I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 58: Return, choice!

Looking at the looks cast by the four people, Shen Zhui waved his hand and said, "Old injuries relapse, Brother Liu, does this happen again? Could it be that you were caught in the illusion of the ferocious beast Flying Fox?"

The flying fox is a common ferocious beast in the previous levels. It is good at confusing illusions. Some weak ones are simply at the mercy of others once they are addicted to the illusion. Even if they can see through illusions, this kind of innate magical power has extremely powerful effects. Some people are lucky enough to survive encounters with flying foxes, and even stay in a trance for half a month.

Although the ferocious beast that controls the illusion is not very powerful, it is actually more dangerous.

If you can't defeat a normal ferocious beast, you can still jump back to the high platform and at least survive. But when faced with someone like the Flying Fox, who cannot see through the illusion, he will naturally not be able to return to the high platform, and he will not even have a chance to survive.

"Absolutely impossible!" Liu Zhengming said resolutely, "Besides, what I encountered was not a monster that controls illusions like the Flying Fox."

"That's really weird." Shen Hong frowned. "For hundreds of years, there has never been an error in these two secret spaces. Could it be that the lifespan of this secret space has finally come to an end?"

No matter how powerful the magic circle is, no matter how powerful the secret realm is, it cannot be immortal forever, and this blood source crystal is a rare treasure, harvested by outsiders one after another. Even one can guess that there may be some in this secret realm space. Any reborn treasure will be harvested one day.

For example, when the Dragon Gate Realm was discovered, there were originally a large number of great demons in the magical power realm. However, over the past few hundred years, almost all of the great demons in the outer realm of magical powers have almost disappeared and are rarely seen.

"This subordinate doesn't know." Liu Zhengming said regretfully. "It seems that this secret space is destined to have no fate with my subordinates."

He has already passed the fourteenth level. According to the rules of this secret space, there will be no reward even if he passes the previous levels again. He can only pass the new level.

Further up, the fifteenth level is the watershed between the Spirit Bridge Realm and the Divine Power Realm. As a warrior who Liu Zhengming is good at, he won't have to think about this fifteenth level in a short time.

"Bang!" At this moment, a sound came from outside the hall.

Everyone quickly looked at it, only to see Yun Duo come back and walk in with a sullen face.

The expressions of the three major captains changed slightly.

"Jiang Zhe disobeyed orders and wanted to abscond. He even tried to contact the masters of the sect. His crime is unforgivable and he has been personally executed by me. You must take this as a warning! Colluding with other sects, especially the Demon Sect. , this is a serious crime!" Yun Duo's face was full of murderous intent, which made the three captains' hearts tremble.

This is a slap in the face to them. How important the guarded place is. It is simply sensational that there is a school captain who is colluding with the Fangwai sect.

The defenders guarding the frontier colluded with the enemy, which was of a serious and unforgivable nature.

As for the process of Yun Duo's killing of Jiang Zhe just now, the three captains clearly sensed it.

Yun Duo only used one move to blast Jiang Zhe!

Without the blessing of divine power, Yun Duo would not have any difficulty in killing the three of them.

"Yes!" The three captains nodded obediently.

"Shen Zhui, it's time to go." Yun Duo waved at Shen Zhui and said. "Follow me back to Wanfeng City. There are still many things waiting for you."

"Yes." Shen Zhui walked over quickly. When he finally passed Liu Zhengming, Shen Zhui took out a storage ring and handed it to Liu Zhengming. "Brother Zhengming, your life-saving grace will be unforgettable. It's just a small gift to express your feelings. Brother Zhengming, please don't refuse. If Brother Zhengming has something to do in the future, Shen will be there for you!"

"Brother Shen, you're welcome." Liu Zhengming didn't refuse much, although he had no intention of repaying the favor.

Swish Yun Duo led Shen Zhui, soared to the sky, and directly passed through the magic circle in the Dragon Gate Realm, teleporting out of the Blood Demon battlefield.

After watching Yun Duo and Shen Zhui leave, the three captains also dispersed, not being so enthusiastic towards Liu Zhengming and the others.

Liu Zhengming subconsciously penetrated a trace of spiritual power into the storage ring and found that there was a jade box lying inside. The shape was exactly the same as the jade box that wrapped the blood source crystal soul.

Liu Zhengming quickly scanned the inside of the jade box, with a look of shock on his face.

"It's really a blood source crystal soul"

Not only that, but there are still 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones left in this space ring, worth tens of billions!

"Saving Brother Shen's life is really valuable." Liu Zhengming shook his head. He originally thought that even if it was of some value, it wouldn't be too high, but he didn't expect that Shen Zhui would be so generous.

