I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 25: Call the formation!

"Three hundred years old, so tall?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned. "It doesn't seem to be an exaggeration..."

"..." Yu Ziqi was immediately speechless.

Finally, he glanced at Shen Zhui faintly and said, "Your Excellency, you are a genius. You don't understand how difficult it is for normal people to practice cultivation."

"A twenty-year-old half-step master is rare in the world."

"Normally speaking, being able to reach the Venerable level after practicing for less than a hundred years is considered a big deal. There is hope of reaching the realm of true gods."

Shen Zhui touched his nose embarrassedly. Indeed, Fang Ziyou has been practicing for sixty years and has reached the peak of his supernatural power, so he is highly regarded by Wu Anjun. This is already considered to be extremely talented.

By the time a normal practitioner reaches the venerable level, he is already over three hundred years old.

And if you want to be granted the title of Marquis... it is very difficult to achieve just the first level of Venerable. Looking at the powerful men who have been granted the title of Marquis in history, almost all of them are at the middle level of Venerable or above.

Reach the intermediate level of Venerable before the age of 300, and the difficulty will increase one level again.

To meet this condition, you have to make great contributions and contribute to the country. This is even more difficult, enough to make 99% of geniuses despair.

Only a small group of talents can have the opportunity to attack the position of Wuhou.

"So, unless there are special circumstances, at this time, there are only about 20 people among the top 100 on the military merit list who can be basically granted the title of marquis."

"As for how many people will be sealed in the end, no one can say for sure. No one dares to say that they can guess the emperor's thoughts." Yu Ziqi said.

"Don't think about this for now." Shen Zhui turned around and returned to his seat to sit down. It was useless just to think about it. He had to actually make a contribution.

The merits of lurking in the Jiuyou Realm alone may not be enough to make a marquis. Even if the battle of Shanhaikou is added, although this merit is dazzling among the lower ranks of the venerable, it is not enough for the real big shots, such as the military department and the central officials. In their eyes, it can only be said to be barely enough.

The credit may be great or small, but what I have done is still not as good as the credit of killing a high-level venerable.

And at this level, his master and Lan Hai would probably have the opportunity to do this.

"It would be great if a seriously injured and dying high-level venerable fell near my new city..." Shen Zhui couldn't help but say. "Then this is a sure-fire achievement of becoming a marquis."

High-level venerables all have the hope of becoming kings, and the Wuhou of the Great Zhou Dynasty are generally at this level. What if you say you can kill a powerful man of the seventh level?

That is equivalent to killing a ‘Wuhou’ level figure from the sect alliance!

Seeing Shen Zhui holding his chin in deep thought, Yu Ziqi quietly left.

"If a venerable person at the level of Wuhou cannot be killed, then he must at least complete a commensurate amount of merit. For example, if he can destroy a Judgment Sanctuary, or kill several holy envoys, or he can destroy several more mountains and seaports. Such a teleportation array." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

"It's really not possible. Killing ten or eight first-class sect leaders of the sixth level is enough." Shen Zhui said secretly.

At present, the only possible way to kill the high-level venerable is the letter given to him by Marquis Wu An, which contains the divided body of divine thoughts, which can block the attack of the true god. The rest, even if you use Yinglong's incarnation, may be difficult to achieve.

Shen Zhui felt that it shouldn't be a problem for Marquis Wu An's divided body to kill a seventh-level venerable, right?

But in this way, using this life-saving thing on the Venerable seems... a bit wasteful?

"Master Marquis won't give you a few more words..."

Just when Shen Zhui was sitting in his seat and thinking wildly, suddenly a statue of a god enshrined in the marching hall trembled slightly. Then the god came to life, changing from a gray stone sculpture to a golden human form.

"Huh? Master?" Shen Zhui glanced over and immediately realized that the statue looked exactly like Lu Yuanwei.

"You're not in Boundary Breaking City?" Lu Yuanwei immediately noticed something after walking down.

"This, the disciple is indeed not in Breaking Boundary City." Shen Zhui said respectfully.

Lu Yuanwei closed his eyes and opened them, and then something strange flashed in his eyes: "Huh? You actually built a new city here. And you actually killed Meng Wushang!"

"My disciple was lucky enough to beat him." Shen Zhui felt a little proud. In the magical realm, he is invincible. If the military exploits of the latent military and Shanhaikou had passed from the Qingzhou Army to the Wu'an Army, I am afraid that he would be able to squeeze into the top five now.

"Since you are not in Breaking Boundary City, I can rest assured." Lu Yuanwei seemed to be relieved.

"Master, something happened in Breaking Boundary City?" Shen Zhui asked. He keenly felt a trace of worry in Lu Yuanwei's tone.

