I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 12: The Gate of Creation is coming!

The Gate of Creation...three thousand magical powers, one hundred and eight great magical powers?

Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"The so-called door of creation is the gateway to the original avenue."

"When your ten caves are approaching perfection and your spiritual consciousness reaches its peak, you can sense the gate of creation and gain innate magical powers from the original avenue."

"What should I do?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Tianhun Cave." Zixuan said.

"Only the Heavenly Soul Cave is powerful enough to sense the way of heaven and pull out the door of creation."

"The Gate of Creation is as mysterious as it is mysterious. It is a ladder of advancement given by the Heavenly Dao to all creatures in the world. It is a great opportunity for anyone to see the Gate of Creation!"

Zixuan said slowly: "The human race's physique is the weakest among all creatures in the world. In ancient times, it was impossible to compete with those ferocious beasts and divine beasts. Even now, when they were first born, they were far inferior to other monsters."

Shen Zhui nodded. He had seen the birth of ferocious beasts in the world of endless ferocious beasts.

Some descendants of ferocious beasts are born as innate beings. The higher the ferocious beasts are, the more powerful they are at birth. Some are even in the Spiritual Bridge realm upon birth!

"In order to change this situation, the ancient sages kept looking for ways to make the human race stronger, and finally..."

"Three emperors appeared out of nowhere. They watched the great road to create martial arts, searched for treasures to make magic weapons, and tasted hundreds of herbs to develop elixirs!"

Shen Zhui listened to these myths and legends quietly.

"Heartfire is forged into innateness. It is rumored that the ancient emperor of the human race created a cultivation method for the human race based on the magical power of the 'Invincible Golden Body'.

"There are thousands of techniques, but they never depart from their origins. They all start from the forging of the heart fire cycle to achieve innate beings. Of course, those with extraordinary talents and whose innate spiritual energy is preserved by the strong at birth are a different path to practice.

However, it is still impossible to escape the fire cycle, but the level of difficulty is different. "

This ancient sage created this method... with the intention that everyone can pass the Nine Forgings of Heart Fire, pull the door of creation, and obtain the great magical power! "

"Heart Fire Cycle, turns out to be a system of exercises created by the sages of the human race? Everyone can obtain supernatural powers..." Shen Zhui was shocked and muttered to himself.

To set up such a great ambition and actually achieve it, so that the human race can reach the point of long-term prosperity now, is really an act of a saint!

"However, it is not that simple to want heaven to grant magical powers." Zixuan shook her head.

"Only by forging the nine heart fires, achieving the golden body of the extreme realm, opening the ten caves, and completing the spiritual consciousness and physical body, and reaching the balance of yin and yang, can we have the opportunity to pull out the door of creation and gain the opportunity to be bestowed with magical powers. Even in the extreme realm, Not everyone can open the door of creation and obtain divine powers."

"That is to say, the human race needs to overcome the difficulties of Qi and embark on the path of cultivation from a young age. The Nine Forges of Heart Fire can achieve innate beings,

There are many difficulties such as opening up obstacles in acupuncture points to evolve into spiritual bridges of heaven and earth, opening up qi orifices to create caves and heavens, and so on. "

"There is no room for slacking off at every step, and success may not be possible," Zixuan said.

"However, even if this idea is not fully realized, it is still enough to become a saint." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

The Nine Exercises of Heart Fire are too difficult. This is just an ideal state and not everyone can achieve it.

And the martial arts and Taoism derived from the development of the human race's cultivation method are enough to make the human race stand proudly on the top of the world.

Even if you haven't reached the Nine Heart Fire Forgings, there are still many ways to make people stronger, such as transforming into ferocious beasts, creating magical powers and secrets, etc.

"The Ninth Refinement of Heart Fire is too dangerous. It seems that it is precisely because of this that these secrets were deliberately concealed, leaving only a few words of legend." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The Nine Forges of Heart Fire is a life of nine deaths and extremely dangerous. If all these secrets are revealed, I am afraid that everyone in the world will take risks in pursuit of the extreme state.

This is what the higher-ups never want to see.

"When you break through the peak of Spirit Bridge, the Heavenly Soul Cave will automatically be affected. As for what kind of magical powers you can obtain, it all depends on your personal destiny."

"Xiaohuo and I will protect you outside the cave."

After saying that, Zixuan led the magic weapon puppet out.

Looking at Zixuan's leaving figure, a strange color flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

He felt more and more that Zixuan had a mysterious origin. Murong Qingxue had been pursuing the extreme realm for many years. She was also from the Murong family and secretly had the blood of King Liang. It could be said that she had a lot of resources at her disposal.

Even she didn't know these secrets, but Zixuan could tell them casually and with certainty, as if she had seen them with her own eyes.

"Could it be that she also has a golden body in the extreme realm?" A thought came to Shen Zhui's mind.