"With this blood source crystal soul, maybe my silver bones can be completely transformed." Liu Zhengming thought silently in his heart and flew towards his room quickly.

Outside the Blood Demon battlefield, over a vast forest, a huge dragonhead ship roared past and passed through the clouds.

Yun Duo and Shen Zhui were sitting opposite each other in the dragon's head ship.

Although Yun Duo has magical powers so close to the end of the world, it is of course more comfortable to take the Longshoulou boat when traveling.

Looking at this spacious and powerful building ship, a trace of envy flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

Only the titled captain can use the Longshoulou ship at will. Otherwise, even the captain can only apply to Tianxin Palace during wartime. How could anyone be as free as Yun Duo?

"Boy, your current ranking on the bounty list is higher than mine. How are you, how are you practicing the Zangyuan Sword Technique?" Yun Duo asked.

In the hand of Shua Shenzhui, the infinite sword embryo appeared. At this moment, the crystal-clear jade embryo was only wrapped in a thin layer of gelatin. The sword energy inside was surging, but it was hidden. The level of the spiritual sword was already three. At the elementary level, there is a stream of light constantly shaking on the blade, which is breathtaking.

Yun Duo took a look and was slightly surprised: "Yes, it seems that your sword intention has been cultivated for a long time. The spiritual sword of yours has already begun to mature, and combined with the sword intention cultivated at the second level of Zangyuan Sword Technique, , the power is enough to rival the captain-level spirit bridge realm."

"Boy, have you never used that unique trick you created since you left the city?"

"Your Excellency's guess is good." Yun Duo smiled.

"No wonder" Yun Duo nodded. "I asked you why your sword intention grew so fast. Have you chosen a name for this spiritual sword?"

"I'm going to call it the God-killing Sword!"

"Haha!" Yun Duo high-fived and praised. "Good boy, you have the backbone, God Killing Sword, you are trying to kill a person with supernatural powers!"

Shen Zhui smiled and nodded.

He did think so. After Shen Zhui broke through to the ultimate ten caves, Shen Zhui could have accelerated the pregnancy and raising of the God-killing Sword. However, in order to cooperate with the hidden artistic conception of the Zangyuan Sword Technique, Shen Zhui suppressed it, even if Even in times of danger, he never used this knife.

The hidden artistic conception is the artistic conception of that earth-shattering sword. The longer he is pregnant, the more powerful he becomes.

Shen Zhui specially prepared this knife for Li Chengfeng!

In the second level of Zangyuan Sword Technique, the stronger the intention of the sword, the more powerful it will be. No matter how prepared you are to deal with someone like Li Chengfeng!

Yun Duo glanced at Shen Zhui, nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand to signal him to put away the God-killing Sword.

"On this trip to the Blood Demon Battlefield, you not only broke through to the Spirit Bridge realm, but also opened up ten caves in one fell swoop and entered the middle level of Spirit Bridge. Your current strength should be at the level of a captain." Yun Duo asked with a smile. "Boy, do you want to be a captain?"

"Think!" Shen Zhui said without hesitation. "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier."

Yun Duo's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "Okay, well said!"

"But you have to start as a captain first."

"Sir, are you willing to let me go?" Shen Zhui said bluntly.

"Hmph!" Yun Duo waved his hand and said, "Why, do you think I am the kind of person with a small belly and chicken intestines?"

"Uh, my subordinate made a mistake," Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"In my case, no matter how strong you are, you will be a commander. Unless you break through the magical realm, then even if you don't want to be a captain, Tianxin Palace will have other arrangements for you."

Yun Duo changed the subject: "If you want to be a school captain, you can only serve under a captain, and it is best to be titled a captain."

"You must also know that when you were trapped on the Blood Demon battlefield, two captains came to rescue you."

Shen Zhui nodded. From Shen Hong's mouth, he also learned that the people who came to save him were Lu Yuanwei and Gongsun Yang.

Among them, Lu Yuanwei was Yun Duo's direct superior, and it was General Gongsun Yang who first circled the Yunlong Bridge secret realm as a recruitment battlefield.

"General Lu and General Gongsun are both titled captains, and their strength is about the same. Well, General Lu is stronger."

"You have broken the spirit bridge at the extreme level and opened up ten caves. After you go back, there will inevitably be some important people who want to accept you as a disciple or invite you to join their command. However, you'd better make a choice between these two captains."

Yun Duo said bluntly: "There are indeed stronger beings than these two captains in the army, but if you ignore the two captains who came to save you, you will inevitably leave a reputation as a powerful force, or you may gain It’s a temporary effect, but in the long run, it’s not worth the gain.”

