I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 54: Jumping over levels to accept tasks

The higher the level of the task, the more difficult it is, and the rewards are more generous.

However, not every adventurer can receive difficult tasks. This is related to everyone's official title in the world of Daxia.

Shen Zhui is now under the control of Zuo Shu Zhang Wang Yi, but he can accept tasks from the highest level 15 young master, which gives adventurers a choice. Just like Zhou Qi, who is not at level 4, can also accept tasks issued by Shen Zhui, a fifth-level doctor at level 9, this is the inspiration brought by Zhou Qi to Shen Zhui!

However, at the beginning, no one had the channels and qualifications to contact such high-level figures. The consequence of forced entry is to go to Samsung Prison to accept the pain of punishment.

In fact, Shen Zhui was not qualified to ask for a role from the young master, because he was only a small fifth official. Unless the young master took the initiative to summon him, Shen Zhui could not even enter the door of the young master's mansion.

However, the world of Daxia has evolved so far, and all the key figures have shown highly humanistic expressions, such as the black-faced public servant who passed away, and Wang Yi, the chief of the left concubine. Shen Zhui found that one of these two people had a generous character, and the other was upright. As long as the task completion rate is high, it is easy to talk.

Shen Zhui couldn't enter the Shaofu, but Wang Yi, the concubine of the left, could!

Therefore, Shen Zhui now wants to use Wang Yi's channel to persuade the young commander Yan Hui to issue a higher-level mission to him!

"Which level of mission do you want to take on?" Wang Yi asked calmly after hearing Shen Zhui's request. "I can issue up to eleventh level tasks. Did you know that the eleventh level tasks correspond to the sixth level of magical power?"

As soon as Shen Zhui heard Wang Yi speak, he felt confident.

Sure enough, this level-hopping task is indeed feasible, but there may be some obstacles. From the look on Wang Yi's face, he didn't seem to believe that he, a fifth-level doctor, could deal with a demon at the sixth level of supernatural power.

"Sir, I am not arrogant, but I have the strength." Shen Zhui said in a deep voice. "If you don't believe me, you can test the school's subordinates."

"Oh?" Wang Yi seemed to be interested and stared at Shen Zhui carefully for a moment.

After a while, Wang Yi waved his hand and stood up.

"Forget it. Seeing that you have successfully completed the mission many times, I will give you a chance."

"Did you see the two silver-armored guards in the courtyard?"

"If you can defeat them within a stick of incense, then I will take you to see the young master. If not, don't mention this matter again in the future!"

After saying that, Wang Yi walked out of the lobby first and came to the martial arts field.

Shen Zhui, on the other hand, was pondering the hidden message in Wang Yi's words.

It's possible to skip levels and take on tasks, but it's not without conditions. The first is that the tasks he has done before must reach a certain level.

Task completion is graded into: pass, medium, high, and satisfactory.

For example, when Shen Zhui entered the city for the first time and completed the task of killing the black wind demon, it was rated as high.

In fact, as long as half of his men survive after that night, they will be considered qualified and will still be promoted to level four.

However, Shen Zhui protected 297 people and received high praise. After that time, Shen Zhui directly became a fifth-level scholar-bureaucrat.

Since then, Shen Zhui has strived to achieve perfection every time he performed a mission.

With the support of super strength, Shen Zhui was at least advanced level or above in almost every mission. However, it was still too difficult to reach the perfect level. For example, in the first mission, one person suddenly died at the beginning. It was impossible to prevent. Shen Zhui has carried out thousands of tasks, large and small, but has only received satisfactory evaluations dozens of times.

The main reason is that Shen Zhui pursues speed. Usually some tasks are highly rated. It is not difficult with his strength. If he wants to complete it successfully, it takes a lot of time and energy. Shen Zhui's strength far exceeds the level of the task at that time, so I have no intention of wasting any more time on this.

He estimated that these evaluations, like his official resume, would affect Shangguan's view of him. Although he had not achieved perfection many times, his lower limit was very high. Almost none of them were mid-level evaluations, so he had this extra An opportunity to make an exception.

Keeping this in mind, Shen Zhui quickly came to the martial arts field.

The two silver-armored guards were from the Imperial Guards of the Royal City.

All of them have the sixth level of supernatural power. They hold spears and have phoenix helmets on their heads, looking majestic.

Shen Zhui cupped his hands towards Wang Yi and asked, "May I ask the concubine Wang if my subordinates can use weapons?"

