I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 36: Liuhe Daozang!

"Fusion rules." Shen Zhui was also a little excited.

He now has seven hearts of the world and masters the power of seven rules. According to what Zen Xin said, the chance of integrating special heaven-defying rules is really high.

Normally, a Venerable who only has one world heart cannot fuse. He needs at least two world hearts and masters the two rules before he can try to fuse.

The avenues merge and the rules evolve. To become a venerable person, one goes from the complex to the simple and understands the most basic five elements of wind and thunder. However, the attack methods are just the opposite, from simple to complex. Let basic rules produce stronger effects.

Time, space, light, darkness, etc. are all evolved from the most basic Five Elements Wind and Thunder, so as long as you master two or more rules, you have the opportunity to use this as a springboard to master stronger rules.

Among all the powers of rules, the law of time and space is undoubtedly at the forefront!

For example, time suspension, time reversal, space cutting, space stagnation, etc. are all extremely powerful means of time and space rules.

"What to do?" Shen asked. "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to integrate the top rules of time and space."

"It's not 'not easy', but it's very difficult!" Zen thought. "I only had a glimmer of hope. In fact, if you can master an advanced rule in a short period of time, it would be incredible."

"Advanced rules?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"Yes." Zenxin nodded. "Rules also have levels."

The most basic, the seven rules of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder are the primary rules. This is the simplest, and one that low-level venerables will definitely master. However, if you only have a single heart of the world and only master the basic rules, you may not be able to defeat even the slightly stronger magical realm. It is basically difficult for this kind of people to reach a higher level of cultivation. Of course, there are always exceptions to everything. If you have an adventure during the sage period and obtain some kind of treasure, the rules can be understood and transformed. Even a heart of the world and a single path can also transform into intermediate or even high-level rules.

However, the possibility of this is extremely low. Anyone who has such an opportunity will not only be born with a heart of the world when he breaks through the venerable one.

Intermediate rules are variations of basic rules, such as ice rules, frost rules, and weak water rules derived from water rules. Various strange fires derived from the rules of fire. There are also cases where two rules are simply superimposed, such as metal and wood, earth and wood, water and fire. It is just a simple superposition of the two, with both special effects, which is slightly stronger than the basic rules. Usually two world hearts can be fused. The deeper the understanding of the rules, the greater the power of the fusion.

In addition, there are some extremely special rules and high-level rules that cannot be speculated by common sense, such as poison rules, dead energy rules, suppression rules, or forbidden air rules, etc., which have countless effects. In ancient times, your teacher knew that if you break it down, there are no less than ten thousand rules and effects.

As for advanced rules, few people can do it. Advanced rules, control the space! This is why in the realm of supernatural powers, people who are talented in space are valued, because they are rare, and once they break through to the venerable level and practice for decades, they can easily master the advanced space rules.

In addition, among the light, darkness, and intermediate rules, some particularly rare and extremely powerful variant rules transform, such as Samadhi True Fire and Nanming Lihuo. Such as Xiji Gengjin, Beiming Kuishui, Donghua Yimu, etc., they are also considered advanced rules!

If you want to integrate advanced rules, you basically have to practice at the Venerable level for hundreds of years. Even if you reach the high level of Venerable, you may not be able to integrate and master an advanced rule.

It is extremely difficult to master the advanced rules. At the same time, if you master them, their power will definitely crush the middle and low-level rules.

With advanced rules like this, the hope of merging two World Hearts is extremely low. At the Venerable level, one must reach the Senior level before there is any hope. One must be a top genius with three world hearts, or even four, to have hope. Of course, those who follow the path of space when in the magical realm are not included in this list. Even if there is only one world heart, as long as the rules of space are born, when the number of star rings slowly increases, extremely powerful space methods can be developed.

As for the top one, only time and space!

And it must be that the way of time is combined with other rules. The most powerful one is of course the combination of time and space, followed by the time rule with other powerful attributes, or the combination of space with other variant rules.

If you want to reach this level, you must be one of a million geniuses! There are already very few people in the space. As for the geniuses in the time path? Shen Zhui has been practicing so far, and has almost never seen anyone who walks the time path, but there are a few who walk the space path. The most powerful one is the Venerable Greedy Wolf of Space. This alone, Greedy Wolf's strength allowed him to survive at the hands of the Venerable at the seventh level when he was at the fourth level.

In addition, it is necessary to combine the second rule and perfectly integrate time and space. It is too difficult!