The middle level of Lingqiao can defeat the magic weapon puppet of the first level of supernatural power, pass the test, and be able to freely activate the long sword magic weapon, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Forget it, don't think so much." Shen Zhui shook his head.

He looked at Zixuan with his delusion-breaking eyes. He saw that the other party had no sins and obviously would not harm him.

And they have been together for a long time, and their friendship cannot be faked.

If you want to harm him, there is no need to use the secret method to predict good or bad luck in the water mist world.

"Absorb the Five Elements Stone first." Shen Zhui took out the storage ring.

At this moment, he has 120,000 moon-marked stones and more than 10,000 five-element stones.

Among them, the four special spiritual stones of wood, water, fire, and earth are the most common, while the three types of wind, thunder, and gold are the least, because his cave world has absorbed a lot of these three special spiritual stones.

"The Five Elements Stone perfects the rules of the cave."

"Moonstone accelerates the evolution of the cave."

"Absorbing the Five Elements Stone first will make my cave world stronger, and the magical powers I will gain will be stronger." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The door of creation is the gateway to the origin of the great road.

The rules in the cave world are actually structured by the power of heaven and earth.

The stronger the cave world is, the greater the chance of obtaining one hundred and eight great supernatural powers.

"Start absorbing!"

Shen Zhui waved his hand, and a steady stream of five-element stones of various colors flew out of the storage ring.

Metal-moving stone, wood-moving stone, water-moving stone, fire-moving stone, earth-moving stone, wind-moving stone, thunder-moving stone...

There were more than ten thousand densely packed ones, all of which appeared above Shen Zhui's head.

"Open the top ten caves!" Shen Zhui shouted, and a bridge of heaven and earth appeared behind him.

"Boom~" Above this ancient and primitive bridge, there are ten cave worlds.

It's like ten holes appeared in the sky, leading to endless forests, oceans, flames, and the earth...

"咻 咻 咻 咻 ~"

One by one, the Five Elements Stones quickly flew up.

The golden stone enters the Lipo Cave and blends into the metal mountain peak.

The trees and stones form a majestic cave and blend into the vast primeval forest.

The water moves along the stone, enters the spiritual cave, and sinks into the endless ocean.

The fire-moving stone enters the spirit cave...

Earth moves with stone, entering the cave of wisdom and heaven

Wind Stone, Thunder Stone...

Groups of five-element stones are connected in an orderly manner into a long line and drilled into the Seven Soul Cave Heaven.

"Boom, boom, boom~" When the Five Elements Stones entered in large batches, the Seven Spirits Cave was the first to undergo transformation.

The Seven Spirits Cave, which was originally thousands of miles in radius, expanded again. The gray space seemed to be split open by an invisible force, and the continents, mountain peaks, and oceans also expanded step by step.

The souls and souls in the mansion also grew taller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qipou Dongtian was originally the size of a boy, more than one meter tall, but now it is fully formed, with a height of two meters, the greenness on its face has faded, and it has entered the state of youth.

This is the manifestation of the power of the cave world feeding back the seven souls.

"Boom boom boom~"

When the Seven Spirits Cave expanded to 50,000 miles, the speed finally slowed down and the gray space completely disappeared.

In the sky of Qipo Cave, many stars appeared, boundless.

The light of the stars falls, constantly nourishing the soul and spirit, subtly strengthening the spirit.

The power in the Seven Souls Cave didn't seem to fade away, and it was transferred to the Three Souls Cave of Heaven, Earth, and People.

Especially in Tianhun Cave, that day seemed to be truly manifest, like the scorching sun at noon.

The stars in the sky of Human Soul Cave have doubled in size and are arranged in a mysterious array.

The moon in the sky of Dihun Cave also gradually moves towards the full moon state from the crescent moon.

More than 10,000 Five Element Stones finally reached saturation when more than 7,000 were absorbed.

Shen Zhui stopped absorbing the Five Elements Stone and put it into the storage ring.

"Chichi~" The transformation of Three Soul Cave Heaven began, and the gray space seemed to fade away.

The stars, moon, and sun all swayed in unison, echoing each other from afar.

Half an hour later, the world rules of the ten caves have reached the limit of the growth of the Spirit Bridge Realm!

Each cave world gradually changes from virtual to real, as if it is about to jump out of space and become a real and eternal existence.

"Moon Stone, speed up!" The cave world was perfect, Shen Zhui did not hesitate, he immediately took out his storage ring, and all 120,000 Moon Stones flew out!

"Come on, see how much you can absorb!" A glint flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

One hundred and twenty thousand moon-patterned stones slowly flew toward the Heavenly Soul Cave.

To accelerate the evolution of his ten caves, he only needs to expand the Heavenly Soul Cave, because the Heavenly Soul Cave has a balancing effect.