"Furthermore, General Lu is my direct superior, and General Gongsun is the first to pay attention to you. No other captain will be able to spend as much effort to help you as these two."

"I understand." Shen Zhui nodded.

This is a very simple principle. One person has one million and is willing to give you half a million, while another person has one million and two hundred thousand but is only willing to give you three hundred thousand.

Who to choose? Of course it's the former!

Among the titled captains, there may be one who is stronger than these two captains, but there is no one who is better than these two.

"Although these two generals are not good at thunder techniques, there are thousands of avenues and different paths lead to the same destination. When you reach the magical power realm and the level of generals, there is no problem in instructing you on a thunder technique in the Lingqiao realm."

Shen Zhui smiled brightly, but this was the least of his worries. So far, he has relied on himself and his understanding to improve this thunder method. Whether he has a master or not, it doesn't have much influence on him, as long as he is not allowed to change to other schools.

"Since you understand, I won't talk nonsense." Yun Duo smiled.

"If you are willing to worship General Gongsun as your disciple, he is willing to accept you as a closed disciple. Well, he has stated this condition directly. As for the closed disciple, boy, you don't need me to explain more, right?"

Shen Zhui nodded, closing the door on the disciple, he was the last disciple, and he would not accept any more from now on. Moreover, usually this closed disciple is the one who inherits the mantle and unique skills, and the master will put effort and effort into cultivating them.

For a person like this to be able to state such conditions, it is sincerity enough, but things like money and resources seem a bit cliché. As a disciple of a titled Captain, would those benefits still be lost?

Seeing that Shen Zhui understood, Yun Duo continued.

"General Lu, I am also willing to accept you as my disciple. Are there two conditions?"

"First, it can help you improve your strength as quickly as possible and shorten the time it takes for you to be promoted to the title of captain."

"Secondly, even if Li Chengfeng becomes a titled captain, he can guarantee that his disciples will never be treated unfairly. It is not impossible to even help you deal with Li Chengfeng."

After Yun Duo finished speaking, he quietly waited for Shen Zhui to think.

Shen Zhui took a deep breath, feeling a little hard to choose.

To be honest, the conditions offered by these two people were almost the same, but Lu Yuanwei was more direct. The conditions he offered made him feel itchy.

What is Shen Zhui most worried about now? It was Li Chengfeng who would use his authority to his disadvantage after becoming a titled captain!

After witnessing Yun Duo's handling of Jiang Zhe, Shen Zhui gained a deeper understanding of the rules in the Wu'an army.

With a high-ranking official, a strong background like Yun Duo, and the backing of a titled captain, he was able to collect evidence of Jiang Zhe's crime within ten days, and threw him from the sky into the abyss. In the end, he couldn't even escape.

Jiang Zhe is in charge of Longmen Realm. Has no one discovered these evidence before? Doesn’t anyone think there’s something wrong with Jiang Zhe?

Obviously not!

However, no one can touch Jiang Zhe. The high-ranking Jiang Zhe will not offend him, but the low-ranking man cannot offend Jiang Zhe.

If he hadn't listened to Li Chengfeng's slander this time, Jiang Zhe might have been able to stay in the Longmen world for many years.

This is the bloody reality!

Shen Zhui had a lot of thoughts, but he quickly came to his senses. He cupped his hands towards Yun Duo and said, "Do you have any suggestions, sir?"

A smile flashed in Yun Duo's eyes: "Yes, you might as well ask me."

"General Gongsun originally told me that I should not take the initiative to favor anyone or influence your opinions."

"But since you took the initiative to ask this, it can't be considered a breach of contract on my part."

Yun Duo said sternly: "General Gongsun has been a titled captain for many years and has a wide network of contacts. He has five disciples of the titled captain and one captain."

"As his disciple, you will definitely have a lot of skills and magical powers, and I'm sure he won't neglect you."

"But I might as well tell you that he was once the teacher of a young master in Prince Liang's palace."

"As people get older, they become more diplomatic. Although you are not of the same lineage as the prince, there is this relationship between you and Li Chengfeng. Due to the Liang Prince's palace, he may not be able to do much for you."

After a pause, Yun Duo said with a smile: "If you are willing to become General Lu's disciple, you will be his third disciple. Moreover, General Lu has no dispute with Prince Liang's Mansion and only obeys the orders of Marquis Wu'an. That's why he dared to say so. , come and help you deal with Li Chengfeng."

"What Yunwu Chen Chen said in your commander's office last time involved a lot. I can only say this much. You just need to know it."

"But if you are willing to join General Lu's sect, even if you leave Baiyun Peak in the future, I, Yun Duo, will do my best to help you."

Yun Duo grinned and said, "Because I am General Lu's second disciple."

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