I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 31: Sacrifice to heaven, the position of Wuhou!

"Guan Ju... she is such a graceful lady and a gentleman. Why is this poem not written for me?" In the back, several princesses passed Shen Zhui's poems to each other.

"It's a pity that brother and sister Zixuan are closer. Otherwise, if he were the first to appear, maybe this would be yours."

"The champion may not be able to appreciate it?"

"With his pearls in front, I feel like I don't have to look at what's behind."

"Sister, are you discouraged now? I think Xu Qingzhi and Wang Shixin are pretty good. If they can produce "Snowy Night", their talents must not be too bad."


"Guan Ju, this Shen Zhui... is really talented." Princess Qinghui sat in the elegant living room without saying a word. Now she couldn't help but admit that Shen Zhui did have some talent.

The other princesses all lamented that all the good things had been taken away by Zixuan.

After the poem presentation was completed, Ji Zixuan left the party and the banquet continued.

Princesses kept coming out from behind to show off their talents, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs, and even dancing swords to add to the fun.

As a royal woman, not everyone is qualified to be crowned princess or princess, and once she is crowned, it means that she is one of the best in terms of cultivation talent and talent.

As soon as these princesses came out, their eyes were cast on Shen Zhui intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that he could write some more poems.

However, Shen Zhui followed his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, pretending to turn a blind eye.

It's not that he can't write anymore, but it's just that there's no need. Shen Zhui planned to use that amount of inventory on the blade in the future, so he couldn't give it away easily.

Besides, if he dared to do it to another princess, Zixuan would probably kill her in her own palace in a minute. I'm afraid other scholars will not agree.

Therefore, no matter which princess appeared in the show, Shen Zhui would always drink and pretend to be stupid. When he met the enthusiastic princess and asked her by name, Shen Zhui also tried to evade his lack of inspiration.

Many princesses couldn't help but feel sorry in their hearts.


After the private banquet was over, the Seventh Prince Ji Chen sent his servants to send the talents back. Before parting, a hint is naturally indispensable.

Since many talented people agreed to the invitation of the Seventh Prince Ji Chen, there was no need to say more about this kind of thing, and it was easy to reach some kind of agreement.

Only when he arrived at Shen Zhui's place, the seventh prince personally persuaded him to stay and let Shen Zhui stay for a while longer.

Shen Zhui thought for a moment and then agreed.

Ji Chen removed the luxurious treasures and decorations, dismissed the venerable maid, and did not even bring the wine and food. He invited Shen Chai to the table with his hands, and the two sat down opposite each other.

The seventh prince brewed a pot of fragrant tea, and then shared the cup with Shen Zhui.

This time, the Seventh Prince was not as polite as the first time. After Shen Zhui finished drinking tea, the Seventh Prince sat upright and said, "If Brother Shen doesn't mind my abruptness, I want to get straight to the point."

Seeing such directness, Shen Zhui immediately said solemnly: "Your Highness, it's okay to speak frankly."

With the relationship between King Zhao and King Jianhuang, Shen Zhui didn't show much enthusiasm this time.

"I want to help you." Ji Chen said.

"I wonder what your Highness is referring to?" Shen Zhui asked calmly.

"Brother Shen's door will grow brighter." Ji Chen said with a smile.

Seeing that Ji Chen was so confident, Shen Zhui was a little confused at once, but he still did not express his position easily, but calmly asked: "Teacher Xiaguan is the King of Zhao, and the master and I are also the Marquis of Wu, not to mention that there is another level My bloodline is that of a Duke. How can Your Highness honor my family name?"

Ji Chen smiled and shook his head and said: "These are external forces, not your own status. The old case of the Duke has ended here, and the champion is already an extra compensation. Although Brother Shen is extremely talented, in a short period of time, I want to To aspire to the throne of king is as difficult as ascending to heaven."

"King Zhao is strong, but his sect is not equal to Brother Shen's sect. What's more, it seems that you have offended the son of the left prime minister."

"Fan Hongyi and I are just fighting over each other, how can we offend each other?" Shen Zhui remained calm and composed. He wanted to see how much Ji Chen knew about him.

"I'm afraid Fan Hongyi won't think so." Ji Chen said confidently. "Based on what I know about him, he will not easily end up fighting with others. If he instigated Zhang Wengu to provoke you in front of the Guanwen Palace, there must be some unavoidable problem."

