A total of 50,000 words were updated in August. Rounding off, the average number of updates per day is 10,000, which is barely guaranteed.

This amount cannot be called high, but it cannot be called low either.

The chapters are all 4,000 words. If Xiaguan were to break them into 2,000 words every day, it would be enough to update it four times a day, and occasionally six chapters. However, this would inevitably increase reading difficulties and make the experience unpleasant. In fact, this level is not low╭(╯ε╰)╮

We won’t go into details about the lack of historical updates. There are new elders and new alliance leaders, and the subordinates are full of motivation!

In September, I decided to eat, sleep, and write. For ten days in a row, I added updates to the leader of the alliance, the elders, and the leader of the helmsman hall.

Set a goal of five updates and 20,000 words a day, and after ten days, everything will be cleared with additional updates.

——"The Divine Contract from the Single Dog"

"Super God Enlightenment" is being announced to all of you. Please wait a moment.

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