layer, was like a wave, constantly eroding, trying to make Shen Zhui's spiritual consciousness collapse and turn him into an idiot. However, when he used Demonic Soul Roar, Shen Zhui was able to block it, let alone this impact of will?

There were heavy impacts, but Shen Zhui stood firm and motionless.

The negative emotions in the drop of essence and blood began to slowly dissipate, and traces of black energy emerged from the essence and blood and dissipated invisible.

In less than a moment, the will of the ferocious beast completely dissipated, leaving only the transparent and crystal soul of the demon leopard. The entire drop of blood essence was covered with a layer of milky white brilliance, giving it a sacred feeling.

"It's done! The will of the Shadow Leopard King has been surrendered. Next, let's see if we can fuse all the souls from this drop of blood essence and extract the trace of magical power given by heaven." Shen Zhui felt a little nervous. stand up.

If he can succeed, with this innate magical power, his combat power will be able to reach another level!

However, Shen Zhui also had a glimmer of hope. With a success rate of less than 20%, the possibility of failure was too great.

"Fusion!" The figure of the soul villain suddenly became illusory. A simple and primitive heaven and earth spiritual bridge emerged from the void. Shen Zhui's will was highly concentrated, and a mysterious feeling emerged in his eyes. , turned into a colorful world, and the ownerless soul of the Shadow Leopard stopped in front of his eyes.

This soul is like a tangled thread, messy and slowly dissipating.

Shen Zhui quickly gathered his mind and started the second step of refining the essence and blood, gathering the remaining soul.

The scattered souls began to merge, and a trace of bloodline power began to emerge from the essence and blood, rolling continuously. Although it was only a tiny drop of essence and blood, in Shen Zhui's senses at this moment, it was like a sea.

And in this sea, there are hundreds of pearl-like light spots scattered in it.

True and false, false and true, these light spots are a glimmer of magical power given by heaven. Shen Zhui must choose one of them and integrate it into his blood essence.

Only a few of these hundreds of light points are mysterious beings that can truly display their innate magical powers. Once the fusion is wrong, it means failure.

Of course, if this is the essence and blood of a top-ranked ferocious beast, then all the points of light have innate magical powers, and there is no need to choose at all.

"They are all exactly the same. No matter which angle you look at, you can't tell them apart. It seems that what the predecessors concluded is indeed correct. The acquisition of this kind of innate magical power really depends on luck." Shen Zhui observed for a while and then give up.

If there was a method of selection, then the world would be full of strong men who could use their natural talents.

"Extract!" Shen Zhui no longer hesitated and directly selected one of the light spots to extract and merge it into the blood essence.

"It must succeed, it must succeed," Shen Zhui prayed in his heart. The probability of approaching 20% ​​was actually not too small.

The essence and blood slowly merged with the ownerless soul. The last drop of essence and blood shrank by more than half, as if it had collapsed internally, and then started to spin in front of the soul villain.

Seeing this scene, Shen Zhui's heart was in his throat, the answer was about to be revealed!

"Buzz" The speed of the essence and blood rotation slowed down, and the surface of the essence and blood soon became as round as passing through pearls, but there were still some small pits on it.

But as the fusion continued, these pits and holes quickly disappeared, and a surging power radiated from the blood essence.

"Huh!" When the essence and blood stopped rotating completely, Shen Zhui felt a breeze suddenly blowing in the cave sky.

The breeze blows on the essence and blood

"Rumble" A light emitted from the essence and blood, and the entire cave space trembled because of this light!

The essence and blood suddenly became transparent, and there was a shadow demon leopard's shadow, roaring up to the sky!

That huge soul pressure choked Shen Zhui's breath!

The innate magical power of the demon soul roars!

"Hahaha!" Shen Zhui danced happily.

"It turned out to be a natural gift!"

Shen Zhui looked up to the sky and screamed. The expansion speed of the ten caves was stunned. You can imagine how happy he was at this moment.

"Try the incarnation effect!" Shen Zhui's eyes were burning, and the drop of essence and blood in the Lingso Cave was suddenly swallowed by the Lingpo child.