"This is natural." Wang Yi nodded. "The power of weapons is part of your strength."

Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief. Since there were no restrictions, things would be much easier to handle.

"Whoosh~" Shen Zhui jumped onto the square and summoned the two-headed dragon eagle without saying a word.

After thinking for a while, Shen Zhui summoned two more black and white guards.

"..." Wang Yi, who was standing aside, was suddenly speechless and stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Kill!" Two guards in silver armor came forward with their spears, stabbing Shen Zhui directly.

Shen Zhui stood still while the black and white guards quickly stepped forward.

One soul, one warrior, two black and white guards, both with seventh-level supernatural powers. The black guard's roar immediately slowed down the two silver-armored guards, and then the white guard quickly punched one of them.

"Bang!" The two silver-armored guards flew out immediately.

"唳~" The two-headed dragon eagle chirped, spitting fire from its mouth, and a burst of flames immediately pushed the two silver-armored guards out of the competition field.

The two silver-armored guards were not injured at all, but they did not jump onto the ring again.

Seeing this scene, Shen Zhui breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that the combat power of the silver-armored guards was unreasonable. He needed to know that in the city, these Royal Guards were simply god-like existences. Fortunately, this challenge was allowed by Wang Yi, so he did not show his own level of combat power.

"Follow me." Wang Yi took a deep look at Shen Zhui and immediately waved his hand, signaling for Shen Zhui to follow.

Putting away the magic weapon puppet, Shen Zhui followed quickly.


Zuo Shu's chief's residence is in the west city, but the young master's residence is in the east city.

Shen Zhui discovered that the higher the official rank, the closer the location of his last residence was to the central Eight Hundred Miles Royal City.

There were many structures and formations in the young manor, and there were many groups of soldiers, and basically none of them had lower than the third level of magical power. Shen Zhui was secretly frightened when he saw this scene.

According to Shen Zhui's speculation, a fifteenth-level young master must have at least a high level of magical power. Of course, it is still unlikely to be a venerable, because it has only been open for more than a month, and the soldiers and civilians in the city will still improve greatly in the future. space.

"Shen Zhui, you have to think carefully. The mission levels in this city are not randomly customized. Acceptance of corresponding missions at each level has its own considerations from the upper level. If you use the third level of supernatural power to leapfrog to accept missions, you must be in danger! "

"You haven't seen Mr. Yan yet, so you still have time to regret. Otherwise, if you fail to complete the military order, you will be punished!" Wang Yi looked at Shen Zhui seriously.

Shen Zhui cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir, for reminding me. I have made up my mind."

Wang Yi nodded and stopped talking.

The two walked all the way and came to a side hall. Wang Yi went in first to have an audience, while Shen Zhui waited outside the door.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Zhui heard someone paging inside. Shen Zhui took a deep breath and stepped into the side hall.

There were only Yan Hui and Wang Yi in the side hall, and Shen Zhui quickly stepped forward to greet them. This was the second time Shen Zhui saw Yan Hui. Compared with the last time, Yan Hui's aura seemed deeper.

"Fifth doctor Shen Zhui has met Young Master Zao."

"Get up, I heard from Wang Yi that you are extremely powerful, you complete every mission neatly, and you have the talent of a general."

"Tell me, which level of mission do you want to take on?" Yan Hui asked lightly.

Shen Zhui thought about it for a while and then said in a deep voice: "Master Qi, I want to take over the task of level 12."

The twelfth-level official rank is just one level higher than Wang Yi. Shen Zhui guessed that this should be the limit. If it were any higher, it would be a bit arrogant. Yan Hui would not just hand over the task to a fifth doctor.

For Shen Zhui, this is just a game, but for the Zhenwen people living here, this is the real world!

"Level 12, well... you are self-aware."

"Since it was recommended by Chief Zuo, and with his guarantee, I will let you try." Yan Hui waved his hand, and a holy page with golden inscriptions suddenly floated in front of Shen Zhui.

"What is marked on this map is the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave thousands of miles away from the East City."

"My army is clearing out the Ten Thousand Monsters Zee to create a place for garrisoning troops. However, the progress is quite slow. If you can kill a hundred big monsters within a month, I will remember your great contribution. , promote you to Zuo Shu Zhang!"

"If the mission fails, then I will punish you for coercing the superior and being arrogant!"

Shen Zhui's heart trembled, and he quickly took the military order and put it in his arms.

"Subordinates take orders!"

