I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 42: Huge harvest and assassination!

"I want to ask you, who else came here just now!" Cui He's expression was extremely ferocious, and the anger in his eyes seemed to want to devour anyone.

The remaining four third-level magical powers were trembling with fear and seemed to understand something.

"Just now, Mr. Cui came in and asked about the progress of the World Breaker Beast, and Brother Guangda replied. Then you ordered us to wait outside..."

"It didn't take long before he left. We thought..."

"Asshole! Idiot, that's fake!!" Cui He interrupted the other party's speech rudely.

"Five third-level magical powers, your cultivation levels are as good as those of dogs!"

"Why would my master's world-breaking beast ask you about your progress? It's such an obvious impersonation, but you can't even tell it!!"

"No, Master Cui, his aura is exactly the same as yours..." Someone wanted to explain.

Cui He ordered coldly. "Kill these losers!"

"Bang bang bang~" The black and white guards immediately rushed over from left to right, blasting the remaining four magical powers to pieces without leaving any souls behind.

The life and death of these adventurers were in Cui He's hands. They didn't even have a chance to resist, and they died instantly.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The deaths of the four people did not hurt Cui He's heart at all, but made him even more angry.

"Wenquan Pavilion is the most unique treasure. I collected countless classics, worked hard, and even spent many years of accumulation to find this place..."

"I don't care about other treasures, only this treasure from the Heavenly Medical Palace. Even my father said this is my biggest opportunity!" Cui He's heart was bleeding.

For a disciple of a big family like him, getting money from treasure lands is secondary. There are only some special treasures that cannot be bought.

For example, the Holy Words can allow those in the realm of supernatural power to master the power of rules, and according to Cui He's speculation, the Holy Words of the Heavenly Medicine Palace are among the best among all Holy Words!

Collecting for many years and paying a lot of money...

But making wedding clothes for others, how could Cui He not hate this?

"Seal Wenquan Pavilion! Search them all for me!" Cui He roared. "You must find this person for me!"

"Yes!" The twenty-three people immediately dispersed and searched everywhere in Wenquan Pavilion under the leadership of the black and white guards.

"Brother, who do you think is the person pretending to be you?" When everyone dispersed, only Cui He and another boy were left. He was 45% similar to Cui He.

"Those four people are all possible." Cui Heshen was a little cold. "Probably the smallest one is Na Yelan."

Through the Holy Word Order, Cui He also knew the names of three people except Shen Zhui.

"Before he died, he showed the strength of the eighth level of supernatural power. If these are all points, I can't imagine how powerful his true self must be. It may be extremely low."

"The second is the alien Bakar. Like Ye Lan, he uses all his strength when facing the God-Destroying Cannon."

"The most likely one is the fourth person!"

"The other person? Brother, why not Niu Tian?"

"The foreign race only has a soul left, and it will be difficult to recover in a short time, let alone pretend to be him. The possibility of it being him is extremely slim." Cui He thought about it carefully. "Of the four people, only three Holy Word Tokens were left behind, and the man in green armor was the first to be destroyed. He had no ability to resist at all... It is very possible that only the fourth person's portion was destroyed at that time. !”

"One score? Do you have the third level of magical power?" Cui He's younger brother was slightly surprised.

"Hmph, and I guess this person should also be the culprit in defeating the black and white guards." Cui He snorted coldly.

Only in this way can it be explained.

But even if he guessed it... Cui He still had a headache.

It is very difficult to kill such a character who possesses the third level of supernatural power.

After all, if you are not a strong person who is good at the soul, it will be difficult to know which one belongs to the original deity. And Shen Zhui is good at hiding and disguising himself, making it even more difficult to find.

Cui He could only hope that the person who stole the secret treasure made a mistake and couldn't wait to absorb the power of the holy words. Once the holy words and texts are absorbed, the movement will be considerable, and only the deity can absorb it.

He can take this opportunity to find the person who stole the treasure.


After getting the treasure, Shen Zhui actually didn't go far.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. After Shen Zhui left, he quietly stayed near the Tianyi Palace.

In an inconspicuous low pavilion, Shen Zhui's figure slowly emerged.

"Now Cui He must have thought that I would go to the four entrances. He certainly didn't expect that I would still stay near the Tianyi Palace." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

He heard Cui He's roar and the process of killing the five people from a distance.

It can be imagined that Cui He must have suffered a big loss this time and suffered huge losses, otherwise there would not be such a chaos.

"Three treasures..." Floating in front of Shen Zhui were an ancient book, a jade pen, and an inkstone.

Even looking at it like this, Shen Zhui could feel the extraordinaryness of these three treasures.

"The inkstone and jade pen seem to have been suppressed by the power of rules, and my spiritual sense cannot detect them." Shen Zhui checked for a while and quickly discovered something unusual.

For ordinary treasures, he would recognize its owner when his mind touches it and know its function. However, there is a force blocking the inkstone and jade pen, preventing his investigation.

However, Shen Zhui, under the suppression of the rules, felt that there seemed to be a vigorous power inside these two treasures, resisting the suppression of the rules!

"All kinds of treasures in the Secret of the Holy Word, only the sixth-level treasures will be suppressed by the rules... Are these two treasures?" Shen Zhui's eyes suddenly burned.

