I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 47: 9 months of training!

The elephant flew by, feeling that the rabbit under his feet was too fragile and would die if he stepped on it. The rabbit looked down at the ants at his feet and had the same idea.

When strong creatures look at weak ones, they will measure everything by their own standards.

This is how a top true god like King Jianhuang treats a junior like Shen Zhui.

A fragile body, a fragile soul, a fragile understanding of the law...the same danger. King Jianhuang patted his sleeves and continued to work, but Shen Zhui might die.

So after urging Shen Zhui Endeavor, King Jianhuang immediately sent someone to deliver something else!

"This is this?" At the entrance of the 9527 Manor, Shen Zhui looked at the golden guard with a strong aura, comparable to a true god. The guard held a silver-white box in his hand, and the secret patterns on it flowed and were extraordinary.

"This is what the master asked me to give you." The golden guard seemed to have inherited the seriousness of King Jianhuang and said with a serious smile. "As for what it is, I don't know."

"Thank you." Shen Zhui nodded and took the box respectfully.

Seeing Shen Zhui take the box, the golden guard disappeared with a whoosh.

"Shen Zhui, open it quickly and take a look. King Jianhuang is the king among the true gods. What he has given must be good things." Zen Xin urged.

"Yes." Shen Zhui ducked and immediately returned to the training room, and then slowly opened the silver-white box.

Inside is a shining diamond-shaped crystal ball with countless facets, but these small facets are gathered together extremely delicately, making it look extremely smooth.

At the same time, a tingling sensation came, and the overwhelming sword intent made Shen Zhui's heart beat involuntarily.

"This is...a heritage crystal ball?" Shen Zhui was startled.

"What, the inheritance crystal ball?" Zen Xin was also surprised.

"King Jianhuang, doesn't he have a disciple? Does he also want to accept you as his disciple?"

"Probably not." Shen Zhui shook his head. "If I were to accept a disciple, I should have told you earlier, and I would have definitely asked for my master's permission."

Moreover, the inheritance crystal ball does not necessarily contain any unique secrets.

"You'll know after you try it," Zen Xin said excitedly.

"Yes." Shen Zhui nodded, and suddenly a trace of spiritual thought touched the crystal ball.

"Buzz~" The crystal ball jumped into the air, and then...

"Ka ka ka ~" There was a sound of machine rotation, and the crystal ball densely turned into countless small swords, and finally extended into a young figure.

"King Jianhuang!" Shen Zhui was shocked.

"No, this is not King Jianhuang himself, but King Jianhuang when he was young."

Shen Zhui immediately realized that something was wrong. The figure of the young man in white clothes in front of him was obviously more arrogant and domineering than King Jianhuang himself, who was much more restrained.

"The original cave sky, the seven original regular stars, has five stages in total, containing different rules and mysteries. It is also the five artistic conception stages of the secret method." The white shadow held one hand behind its back, and curled its fingers into a sword with the other hand, and it was suddenly in mid-air. Seven miniature planets of different colors are formed.

"These five stages are..."

‘Chaos breeds’

‘original birth’

‘Evolution of rules’


‘original annihilation’

"Each stage is full of endless mysteries. If one can master the five artistic conceptions of these regular stars from the gestation stage to the destruction and explosion, the power of the secret method can be increased by several steps, and it will not be difficult to become a true god at the same time."

"The first stage. What is Chaos Breeding?" King Jianhuang waved a mysterious trajectory with an extremely confident smile on his lips, and then the seven simulated source stars began to evolve.

"Buzz~" The seven miniature planets all expanded, and then the seven regular stars of Five Elements, Wind and Thunder began to rotate in mid-air.

"Hoo~" Each of the original rule stars, with a trace of misty tail flames, drew extremely mysterious trajectories in the sky...

The structure of the entire star is changing all the time, pointing directly to the origin of the rules, and forces are gestating and growing in the star...

Perfect! wonderful!

Shen Zhui couldn't help being attracted by this star.

"Chaos gestation, this is chaos gestation..." Shen Zhui muttered to himself.

If the original star of Yuanshi Cave Heaven is more mysterious and points directly to the origin, then King Jianhuang just breaks down the repeated exercises of a certain stage.

It was also about analyzing the essence of the rules, but King Jianhuang's method was easier for Shen Zhui to understand, and easier for people of his level to understand.

After all... Yuanshi Cave Heaven is helpful to all true gods, and it is naturally extremely mysterious, but King Jianhuang's explanation is more suitable for his Shen Zhui state.