"Well, the third layer of defensive barrier outside the boundary-breaking city wall was breached half an hour ago." Lu Yuanwei said seriously.

"So fast?!" Shen Zhui was shocked. You need to know that the Boundary Breaking City is an important city. The fortifications are laid out layer by layer, and different generals are in charge of the secret orders to open them.

In this way, even if there is a traitor among the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it will be difficult to break through from the inside because they only have one layer of secret orders. You can leave time for Da Zhou’s general to react.

Back in Breaking the Boundary City, Shen Zhui had mastered a layer of defensive barrier, but after Biying returned to Tianxin Palace headquarters, he handed it over to General Ma Zhilin.

From the launch of the attack, the three-layer barrier formation was broken in less than two days. It must be said that the sect alliance was also determined to fight against the Great Zhou to the end.

"It's already considered slow." Lu Yuanwei said. "If it weren't for the commotion you made in Sanling Cave and the sudden rise of secret spies, which delayed the sect alliance for some time, we should have counterattacked when Youming Mountain behind the Breaking Boundary City was established."

"Master Wei and other venerables expected that the sect alliance would break out at that time, but unexpectedly they advanced a little further and built a boundary-breaking city."

"Fortunately, you are not in Boundary Breaking City, otherwise you might be in danger."

Hearing Lu Yuanwei's words, Shen Zhui was also a little frightened.

According to this progress, there will be a total of five layers of defensive barriers in Boundary Breaking City, and the remaining two layers will be breached in less than two days.

It must have been a brutal battle at that time!

"Master, how are you planning to respond?" Shen Zhui asked.

"The sect alliance has surrounded these cities. It is obvious that they want to encircle them and call for reinforcements." Lu Yuanwei said. "There are no high-level venerables in the important cities before Youming City. Someone from above must be sent to rescue them."

"However, it still takes time."

"Why." Shen asked.

"The Wu'an Army is the strongest among the three armies, but it is also under the greatest pressure. The stretch of defense line is twice as large as that of the Qinghai and Hebei armies combined."

"The Venerable is a high-ranking person, and the number of people is not too large. They are all numbered. We must find out how many people are coming from the sect before we can make plans."

"In that case, I'm afraid Pojie City and Yangzhou City won't be able to hold on for long." Shen Zhui frowned. He understood very well what Lu Yuanwei meant.

Every one of the high-level venerables is very important. When using them, they must be used at key points. If both sides want to take advantage of each other, the high-level venerables are the main target.

If one is lost and a lot of them die, the chance of winning will be reduced by one point.

Nowadays, if you want to support Breaking Boundary City, you must send a high-level leader to support the support, but how many of them can be effective? With all the cities unable to retreat and the three sects' battle flags and the God of War map covering the world, it was extremely difficult to explore information.

"When two armies are fighting, the generals are like chess players. They are nothing more than exchanging pieces against each other, winning small victories here and there, capturing the opponent's largest piece with the least loss, and eventually accumulating into an overwhelming victory."

"If we don't send people to rescue, then this time the sect alliance, even if it can't defeat the high-level sages of Zhou Dynasty, can still wipe out dozens of low-level and middle-level sages. It is indeed a good move." Lu Yuanwei said.

"Master, what should I do?" Shen Zhui asked. He can't solve the problem of the high-level Venerable, he can't contribute anything at all, and it's impossible to support Boundary Breaking City.

"Your new city has been exposed, but you haven't used the noble-level slaves yet." Lu Yuanwei asked.

"No." Shen Zhui said honestly.

"That's good. The high-ranking venerable will not abandon Boundary Breaking City and Youming City to deal with your little magical power. As for how to act, you can adapt to the situation yourself. Just don't try to return to Boundary Breaking City." Lu Yuanwei said.

If Shen Zhui was in the Breaking Boundary City, he would have followed him and killed him, but the new city was built further ahead, and the alert level on the God of War map was only '1'.

A high-level Venerable must deal with tasks of at least seven levels. If he lowers his level for no reason and takes action against Shen Zhui, not to mention killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, he may be suspected of being timid and avoid fighting. If it is more serious, he may even be killed by the True God. Accused of being a traitor.

Everyone is fighting to the death against opponents who are also high-level or even stronger. At this time, you want to find a person with magical powers? Of course it doesn’t make sense!

"Be careful and don't be careless." Lu Yuanwei warned. "Meng Wushang, after all, is a genius of the Jiuyin Sect. He might send strong men here. You should be more careful and strengthen the magic circle."

"Yes, disciple understands." Shen Zhui nodded.

Buzz~ The golden light retracted, and the statue turned gray again. It was obvious that Lu Yuanwei's spiritual thoughts had left.