At this moment, the negative emotions in the ferocious beast's will were completely removed, and Shen Zhui suddenly felt a huge force emerging from his body, as if there was a ferocious beast lurking inside.

"Roar!" On the high platform, Shen Zhui's body suddenly changed and transformed into a dark demon leopard.

There were secret lines looming on the demon leopard's skin, its limbs were propped on the ground, thick and powerful, and its eyes no longer flashed with red light, but with traces of golden light emerging.

"Is this the body of the Shadow Leopard?" Shen Zhui raised a paw to look at it and jumped twice on the high platform.

A magical feeling arose in his heart, and Shen Zhui felt that his perspective suddenly became wider.

"Whoosh" After getting familiar with it for a while, Shen Zhui suddenly jumped off the high platform. Now that he had the authority to move through these fifteen levels, he could naturally move freely.

"Swish, swish, swish" Shen Zhui flew with all his strength, and black shadows suddenly appeared in the secret space.

The surrounding scenery quickly retreated, and Shen Zhui felt that his perception of the power of heaven and earth around him was much sharper, especially the power of wind. The normal perception is extremely weak, but now it is magnified ten times or a hundred times!

"Speed ​​up!" The spiritual power in Shen Zhui's body turned, and the Red Sun Nine Dragon Diagram reached its peak.

"Boom" The air around the Shadow Demon Leopard's body collapsed obviously. The next moment, the entire dark cloud space was full of Shadow Demon Leopard's figures!

"Tsk, tsk, this Shadow Leopard is indeed a being that is naturally good at speed. This speed is more than three times faster than my own flying. If it flies in a straight line, it can be even faster." Shen Zhui couldn't help but marvel.

At this speed, in the previous battle, if it weren't for the pressure of the ten caves, he probably wouldn't have even thought of touching the Shadow Leopard.

Shen Zhui vaguely felt that he was a little faster when he transformed into the Shadow Leopard.

"Especially in terms of steering transformation, the Shadow Leopard's body is much stronger than that of humans." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

The speed of straight-line flight and the speed of turning back and forth are two different things. For example, the Ba Snake transformed by Li Zhang flies in a straight line, and its speed is not weaker than Shen Zhui. But when it comes to small-scale space movement and dodge, it is far inferior to Shen Zhui with perfect body skills.

And this Shadow Demonic Leopard is capable of crushing Ba Snake in terms of short-distance direction change speed.

"Hmm? This power?" A round shield appeared in Shen Zhui's body, and then he drew a claw across it.

A sliver of golden light emerged from the sharp claws.

"Bang!" The second-level top round shield was cut open directly by the sharp claws!

Seeing the golden light on the claws, Shen Zhui was a little shocked.

"This this"

Strength is the weakness of the Shadow Demon Leopard. In the previous battle with the Shadow Demon Leopard, the opponent's strength was only about 70% stronger than that of an ordinary human at the peak of Spirit Bridge.

This is actually considered ordinary.

The power of the ferocious beasts and great monsters is stronger than that of humans. For example, the powerful demon ape, the powerful demon ape at the peak of the Spirit Bridge Realm, is four times more powerful than the peak of the ordinary human race at the Spirit Bridge Realm! In comparison, the Shadow Leopard's power level is not outstanding.

But now, the power of this Shadow Demon Leopard is completely beyond Shen Zhui's expectation!

"My ultimate power has been perfectly continued in this incarnation?" Shen Zhui was delighted.

But then I thought about it, it was normal.

The incarnation of the ferocious beast is based on the user's own strength.

Otherwise, if a strong person in the supernatural power realm uses the essence and blood of a high-level ferocious beast from Spirit Bridge, will his power actually be weakened? That doesn't make sense.

"The shortcomings in strength have been completely compensated, and the defense has been greatly improved, plus the speed advantage." Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel excited.

At this moment, the secret lines on the skin of the Shadow Leopard he transformed into were no longer black, but dark gold, which was a manifestation of the extreme state.

"Try other powers again." Shen Zhui said secretly.

