I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 1: Yang Family!

The majestic voice continued to echo in Heyuan County. At this moment, everyone in Heyuan looked up to the sky. I saw Wei Wenhe wearing a green Hongshu official uniform.

"That's the county magistrate? He's so young..."

"The two major families should have been eradicated long ago!"

"If you do many unjust things, you will be punished. You will finally be punished!"

"Look! Someone is being thrown out of the city!"

A large number of people took to the streets and went straight to city walls, high-rise buildings and other places with a clear view.

Shen Zhui also followed the crowd and came to the high wall of the east city gate.

I saw hundreds of people flying from all over the city, being swept up by a force that appeared out of thin air, and thrown outside the city.

Then, heads rolled in...

These people couldn't even say anything to beg for mercy, and some even held working tools in their hands.

Judging from their clothes, these people have all kinds of jobs, including pawns and traffickers, merchants and civilian doctors...

The only thing they have in common is that before they die, there are sin points with different values ​​​​beating on their heads!

Shen Zhuiran understood.

These people are all middle-level elites sent by big families and hiding in the city.

"Shen Zhui, Shen Zhui! You are here too, what happened just now?" Suddenly he called to himself.

Shen Zhui looked back and saw that it was Zhao Hu and a group of brothers from the martial arts class rushing over.

"Brother Shen, what's going on?" Han Mao said with a serious expression. "Just now, I was waiting at the plum blossom stake formation, and two brothers, Qian Cheng and Qian Gong, suddenly flew towards this side involuntarily..."

Qian Cheng, Qian Gong? Shen Zhui was horrified. These two brothers were old men who had worked in the county government for seven or eight years.

"See for yourselves... The county magistrate just executed a group of traitors." Shen Zhui pointed towards the bottom of the city wall.

Sure enough, everyone found traces of the Qian brothers among the pile of corpses.

"How could this happen...they are actually traitors?!" Han Mao and others sighed, unable to believe it.


Just when everyone was shocked, suddenly, two figures descended on the city wall.

"Master Chen? Master Ma?" Everyone was surprised, and then they saluted hurriedly.

There are three innate masters in the county government. Wang Long is the head of the Wubanfang and handles all matters of the Wubanfang.

Chen Feng and Ma Wu, however, were like dragons that rarely appeared in front of people. Some low-status head catchers had never even seen these two people in person.

When the county magistrate first came to Heyuan City to take office three years ago, the Laughing Families in the city were still united. It was not like today, where those who sought refuge were those who sought refuge, and those who were suppressed were suppressed.

Under the leadership of the two major families, there was a fierce secret war between the county government and the clan.

Shen Zhui and others have no way of knowing the specific details. They only know that since then, in the mouths of various clans, the reputation of these two people has far surpassed that of Wang Long, and has even reached the point of turning their faces into disgrace.

"I heard that these two were injured and fell into the realm three years ago. They have not appeared in front of the world since then. Now it seems that this is not the case." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

"You who are eating the king's salary should share the troubles for the king. Now there are monsters causing trouble and causing trouble. Everyone in the military squad room will obey the order and follow me out of the city to kill the enemy! If you dare to escape in front of the battle, the enemy will not be able to do it if you are timid and will not spare you with your strength. !" Chen Feng's expression was sinister and his tone was cold.

Shen Zhui and others looked stern, knowing that the time had come to sacrifice their lives, they all raised their hands and nodded: "I obey my orders."

A fiery red Taoist sign appeared in Ma Wu's hand, and he warned: "This time when we leave the city, we will target the various lairs of the Yang family. When the county magistrate kills the Yin God of the Yang family, the beheading order will kill all those who are guilty." Human mark. Anyone who finds the mark of the beheading order will be killed without mercy!"

"I'll move you over later, don't resist."



Outside Heyuan City, Yang Mansion.

The Yang Mansion, which used to be orderly in the past, was now in chaos. The maids and servants were all crying and running around each other, howling together.

Wei Wenhe's edict before leaving the city had already caused chaos in the Yang family. No county magistrate in the past had ever dared to be as tough and domineering as Wei Wenhe. This time, before anyone from the county government came, the Yang family was in chaos. Get into position.

Yang Ling, the head of the family, was furious and killed hundreds of people in a row. Their heads were rolling and blood flowed into rivers. Only then did he manage to calm down the situation.

"Why are you panic?! My Yang family has the blessing of our ancestors and our true body is immortal. What can Wei Wenhe do to my Yang family? I don't believe he can discover the true identity of our ancestors! Yang He, pass the order and order the masters from all over the country to do it as quickly as possible Go back to the Fen Temple to guard, and no matter who provokes you, don't go out."

"As long as I don't die, and as long as the ancestor's true form is not destroyed, he Wei Wenhe will not dare to risk the disdain of the world to kill my Yang family!"