The matter was urgent, so Shen Zhui also quickly patrolled the various formations on the city wall, and at the same time, he retracted the soldiers outside the city to prepare for the arrival of the next wave of enemies.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye. I don’t know whether it was because the strong men of the alliance were attacking the Boundary Breaking City with all their strength, or they were pretending to be Changsun Gu’s aura to kill Meng Wushang, confusing the other party’s judgment. In the past two days, outside the gate of the new city, , no one came to knock on the door.

Instead, two or three spies from the supernatural realm were discovered outside the city, constantly observing and testing the new city.

However, these strong men of the sect are also very cautious. They only keep the warship fully activated from a distance and do not get close. They look like they will run away at any time if someone comes out.

At the same time, there is only the last layer of defensive barrier left in Breaking Boundary City, which is crumbling in the torrent of sectarian armies and may be destroyed at any time. The statue of the god far away in the new city can receive distress signals every day!

Just when Shen Zhui thought that the sect alliance would at least wait until the Boundary Breaking City was breached before freeing up manpower to deal with him.

On the third day, two sages suddenly came to the new city to call for war.


On top of the city wall, Shen Zhui looked at a magnificent warship palace floating on the hillside in the distance.

"Who is here and what is his cultivation level?"

"Sir, judging from the appearance of the warship, it should be the Jin Liu Ship of the Jiuyin Sect. It is not for use by non-venerables."

"Just like the great Zhou Dynasty will give the titled captains a uniform ride on the Dragon Head Tower ship, during wartime, they will also unify the coloring and style of the warships so that they can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy from a long distance." Biying replied.

"The sect alliance is learning from Da Zhou." Shen Zhui said.

"It's a pity that we only have the form." There was a hint of disdain in Yu Ziqi's tone.

At this moment, a distant voice came from the hillside.

"Great Zhou traitor, listen carefully. Now that Pojie City and Yangzhou City have been conquered by the alliance, quickly remove the city boundaries and surrender. Hand over the sect traitor Changsun Gu, otherwise no one will be left behind after the city is broken. Live!"

The cold voice became weak when it was transmitted through the space to the city barrier. In order to avoid disturbing people's hearts, Shen Zhui did not shout to the other party at all and passed it into the city.

Only a few people standing on the city wall could hear this sound.

"Oh? How dare a few third-level venerables ask me to surrender?" Shen Zhui stared ahead and immediately realized that there were only five third-level venerables coming across from him.

Rolling his eyes, Shen Zhui immediately opened his mouth and conveyed his voice: "Changsun Gu has taken refuge with me, Da Zhou. He said that the sect alliance has sunk to the west and will be destroyed by Da Zhou sooner or later. If you abandon the dark and turn to the light now, there will still be a trace. A way to survive!"

"Otherwise, soon the imperial court will conquer the Jiuyou Realm with its army, and all the orthodox traditions will be extinct!"

The sound was also transmitted far away outside the Jinliu ship. After hearing what Shen Zhui said, a man with green hair and uniforms immediately returned to the ship and reported to the rear:

"Senior Shichou, I didn't see Changsun Gu from your sect. The person who replied seemed to be a general from the Great Zhou Dynasty. He said that Changsun Gu had defected to the Great Zhou court."

"That's nonsense! Get out of here quickly." A gloomy voice mixed with a bit of anger came from inside the warship. "Take this general down! Interrogate him carefully!"

"Yes." The green-haired man nodded.

Then he flew out of the warship and flew directly towards the main entrance of the city wall.

"Shua~" In a few breaths, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com The figure brought up an afterimage, and the green-haired venerable immediately approached the city gate less than ten miles away.

"Which army of the Great Zhou Dynasty is on top of the city? Dare you name me, Hua Bu, the leader of the Fifth Turn Sect! Don't kill unknown people!" the green-haired man shouted.

When Shen Zhui saw that he didn't even know which army was stationed in the new city, he immediately felt certain that it seemed that the sect alliance did not know the details of the new city. That's right, I have never summoned a Venerable level person here. From the outside, if it weren't for enemies like Meng Wushang who had fought against me, I wouldn't be able to find out the details.

"You will naturally know when I kill you!" Shen Zhui also sent a message through the air, full of momentum. Five venerables came to call for formation alone, and he was eager for the other party to do this. A gap opened in the barrier, and Shen Zhui immediately flew down from the top of the city.

"Young man is so arrogant! He's just at the peak of his magical power, but he can speak so loudly!" A trace of anger flashed in the green-haired man's eyes. He was getting closer now, and he could see that Shen Zhui's cultivation level was only at the peak of his magical power. How dare he despise himself so much?

"Let's see how you die!" The green-haired man rushed forward, but he was always wary of Shen chasing behind him, worried that Changsun Gu might suddenly come out.

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