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in Shen Zhui's Holy Word Order, and a sound of rules came into his mind.

"Level 12 temporary mission: Go to the Ten Thousand Demons Zee to kill one hundred powerful seventh-level demons."

"Limited to one month."

"The completion of the task must not be lower than high level. If it fails, the current rank will be reduced by two levels."

The voice of the rules was repeated three times, and Shen Zhui's heart sank.

Although there have been reminders in the past, there has never been any case of lowering the title.

Moreover, it is required that the task evaluation should not be lower than high, which means that passing and medium evaluations are not acceptable, only high and perfect!

A hundred powerful seventh-level demons are not so easy to mess with at first glance.

Once he fails, not only will he have to spend a month, but his level will also fall behind by two levels, and his previous advantage will of course be lost.

Especially with the time limit added, Shen Zhui now doesn't know whether it is a good or bad step for him to take this step.


After leaving the young man's mansion, Shen Zhui hurried back to the doctor's mansion in Xicheng.

This mission is not difficult, and Shen Zhui must be fully prepared.

The Holy Word Order contained some information about the great demons of Wanyaoze. Combined with Yan Hui's words, Shen Zhui was thinking about those places that might be traps that would lower the mission evaluation.

On the thirty-eighth day, as soon as it dawned, Shen Zhui hurried out of Shangqiu City.

The Ruyi Warship was flying over the wilderness. Since there were few people around now, Shen Zhui didn't have to worry about being discovered. Of course, the sooner he could get to his destination, the better.

The information given in the Holy Word Order is also very simple, only describing two kinds of monsters:

"Bishui Water Centipede (Male): A highly poisonous centipede that is petite and no longer than a foot long. It is extremely ferocious and likes to eat blood. It often feeds on its own kind. Because it is single and weak, it is often accompanied by huge colorful centipedes.

Colorful Centipede (Mother): It likes moist and dark places. It is highly poisonous and is very good at evading. Its tentacles are waving like the wind, and it is extremely powerful. It often partners with the Green Water Centipede, going in and out together. He is not easily angry and only fights with others when he is protecting his lover. "

After reading these two pieces of information, Shen Zhui frowned slightly. On the surface, there didn't seem to be anything worth paying special attention to.

"Legion, clean up the garrison area, one hundred seven-level magical monsters, two kinds of monsters in one month..." Shen Zhui felt that he seemed to have captured some key information, but it seemed that there was nothing.

"What factors will affect the lowering of the evaluation?" Shen Zhui thought.

According to his experience, these tasks do not tell adventurers what to do to improve the task evaluation, but they have to be discovered by themselves, which is quite a test of one's mind.

It seems that Daxia Academy not only wants to enhance the adventurers' strength, but also wants to improve their intelligence through secret missions.


Just as Shen Zhui was heading towards Wan Yao Ze, on the other side, from Yangzhai City, one of the four royal cities, a woman wearing a green gauze skirt flew out.

"I'm going to Ten Thousand Monsters Lake this time to collect enough inner elixirs of fifty fifth-level ferocious beasts, so I can raise my rank to a seventh-level official." The veiled woman murmured to herself, and a leaf appeared under her feet. The boat quickly broke through the air in a certain direction.

Half an hour later.

From another gate of Yangzhai City, another team flew out.

This is a team of twelve people. They are all handsome men and beautiful women. Their bodies are overflowing with treasures. At first glance, they are not ordinary people.

The leader, a man wearing a purple uniform, glanced around and shouted:

"Everyone, listen up. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and go to Wanyao Ze. Don't be careless. We must act in unison."

"Since several of us have received the mission related to Wan Yao Ze, I guess we are not the only ones to receive it."

"Brother Xia Feng, you are too cautious." A fair-skinned young man said casually: "There are only about 300 people coming into Yangzhai City now. Most of them are third-level hairpins and fourth-level Bu Geng. .”

"How many of the twelve of us are there who are all officials? What's more, Brother Xia, you are still a seventh-level official. No matter in terms of strength or status, I don't think anyone can threaten us."

"Zhang Meng, don't be careless." Xia Feng shook his head and said. "My father once suffered a big loss from an untouchable because of his carelessness!"

"So many people have now received missions related to Wan Yao Ze, intentionally or unintentionally. Although they are at different levels, it also proves that there must be a big problem here!"

"You are all the proud sons of the clan. No one wants to capsize in the gutter. You still have to be vigilant!"

"Brother Xia is right." Someone immediately agreed.

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