After some attempts, Shen Zhui finally discovered that

The incarnation of a vicious beast can be used, and external objects such as storage rings can be used, and the ten caves can also be opened as usual.

The Tower of the Void and the five-sense teleportation technique can be used without any problem.

However, there is a sense of sluggishness in the three aspects of Shenfa, Taoism, and Swordsmanship.

Shen Zhui's body skills were okay, but Shen Zhui's sword skills and Tao skills were completely different.

Transformed into the Shadow Demon Leopard, his ability to sense the power of wind and heaven and earth has been strengthened ten and a hundred times, while the two powers of gold and thunder have been greatly weakened.

As for the sword technique, he could consider using his claws as swords, but it would completely lose the sense of mellowness he had in his previous human form.

"Every gain must come with a loss. It seems that transforming into a ferocious beast will make it difficult to take into account both martial arts and martial arts." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

However, Shen Zhui didn't take it to heart. The transformation into a ferocious beast had already greatly improved his combat power.

The Shadow Demon Leopard King is so violent, and his control of power, experience, etc. are all based on instinct. Although his intelligence is high enough, it is still much worse than humans.

With Shen Zhui controlling the body of this ferocious beast, it's up to him to take advantage of his strength.

"The point is, innate magical powers!" There was a hint of excitement in his huge eyes.

"The Shadow Leopard's innate magical power is divided into two parts. One of them is the Demonic Soul Roar, which is the magical power of spiritual consciousness attack."

"Secondly, the speed, power, defense, etc. of the entire physical body will be doubled on the original basis!"

"No wonder, back then I slashed into its head with a knife. Even with the increased talent and magical power, it was still able to struggle away and even let my weapon slip away."

Sou Shen Zhui jumped onto the high platform, and the Shadow Leopard transformed and returned to its human form.

"Just using the incarnation consumes half of the spiritual power. The consumption is huge enough." Shen Zhui felt slightly. Even if he had laid the foundation of the Ten Caves of the Ultimate Realm and the Red Sun Nine Dragons Diagram, it took such a short time. After consuming half of it, the peak performance of Ordinary Spirit Bridge still consumes more than half?

"After Li Zhang used Ba Snake's innate magical power, he immediately weakened. It seems that the average person's innate magical power is only one blow. However, I should not be like this." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

After crossing his legs and recovering for a while, Shen Zhui's mind became active again when he saw that Yun Duo still hadn't sent any message to let him out.

"Now that I have obtained the essence and blood of ferocious beasts and mastered my innate magical powers, I wonder if I can pass through the later levels of this secret space?"

No one knows how many levels there are in the Yunlong Bridge Secret Realm, but the current record is still held by Wu'an Hou Zhao Xing more than 300 years ago!

In the secret space, entering the Spirit Bridge Realm is completely different from the level of difficulty in entering the Divine Power Realm. At that time, Marquis Wu An used his cultivation level in the Divine Power Realm to break through the levels, and finally reached the twenty-ninth level!

Since then, no one has reached level 29 again.

Some people speculate that the only person who may have a higher level of clearance than Wu Anhou is the extremely talented head of the Blood Demon Sect a long time ago.

"According to the intelligence information from Tianxin Palace, if you break through the Lingqiao realm, starting from the sixteenth level, each level will become more difficult."

"To pass the sixteen levels, you need the top level of magical power."

"Seventeen levels, second level of magical power."

"Eighteen levels, top level two magical power."

"And so on"

Shen Zhui recalled, but this was just a rough statement. Qi practitioners with strong spiritual consciousness would have greater advantages when breaking through levels. As for the warriors, they are a little worse.

After all, the Yunlong Bridge Secret Realm itself is used by the Jiuyou Divine Sect to hone the spiritual consciousness of its disciples.

"Try! The worst case scenario is to just jump on the high platform and admit defeat. The sixteenth level is still not strong enough. I won't even have a chance to jump back to the high platform barrier." Shen Zhui quickly made a decision.

If you can get another blood source crystal soul or a drop of ferocious beast blood essence, the value will be inestimable.

"Wow!" Shen Zhui jumped down from the high platform and got into the clouds.