As time passed by, Shen Zhui had been immersed in the evolution of this miniature regular planet.

For three whole days, Shen Zhui pondered over the stage of 'chaos gestation', while using sword and lightning techniques to confirm each other.

"Huh~" Shen Zhui came back from his meditation and realized that three days had passed.

"The first stage of the rule concept 'Chaos Breeding' is really difficult. It took three days to fully master it." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

"However, this piece of experience given to me by King Jianhuang is too important."

"The five major artistic conceptions are the most important part of the power of rules. To practice the secret method, you also use the power of rules, but the five major artistic conceptions are to analyze the essence and control the origin of the rules."

"As long as the artistic conception is achieved, one hundred percent of the secret method can exert one hundred and twenty percent of its power. This is the secret of understanding the Yuanshi Cave."

Shen Zhui was also extremely grateful to King Jianhuang at this moment. Although he was harsh, he also sincerely helped him and treated him as a close junior.

This kind of experience is impossible to have in the treasure house, but it was specially created by King Jianhuang for his disciples.

"Shen Zhui, according to the data, Xiong Guang, the genius of the Bear Demon Clan, has mastered the second-level rule concept of 'original birth'." Zen Xin said. "In general, in the secret realm of deadlock, there are very few people who can understand the first level of artistic conception. Only the thousand 'captains' level have mastered the first level.

Ordinary members of the Wuhou Secret Realm, who have practiced for ten years, can also master the first level. A small number of people can master the second level.

Jinwu basically has this second level of rules and artistic conception. Among Jinwu's commanders, there are only a few who can master the third level of rules and artistic conception, the 'rule evolution'. "

"As for the ten Kingo generals, they have all reached the third stage of 'rule evolution'."

"As for the fourth level'all-encompassing', it is estimated that Tuosen has definitely mastered the fourth level's artistic conception. The information of the others does not show it. However, according to the previous standards, there are some who have a superficial understanding of the fourth level, but they have a complete grasp." , very few…”

"It's quite difficult." Shen Zhui also nodded. Although he mastered the first level quickly. But the second level of ‘original birth’ only has a little clue, and this is because King Jianhuang’s mind played a big role.

If you want to improve in a short period of time, the best way is of course to get the opportunity to enter the Yuanshi Cave. Otherwise, you have to comprehend it all the time and verify it in actual combat.

"Don't be in a hurry to redeem the sword technique. It will be easier to understand it after you improve your understanding of the rules and artistic conception before choosing the sword technique." Zen Xin reminded.

"Understood." Shen Zhui nodded. The artistic conception of rules is the essence. Sword techniques and secret techniques are an exquisite combination of the power of rules. Mastering the essence is like a child who memorizes all the individual words first and then learns beautiful sentences. It is naturally easier. Some. It would be even more difficult to appreciate those coherent words and sentences without knowing a single word at the beginning.

"There are still ten months left in the ranking competition, so you don't have to worry."



After setting the plan, Shen Zhui began to practice frantically in the secret realm.

The second month after entering the secret realm, in the training space of the Virtual God Realm.

"Swish~" A honest man in silver armor stabbed at him with a sword. The misty sword energy carried extremely mysterious rules, and the light and shadow of the sword path were full of endless vitality, covering Shen Zhui's whole body.

"Roar!" Shen Zhui suddenly dodged, and the three-color light appeared behind him. He wanted to dodge the sword. At the same time, the sword in his hand also used the delusion style to resist desperately.


"Pfft~" The sword light pierced through his own sword defense very stably, and then penetrated into the head. Finally, the life force burst out, exploding the entire head.

Shen Zhui's figure immediately disappeared.

"The one hundred and ninety-third challenge, failed!"

Shen Zhui's figure regrouped in the training space, while the honest man in front maintained his sword-drawing posture.

"Yulin... is actually so strong." Shen Zhui looked at this honest man and couldn't help but remain silent.

In this training space, you can choose many geniuses to fight as targets, and simulate each opponent based on their past strength.

Shen Zhui was in the training room, and the person who simulated the challenge was the genius who also came from the West Antarctica, Prince Rainforest of Tianyu Kingdom, and was also ranked tenth by General Kingo!

"In the same realm, within a month, my rules and artistic conception have almost reached the second level of 'original birth', but I still lost to the 'rain forest' a year ago."

"A year ago in the rainforest, he was also improving in one year. He was still the last among the Kingo generals."