Shen Zhui was silent. Ji Chen's eyes were indeed vicious. Obviously, the Fan family might have gotten some news, and that's why Guanwen Hall came out.

"How do you want to help me, Your Highness? Brighten my reputation?" After a moment, Shen asked.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Chen's lips, and he said shockingly: "I'll beg you to marry the Princess of the South China Sea!"

"Your Highness, this is just the first time the princess and I have met..."

Ji Chen waved his hand and interrupted: "Brother Shen, it seems that you are still wary of me. Do you think that the news that the Fan family can get will not be available to me?"

"Since last year, my irresponsible sister has left the palace and gone to West Antarctica. Although I haven't found out where among the three armies she went, I guess... she should be in the Wu'an Army. , am I right?"

Seeing Shen Zhui's acquiescence, Ji Chen smiled and said: "She was born with magical powers, but this is not a good thing. My father asked a famous master to create a special skill "Huang Ting Yuan Ling" for her to suppress the realm. If I didn't remember Wrong, when she arrived at Wu'an Army, her realm was only about the innate realm, which was similar to your realm at that time..."

Ji Chen said softly. "You and Zixuan are in love, and the Fan family found out about this, and they deliberately wanted to make you look bad in front of the Guanwen Palace."

"At the dinner just now, you ignored many princesses and didn't even look at them. You only offered her poems..."

"It's all very unusual, but it makes sense if you and she have known each other for a long time."

"It seems that His Highness knows me very well." Shen Zhui narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Brother Shen, don't blame me." Ji Chen saw that the other party was wary, and immediately said: "As a prince, you can't make mistakes. I investigated all this just to get along with Brother Shen, and I did it openly and only investigated you. Do you want anything? If you go to my fourth brother’s side, I’m afraid he will only investigate deeper!”

"Why is Your Highness trying so hard to help me?" Shen Zhui asked. "Your Highness, why don't you put all your efforts into your own pursuits."

"I no longer lack wealth, nor do I lack a good family background." Ji Chen said calmly. "Only the talent of generals and ministers is lacking!"

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui took a deep breath in his heart. What Ji Chen said was almost as if he didn't tell him directly that he wanted to seize the throne.

Kings in history have a tradition of establishing heirs for thousands of years, which means that if a dynasty lasts for thousands of years, a prince will be established as the heir apparent just in case.

Although the current Emperor of Destiny has great talents and strategies, who can predict that this emperor will continue to be so ambitious?

In history, many emperors devoted themselves to seeking enlightenment, and there were countless emperors who passed down the throne to future generations. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the Human Emperor does not have this idea, the status and power of the crown prince and the prince are still very different!

It has been more than 800 years since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the millennium period is approaching. Even now, ministers in the court have mentioned the matter of establishing a heir apparent. Of course Ji Chen wants to fight for it!

"Your Highness is very ambitious." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

"Maybe I crossed the line. Fourth brother is older and more powerful than me..." Ji Chen said calmly. "But ordinary people have the idea of ​​​​thinking about wealth when they are rich, and they miss expensive things when they are rich. How about this king?"

"Fan Hongyi is the prince's younger brother, and he gets along very well with my fourth brother. If you don't want to marry Zixuan, you may be neutral or even surrender to him. If you really don't have this intention, then the champion will have the right to do anything today. When the king made a drunken mistake, he made a mistake."

After saying that, Ji Chen lowered his head and drank tea, waiting for Shen Zhui to express his stance.

Shen Zhui thought for a moment, then nodded and sighed: "Your Highness is right, Zixuan and I have indeed known each other for a long time, and we are in love. If possible, I would rather not have this title, and just want her to be by my side. "

Ji Chen had a smile on his face, clapped his hands and said, "Zixuan, you can come out now."

"Wow~" In Shen Zhui's shocked eyes, the bead curtain behind was lifted, and Ji Zixuan walked out holding Jiao Weiqin.

"Xuan'er, you guys..." Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

"It's me." Zixuan nodded excitedly. But it seemed that because Ji Chen was nearby and a little shy, he restrained his thoughts of rushing over.

"Father's birthday banquet is coming soon. I was afraid that King Zhao would not come forward for you, so I told him about you and me, and asked Brother Qi to help us." Zixuan explained.

"I see..." Shen Zhui suddenly realized. He asked why Ji Chen guessed so accurately, and Zixuan even told him.

"I've known about it not long ago." Ji Chen said with a smile. "It turns out that my good sister has already found such an outstanding husband outside."

