I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 62: This is the realm!

Seeing Xia Feng take the initiative to offer the treasure, Wang Jingwen didn't know what to say.

This is the realm!

Others ventured into the secret realm and worked hard to get a few treasures. Brother Shen ventured into the secret realm and made these people lose their legs just by talking. He also rushed to get the treasures over. He was simply too strong.

"Exotic treasures?" Shen Zhui glanced at the sword and elixir handed over by Xia Feng.

The long sword is a fourth-level elementary magic weapon, and the elixir is unclear as to what it is.

Shen Zhui's face suddenly sank.

Who are you looking down on?

Is a fifth-level doctor with a dignified seventh-level supernatural power qualified to use this kind of rubbish magic weapon? !

"This treasure from the outside world is certainly impressive, but when it comes to our hands, it will inevitably be uncomfortable. People of the same level can only be used as one level lower... That's all. I'll just have to figure it out myself, alas..."

Xia Feng and others looked at each other and thought that it was indeed the case. It was not that these two Zhenwen people couldn't use the magic weapon, but they just disliked that the magic weapon was incompetent.

Now that there is a solution, Xia Feng and others are relieved.

For them, things that can be solved with money are much easier than other difficult things.

"My subordinates didn't think carefully. A mere ordinary soldier is really not worthy of your strength." Xia Feng said. He put away his long sword, flipped his wrist, and two different magic weapons immediately appeared.

One knife, one sword.

Shen Zhui's pupils shrank.

The sword is a fifth-level primary red lotus sword, with a dark red body and secret patterns flowing on the handle.

The sword is a fifth-level elementary Purple Moon Sword, with flickering light and cold light. It is a magical weapon of the water system. It is perfect for practitioners who are good at water movement.

Shen Zhui, who originally planned to continue bargaining, suddenly knew that it was almost done.

If you continue talking, it might be self-defeating and expose your flaws. Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, so you have to take your time.

"As the saying goes, there is no reward for no merit, how could Mr. Han use such a rare treasure for no reason? It's impossible!"

"Sir." Zhang Meng smiled. "I would also like to ask you to accept Brother Xia's kindness. I will rely on you two to slay demons."

"Yes, sir, take it."

"Your Excellency has regained his strength, and my safety will be a little more guaranteed."

"Sir, don't refuse anymore." Luo Shubai and others also agreed and persuaded.

Shen Zhui gave in again and again, but was finally 'touched' by the sincere attitude of Xia Feng and others, and accepted the two magic weapons with choked sobs.

When Shen Zhui gave the Purple Moon Sword to Wang Jingwen, he seemed to be dreaming.

A fifth-level primary magic weapon, placed outside, would be enough to cause a bloody battle in the realm of magical powers. How could he get it so easily? And the other party was crying and shouting to force him to accept it?

"Sure enough, Brother Shen's realm is beyond my comprehension?"

"There are so many wonders in this world." Wang Jingwen sighed with emotion.

Although Xia Feng felt distressed when he saw Shen Zhui and the others taking the magic weapon, he had solved a big trouble and finally settled a worry.

Now, only these two people can nurse themselves back to health for a while before they can go on their way smoothly.


Just when Xia Feng and others thought nothing would go wrong again...

Everything that follows can be said to be a complete turn of events, and after a few hours, it will almost be broken by their silver teeth!

First of all, during the half hour of recuperation, more than a dozen silver-white figures appeared one after another from Jiaolong Lake.

In that explosion, some Silver Armored Forbidden Army actually survived!

There are a total of twenty-five silver-armored forbidden troops returning one after another!

According to the Silver Armored Forbidden Army, at the moment when Ying Long blew himself up, forty Silver Armored Forbidden Army formed two defensive gun arrays inside and outside.

The twenty people outside were dead or wounded, but most of the silver-armored Imperial Guards inside were intact.

After getting the news, Shen Zhui couldn't help but burst into tears! This time he was completely sincerely happy!

Who knows if the Silver Armored Guards will affect the mission rating?

But now that twenty-five people have returned, at least the whole army is not considered wiped out. Even if it has an impact, it will not erase too much of his achievements.

But he had no intention of returning those two magic weapons to Xia Feng.

After waiting for two hours, Shen Zhui discovered that no more forbidden troops would return.

Immediately, in the name of discussion, he and Wang Jingwen came to the other side to isolate Xia Feng and others from the investigation.

"Have you completed your mission?" Shen Zhui suddenly remembered that Wang Jingwen's mission seemed to be to collect some dragon blood grass.

Now it seems that this task is full of confusion. Who would have thought that the island is not actually a dragon, but a Yinglong?