Shen Zhui also felt the pressure. The geniuses in Wuhou's secret territory were not lacking in talent, hard work, and resources. He practiced earlier than he did...

"Come again!" Shen Zhui flashed and started the one hundred and ninety-fourth challenge again.


The third month, the world of swords.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Have you carefully watched the experience I gave you? Have you practiced on a dog in the past two months?! You haven't mastered the second level of 'original birth' yet! "King Jianhuang opened his mouth and roared.

"Don't just imitate. The Origin Star allows you to master the essence. If you imitate, wouldn't you be putting the cart before the horse?!"

"Give me extra practice!"


The fourth month, in Manor No. 9527.

Training room, inside the simulated battle space.

"Kill!" Yu Lin was no longer as honest as usual, but rushed towards Shen Zhui with a ferocious air. As soon as the exquisite "Sword Breaking the Sky" came out, the sword shadows all over the sky were pressed over like a realm.

Rules evolve! The third level of artistic conception is the state of Yu Lin's swordsmanship a year ago.

"Chichi~" The sword energy spread, breaking through two of Shen Zhui's defenses in succession.

Even if Shen Zhui used the Invincible Sword Intent to cooperate with the Dongtian Amplification Burst, he could only barely catch the second move.

"Bang~" One leg was cut off by the sword energy, but at a certain moment, Shen Zhui's eyes became extremely sharp.

"Destroy the delusion!" Dragging his stump, Shen Zhui held out a knife. The light of the knife was full of fierceness and domineering. Although it was still thrown away by Yu Lin's sword and pierced Shen Zhui's head, the corner of Shen Zhui's mouth was... With a smile...

Before the challenge failed, he clearly saw the light of his sword, which had hurt Yu Lin's cheek and brought a drop of blood.

"The 751st challenge, failed."

However, Shen Zhui's rules and artistic conception, the second level, have been mastered!


The fifth month, the world of swords.

King Jianhuang sat high on the throne, and in the clouds below, there were two figures, one gold and one black, fighting.

True God Guard, fighting against Venerable Shen Zhui!

Although he was still tortured horribly, in just four months, he had mastered the second level of the rules and artistic conception, 'original birth', and used his original simple self-created sword skills to the present level. King Jianhuang was also surprised by Shen Zhui. progress.

"This kid's progress is really terrifying. He has mastered the original birth state in such a short period of time, and his talent for lightning is also surprisingly strong."

King Jianhuang mastered the law of gold, so he had been honing Shen Zhui's sword skills. As for Taoism, he gave very little guidance, but King Jianhuang knew that Shen Zhui's thunder skills were better than his sword skills. Stronger.

"Change to the third training mode!" Jianhuang Dynasty shouted in a low voice.



Manor No. 9527.

"Shen Zhui, did King Jianhuang come back just now?" Occasionally, when he took a break, Shen Zhui chatted with friends such as his master Lu Yuanwei and Jin Rong.

"Well, we just finished training, let's have a drink together?"

"Hahaha, it can't be helped. I'm afraid that it will delay your cultivation and you will be beaten by Lord Jianhuang King." Jin Rong laughed.

Shen Zhui had a dark look on his face: "This is such an old thing..."

"Hahaha, I'm looking for Brother Qian to drink."

"Go ahead, I'll meet you for a drink later."


The seventh month after entering the secret realm.

Except for the first month of enlightenment in Yuanshi Cave, Shen Zhui also practiced for six months.

At this time, someone in Wuhou's secret territory had already passed through the 'ninth level' and obtained the qualification for free enlightenment.

"Master has passed the ninth floor?" Shen Zhui watched as someone sent him news.

"Among the fourteen commanders, Master is the first to break through."


In the eighth month, among the fourteen newly added commanders, Tali and Tahuo successfully broke into the ninth floor of the Principle Tower. He became the second and third genius leader after Lu Yuanwei to successfully break through to the ninth level.

After that, as if they had accumulated enough, a group of geniuses began to explode.

A total of seven commanders, Jinwu Commander Qiu Yu, Jinwu Commander Fucha, Lan Hai, and Tianhu, all passed the ninth level one after another.

"It's really fast." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

"Shen Zhui, aren't you in a hurry?" Jin Rong said. "What kind of training do you usually do? And why don't you change your sword skills? More than half of the fourteen new Kingo commanders have passed the ninth level."

"Why are you so anxious? Brother Qian didn't break through either?" Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"The fat man is fast too."

"I'm in no hurry."