Shen Zhui once watched some powerful moves in the Chuanwu Hall, such as [Space Destruction Slash], which is a top rule move that combines gold and space, and [Void Wind Blade], which is a fusion of space and wind. These... are all marked as being created by the true God. As for the heaven-defying method of [Time and Space Reversal] resurrection? There is no indication of the source or level at all. It is obviously a method only available to those above the True God.

It can be imagined that there are too few people who master the top rules. They are basically true gods or heaven-defying sages. They have more than five world hearts, and they must also include the two attributes of time and space to reach the peak level. Enlightenment. Only then can you control and display it.

"It's too difficult. Although I have seven hearts of the world, I don't follow the path of time and space. There is no hope of integrating the top rules." After listening to Zen Heart's words, Shen Zhui also felt the fusion of the top rules. How difficult. It would be okay if he had some understanding of time and space, but he has never studied these two things at all.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui couldn't help but think of his master, Lu Yuanwei.

Could it be that my master has mastered extremely strong rules and is not as simple as he seems?

Shen Zhui felt that it was very possible, otherwise when they met before, there were many people with higher cultivation than his master. However, the entire Eastern War Zone, and even the entire Wu'an Army, from the time of the Marquis, had been decided by his master.

"Shen Zhui, although you have not practiced the way of time and space, you have gone to Daxia Academy and practiced the magical power of the Holy Word." Zen said in his heart. "Moreover, your Yinglong incarnation is the darling of space itself, possessing the innate magical power of [Absolute Domain]."

"As the saying goes, if you don't have enough talent, you need secret techniques! If you study hard, there is still hope that you can master one or two top-level rules at the high level of the Venerable in the future." Zen Heart encouraged.

"Yes." Shen Zhui's eyes lit up. Although I have not actively studied this kind of secret method, I have specifically comprehended the two paths of time and space. But actually...

Among the magical powers of the Holy Word, there is the Supreme Holy Word [Time Rewind], Yinglong's innate magical power, and the [Absolute Domain], which is spatial confinement.

Although I have not actively learned it, I just use it instinctively, but I have been immersed in the two realms of time and space for a long time, so it is not that I have no foundation at all!

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and fuse!" Shen Zhui couldn't wait to try it.

"Why are you so anxious?! There are skills in merging the rules." Zenxin glared.

"The rules of fusion are not a trivial matter. If you think about it randomly and take the wrong path at the beginning, it will be difficult to get it back later. Take a look at this "Liuhe Daozang" first. Your teacher has already prepared a inheritance for you. For your reference.”

""Liuhe Daozang"?" Shen Zhui's heart skipped a beat. "Could it be..."

"Yes, this secret method should be the foundation of today's Liuhe Sect. It was one of the three secret codes of the Jiuyou Divine Sect back then." Zen Xin said proudly.

"How is that possible?!" Shen Zhui's eyes widened.

"Liuhe Daozang" is the most supreme and most important secret book of Liuhe Sect. Based on this secret book alone, the current Liuhe Sect was formed. This statement is not an exaggeration at all.

Because this secret book can increase the success rate of disciples' fusion of rules, and it is rumored that many Liuhe Sect disciples, even if they have two hearts of the world, have fused advanced rules when the venerable is at a high level!

By increasing the success rate and improving the level of rules, it can be said that this "Liuhe Daozang" is the reason why Liuhe Sect can be ranked as the three super sects with Jiuyou Sect and Taishang Sect. Each generation is better than others, accumulated over tens of thousands of years, which is an extremely terrifying advantage.

"Don't make too much fuss, this is just a fragment obtained by your teacher." Zen thought. "All the Liuhe Daozang, even in the Jiuyou Divine Sect back then, were the secret scriptures of the Donghuang lineage."

"How did the teacher get this thing back then?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Your teacher didn't say it, but based on your conversation with Xia Wudao at the Land of God's Fall, I guess it was spread during the civil strife of the Shen Sect." Zen Xin said with her chin. "The three great emperors attacked each other, and some people became disheartened and left the Shenzong. It may have been spread at that time."

"However, the article that the master obtained is only a fusion article. According to the master, it only touches on some of the core, not all of it."

"But just that, it also allows the master to master the second advanced rule when he is at a high level. I think it should be of great help to you."

"Teacher only has two hearts of the world. Although he has the Exquisite Heart with Seven Apertures, it is not bad to master one advanced rule. How can he master the second one with this Liuhe Daozang Fusion Chapter?" Shen Zhui was secretly stunned. "It seems that the teacher was not a simple person back then."