Seeing the head of the family's confident speech and arrangement, the elite members of the clan and the innate masters, including the elder Ke Qing, felt much more at ease.

Yang Ling has been the head of the family for almost a hundred years and has already reached the Lingqiao realm. He still has this prestige.

Immediately, each clan member and master retreated one after another and followed orders.

When everyone retreated, Yang Ling suddenly turned red and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"Master!" From behind Yang Ling's seat, an old face appeared, looking anxious.

"Ci Nu." Yang Ling looked pale and took out a token from his hand. There were five black dragon-shaped statues on the token, emitting a trace of light.

"You quickly take He'er to escape from Heyuan County and enter the Jiuyou Mountains from Fengshan Ridge. This Five Dragon Token is the passage token for the Jiuyou Secret Realm close to the core heritage site."

"Master! Let's go together!" Ci Nu was anxious.

Yang Ling shook his head: "It's too late, it's too late for Liangzhou Mansion..."

"I don't care! Master!" Ci Nu shed tears, obviously an old man, but he sobbed like a child.

"Be obedient!" Yang Ling shouted. "This Five Dragon Token and the storage ring on your body are where most of the wealth of my Yang family lies. As long as you escape with He'er, He'er will be the foundation for the re-emergence of my Yang family in the future! Do you want me to die with my eyes open? ?!"

"Father!" At this moment, a handsome young man who looked very similar to Yang Ling flew in.

Yang He knelt on the ground and said with red eyes: "Father, I won't leave! I am also an innate warrior. At worst, I will fight with Wei Wenhe!"

"Good boy." Yang Ling stood up, walked over slowly, and patted Yang He on the head.

"Remember, if you are not in the realm of supernatural powers, you must not avenge me. Your sins are not serious. I have cut off the ancestors' blessings to you. You have a kind slave to protect you. If you cooperate with the hidden treasure I left you, even if you are a member of the Yang family, Even if we are destroyed, we won’t be able to find you, so you will definitely escape!”


"Bang~" Yang Ling lightly slapped Yang He on the back of the head, and Yang He fell unconscious immediately.

After handing Yang He to Ci Nu, Yang Ling waved his hand and said with a smile: "Ci Nu, if you can train the young master to the spirit bridge realm in the future, the soul ban on you will be automatically lifted and you will be free. Go ahead and take it with you Master, live well."

Ci Nu wiped away her tears and quickly hugged Yang He and left.

An hour later, Yang Ling felt something and flew out of the mansion.

In mid-air, Yang Ling stood with his hands behind his hands, staring quietly at the sky somewhere.

The world shook, and a simple green bridge suddenly emerged from the distance, extending for hundreds of meters.

Wei Wenhe's figure appeared at the other end of the bridge, and after a few steps, he came to Yang Ling.

"Master Wei." Yang Ling cupped his hands towards Wei Wenhe and looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com said with emotion: "I didn't expect Mr. Wei to be in such a state at such a young age. The eight-hundred-meter Heaven and Earth Spiritual Bridge can travel thousands of miles in a blink of an eye... He is indeed a master from Beijing."

Wei Wenhe glanced around and said calmly: "Master Yang, why doesn't he activate the Seven Killing Hidden Spirit Array? If you activate the large array, I may not be able to kill you easily."

Seeing Wei Wenhe reveal the name of the formation at his feet, Yang Ling smiled bitterly and shook his head, waving his hand. Seven red lights instantly penetrated into the entire mansion, and a faint light slowly retreated from mid-air.

But it was Yang Ling himself who took the initiative to destroy the huge formation that cost countless people.

"Master Wei, I, the Yang family, are willing to take one-tenth of our clan members to retreat to the Jiuyou Mountains, destroy the statues in the ancestral hall, and leave Heyuan County. I wonder if you can show your support?"

Wei Wenhe sneered and said: "Ten miles down from the northwest corner, the Yin God statue enshrined by your Yang family has long been in my possession. Destroying the clan and abandoning the temple is the court's decision. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Yang Ling seemed to have expected it and was not disappointed. He just sighed. "If Yang is willing to commit suicide and apologize, what does Mr. Wei think?"

Wei Wenhe shook his head: "I said, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

"Three years ago, Mr. Wei hosted a banquet for various major families. He once said that those who attended the banquet would be exempted from death. Yang regrets that he should..."

"It's a pity..." Yang Ling sighed, and his face turned ferocious in an instant. The Seven Killing Hidden Spirit Formation suddenly opened again, and at the same time, his body suddenly swelled. A Yin God suddenly emerged from the ground, and several expressionless innate warriors began to self-destruct.

"In that case, let's die together!"

"Fight to the death! Stay!" Wei Wenhe's body flashed with divine light, and with a wave of his hand, several innate warriors who were about to self-destruct were suddenly interrupted, and then shriveled up like deflated rubber balls.

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