I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 27: The fifth form of Thunder God Technique!

The cave world, the origin area of ​​the thunder system.

This is a sky full of dark clouds, and there is a palace floating in the clouds.

Shen Zhui was sitting on the long steps in front of the palace, looking up. Around him, streaks of thunder and lightning were like clever swimming fish, slowly rotating around him.

"It's amazing. This thunder source area is all filled with the original power of thunder. There is no interference from anything else. It's like being completely immersed in the power of thunder heaven and earth!"

"To realize the power of the source like this, it is like a thousand miles. No wonder those direct sons from big families are not slow in practicing. The pure source of thunder, cutting off any interference, coupled with the acceleration of time... If you have money, you can really do whatever you want. Ah." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

"Shen Zhui, don't be sad. You are now a hundred times faster. You will consume 500 million high-quality spiritual stones in one day. In the outside world, you will have to spend 50 billion high-quality spiritual stones in one day. If you stay in Yun's account now, More than 320 billion, which is enough for 600 days. You must seize the time to practice, every second is burning money!" Zen Xin reminded.

"I understand." Shen Zhui nodded.

Because he chose a hundred-fold acceleration... so one day passed in the outside world, and a hundred days passed here. This is equivalent to consuming 50 billion high-grade spiritual stones!

However, Shen Zhui felt that it was completely worth it, because what he lacked was time to practice.

"It's a pity that I didn't enter the world of the God of War with my real body. If I could come in...then the effect of enlightenment with the Lei Xing clone would be even stronger." Shen Zhui felt a little regretful.

This body was created by the God of War's competitive world with the power of supreme rules to carry his divine thoughts.

The Five Elements clone cannot be used, so it is impossible to come in at all. If he reaches the Venerable level, he may be able to enter in real form through some channel, but he cannot do it now.

The avatar of the Great Dao Supernatural Power and Five Elements makes it easier to perceive the original power. However, the physical body is a ship and the soul is the person on the boat. Although the physical body protects the body, it in a sense blocks the soul from realizing the power of heaven and earth.

The Five Elements avatar is a special kind of 'ship', which is easier to comprehend. However, those who have gained insights into the original deity cannot be reflected in the original deity due to their talent. Only when the clone casts the corresponding secret method will it be effective.

But if the 'ship' of the thunder clone can be brought here... Because the master himself is good at the two ways of gold and thunder, the insights of the two clones of gold and thunder will have a huge effect on the master. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do now.

"I wonder what will happen if I use my understanding time in this cave world?" Shen Zhui suddenly had a thought in his mind.

He took a look at his good deeds.

Shen Zhui: The third level of magical power

Kung Fu: Red Yang Nine Dragon Diagram

Movement Technique: Wind and Thunder Escape (Five Sounds of Speed)

Sword Techniques: Luoxue Sword Technique, Zangyuan Sword Technique

Taoism: The fourth level of Thunder God Technique (Thunder Dragon Eye, Thunder Dragon Swallowing the Sea, Sky-Tearing Claw)

Illusionary Way: (Second level)

Jialuo Dharma Seal (First Form)

Clone: ​​Five Elements Conferring God Formation, Qingwei Thunder Technique, Breathing Earth True Spirit, Weak Water Divine Technique, Demonic Vine Entanglement, Vacuum Whirlwind Breaker.

Good deeds: 22 million.

Redemption list: Enlightenment time (one hundred good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (one thousand good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Skill: Eye of Deception (consumes good deeds)

Merit barrier (consumes good deeds)

Cumulative use of good deeds: 68 million.

"There are still 20 million good deeds left." Shen Zhui thought thoughtfully.

If the calculation of the understanding time is based on the time of the God of War Arena, it would not be a big deal.

But if the time of the world is used as the standard, that would be amazing!

It is equivalent to one day of understanding time in the outside world, but it is one hundred days in this God of War Arena!

"Try!" Shen Zhui tried to exchange for one hundred seconds of enlightenment time.

On the system, the number of remaining good deeds jumped, and one hundred thousand good deeds were immediately deducted.

Shen Zhui began to comprehend the fourth level of the Thunder God Art.

One hundred seconds later, Shen Zhui opened his eyes.

"Sure enough, there is no such good thing." Shen Zhui shook his head.

After the end of one hundred seconds, the divine thoughts in the cave world can feel the end of the enlightened state.

Obviously, the system will not let him take advantage of this loophole.

"It's better to study the Thunder God Art honestly." Shen Zhui took a deep breath.

The fourth level of the Thunder God Technique has a total of seven postures and seven paintings for Shen Zhui to understand.

The first form of this fourth level is called Eye of Thunder Dragon.