In fact, Shen Zhui never broke into the Law Tower because his schedule in the past few months was extremely full.

In addition to pondering the inheritance crystal ball presented by King Jianhuang, he also practiced the artistic conception of the rules.

The main body wants to practice "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Technique", and the clone wants to practice "Divine Body Blood Explosion Technique"

At the same time, the real deity is also absorbing treasures, elixirs, tributes from Zixuan, etc., to improve his cultivation level.

In addition, because the power of Gengjin has been perfected and filled the heart of the world, he has to start integrating the second rule...

Every few days, simulated battles challenge the rain forest, and receive training from King Jianhuang...

The time can be said to be fully arranged.

In fact... Shen Zhui didn't want to attack the Law Tower.

But King Jianhuang said: "Shen Zhui, the Law Tower is there. If you break in early or late, it is just to increase the chance of understanding the original cave. You have not changed the sword technique now, so you have been thinking about the artistic conception of the rules. Is that right? Accumulate your skills, master the rules and concepts first, and then wait until the last few months to practice your sword skills, and you will be able to go further."

"After breaking through, there is no need to rush to exchange for the opportunity to comprehend the original cave. Except for the first time to comprehend, I suggest that you only enter when your secret method practice reaches the bottleneck."

King Jianhuang would not harm himself, so Shen Zhui naturally followed the good deeds.


In the ninth month, inside Wanhua Building.

Shen Zhui, who was sitting cross-legged in Wanhua Building, opened his eyes. Ten months had passed and his temperament was completely different. His whole person had undergone a completely different transformation.

"The artistic conception of the second level of rules has been completed." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. "It's time to throw away this self-created sword technique and learn a new one."

Whoosh~ Standing up, Shen Zhui immediately appeared in front of the light screen in the Wanhua Building, and then began to choose the sword technique.

""The Tyrant Divine Sword", the top secret method of the True God, the first level, one hundred thousand contribution points."

""Markless Knife", the top secret method of the True God, first level, 120,000 contribution points."

""Reincarnation Sword Technique", God King level secret technique, first level, 200,000 contribution points."

""Thousand Swords", a god-king level secret method..."

A series of sword skills flashed before his eyes, and Shen Zhui quickly checked the introductions, mainly looking at the direction of the sword skills creator's main attack.

Because some sword skills are good at different ways. For example, the fierce sword skills are the law of moving gold, while some weird and erratic ones are the law of wind...

Of course Shen Zhui had to choose carefully.

"Buzz~" Just when Shen Zhui was selecting the secret method, the Fugue Token trembled slightly.

"Huh? Gu Luohe?" Shen Zhui frowned slightly.

"Shen Zhui, is this guy again? He sends out gambling challenges every once in a while. He is really persistent." Zen Xin said with a smile.

"Ignore him." Shen Zhui closed the fugue order and continued to select.

Finally, Shen Zhui's eyes focused on a line of large characters on the light screen.

"God-King Level Secret Returning Sword Technique", Space and Golden Law."

"The first level, four styles in total, 200,000 contribution points."

"On the second floor, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuaan.com for 500,000 contribution points."

"The third level, five million contribution points."

"Fourth floor..."

"That's it." Shen Zhui smiled slightly. "Buy!"

"Successful purchase, remaining contribution points: twenty-one thousand nine hundred and eighty." A cold voice prompted.

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned and immediately looked at his Fugue Token. As a result, he found that after purchasing it, he only had more than 20,000 contribution points.

"Why did you use it so quickly?" Shen Zhui was stunned.

"It's not that fast." Zenxin shook his head. "In reality, the cultivation of the seven clones consumes treasures. To practice the secret method "Divine Body Blood Explosion" and buy the "Holy Fruit" once a month is 25,000."

"In addition, you will also consume a lot of money to improve your realm, take treasure pills, etc. To be honest, I am not stopping you. You don't even have this contribution point now, and you haven't gone out to do any tasks. Earn contribution points!" Zen Xin said helplessly.

"You can only go out but not in. I have already sold off all your 170,000 lucky coins for you, leaving only 20,000 for weekly use."

"Practice is really expensive." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course it costs money, but you started much better than others. You won 300,000 contribution points at the beginning." Zenxin said with a smile. "Some guys from the General's Secret Realm have been out on missions for three months before they could get enough contribution points to buy the first two levels of the True Mystic Method."

"It seems that after this time, I have to find a way to make some contribution." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Half an hour later, the secret book of sword skills arrived.

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