"It's done." Wang Jingwen nodded. "After gathering the fifteen pieces of dragon blood grass, the Holy Word Order reminded me that I can return to Yangzhai City."

After they arrived on the island, they arranged for Xia Feng and others to search for the blood dragon grass, euphemistically called it "What the Great Concubine Needs".

Xia Feng and the others naturally took the initiative to show their courtesy, but it didn't cost Wang Jingwen anything.

"Brother Shen, what about you?" Wang Jingwen asked.

"I'm done too." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

Because just now, he had received the prompt from the Holy Word Order.

This prompt is a little different from the usual:

"The task of cleaning up the water monsters in Jiaolong Lake has been completed."

“The twelfth-level mission ‘One Hundred Demons’ has been merged into the fifteenth-level mission ‘Kill the Dragon’.”

"Mission accomplished, ratings will be assessed upon return."

"You have obtained task sharing permissions."

"Please choose whether to return to Wanyao Ze immediately."

The amount of information was a bit large, and Shen Zhui couldn't react for a while.

"Has the mission given to me by Master Yanhui been merged?"

"Task contribution permission, what is this?"

Shen Zhui was stunned. The level 12 mission was gone, and now it was the level 15 mission to kill Ying Long.

Does this mean that I don’t have to kill a hundred big demons?

Shen Zhui felt that this was very possible.

After all, Yinglong's strength has already reached that of the Venerable, and executing such a task is inherently difficult. According to the vision of Daxia Academy, it may not be possible to complete it even if the family prepares for a month. It is completely impossible to create another low-risk mission to delay time, resulting in losing two ranks in a row.

But the problem is, I have the ability to complete it!

Shen Zhui was a little dumbfounded, but rules were rules after all, and he could not control the changes in this task, so he had to turn his head to look at the 'task sharing permissions'.

"This task sharing permission means that I can share the tasks I take with others?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

Task sharing permissions have three characteristics:

1. It will only appear when you have reached level 12 or above. Below level 12, cannot be shared.

2. For task sharing permissions, the first adventurer to accept the task can specify the number of people and decide whether to share the task with others. Different tasks have different maximum number of people.

3. After the shared task is completed, the determination of merit will be determined by the task publisher of the true literati race. The person who accepts the task has no decision-making power.

This first point is easy to understand.

Low-level tasks originally only had such great benefits, and the difficulty was not too great for adventurers with third-level supernatural powers.

If low-level tasks can also be shared, then this task will not be difficult. For example, the seventh-level hunting mission is to kill a hundred Rongbi spiders. If seventy or eighty people take it together, it can be completed in an instant, almost sweeping. In this way, low-level tasks are shared and merit is given away in vain. This is not the original intention of Daxia Academy.

For levels 12 and above, because the difficulty span is very large, sharing is normal, but there is also a limit on the number of people.

For example, Shen Zhui could now see that the upper limit of the number of people required to kill Yinglong was five hundred, including the Zhenwen people.

Only on the second and third points did Shen Zhui think about it for a while before he realized it.

"In other words, I am the first to accept this task. I have the right to decide who will be included in the task, but I have no right to decide the distribution of merit after completing the task?"

"It seems that this meritorious service is distributed by the chief concubine." Shen Zhui understood clearly.

As for the choice of whether to return to Wan Yao Ze immediately, Shen Zhui guessed that it was probably the mysterious old man Tianyi who came to pick him up and others. After all, he sent it here in a snap, and Shen Zhui had no idea how to get back.

After thinking about this, Shen Zhui immediately realized something and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Now the task of killing Yinglong is level 15!

Because the time was advanced a lot, Yinglong's strength was not that strong, and by chance, he fooled Xia Feng, the proud sons of heaven, and the powerful men full of magic weapons, together to complete this task.

Now, the task of level 15 has been completed by him, a small doctor of level 9 and 5.

It was only at this time that he was told about the task sharing permissions, which meant that if Shen Zhui thought about it, he could completely monopolize this task!

How high is the merit for a level fifteen mission?

Shen Zhui couldn't imagine it.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Zhui decided to share the task with Wang Jingwen.

As for Xia Feng and those people, they were not within his scope of consideration.

Aren’t these people who came to Prince Liang’s Mansion an enemy?

"Sharing tasks, Wang Jingwen." Shen Zhui penetrated the Holy Word Order with his spiritual consciousness.

"Buzz~" The next moment, a faint golden light flew into Wang Jingwen's arms and disappeared into his holy words.

"Huh?" Wang Jingwen was suddenly stunned. "Brother Shen, what did you do?"

"What did you hear?" Shen Zhui asked.