Eyes of the Thunder Dragon, the lowest threshold is a thousand and nine noose locks, forming a pair of eyes of the evil sea thunder dragon.

At the same time, its maximum number of nooses is two thousand. Once the limit is reached, it will be enough to kill a first-level magical power!

The second painting, the second style, is called Thunder Dragon Swallowing the Sea!

The threshold for displaying is two thousand thunder nooses, the limit is four thousand, and its power can destroy the second level of magical power.

The third move is a claw that tears the sky apart! Four thousand nooses are the threshold and the limit is six thousand nooses. The power is enough to kill the third level magical power!

Shen Zhui had previously increased the number of thunder nooses to the limit of 6,000, but it was difficult to improve after that.

"Thunder Technique is what I am best at, and it is also the earliest technique I have practiced, even earlier than Luoxue Sword Technique."

"For a long time, because I entered the martial arts realm and had a golden body in the extreme realm, the power of my sword technique has always been superior to the thunder technique, but I have neglected the thunder technique that I am best at. Now I can take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Thunder God. The level of the art." Shen Zhui took a deep breath and began to visualize the fourth painting of the Thunder God Art.

The fourth painting is called - The Dragon Wags its Tail!

The threshold for performing is 6,001 nooses, and the limit is 8,000 nooses.

"Boom~" As Shen Zhui visualized, the thunder between the dark clouds began to rage.

Thunder nooses flew out of the void, flew around in the air, and then continued to form.

Among the dark clouds, there seemed to be an ancient dragon looming, but except for the dragon's eyes, dragon's mouth, and dragon's claws, the rest of the body was hidden.

"Boom~" At a certain moment, thunder suddenly flashed, and a new chain was formed from the six thousand nooses!

Infected by the state of enlightenment and the pure power of the thunder system, the level that the card owner had been chasing for a long time was suddenly broken through!

He has reached the minimum threshold to perform the 'Dragon Swinging Tail'!

A smile appeared on the corner of Shen Zhui's mouth, and he did not stop, but continued to comprehend. Even if he did not use the enlightenment time, just in the state of enlightenment, his understanding of the Thunder God Technique was also improving rapidly.

Six thousand and one nooses, six thousand one hundred nooses, six thousand five hundred nooses...

And with Shen Zhui's understanding, time in this God of War competitive world is also passing day by day...


The past six days in the outside world are also the 589 days that Shen Zhui has been in the world of God of War!

In a violent cloud with endless thunder, Shen Zhui stood quietly.

"Boom~" Countless thunders suddenly stopped completely after a loud noise, and only the electric light was still shining brightly.

The next moment, Shen Zhui opened his eyes and suddenly closed his hands!

"Zizi~" Countless thunderbolts formed an exquisite and mysterious noose with secret patterns, and then shrank into a ball like a jellyfish at an extremely fast speed.

The thunder in the dark clouds seemed to be completely drained away, and in front of Shen Zhui, there was a palm-sized, black-purple diamond-shaped dragon scale floating in front of him!

This is a reverse scale of the Thunder Dragon from the Sea of ​​Evil, completely composed of the Thunder Dragon Noose!

"Explode!" With a low cry, Shen Zhui immediately stopped restraining the dragon scales. The next moment...

The dragon scales seemed extremely unstable and suddenly exploded!

"Boom!" As if time stood still, a huge shock wave began to violently erupt with the dragon scale as the center.

The surrounding dark clouds were completely swept away, and the entire space formed an endless electric field, which was still spreading outward.

Shen Zhui's eyes were expressionless, and he stepped back. However, not long after he retreated, his body was washed away by a strong electric light, and his entire body disappeared into nothingness...

The fourth and fifth form of the Thunder God Art - Reverse Scale Dragon Explosion!

The threshold for displaying is 8,001 thunder nooses, and the limit is 10,000 nooses!

The power of this moment even evacuated the surrounding thunder element, forming a vacuum area. However, in just a short moment, the power of the God of War world quickly restored the place to its original state.

"Buzz~" Shen Zhui's body appeared in front of the tall palace, and he looked at the bracelet on his left wrist helplessly.

Fifty thousand were deducted from the above figure, showing that Shen Zhui only had less than 30 billion high-grade spiritual stones left.

"Damn, this world of God of War competition is too exploitative. It costs 50,000 high-quality spiritual stones to re-condens one's body. I really don't miss any opportunity to make money." Shen Zhui was helpless.

The Reverse Scale Dragon Explosion is extremely powerful, but very unstable. He tried many times. If he used his full strength, this move would be difficult to control and it would be a lose-lose move.

