I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 36: The show begins!

Thirty miles outside Heyuan City, there is Anyang Town.

In a beautifully decorated mansion, a dozen young men were having a drink.

These young masters were all well-known young masters and elites from large and small families in Heyuan City. They were invited by Li Ming to the banquet in the name of celebrating his breakthrough in cultivation.

"Everyone, come, let's toast Mr. Li and congratulate him for breaking through the middle stage of inspiration!" The first square-faced young man sitting under Li Ming's surname was Yang. He was the seventh son of the Yang family, named Yang He. He is an acquired ninth-level warrior, and he and Li Ming are cousins.

"To Mr. Li!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Li."



Everyone agreed. There were about thirty large and small families in Heyuan County, but the Li and Yang families were the most powerful. Many families had to rely on these two families to survive. They were almost like vassals. Naturally, they did not dare to neglect them. .

Li Ming smiled and raised his glass in return, but it was a bit far-fetched.

This banquet was ostensibly meant to invite young men from various families to gather together on the pretext of their own breakthrough, but in fact it could be regarded as an association to express their stance on the current situation.

There were thirty-two families, but only less than half came.

Originally, the characters that each family should send were either heirs who inherited the family business, or elites with good cultivation talents, but this time, most of the heirs used various excuses to shirk their duties.

If he, Li Ming, hadn't had other plans, he might have been unable to bear the urge to leave the table.

"A bunch of rats and wallflowers who can't see the situation clearly! If I take charge of the family in the future, I will annex everyone who didn't come to the banquet today!" Li Ming thought to himself.

"There's no news from the city yet?" Li Ming looked at a guard behind him.

"Back to the young master, the news came from a quarter of an hour ago. Shen Guang is still chatting with the target."

"Is there anything unusual?"

"No, Shen Zhui has been staying at the City God's Temple and has not returned home. No suspicious person has appeared."

"Keep an eye on it! Once the target leaves the city, send someone to bring him here immediately."

"Yes, young master, I must..." The guard was talking, but suddenly he stopped talking.

Li Ming looked back and saw the guard saying slightly excitedly: "Master, the news just came that the target has been tricked out of the city by Shen Guang!"

"Leaving the city?!" Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then laughed happily. "Haha, okay! Okay! Send people quickly and bring them here quickly!"

"At the same time, according to the original plan, find a way to inform Shen Zhui of this news! Let him not bring Taoist tokens and come here alone!"

"Yes." The guard nodded.

"Everyone!" Seeing that the plan worked, Li Ming smiled proudly and raised his glass in a toast. "My little brother has prepared a good show for you all. Come on, everyone, have a drink!"

"Is there a good show?!"

"Haha, Mr. Li said it was a good show, so it can't be true!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. Come on, drink!"

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

"Master Li, what kind of show is this?"

The atmosphere became more and more lively, and Old God Li Ming smiled comfortably: "Don't worry, everyone will know when the time comes!"

"The deputy head of the martial arts squad was instigated by my Li family to rebel, and now Shen Zhui's adoptive father has been captured. I heard that Shen Zhui is a man who values ​​friendship. In this case, whether he kills or surrenders, it all depends on me. between."

Li Ming, who felt that the overall situation had been decided, suddenly wanted to change his mind and had the idea of ​​surrendering to Shen Zhui.

"Once it succeeds, and the two big figures in the county government have defected to my Li family, we can rely on this to reverse the disadvantage of the past few days! The other families will also re-evaluate the strength of my Li family! They will fall back to my Li family again. ! Haha, when the time comes, I’d like to see what Wei Wenhe thinks!”

"Catching Shen Zhui and weakening the power and prestige of the county government will increase our Li family's chances of winning. At the same time, we can win over a group of small families. It's like killing three birds with one stone!"

Li Ming, who was drunk, seemed to have seen the scene where Shen Zhui gritted his teeth and had to obey his orders...


"Brother, how long will it take before we can reach that noble man's mansion?"

"Brother, are my wife and daughter really still alive?"

"Brother, have you seen them with your own eyes?"


"Damn old man! Shut up! If you ask again, I'll throw you out!" The warrior who was driving the carriage yelled and cursed impatiently.

From the moment he got on the carriage, the old man kept asking questions. At the beginning, he would even say a few words to reassure the old man.

But after more than ten miles, the old man never stopped, and he was so noisy that his head almost exploded!

If the young master hadn't told him that the target must be delivered to the destination unscathed, he might have been unable to resist slapping this dead old man to death.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore." Shen Zhui muttered, put down the curtain, and sat down in the carriage.

The smile gradually disappeared, Shen Zhui recalled the route of the carriage along the way, and sneered in his heart.

"The flowing gold mask is worthy of being the life-saving thing at the bottom of Wugu's box. Along the way, even close contact and even physical contact did not detect my disguise."

"In order not to make me suspicious, they didn't even search my body. Even the Taoist waist badges and divine orders were kept well hidden by me."

Along the way, Shen Zhui's disguise was surprisingly smooth. As soon as the other party saw the target appearing, he didn't even care about Shen Guang's whereabouts, and just hurriedly led him on a crazy journey, which saved him from worrying about Shen Guang's secret being exposed.

Time passed slowly, and Shen Zhui took the opportunity of questioning from time to time to write down the surrounding routes and then sent them back to the county government.

The groom changed three times in the process, all the way from the acquired ninth level, until finally he was replaced by an innate warrior. Shen Zhui temporarily stopped the interrogation and said no more.

