I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 47: Goodbye Linglong Chess Game

After feeling the strength of this barrier for a moment, Shen Zhui immediately retracted his hand, consuming 1.5 million of his good deeds in just two seconds.

However, Shen Zhui was not without discovery. At that moment, his spiritual sense detected the thickness of the city wall through the formation barrier.

"The city is a thousand meters thick. According to the fact that the defensive resistance of this barrier remains unchanged, I use the escape method to move forward with all my strength. It will take about seventeen seconds to pass through." Shen Zhui quickly came to the conclusion that if he wanted to completely cross the barrier with merit, It requires about 17 million good deeds. This is equivalent to consuming all his good deeds before he can enter.

"If I go in now..." Shen Zhui narrowed his eyes and started thinking.

There is no doubt that based on the available intelligence, whoever enters the Great Summer Palace City earlier will definitely have the upper hand.

If you get in before others, your chances of survival will be greater.

However, the risks are also not small!

If he goes in now, all his good deeds will be spent. If he encounters danger after entering, he will lose his merit barrier.

Unable to summon the Zen heart, unable to use Yinglong's essence and blood to save his life.

Shen Zhui didn't know what was on the other side of the city wall.

Secondly, this palace city is a test, and the one hundred thousand adventurers are the candidates. If there is a test, there must be a proctor. There is no doubt about this.

This venerable magic circle can prevent the venerable from entering, which means that before these candidates have to answer the questions, I have already started to answer the questions and received full marks.

Shen Zhui couldn't explain it to anyone.

If there was no one to supervise the exam, it would be okay, but the secret realm of the Holy Word in Daxia Academy has been opened so many times, how can there really be no strong person to guard it? If he really thought so, Shen Zhui felt that he had underestimated Daxia Academy.

"You can't go in now." Shen Zhui shook his head and put down his hands.

Although the cheating in the first level was not discovered, the two situations were completely different.

There is still a lot of chance in killing Cui He, and as long as Miyagi enters now, he will be the only one and will definitely be noticed.

"Huh~" He let out a long breath, and Shen Zhui turned around simply, no longer looking at the city wall full of endless temptations. He was really afraid that he couldn't help it.

Now, all he has to do is wait, wait for the formation barrier to continue to weaken, and also wait for the moment when Miyagi's 'examination paper' shows the answer signal.


In Daxia Dongtian, in a chaotic space, this is the core area of ​​Daxia Dongtian.

The space overlaps and changes, and even time becomes extremely slow. The violent power of space is enough to strangle most of the venerables, and in this central area, there is a piece of silver-white land floating.

The land is extremely wide, with a radius of thousands of miles, and in the center area, there are tall towers.

As the light lit up, an old man's figure wearing blue Confucian clothes appeared out of thin air on the silver land.

The old man flew towards the top of one of the tall towers.

The tower that looked tall on the outside actually had a different space inside. After the old man stepped in, he was in the bustling city in the blink of an eye.

Soldiers, traders, literati, merchants and carriages, all very lively... This is a world that is too ordinary to be ordinary.

But it is an unpredictable world.

Because the old man did not dare to be careless at all, looking at these ordinary people who could not distinguish between true and false, the expression on his face became more and more respectful.

The old man walked in the busy city for a long time, and gradually came to a chess hall with few people.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see there are about ten chess and game rooms, but they are not high-end. They are only separated by curtains. They play chess in pairs, either concentrating, frowning, or suddenly realizing...

The old man glanced around and found the person he was looking for in a chess room in the corner.

It was a handsome and handsome young man, wearing a white shirt, playing chess with another person. His opponent was wearing black clothes and looked exactly like the young man. They seemed to be brothers, but their temperaments were completely different and a little cold.

Jiang Yang walked gently to the curtain, saluted the people inside and said, "Master."

The people inside turned a deaf ear. Jiang Nian had no choice but to lift the curtain and spoke again: "Master."

"It's so noisy. Your apprentice is so annoying. I won't play anymore!" The boy in black threw the chess pieces on the chessboard.

With this throw, the whole space seemed to shake. The pedestrians outside the chess hall seemed to have encountered an earthquake, swaying this way and that, and became chaotic, with panic and shouts coming and going...