Being able to obtain the remaining copies of Liuhe Daozang is also extremely remarkable. After tens of thousands of years, Liuhe Sect has eliminated dissidents, and with the change of times, few people in the outside world have this kind of secret book.

If Liuhe Sect knew about it, they would definitely hunt him down to the end.

However, Shen Zhui himself was opposed to the sect world, so he was not worried and took it and started practicing.

"Integrate well and don't be distracted. You can let the nine sages of Lei Xing Palace handle external military affairs together." Zen thought.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui nodded.

Originally, there weren't many logistical tasks in this garrison, and all the people under his command were done. As a general, he was actually just a decoration. The battle at the Venerable level has just begun, and there are not many wounded who need recovery and treatment.

"Liuhe Daozang." Shen Zhuicong picked up the simple jade plate and poured his spiritual consciousness into it. The jade plate immediately emitted a faint white light.

At the same time, a massive amount of information rushed into my mind.

Lines of light and shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

The Tao Yun inscriptions of the seven basic rules of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder are immediately arranged and combined in the heart. Each rule of Tao is directly engraved in the heart. At the same time, every combination is produced. , a corresponding mysterious realization was immediately born.

Seven kinds of rules evolution, more than thousands? Shen Zhui just looked at it for a while and felt that his understanding of the rules had improved greatly. At the same time, the seven hearts of the world, the fourth inscription star ring that was about to be completed, actually increased a little.

"It's terrifying. The power of the Nine Nether Divine Sect requires so much spiritual calculation and time to deduce all the paths one by one, and then print and preserve the path forward for the disciples to follow. refer to."

"With such a huge amount of calculation, even a true god, who spends thousands of years without sleep, can probably only complete a fraction of it." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

The rules of fusion are not 100% certain. Even a slight deviation in the combination of gold and thunder may cause the final result to be completely different. So what if you just start from scratch on your own? If you want to find a path that suits you and master the advanced rules, the probability is equivalent to a gust of wind blowing up a bunch of parts and then landing on the ground to form a seventh-level warship.

"Looking like this is still too slow." After thinking about it for a while, Shen Zhui frowned.

Although there have been predecessors who have narrowed down the huge scope and omitted a lot of time, it is still too much and too complicated for him who has just become a Venerable. Not to mention the high-level rules, even the intermediate rules, I don't have the slightest clue about fusion, and I don't know where to start.

"Huh? It turned out to be comprehension. So, can you use the system to comprehend the fusion rules?" Shen Zhui suddenly had an idea.

He put away the jade plate and turned to look at his good deeds.

Shen Zhui: Venerable Level 3

Kung Fu: Red Yang Nine Dragon Diagram

Movement: Wind and Thunder Escape

Knife Technique: Luoxue Knife Technique (Fifth Style, Breaking the Illusion)

Taoism: The fourth level of Thunder God Technique (seventh form, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Thunder Dragon Arrives)

Divine power of the Holy Word: [Reverse Time], [Invincible Golden Body], [Tianshu Dragon Pattern Sword] [Return to Life] [Golden Cicada Escapes]

Good deeds: 121 million

Redemption list: Enlightenment time (one hundred good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (one thousand good deeds per second, can be gifted)

Enlightenment time (10,000 good deeds per second, can be given as a gift, consumption will increase depending on the difficulty of understanding.)

Skill: Eye of Deception (consumes good deeds)

Merit barrier (consumes good deeds)

Cumulative use of good deeds: 338.42 million.

"More than 100 million good deeds, even using Sudden Enlightenment, are enough to last a long time. I just don't know if it will be effective." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

With his mind moving slightly, Shen Zhui tried the one with the least consumption first.

"System, redeem one million enlightenment time."

"Redeem successful." The cold voice of the system suddenly sounded. "One hundred good deeds can be exchanged for ten thousand seconds of enlightenment."

"The countdown begins."

"Buzz~" The clarity in my heart gradually expanded, and my whole soul broke through a veil and surfaced.

Even if he reaches the Venerable level, this state of enlightenment has a good effect on helping Shen Zhui, which makes Shen Zhui sigh with emotion at the magic of the system.

Picking up the jade plate again, Shen Zhui immediately closed his eyes.

After a moment, two world hearts, one gold and one thunder, suddenly dispersed two rays of rule power and merged in front of him.

"It works!" Shen Zhui opened his eyes, extremely excited.

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