I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 6: Go straight to the heart

After placing Shen Zhui in a house behind the City God's Temple, Wang Long left.

"With the power of the gods, you can kill innate warriors, clan ancestral halls, the true form of the Yin God, destroy clans and abandoned temples... This small Heyuan County has a lot of secrets."

Shen Zhui shook his head and thought no more.

As the saying goes, when it comes, make peace with it.

If he doesn't have enough strength, it's useless to think so much. If he has enough strength, he doesn't have to worry about this at all.

"Let's take a look at this book first. What's so magical about it? If I can successfully borrow the power of the temple, I will be able to kill Xiantian with my sword, and I will be able to protect myself."

Putting up the window to let the sunlight in, Shen Zhui lit a stick of incense, washed his hands, and put the book on the table.

Strangely enough, this booklet, which could make even Shen Zhui feel strenuous, did not cause the slightest tremor when it was placed on the old table.

If calculated based on Shen Zhui's measured strength, the table should have collapsed long ago.

Taking a breath, Shen Zhui opened the first page of the book.

What comes into view is a portrait of a man. This man is tall and tall, holding a fan outside and a ring stick inside. His face is painted with octopus-shaped eyes.

At first glance, a chilling feeling rushed over my face. When I met those eyes, it seemed as if all the secrets were seen through at a glance.

General Gan Gong!

Shen Zhui quickly lowered his gaze and saw the small lines of text introduction under the character painting.

General Gan Gong, named Gan Pengfei, was in charge of punishment. During his lifetime, he was the bodyguard of Heyuan Bo and commanded the law enforcement team in the army.

Responsible for supervising battles, punishing soldiers who do not observe military discipline, and beheading deserters on the battlefield.

Shen Zhui continued reading, and there was a story that specifically described General Gan Gong’s selflessness:

It is said that before General Gan Gong followed Heyuan Bo, he and his wife and brother served in another army. At that time, Gan Pengfei was already the commander of the guards.

Once, his brother-in-law was discovered by the law enforcement team because he was drinking in the army. According to law, he needed to be whipped forty times.

When the report was reported to the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief feared that his brother-in-law would not be able to withstand the forty lashes because of his bravery in battle and Gan Pengfei's relationship with him, so he quietly told the soldiers who were to be whipped to be merciful and sent a soldier who was more powerful than Gan Pengfei's wife. The weaker soldiers carried out the punishment.

As a result, when Gan Pengfei found out, he ignored his wife's dissuasion and went to execute his wife's brother forty lashes, beating him to death. Then he ran to the coach's tent and asked: "How can we be virtuous when the law is unfair?"

This means that if we do not pay attention to fairness in enforcing military law, how can we implement moral government?

Afterwards, Gan Pengfei resigned from the post of commander of the guards and joined the army of Heyuan Bo.

Shen Zhui thought for a moment and then continued to turn to another page.

At the end of this page, there is a story, but it tells the story of Gan Pengfei’s deeds after he was canonized as a Yin God:

There was once a farmer who rescued an injured fox in the wild, brought it home for adoption, helped the fox heal its injury, and kept it at home to feed it.

One day, a farmer who was not good at water fell into the pond, but survived safely. It turned out that the fox was a spiritual spirit who had successfully cultivated. He was grateful for the farmer's kindness and rescued him.

After the vixen's deeds became known, he helped the farmers around him and did many good deeds.

Suddenly the fox fainted, so the farmer and his neighbors went to the city to seek medical treatment.

As a result, General Gan Gong possessed someone and beat the vixen to death with a stick.

The farmer was puzzled and counted the good things the fox had done and asked why.

General Gan Gong said: "Good and evil cannot offset each other. A fox feeds on human blood and becomes a spirit. It has committed many evil deeds and must be punished for its crimes."


When he turned to the fourth page, Shen Zhui felt a little tired and couldn't continue to turn down, so he closed the book and thought deeply.

Reading through the four pages, without exception, they all tell the story of Gan Pengfei, General Gan Pengfei's execution of punishment.

Among these stories, there are stories about killing relatives and righteous people, there are stories about killing good and bad spirits, and there are stories about killing nobles and powerful people with high status.

From these stories, Shen Zhui learned a code of conduct from General Gan Gong.

As long as the evil deeds meet the criteria of being killed, they will not be let go.

He would not consider family ties, status, or even how many good deeds the fox demon had done to make up for it.

As a law enforcer, there is no doubt that General Gan Gong was absolutely fair.

"But if the adoptive father made a mistake, could I have done it?" Shen Zhui asked himself.

Put yourself into the role of Gan Pengfei and think about each story.

He shook his head.

Some Shen Zhui agrees, while others do not.

In his opinion, the story about the caning was somewhat overblown.

He is not a god, but a human being. As a human being, he has seven emotions and six desires, and a heart of compassion.

Obviously, those forty lashes could be carried out by another person of equal strength. Since it did not violate the law, his wife and brother might not die.

This approach is a bit extreme.

Besides, there are some aspects of the laws of this world that are different from Shen Zhui's beliefs in his heart.

For example, Yang Wu's nephew also committed murder, but because the deceased was a slave, he was sentenced to only one year in prison.

And if the person killed was a registered citizen, he might be executed. How could Shen Zhui agree with this kind of punishment?

"I am a prisoner to protect the people I want to protect, not for justice and the so-called laws of this world. I have a steelyard in my heart to measure good and evil. I want to be absolutely fair and even kill my relatives. Then It’s not my intention, I can’t do it.”

"Buzz~" The book on the table trembled slightly. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Shen Zhui was a little strange. After waiting for the strange movement to disappear, Shen Zhui opened the book page again, but the first four pages seemed to be stuck together and could not be separated. Go directly to the content on page five.

Shen Zhui had a vague realization in his heart.

"It seems that I can't borrow General Gan Gong's magical power."

This god's request is probably to achieve extreme and absolute fairness. Therefore, if Shen Zhui does not fully agree with these deeds, he will not meet the requirements.

However, he was not discouraged. Instead, he became more determined and his thoughts became smoother, which was vaguely close to the state of mind in the state of understanding time.

Although he lost the opportunity to borrow the power of one of the gods, this book allowed Ming to see his true heart and know what he was protecting, which was not a bad thing.

Absolute fairness, absolute law enforcer, abandoning the seven emotions and six desires like a god... Such divine power may be achieved by other people who agree with the laws of this world, but he has no chance to meet Shen Zhui!

"No wonder it is said that if you want to use divine power, you must believe in the gods, be pious, and have clear thoughts."

"If you reject this god's approach, then there will be various rejections when you use it."

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui frowned again.

"If you believe in gods and you can use divine power, then are the Yin gods believed in by the children of the clan who have killed countless people and committed heinous crimes all evil spirits?"

After resting for a while and feeling a little refreshed, Shen Zhui opened the fifth page of the book with this doubt in mind.

What catches the eye is a portrait of a slender figure with a black and red face and yin and yang eyes. He is holding a shackle and a shackle, and in his left hand is a square sign with the inscription "Good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded."

This is another god, General Liu Yu.

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