The young man in white smiled gently, gently placed his hand on the chessboard mountain, tapped his fingertips, and the chessboard returned to its original state, and the world outside began to operate normally.

After doing all this, the young man in white looked at Jiang Nian, waved his hand and said, "Xiao Nian, why do you want to be your teacher?"

Jiang Nian said respectfully: "Master, the second level of Shengyan Mountain has been opened. The mountain leader has asked Master to determine the topic for the students to enter the city."

"Oh, three years have passed again." The boy in white was a little surprised.

"Are you tired of the old immortal doing this shit every day?" The boy in black asked impatiently.

Jiang Nian remained silent, as if he had grown accustomed to the strange situation, and said softly: "Master, twenty-five days have passed outside the palace city."

The young man in white nodded. After thinking for a moment, he looked at the messy chessboard, casually picked up a chess piece from it, floated it into Jiang Nian's hand, and said with a smile.

"This is it."



Outside the Great Summer Palace.

Twenty-six days after the second level is opened.

The majestic palace city that had been motionless suddenly changed.

A violent light suddenly erupted from the nine huge palace gates.

The night is like day, even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can be clearly sensed.

The light turned into threads and spread from the palace gate to the entire city wall, cutting the entire smooth city wall into countless chessboards!

Nine chess games flicker back and forth on the surface of the city wall, as if waiting for adventurers to explore.

"Wow~" The one hundred thousand adventurers suddenly went into a sensation. They had been waiting for several days and tried their best but could not get through. The formation barrier of Daxia Palace City was like a high mountain, which was daunting.

And now, it’s clear that this change is for adventurers!

"The exquisite chess game! It is the exquisite chess game simplified by Emperor Xia!"

"Look, there are nine endgames!"

"What a mysterious fluctuation, it's simply perfect!"

"Linglong chess game, what is that?"

There were countless discussions, and many adventurers rushed to various parts of the city wall, looking carefully for fear of missing something.

"Huh? Has it started?" In the distance, on a light flying boat, Shen Zhui opened his eyes and looked away.

"Exquisite chess game?" Shen Zhui was surprised and unsure. The nine endgame pictures are very unfamiliar, completely different from those in Ciyun's world.

"Let's go over and have a look." Shen Zhui quickly flew over.

When Shen chased after him, the voice of rules came again.

This time Shen Zhui heard a gentle voice: "The nine exquisite chess games contain the nine origins of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, time, and space."

"Each endgame has endless changes. Those who can solve one of the endgames will immediately enter the palace."

"Nine endgames, divided into two difficulties."

"The chess game of time and space is the most difficult, followed by space, and the five elements of wind and thunder are the last."

"Unlocking different chess game difficulties will give you additional rewards after entering the city. Those who enter the city first will also have the upper hand."

"After two and a half years, if you still haven't solved the chess game, you can enter the city."

The Rules Sound ended and everyone got excited.

If it was just speculation before, now it is completely certain that the one who enters the palace first will have the advantage, but everyone needs to solve the Linglong endgame to enter.

Of course, you can enter after two and a half years, but even a fool wants to get it, so it must be the lowest level of treatment.

"Two and a half years... It seems that Brother Lin was right." Shen Zhui thought to himself. If we really wait until then, it will only take half a year, and there will be no time to prepare.

"Linglong Endgame, I didn't expect to encounter it again." Shen Zhui said with emotion.

However, the Linglong Chess Game only became popular during the Apocalypse Era. After being improved by Emperor Xia, it became more utilitarian. This chess game has changed from a simple game of entertainment to a method of auxiliary enlightenment that contains the nine original avenues.

"Time, space, five elements of wind and thunder, the last time I solved the endgame left by the teacher, I had this feeling, as if the chess game contained the origin of the avenue, but it was extremely obscure and not obvious. I don't know what this exquisite chess game in the age of apocalypse has. different."

Shen Zhui stood in front of a city wall, looking at the nine endgames that kept emerging.

Since the city wall is large enough, and the situation can be solved by placing a target on the city wall with spiritual thoughts, there is no such thing as crowding.

His mind touched the city wall, and Shen Zhui casually looked at a picture of the end game. The chess pieces on it were clearly black and white, but when Shen Zhui looked carefully, they turned into a forest.