"I just received a reminder that you shared a task with me."

"Well, that's the literal meaning." Shen Zhui smiled and explained the rules of task sharing to Wang Jingwen.

"A fifteenth-level mission? Oh my God, it's just the two of us?" Wang Jingwen's eyes widened.

He is only an eighth-level public transporter, but he has completed a fifteenth-level mission. What kind of concept is this!

I can’t even think about it!

"No? Then I'll take it back." Shen Zhui deliberately teased him.

"Yes, yes!" Wang Jingwen blushed, then thought about it and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Shen, you gave me such a big task..."

"You deserve this." Shen Zhui said that often said again and looked at Wang Jingwen with a smile. "Besides, didn't you say that good friends should share blessings and hardships?"

"Yes." Wang Jingwen nodded heavily.

"What to do with those people?"

"Why do you have so many problems!" Shen Zhui said angrily.

"Oh." Wang Jingwen stopped talking.


"Brother Xia, what are you two whispering about?"

"It's been so long, why haven't you started yet?" Zhang Meng seemed very impatient.

I have been busy until now, but I have not gained any benefits at all. I have also lost a lot of magic weapons and treasures, and one person has died.

Zhang Meng even doubted whether this mission was reliable or not!

"Wait a moment." Xia Feng glanced gloomily into the distance. In fact, he was also very upset. Among these people, he suffered the greater loss, but as the leader, he couldn't show it.

"Brother Xia, do you think it's possible for them to..." Luo Shubai frowned.

"What do you want to say?" Xia Feng stared at Luo Shubai.

"Is it possible that they... are also adventurers?"

As soon as Luo Shubai's words came out, everyone was briefly stunned.

"This is impossible!" Xia Feng shook his head. "If it's two eighth-level public transport, that's it. But for a ninth-level fifth-level doctor, the chance is too small."

"You are all geniuses from Dayuan Mansion. In terms of speed in solving chess games, you are all among the best. There are not many who are stronger than us, but there is a limit to how strong you can be." Xia Feng snorted coldly.

"I have studied the rules of issuing this mission. Whether it is all of you here or other adventurers in Yangdi City, there is a limit to the speed at which you can advance through missions in the first few levels!"

"It takes half a month to break through the sky, which is an eighth-level public transport. Unless it is to crack the time and space endgame, but the time and space endgame is cracked, it must be slower to get in."

"The fifth level doctor, unless Han Song has been here for more than thirty days."

"Brother Xia's words make sense." Meng Cheng nodded. If you have been here for more than a month, it means that you have just started the nine chess games and solved the end game in six or seven days. This kind of incredible understanding will basically understand the endgame of time and space, so the probability of this is too low.

However, just when Xia Feng and others were analyzing...

"Buzz~" Suddenly, a soft white light appeared beside Shen Zhui and Wang Jingwen, forming a door of light.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an old man with gray hair walking out of the light door.

"Huh?" This strange change immediately made Xia Feng and others stand up and turn around to look.

This old man's strength is unfathomable, and his sense of oppression is even greater than before Shen Zhui.

"Congratulations to both of you, you have completed your mission as chief concubine." The gray-haired old man walked out and looked at Shen Zhui and Wang Jingwen with a smile. "The chief concubine is waiting for you two in the palace."

"Thank you, sir." Shen Zhui bowed his hands respectfully.

"Huh? Did you complete the mission?" Xia Feng and others were slightly stunned, but in the blink of an eye they were overjoyed.

Finally, the clouds cleared and the moon shone brightly, all the hard work was not in vain!

Although I don’t know why the subsequent tasks are no longer available, can the tasks issued by the chief concubine be simple?

"Master Tianyi, let's go back now." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Xia Feng and others felt something strange.

What's going on? Why don't these five doctors look at us at all?

"Master Han, I'll wait..." Xia Feng smiled and held his hands, just about to remind him.

next moment--

"Buzz~" The white-haired old man waved his hand and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Shen Zhui, Wang Jingwen and twenty-five silver-armored forbidden troops suddenly disappeared into the light door.

"Swish, swish, swish~" Xia Feng and others suddenly became anxious and rushed towards the light door.

"Whoosh~" The light door disappeared completely, and everyone was immediately thrown into the air.

Xia Feng, Zhang Meng, Meng Cheng, Luo Shubai, all eleven people were immediately dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

The breeze blew, the fallen leaves drifted, and the lake water slowly washed the rocks on the shore.

Everything around seemed extremely peaceful.


Just leave!

We're still here!

How can you leave! ! !

"Ahh!!!" As if he finally understood something, a deafening roar of anger echoed around him.

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