"Hehe, it seems that I have to go to other continents from time to time. Maybe I can find a strange woman?"

"Brother Qi!" Zixuan lowered her head in shyness.

"Okay, I won't say anything anymore. Please be gentle and don't break my Jiaowei Qin." Ji Chen said with a smile.

"Didn't you say you gave it to me?"

"When did this happen?" Ji Chen deliberately pretended not to know.

"You said before that as long as I am willing to attend the banquet, you will give me a big gift."

"Wu Hou's husband-in-law and Guan Ju's poems are not considered a great gift?" Ji Chen said with a smile.

"Humph, that wasn't from you, it was written by Shen Zhui!" Zixuan shook her hand lightly, and Jiao Weiqin disappeared immediately. She clapped her hands with a smile, hid next to Shen Zhui and said, "I don't care. It's mine, Shen Zhui, don't let him take it back to me."

Seeing Zixuan acting like a rogue, both Ji Chen and Shen Zhui smiled dumbly.

After a moment, Shen Zhui took a few steps back, stretched out his hand to bow, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Ji Chen saw Shen Zhui's change of address and quickly stood up from his seat. He happily came over to hold Shen Zhui's hand and said, "Please get up quickly."


After chatting with Ji Chen for a while and discussing the proposal of marriage, Ji Chen left first.

King Zhao's influence was limited to the court and the military, but this seventh prince was enough to influence the opinions of the royal family and even the current emperor.

It should be noted... that there are only a dozen princes in total, and only two of them stayed in the capital, which shows how much the Emperor values ​​these two princes. With Ji Chen's help, the hope of proposing a marriage will undoubtedly be greater.

"Shen Zhui, you're finally here." After Ji Chen left, Zixuan, who had been listening obediently beside Shen Zhui, immediately lost her scruples and leaned directly on Shen Zhui's shoulders, hugging Shen Zhui's The arms murmured.

"Well, I'm here." Shen Zhui held the other person's palm with his backhand. "And I won't leave until I marry you."

Zixuan was so shy that her heart was as sweet as honey. She rubbed her head on Shen Zhui's neck and exhaled like orchid: "You haven't told me yet, why are you so powerful all of a sudden? The Holy Word of God You can pick it up easily, why haven’t you noticed it before?”

"Because there are many, many people helping me." Shen Zhui chuckled.

"Huh? Many people helped you?" Zixuan asked confused. "Why don't I know that there are other unknown scholars in the world who can have this kind of ability? Whose name is it?"

"Haha, there are so many. For example, the song "Capturing the King" was written by an expert named Du Mingfu, and the song "Ode to the General" was written by an old man named Lu..."

"Oh? Then I have to thank them properly some other time..."



After the Yuehua Banquet, Shen Zhuiming moved to the thirty-third heaven!

The four poems of the true holy words in the true text world defeated the holy text beast twice and spread quickly.

Many scholars and celebrities continued to spread the word, and many civil and military ministers went to Yuehuatian one after another. Invitations floated over like snowflakes. Huang Jing, the chief officer of the Hou Mansion, was overjoyed.

Just looking at the names of the hosts who sent out invitations can make him excited for a long time.

Originally, when Shen Zhui was awarded the title of Champion, he was mostly invited by the Ministry of War and military commanders, and his rank was not very high, at least not by the true gods.

However, after the Moon Flower Banquet, the great scholars from both the government and the public sent invitations one after another.

Some of the descendants of the crowned kings also sent congratulatory gifts and even visited in person.

A fifth-level Venerable Marquis Wu may not be worthy of such a big fight, but being able to compose a poem of the true god's words would be of great help. Apart from anything else, if those who are good at holy poetry and fighting can get a poem from Shen Zhui, it won't be of much help.

Shen Zhui knew that this might be due to his own poetry, but for it to have such a big effect the next day, it was probably because of the secret help of the Seventh Prince Ji Chen.

Time was running out, so they discussed a result last night and came up with an outline action plan.

The first step is to build momentum for Shen Zhui in the ears of the civil servants on the 33rd level of the capital, and use the opportunity of the Moon Flower Banquet to gather officials and dignitaries as well as proton envoys sent by the feudal states to form his influence both inside and outside the capital. There is an important image. These reputations naturally spread to the ears of the Human Emperor and Princess Anle's mother, Concubine Xuan Yue.

