I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 14: Ambition and great cause, the Emperor of Destiny!

Shen Zhui had no ill feelings towards the chief of Liushan Zhai of Daxia Academy. On the contrary, he had a good impression of him.

Whether in terms of strength or demeanor, Chen Qingshan can be called a true son of a big family and a genius.

And Chen Qingshan admired Shen Zhui endlessly. When he challenged Shen Zhui, he was also at the peak of Lingqiao. He defeated him with equal strength. This was a real ability to fight head-on. During the subsequent trip to Ciyun World, Shen Zhui's performance was even better. Shocked him.

As Lu Yuanwei said, not all those who win may become enemies, but some become friends. This is exactly the case between Shen Zhui and Chen Qingshan.

"Brother Chen, it's been so long since I last saw you, and you've already entered the realm of supernatural powers. I'm so happy and congratulated." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion. For a genius like Chen Qingshan, he had almost never beaten him before. He used all his methods, and finally used a knife with hidden soul to turn defeat into victory.

It can be said that Chen Qingshan is the strongest genius among the younger generation that Shen Zhui has ever seen. In the Lingqiao realm, one has combat power comparable to the fourth level of magical power, and now he has easily broken through to the magical power realm.

"I can't compare with Brother Shen." Chen Qingshan also sighed.

The previous loss to Shen Zhui was more or less due to luck. After all, Shen Zhui was already halfway to the level of supernatural power and had crossed the level of Yang Soul.

However, now, Shen Zhui has reached the third level of supernatural power, and the aura on his body is unfathomable, and even he can't sense it. This means that if we fight again now, the balance of victory and defeat may still fall to Shen Zhui's side. This is under the premise that Shen Zhui only relies on his own strength and does not use the incarnation of the Tiangang ferocious beast and the fighting king.

What makes Chen Qingshan even more emotional is that Shen Zhui is not older than him, on the contrary, he may be younger. He has cultivated to his current strength without any background or family, and he has become a three-star VIP of the four major chambers of commerce. Chen Qingshan is really heartfelt. admire.

"Brother Shen, it's still half a month before the secret realm of the Academy opens. Why don't you lead Brother Shen around the Dayuan Mansion?" Chen Qingshan said, he obviously wanted to make friends.

Faced with Chen Qingshan's invitation, Shen Zhui accepted it without hesitation. The other party was a young talent from the Chen family, a super big family, and after several contacts, it was clear that Chen Qingshan truly had the qualities of a descendant of a big family.

"Then I'll help you, Brother Chen." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"Haha, no trouble, no trouble at all, Brother Shen, please. I'll take you to visit the academy right now."

Chen Qingshan took the lead to lead the way, and Shen Zhui dropped half a body to follow.


The location of Daxia Academy occupies almost half of Dongcheng District.

The courtyard is dotted with pavilions and pavilions, and in order to welcome this grand event of opening the secret realm, many servants and maids are hired to guide them. Anyone who encounters someone with outstanding ability will compete to lead the way and introduce them.

Of course, Shen Zhui had Chen Qingshan to lead the way, so he didn't have to look for anyone else. Moreover, Chen Qingshan seemed to be well-known in Daxia Academy. As he walked slowly through several streets, he could hear people saying hello to Chen Qingshan everywhere.

"Senior Brother Chen."

"Senior Brother Chen is here."

"Who is following Senior Brother Chen? He is actually able to let the chief of Liushan Zhai lead the way in person. He doesn't look very old."

"Don't meddle in other people's business. He must be a disciple of some big family."

When Chen Qingshan and Shen Zhui arrived at the main entrance of Daxia Academy, the front door was already crowded with carriages and horses, and the sound of people was buzzing. It was like a busy city with busy people coming in and out.

At the gate of Daxia Academy, there is a large archway that is hundreds of meters high. It is like a hill and is majestic. On it are the four characters of Daxia Academy with flying dragons and phoenixes.

"Such a tall gatehouse, if there is no formation barrier to block it, I'm afraid it can be seen from hundreds of miles away." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, Brother Shen may see something strange about the four big characters on it?" Chen Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui took a closer look and saw the four big black characters, as if they came alive. Each word seemed to contain a world, which was extremely profound, attracting his attention and making people unable to help but immerse themselves in it.

Upon closer inspection, Shen Zhui even discovered that there seemed to be endless energy in it that could be erupted at any time.

"This font actually has its own space, and there are many original powers such as the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Space. Could it be that this is a super magic circle? Just relying on these four characters?" Shen Zhui couldn't help but marvel.