Not to mention this ordinary divine body, Shen Zhui probably couldn't resist even his dark gold secret pattern physique, unless he hid in the Ruyi warship.

When he mastered the fifth form, this situation happened many times. At first, he died every time, which caused Shen Zhui a lot of pain. After all, he was reborn once... which was 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones. Although it was a lot of money, But it can’t sustain heavy consumption. So Shen Zhui also used his enlightenment time to open the way.

But when the number of thunder nooses he controlled increased, reaching the current nine thousand one hundred, the dragon scales began to become unstable again. Causing the body to be blown up.

"It seems that this move itself is a lose-lose strategy. Unless there is a way to protect yourself, or reduce the power a little to control it and not hurt yourself." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Nearly 600 days of enlightenment have consumed 290 billion high-quality spiritual stones and 13 million good deeds. The effect is remarkable!

Now, his understanding of the original power of thunder has reached an extremely advanced level, and the number of thunder nooses reached 9,100, allowing Shen Zhui to master two killing moves.

One is the fourth form of Shenlong Tail Swing, and the other is the fifth form of Reverse Scale Dragon Explosion!

"There are still nine million good deeds left, but there are less than three million spiritual stones left." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Good deeds, because it is easy for him to enter the state of enlightenment during his own meditation, and he only uses the enlightenment time when he encounters a bottleneck occasionally, so the normal state of enlightenment consumes good deeds, but only a small amount.

Moreover, he also specially set aside nine million good deeds for the trip to the Holy Word Secret Realm, and did not spend all of them.

As for the consumption speed of spirit stones, it was a little faster than expected, mainly because of the body reshaping. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but once for fifty thousand times...it's still a bit scary after too many times.

"Calculating the time, only six days have passed, and there are still four days left for the Holy Word Secret Realm to open. If we keep a hundredfold acceleration, we can stay for more than a year. Unfortunately... we have no money." Shen Zhui was a little helpless.

Thirty-two billion, in the blink of an eye, there is less than thirty billion left. If the remaining money continues to accelerate a hundred times, he will only be able to stay for another sixty days at 500 million a day.

"Go to the arena!" Shen Zhui looked up at the sky. "In sixty days, let's see how much money we can make in the arena in this original area." Shen Zhui turned around and walked into the palace.

In the original acceleration area of ​​the God of War competitive world, Shen Zhui has not been fully practicing for more than five hundred days. He occasionally learns about various rules and secrets, and even participates in several competitive decisive battles to confirm what he has learned.

The so-called competitive challenge is a one-on-one duel, fighting against the same level.

The winner can get a corresponding point, and this point is based on the area where Shen Zhui is located.

For example, if he lives for one day now, he has 500 million spirit stones. Then his random opponent must have at least 500 million spirit stones in his depository before he can participate in the competitive challenge in this area.

"Before I mastered the fourth form, I fought a total of thirty games, but only won twenty-five. There are many strong people in this original area of ​​100 times acceleration. But now I control nine thousand and one thunder nooses. After practicing the fifth form, it is completely different from the previous level." Shen Zhui walked quickly to a altar in the palace. There were several statues on it, and one of them was a statue of the God of War holding a sword.

"I want to participate in the arena challenge." Shen Zhui said directly to the statue of the God of War.

"Competitive challenge, the terrain space is random, the opponent type is random, and the number of wearable magic weapons is three, and the maximum cannot exceed the fourth level of the best magic weapons."

"A competitive challenge to a one-on-one duel, the opponent's body must be destroyed to be considered a victory. The winner will get one point, and the loser will deduct one point."

"Please confirm whether to enter the competitive challenge."

"Confirm. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com" Shen Zhui nodded. This arena relies on rebuilding the body to make money. What if you lose? Not only do you have to lose points, you also have to spend money to recast your body, which means that this hundred times the original area is no longer equivalent to 50,000 spiritual stones. If it were placed in a normal area, losing even once would be heartbreaking.

"The opponent has been matched. Start teleporting." A ray of light fell from the statue, covering Shen Zhui.

Soon Shen Zhui's body disappeared into the palace.


Competitive challenge space.

Under the starry sky, there is a floating arena, about fifty miles in radius.

A tall purple-haired man stood on the ring with a long sword on his back, muttering: "The nickname is 'Hansong', and he has only played thirty games and he has come to this hundred-fold acceleration area?" He’s not even a one-star God of War. Could it be that a young man from somewhere came in to play? Hmm… Judging from the name, it looks like he’s a third-level magical power who is good at water and wood. He’s very lucky.”

The purple-haired man smiled, and at the same time, Shen Zhui descended on the ring.

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