The pattern was not a static scene, but one with countless leaves falling and countless tree buds growing. In just a short moment, Shen Zhui felt as if hundreds of millions of leaves were falling and green buds were growing.

Changes were happening constantly, and Shen Zhui was completely attracted by this ordinary picture of growth and decay.

Especially when the dead leaves fall, but green plants emerge from the rotten leaves, a strange feeling arises in Shen Zhui's mind, mysterious and magical!

"I'm not good at the origin of wood. This exquisite endgame can actually help me deepen my understanding of the origin of wood?" Shen Zhui woke up and was filled with emotion.

Compared with the Linglong chess game in ancient times, the Linglong chess game in the Apocalypse era is more streamlined and points directly to the road.

However, the chess game of the teacher's time was characterized by complex changes in the game process, and I was touched by this process of change.

And this endgame seems to have abandoned those complicated techniques, and is completely extended from the original avenue, and is presented to everyone.

One is from top to bottom, and the other is from bottom to top. I can't tell which chess game is more difficult. However, in terms of its role in helping practice, the improved endgame is even better.

"Time endgame, space endgame..." Shen Zhui looked at the two endgames of time and space.

However, these two chess games are more profound and complex than the previous wood origin endgame. If it is space, Shen Zhui can understand it a little bit and can understand the artistic conception. However, Shen Zhui feels a headache after looking at the space-time endgame.

It is completely a thin sliver of chaos. To understand the origin of time and space in this chaotic endgame and restore it step by step is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

One hundred thousand adventurers maintained extremely high enthusiasm and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the difficult and mysterious solution to the battle.

The nine endgames include nine origins. It can be said that any adventurer can find a path that he is good at, and anyone has the opportunity to enter the palace.

"What a mysterious Jin Xing ending, with 3,600 changes in the way of swordsmanship, all contained in those sword lights. It's so amazing..." A distant voice reached Shen Zhui's ears.

"Huh? Jinxing endgame, swordsmanship?" Shen Zhui looked at the endgame picture in front of him with some confusion.

In his eyes, countless sword lights flashed past, and each sword light seemed to be a peerless master attacking from various angles and containing various different auras.

"It's the same endgame of Jinxing. What I see is swordsmanship, but what that person sees is swordsmanship?" Shen Zhui was suddenly confused. He estimated that the endgame picture should be different from person to person.

"Time, space, metal, thunder, which one should I choose?" Shen Zhui hesitated in his heart.

The Voice of Rules clearly said that the gains in time and space were greater, but even with the acceleration of enlightenment time, Shen Zhui felt that he might not be the fastest. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

"I can just give up on time and space. Five elements of wind and thunder. I am the best at the origin of thunder. I should do my best to conquer the endgame of thunder. This is what I want to do."

"If we accelerate the time of enlightenment, cooperate with the insights of the innate Taoist body and the research of this deity, and conquer this chess game as quickly as possible, then it is serious." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

In terms of time and space, although the rewards are greater, they are also more difficult.

If you go too late, even if you unravel the two paths of time and space, there may be no benefit.

Unless you are extremely talented in these two paths, you should still choose the path you are best at, so that the speed will be faster.

With a decision in his mind, Shen Zhui immediately took action.

After glancing around, Shen Zhui let go of his momentum, and his domineering aura swept ten thousand meters around him. At the same time, a two-headed dragon eagle appeared beside him with a shrill cry.

This scene made the people around them change their expressions, and they made space and backed away a long way.

After arranging the concealment formation, the 10,000-meter space was isolated from the outside world. Shen Zhui directly took out the Ruyi Warship, and the original figure and Lei Xing's clone appeared together.

The purpose of practicing and proclaiming the Dharma is for enlightenment!

When Shen Zhui entered the state of enlightenment, the countless flying thunder and lightning in front of him suddenly became less chaotic, and a hint of order began to appear in Shen Zhui's eyes.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Chichi~" A thunderous palm appeared in Shen Zhui's palm. This palm was extremely gentle and touched the city wall.

"Buzz~" Like the strings of a piano being plucked, and the first thunder and lightning being gently stirred by the palm of his hand, Shen Zhui found the first complete and independent lightning.

The first son fell, and the ending of Lei Xing changed slightly.

At this time, not one of the one hundred thousand adventurers has completed the first step.

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