"Brother Shen has a good eye. This gate is indeed a super magic circle, and it is also a sixth-level magic weapon." Chen Qingshan said with a smile.

"What?" Shen Zhui was stunned. "A sixth-level magic weapon that contains all the origins?" How many precious treasures would be consumed for such a large body? "

"When I first saw him, I was as shocked as Brother Shen, but over time I got used to it." Chen Qingshan said with a smile. "This divine weapon has existed since the Apocalypse Era. Although everyone speculates that it contains infinite power, no one knows how powerful it is."

"Come on, Brother Shen, let's go in."


The tall gatehouse looked like a vast and bustling street behind it. However, as soon as he entered it, Shen Zhui felt his body enter an invisible membrane barrier.

The next moment, the stars changed, and he found himself on a vast plain. In front, there are high mountains connected with each other. There are countless hidden palaces and buildings. Various buildings and green mountains and green waters are dotted, which implies a certain Taoist charm.

Shen Zhui was not surprised by this. Even the interior of Chen's Restaurant was unique and had a huge space. As the leading force in the Daxia Academy, it was not surprising that the Daxia Academy had such a method of space transformation.

"Brother Shen, this is the inside of Daxia Academy. Brother Shen, please don't wander around. Although there are many places open to visit in the academy, there are still many residences and forbidden areas for powerful people that are not open to the public." Chen Qingshan reminded.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded.

At this moment, a black stream of light suddenly flew from the distance, and then a carriage flew over.

This carriage was unremarkable, just an ordinary horse, but Shen Zhui's attention was instantly attracted to it.

How can ordinary horses fly through the air and carry a carriage effortlessly?

"Master." The horse breathed black air, but it didn't look like common demonic air. Instead, it had a refreshing fragrance.

"Brother Chen, this is..." Shen Zhui looked at the dark horses and carriages parked in front of him.

This ordinary horse, without any spiritual fluctuations, could actually speak human words, which really surprised him. "Is it the puppet of a divine weapon?"

"That's not the case." Chen Qingshan smiled and waved his hand, and a wolf brush appeared in his hand.

Then a magical scene happened. I saw Chen Qingshan waving the wolf brush, and the carriage, including the people and the horses, turned into smart three-dimensional characters, beating in the air.

"Is this the Holy Word Technique?" Shen Zhui suddenly understood.

"Yes." Chen Qingshan did not continue to show off, and waved his pen to turn the words into a carriage again. "Brother Shen, please."

Shen Zhui and Chen Qingshan entered the carriage together. The decorations and decorations inside were very simple, and everything seemed to be real. However, the only difference was that there was a faint fragrance of ink lingering in the carriage, which was extremely refreshing.

"Brother Shen must be wondering why the opening of the secret realm of our Daxia Academy attracts many powerful people and is called a grand event."

"When I fought with you, my method was completely different from other practitioners." Chen Qingshan smiled.

"Because of this holy word technique?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Exactly." Chen Qingshan nodded.

"Writing conveys the Tao. The Holy Word Art is not only a magical power, but also a law of the Great Dao. By cultivating this magical power, you can manifest all things through writing, and attack methods are only one of them."

After sitting down, Chen Qingshan made a cup of tea and pushed it in front of Shen Zhui.

The carriage was very stable, and there were no ripples in the tea on it.

Shen Zhui looked at Chen Qingshan with a strange expression and said, "Brother Chen, isn't this tea also made of ink?"

"Haha, that's not true. Brother Shen, you can eat it with confidence." Chen Qingshan laughed, immediately picked up the teacup, and drank it all himself.

When Shen Zhui saw this, he no longer hesitated. As the tea entered his stomach, a warm current flowed into his limbs and bones, making people feel refreshed.

But the focus of Shen Zhui's concern was not this, but the mysterious Holy Word technique.

Of course Chen Qingshan knew what Shen Zhui wanted to ask, and immediately asked with a smile: "Brother Shen, does he know how to be promoted as a civil servant?"

"I've heard a little bit." Shen Zhui nodded. "Officials from all over the country are promoted based on their political performance. They can directly improve their level through the temple's merit transfer department, which is quite magical."

"Brother Shen, have you ever seen the fighting style between civil servants?" Chen Qingshan asked again.

"This..." Shen Zhui couldn't help but frown. He had seen Wei Wenhe take action before, but at that time his level was too low and he couldn't see the reason at all. Previously, Shen Zhui had always thought that there was no difference between local county lords like Wei Wenhe and other practitioners, except that they had more temple power to borrow. In the final analysis, it is still Taoism and martial arts.