The second step is for Ji Chen to meet Concubine Xuan Yue and bribe the people around Concubine Xuan Yue to move her emotionally and improve the image of champion Hou Shenzhui in the heart of Concubine Xuan Yue. Concubine Xuanyue, who controls the islands in the South China Sea, still has a certain say in the Human Emperor.

The third and most critical step is to ensure that there are no accidents in the ritual process of offering sacrifices to heaven, so that the title of the champion can be announced to the world smoothly, without giving anyone a chance to retaliate.

It should be noted that as long as the sacrifice to the heaven is not completed, the title of Champion Hou will not be fully realized. At that time, even a little delay will lead to the failure of the marriage proposal at the Emperor's birthday banquet on May 18th.

The mighty general Shen Zhui and the champion hou Shen Zhui are two completely different concepts.

After a deep conversation, Shen Zhui also had a hint of admiration for Ji Chen. He was thoughtful and comprehensive in everything. There are some details that both King Zhao and himself have ignored, but they are extremely important.

Compared with the majestic and powerful aura of the fourth prince Ji Dan, the seventh prince Ji Chen looked more like a powerful ruler of the world when he talked freely.

Shen Zhui decided in his heart that as long as the seventh prince Ji Chen did not let him down, he would definitely retaliate against him!


Everything is going according to plan.

In the name of his disciple, Ji Chen asked the great scholar Liu Haoran to invite Shen Zhui to his house as a guest, and not give anyone any chance to attack before offering sacrifices to heaven.

There is an undercurrent, but on the surface it is extremely calm. The night of the ninth day of May passed quickly.

On the tenth day of May, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven begins!

The ceremony was held in the 33rd heaven, Lingxiao.

The wide and tall Temple of Heaven throws the clouds at its feet, and the endless vast dome above its head.

All the civil and military officials, led by the grand sacrificial wine at the Tianzi Temple, first paid homage to the emperor and presented the imperial edict.

Then in front of all the civil and military officials, princes and nobles, he read out the decree and announced it to the world.

"Mountains and rivers, the country, the sun, the moon and the stars, the cold and heat, the five elements of wind and thunder, the heroes of the past, the food and sacrifices..."

"The prosperity of Jiuzhou is in line with the heart of heaven, which is called the way of humanity..."

The sacrificial prayer lasted for a long time. After listening for a long time, Shen Zhui understood. The so-called offering sacrifices to the heavens is not about offering sacrifices to illusory gods, but to heaven, earth, sun and moon, mountains, rivers and land, sages and human beings in history! Even the original rules and laws of heaven and earth.

But think about it, the powerful men of the Great Zhou Dynasty can change the celestial phenomena after reaching the true god level. It is not an exaggeration to call them gods. How can they fabricate a more nihilistic god out of thin air to worship and sacrifice?

After the long sacrificial text, there is the Emperor's decree of reward.

This is not much different from the imperial edict heard in Wu'an Army.

The Marquis of Wu'an was granted the title of King of Zhao, and the Marquises of Shenjian, Lanhe and Dingwu, each concurrently served as transfer envoys to a continent.

Then came the Marquis of Zhongyi, Marquis of Zhixin, Marquis of Wenxin... until the Marquis of Champion!

In addition to being gifted a huge mansion in the twenty-ninth heaven, Shen Zhui's adoptive father was awarded the title of First-Class Benevolent and Righteous Uncle. This was the imperial court's gratitude to Shen Shan for adopting Shen Zhui, his adopted son. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com The adopted mother and adopted sister Shen Xinlan were granted the title of fourth-grade imperial concubine. As for his biological father, he was not rewarded due to his madness and confusion, but privately a large amount of precious medicinal materials were sent to him from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Wuhou's unicorn uniform, Wuhou's sword, Tianma chariot, champion Houling, and the four treasures of the scholar's study are all the same as what he knew before. In addition to these, Shen Zhui also has another title - Commander of the Jinwu Guard.

This leadership position is completely different from the ordinary army, because it belongs to the official rank in the Wuhou Secret Realm!

This also means that Shen Zhui can at least get the opportunity to practice in the secret realm for seven years!

When the general-level rewards were completed, everyone looked at the huge purple light group in the Temple of Heaven to thank the emperor for his kindness.

At this point, the position of champion is completely confirmed and will be announced to the world from now on!

"Now, the birthday banquet will begin in just eight days." After the sacrifice, Shen Zhui, relieved, came out of Lingxiaotian and thought to himself.

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