Soon, there was a force wrapped in the dark clouds, and Shen Zhui fell quickly.

After a while, Shen Zhui landed on the high platform of the sixteenth level.

"Whoa!" The shadow of the black mist reappeared and began to describe the established process again.

Shen Zhui didn't care and waited quietly.

"Boom!" After the black mist phantom finished chanting, it waved its hand, and ten balls of yellow light descended from the dark clouds.

"A Shadow Demon Leopard King, one of the nine leaders is lame?" Shen Zhui took a closer look and found that one of them actually had a broken leg.

"Is this Shadow Demon Leopard already overrun? I randomly encountered such a ferocious beast again." Shen Zhui couldn't help but shook his head, lamenting that he had run out of luck.

The beast's blood essence and blood can not only be absorbed in one drop, but can also be replaced at any time. Of course, if they are of the same race, that won't work.

"Roar" The barrier opened, and the Shadow Leopard underneath roared angrily.


Shen Zhui rose into the air, a faint golden light flashed, and soon, a Shadow Demon Leopard King appeared on the high platform.

The ten ferocious beasts were stunned for a moment, with a trace of hesitation in their eyes, but the Shadow Demon Leopard King was not affected and quickly took the lead in attacking.

"Try my phaseless magic to see if I can deceive them." Shen Zhui roared and cast the phaseless magic instantly.

After that, Shen Zhui completely transformed into a Shadow Demon Leopard King from the inside out, his flesh, bones, aura, and even his spiritual consciousness. The only difference was one thousandth, which was where the soul imprint was.

"Roar!" Shen Zhui jumped off the high platform and stared coldly at the other nine shadow leopards in front.

"Woo!" The leader of the nine shadow demon leopards, under Shen Zhui's roar, actually let out a whimper and stepped back a few steps, with a trace of panic flashing in his eyes.

They discovered that the king's aura on the opposite side was actually more powerful.

Even the Shadow Demon Leopard King had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Another king?

Seeing his subordinates retreating one after another, the Shadow Leopard King, feeling that his position was threatened, suddenly became restless, and with a loud roar, he was about to charge forward.

The status of the king cannot be challenged!

"Come on, let's see who can use his innate power better?" Shen Zhui was about to use his innate power, but suddenly he looked up at the sky.

"Rumble" I saw the dark clouds above the secret space flowing and turning crazily.

It will be displayed, find the book garden www. zhaoshuyuan.com It seems that something is brewing.

Then, yellow light emerged.

One, two, three, forty-one yellow lights!

"Holy shit!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel a flash of horror in his eyes, and he was about to change back.

But it's too late


Eleven balls of yellow light descended very quickly, accurately covering the eleven shadow leopards in the square.

"Hoo" the next moment, Shen Zhui lost consciousness.

Eleven groups of yellow light rose into the sky and disappeared into the dark clouds, and the secret space returned to calm.

Outside the canyon, the negotiations were over, and the sect members who suffered a big loss left in despair after paying a heavy price.

In addition, for a long time, people from the sectarian community were not allowed to enter the secret realm of Yunlong Bridge.

"Humph, a bunch of cowards." Lu Yuanwei fell from the sky, followed closely by Gongsun Yang.

The four major captains, including Yun Duo, rushed to greet him.

"Yun Duo, let Shen chase out." Lu Yuanwei waved his hand. The overall situation has been decided. It is impossible for the two captains to stay here and wait. Anyway, they can try again when they come out. They must meet this young genius.

"Yes." Yun Duo nodded, then took out his token and contacted Shen Zhui.

After a few breaths, Yun Duo's face darkened. He found that his captain order could not contact Shen Zhui!

"What's going on?" Gongsun Yang asked quickly when he saw Yun Duo's expression was wrong.

"General, Shen Zhui has disappeared."

"Disappear?" Lu Yuanwei frowned. "What do you mean by disappearing? Since the fifteenth level, there has been no obstacle to token communication. Even if he goes to break through the level, he can keep in touch."

"If it is teleported, there will be no contact."

Yun Duo had a sullen face, that was the problem.

Unless Shen Zhui is dead.

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