But now when asked by Chen Qingshan, Shen Zhui changed his mind.

"Is it possible that he is attacking the enemy with the illusion of words?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Not bad." Chen Qingshan waved his hand, drew a drop of water from his tea cup, and then dropped it on the tea tray. Suddenly, a layer of water film spread slowly, forming a picture.

There is an official wearing a blue crane crown suit and a sky-facing hat on his head.

Opposite him was a tiger with two wings on its ribs.

The tiger is extremely huge and is ravaging the city below. Countless civilians have been displaced and are in dire straits.

The scene formed by this water droplet was so real that Shen Zhui could even feel the aura fluctuations on this tiger. It was a great demon at the peak of Spirit Bridge.

Shen Zhui couldn't help but look at it carefully, and saw a golden book with a thick thumb floating in front of the official, and then he muttered something.

The next moment, five golden warriors suddenly appeared around the tiger, holding eight-cut knives and swung them down together. After that, the tiger that caused harm to the world was instantly cut into pieces by five horses.

As soon as the water droplets dispersed, they turned into a mist and floated away, and the scene ended.

Shen Zhui was shocked because he discovered that the official was extremely skillful in using the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This kind of long-range attack can also be achieved by the Taoist method of Lianqi Zhenren, but the problem is that Qi Lianzhenren mainly uses his own spiritual power to form the Taoist method. However, this official directly caused the vitality of heaven and earth to form independently around the tiger, with almost no consumption of his own breath.

Crossing the space, directly 'commanding' the power of heaven and earth's vitality, just like...the power of rules!

"This is the scene of a sixth-grade inspector from Qingzhou, Liang State, beheading a flying winged tiger when passing through Ning'an City."

"Before he made his move, he read the divine book, "Ode to the Gods: Five Ding Divine Generals"," Chen Qingshan introduced.

"'Ode to the Gods: Five Ding Divine Generals'?" Shen Zhui muttered to himself.

He still remembered that when he was in Heyuan City, he studied the divine scriptures in order to enlist the power of the temple.

However, it was just a taste of it at first. After three levels, he came to Wu'an Army.

Unexpectedly, the divine classics have such miraculous power!

"Brother Shen, does he know what the flaws are in the way of civil servants?" Chen Qingshan asked again when Shen Zhui came to his senses.

Shen Zhui nodded. Wei Wenhe had already discussed this with him.

"The cultivation level of civil servants is like a mirror. Whether it rises or falls, the imperial court will decide. And once it falls too sharply, it will cause the cultivation level to fail. Without the system of the Great Zhou civil servants, the level of supernatural power will not even be as good as that of a spiritual person." Bridge Realm.”

Shen Zhui thought of Yu Ziqi. This wise man originally followed the path of a civil servant. However, after being demoted, his cultivation level dropped all the way and became the first level of Lingqiao. If he hadn't met Shen Zhui, he might have fallen to the innate level later. It's possible.

To put it simply, a general's cultivation is his own and has little to do with his official position.

As for the cultivation of civil servants, most of them came from the gifts given by the temple's meritorious service department in the imperial court, and they basically all depended on their official positions.

However, there are exceptions, such as Wei Wenhe. Although his official position has not been promoted, his cultivation level has also improved by leaps and bounds. This is because his own cultivation level has exceeded that of the imperial court. He has laid an incomparable foundation with Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com solid.

"Not bad." Chen Qingshan nodded. "Since I, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, established the world, built great ceremonies, and built temples, we created a precedent in which civil servants did not need to practice hard work, but their military force was not weaker than that of practitioners!"

"Anyone who reaches a certain official position or even the magical realm can use the weakened power of rules!"

"Civil officials usually study divine books such as "Ode to the Gods", "Ten Commandments", "Work Book", "Medical Book", "Prison Book", etc. It covers numerous functions such as attack, defense, changing the celestial phenomena, and rescuing the people."

Shen Zhui was dazzled by what he heard, but in his cave world, his Zen heart emerged from the mountain of jade slips, and he was shocked.

"Oh my god... Shen Zhui. You, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, are definitely the only emperor of all time. You are actually able to canonize gods, establish temples, and weaken the power of the rules of the world with the Holy Code of Heavenly Rules, so that ordinary people do not need to practice hard. You can have great power... This, this is simply equivalent to completely creating a new rule!"

"The Emperor of Destiny is definitely the strongest master I have ever heard of, and the emperor with the most ambitious goals! I suspect that he may even control the way of heaven in the world, and has the power to tamper with some rules!" Zen Heart howled excitedly. shouted.

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