As if there was a flash of thunder, the size of Tianhun Cave, which was originally 50,000 miles away, suddenly expanded to 60,000 miles in radius.

And it continues.

"Ten thousand moon-patterned stones can make my Heavenly Soul Cave expand thousands of miles?" Shen Zhui was secretly shocked.

For ordinary people to accelerate the evolution of the cave, if they want to reach the peak of the Spiritual Bridge, a thousand may be enough.

And his upper limit is far ten times or a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people.

"Ang~" Suddenly a dragon roar came from the Tianhun Cave.

Yinglong's essence and blood suddenly flew up from the sun on its own and kept rotating around the sun. It wanted to get closer, but was repelled by an invisible force.

"We are not far away from conquering Yinglong's essence and blood." Shen Zhui understood clearly in his heart.

His Heavenly Soul Cave may not be as powerful as Yinglong's essence and blood, but its level is much higher than that of Yinglong's essence and blood. It is no longer a place where the essence and blood of mere divine beasts can occupy.

"Ang~" The scorching flames drove Yinglong's essence and blood away.

With a somewhat angry roar, Yinglong's essence and blood turned into a long dragon, which quickly landed in the sky above the mansion and settled on the eaves.

Apart from the scorching sun, this Heavenly Soul Cave is the place where Shen Zhui's Heavenly Soul Yuanling cultivates, and it is the place with the most pure power.

"Ninety thousand, Tianhun Cave, hasn't reached the limit yet?" A trace of surprise flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

The Heavenly Soul Cave has grown to 90,000 miles, but the growth rate seems to have not stopped yet.

"Kakaka~" The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge also slowly changed.

The dragon patterns on the stone pillars seemed to come alive, and the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge began to shrink and condense inch by inch.

"The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge will slowly shrink when it breaks through the peak of the Spiritual Bridge, and its power will be transferred to the ten caves. Until it breaks through the magical realm, it will disappear completely. Now it is helping the Heavenly Soul Cave to break through."

"I don't know if these 120,000 moonstones are enough..." Shen Zhui waited quietly.

When the Tianhun Cave expanded to ninety-nine thousand miles, it finally stopped.

As for Qipo Cave Heaven, its scale of fifty thousand miles remained unchanged.

At this moment, a qualitative change finally occurred in Shen Zhui's body.

A force came out from the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge, and the meridians and acupuncture points in the body completely transformed.

"Dong dong dong~"

The astonishing power made Shen Zhui's heart beat suddenly, and the surrounding space seemed to tremble because of this heartbeat.

Golden bones and golden marrow, golden body and precious body erupted with golden light, spreading to every part of the body's flesh and blood, and all the internal organs were shrouded in golden light.

The surging power gave Shen Zhui the illusion that he could crush a mountain with one punch.

"The Peak of Spirit Bridge!"

A flash of joy flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes, there were more than 20,000 moonstones left.

"The physical body and spiritual consciousness are both at the pinnacle of the Spiritual Bridge!"


The ten caves suddenly emitted a burst of golden light.

Starting from the Three Souls Cave Heaven, the sun, moon and stars appeared in the Seven Souls Cave Heaven at the same time!

Yin and Yang balance!


From above the square space, a dark crack suddenly tore open. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Space cracks were originally extremely violent and uncontrollable. However, at this moment, the entire space was like a paper cut, tearing out a portal neatly and regularly.

From this space crack, a vast and oppressive force was transmitted.

Shen Zhui suddenly felt a force pulling him in his mind, and he couldn't help but look over.

Simple and original mysterious patterns emerged, and a corner of a stone door appeared on the edge of the crack in this space.

The door of creation is coming!


Outside the White Stone Palace Complex, there are three figures flying in the sky in the distance.

These three people were wearing Buddhist cassocks, with bald heads but a lot of long hair on both sides, which looked quite strange.

"Senior Brother Kongming, the first place where the Ruan family started their attack was in the area of ​​the White Stone Ruins." A bald monk said.

"That Shen Zhui actually dared to pretend to be an elder of our Fayan Sect and openly broadcast the battle records! If we don't kill him, I'm afraid the whole world will laugh at the Fayan Sect for having no one."

Taoist Kongming nodded expressionlessly. In any case, Shen Zhui pretended to be someone from his Fayan Sect and sneaked in at the beginning. This also proved that Junior Brother Wuya also died at the hands of Shen Zhui.

Revenge or not is secondary. Encircling Shenwei Colonel Shen Zhui and questioning the whereabouts of the inheritance mansion has many benefits.

Just from the battle record scenes, Shen Zhui had more than one magic weapon in his hands.

"Kong Cheng, Kong Xin, two junior brothers." Kong Ming said calmly. "If you find Shen Zhui later, don't kill him. Capture him alive."

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