"We're here, old man, come down." A familiar voice sounded, and Shen Zhui was slightly stunned, because the owner of this voice was none other than He Tong, the former deputy head of the martial arts squad who had re-entered the innate realm!

He Tong was very observant and quickly discovered something strange about Shen Zhui: "What's wrong?"

Shen Zhui's heart was beating wildly, but he immediately calmed down and said, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

He Tong sighed slightly: "You must have met me. Speaking of which, your adopted son Shen Zhui is still half of my apprentice."

"Oh." Shen Zhui felt a little angry after hearing this and pretended to suddenly realize it. "It turns out to be you, sir. Why are you here?"

He Tong's eyelids drooped, not daring to look into Shen Zhui's eyes or answer the question, so he had to change the subject and said, "Come down, we're here."

Shen Zhui nodded quickly and got off the carriage.

This is a luxuriously decorated mansion, passing through pavilions, pavilions and waterside gardens along the way.

Shen Zhui secretly sensed his surroundings and assessed the enemy's strength.

"Not counting He Tong, there are at least four innate masters. How come there are so many masters here?! Could it be that the mastermind behind the scenes is a big fish?!"

He felt that it was a little tricky. I could only roughly sense these innate abilities, but I couldn't discover the specific small realms.

Shen Zhui originally planned to go on a killing spree as soon as he saw the mastermind behind the scenes, but now Shen Zhui changed his mind.

He had cut off communication with the county government since He Tong drove the carriage. He had to wait for a while to wait for the people on the county government's side to find his route of action.

"Master, we have been brought here!" Following the guards to a hot hall, Shen Zhui saw a banquet being held inside, and almost all of the people present were young gentlemen!

Especially Li Ming, who was in the main seat, surprised Shen Zhui!

"No wonder there are five innate masters. There are so many powerful children. If arranged properly, almost half of the children of the aristocratic family can be captured in one go!"

Shen Zhui became more and more cautious. In the past, the overall peace between the county government and the family was still maintained, and the fight was always kept in the dark.

Now it's on the bright side. Naturally, you don't have to worry too much. Even Li Ming broke the treasure that concealed his sin and killed him!

"Haha!" Li Ming stood up from his seat, walked down the steps, and pointed at Shen Zhui. "Everyone, the appetizer of the show has arrived!"

Shen Zhui pretended to be a little panicked, lowered his head and took a few steps back.

Li Ming looked at Shen Zhui for a few times, then took the wine glass and said to the people around him: "Do you know who this is?"

"I don't know, Mr. Li, who is this?"

"Why did you bring a bad old man here? He's so dirty."

"What is this person's identity?"

Everyone was talking about it.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and said, "You all know that Wei Wenhe has been extremely shameless recently. He ordered his minions to secretly attack several ancestral halls of my Li family and Yang family!"

"And among them, there is Wei Wenhe's capable subordinate named Shen Zhui!"

"Two or three months ago, this person was only at the seventh level of the acquired world, but now he has been promoted to the ninth level of the acquired world. He has perfected his foot skills and body skills. In just half a month, he can summon the gods twice! He killed me with one sword. An elder of the Li family who is close to the middle stage of inspiration!"

"What? This...is actually so powerful."

"This Shen Zhui has never been heard of before. He came out of nowhere."

"To be promoted so quickly, he must be extremely talented. It's a pity that he is a court eagle dog."

Li Ming sneered and said: "This person has gone against our family and has no repentance. Now he is hiding in the Heyuan City and does not go out. But how can our Li family make it easier for him?"

"Everyone, the person standing in front of you is Shen Zhui's adoptive father!"

He Tong, who was standing outside the hall, clenched his fist slightly, and then sighed helplessly.

"Father, what's the big deal with just one foster father? I have seven or eight foster fathers, but Mr. Li is making a fuss out of a molehill."

"What kind of show is this? Is it possible that Shen Zhui would tie his own hands and surrender for the sake of a mere adoptive father?"

"That is, if you want to arrest Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, arrest your biological parents, wife, children!"

The young masters were all drunk. At this moment, they were disappointed and spoke frankly.

Seeing that everyone's reaction was different from what he expected, Li Ming immediately said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have carefully investigated Shen Zhui and found that he only has this one relative, and he was adopted seven years ago by his righteous son." My father raised me single-handedly.”

"I once heard that his adoptive father was seriously ill three years ago. He gave up all his public duties and took care of him for seven days and nights without sleep or sleeping in the same room."

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, Li Ming became a little anxious. He pointed at the tip of Shen Zhui's nose and asked, "Old man, tell yourself...will your adopted son risk his life to save you?"

Shen Zhui took a few steps back in panic and fell down next to a table where the young master was carrying a knife. It seemed that he was frightened by the content of the conversation, which immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Shen Zhui tried to run away, but a hint of anger flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and he quickly stepped forward to capture Shen Zhui.

"What a great opportunity!" Shen Zhui's eyes suddenly burst into light.

At this moment, Shen Zhui, who estimated that the time was almost up, pulled out the long knife from the young master's waist at an extremely fast speed!

Holding the shining steel knife in his hand, Shen Zhui's figure immediately returned to its original appearance.

A cyan token appeared in his left hand, and three extremely dazzling golden lights instantly burst out and merged into Shen Zhui's body.

At the same time, he swung the sword with his right hand and used the first Luoxue sword technique - Zhan Cang, slashing at Li Ming's head at an extremely fast speed!

"What? You, you, you..." Li Ming felt a huge crisis, and his scalp was about to explode.

In just an instant, he felt a life-and-death crisis approaching!

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