Any sixth-level treasure contains the power of rules! Basically, the Venerable uses a certain magic weapon for a long time, or specifically injects the power of his own rules into the magic weapon to form the source of rules!

This makes the value of the sixth-level treasure far more than that of the fifth-level magic weapon!

"Venerable-level divine weapons, sixth-level treasures! And two of them?" Shen Zhui couldn't believe that such a great thing happened to him.

"I really made a fortune this time." Shen Zhui suddenly became excited.

No need to think about it, these two treasures can be sold for a big price after they are released.

Putting away the jade pen and inkstone, Shen Zhui looked at the ancient book.

The ancient book exuded a faint white light, and Shen Zhui felt that the seven mantras in his body were much more active, and his blood could not help boiling, and he was full of vitality.

This is a power that far exceeds the mantra of destiny. Just a hint of aura leaked out makes Shen Zhui's heart tremble.

""Medical Book"?" Shen Zhui looked at the two words on the ancient book and was slightly stunned.

"I wonder what true power is contained in this medical book." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The art of the Holy Word proliferates countless paths.

Some are used for fighting, such as Shen Zhui's golden swordsmanship. Some are auxiliary types, such as Gongjia’s Holy Word Machine Beast.

Generally, after advancing to the Holy Word Art and forming the Holy Word magical power, the path is determined.

The "Book of Medicine" is a holy book for medical practitioners, but it contains a wide variety of holy words and mantras, collectively called the Book of Medicine.

For example, the "Qiang Fu" that Shen Zhui learned before is also part of the medical book, but Qiang Fu is only at the mantra level, not even the natal mantra, and is relatively low-level.

The more powerful ones, such as [Rebirth of Broken Limbs] and [Invulnerable to All Poisons], all possess magical powers.

Anyone who reaches the Holy Word level can be regarded as a magical skill, because the power of weak rules in it is completely magical power that cannot be judged by common sense.

Chen Qingshan's Holy Word magical power can return the enemy's power attacks and amplify the power. This is something Shen Zhui cannot understand at all. It can be regarded as a perverted skill.

This is why the Word of the Holy Word attracts many strong men to compete for it.

"To be placed together with these sixth-level magic weapons, the power in this medical book must be considerable, but now is not the time to absorb it." Shen Zhui also put away the ancient medical book.

Absorbing a holy word magical power, there must be a lot of movement. Cui He is now looking for him everywhere, and Shen Zhui doesn't dare to expose it at will.

After putting away all the treasures, Shen Zhui looked out through the window.

I saw four entrance stone tablets in the distance, each surrounded by three or five people.

The black and white guards also led several people to search around.

As for Cui He, Shen Zhui quietly sent a Tu Xingfen to keep an eye on him. He was currently searching for the treasures in Wenquan Pavilion.

However, although the other treasures in Wenquan Pavilion are considered precious, their value is much lower than the things in Tianyi Palace.

"Hmph, it seems that Cui He has not given up. This is because I have calculated that I will not use the Holy Word Order to spread the word." Shen Zhui sneered in his heart.

However, Shen Zhui was not in a hurry. He could fully afford it. The 150 million true text fantasy beasts in the first level had been killed by more than 100,000 adventurers.

The first level will end if it is not completed. At that time, everyone will move to the second level, ‘Great Summer Palace City’.

However, Shen Zhui had no intention of just letting Cui He go. If an elite genius disciple from such a big family could succeed in a sneak attack, the harvest would be huge.

Shen Zhui is very greedy for the power of the God-annihilating Cannon...


Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, another three days passed in this Wenquan Pavilion.

Twenty-eight days have passed since the Holy Word Secret Realm was opened.

In the past three days, Shen Zhui had completely lurked, as if he had disappeared from the world. Just in case, he also scattered one of the statues elsewhere to confuse the audience at the critical moment.

Shen Zhui also secretly attacked those people he collected. For him, Cui He was the most important target. A sneak attack on others was undoubtedly a way of alerting others.

On Cuihe's side, there was no trace of Shen Zhui for three days in a row, and even the spirit of Niu Tian, ​​the Niu Demon Tribe, was nowhere to be seen.

"Has this person already gone out?" Cui He looked into the distance with a somewhat unwilling expression.

If the other party uses the Holy Word Order to teleport away after stealing the treasure, there is nothing he can do.

And even if he is lurking, as long as he is not found... when the Zhenwen Phantom Beast in the first level is killed, he will still be unable to find anyone in the vast sea of ​​people.

Since Cui He was the one who completed the test of the Medical Palace that day, the reminder of the rules in Daxia Dongtian would not appear a second time.

Cui He couldn't even know the name of the treasure thief...

"Damn it!!" Cui He roared up to the sky. Even if he collected other treasures, they were completely incomparable to the stolen treasures!


Day twenty-nine.

"Xia Tian defeated the Zhenwen Fantasy Beast in Longhu Palace and obtained a 'Hidden Pearl'."

"Long Ming completed the Thunder Prison test and received a copy of the "Thunder Spirit Sacred Text"."

"Zhang De broke through the tenth floor of the Earth Fire Formation and obtained the "Fire Remnant Chapter"..."

As time goes by, more and more treasures are discovered. Shen Zhui can hear the echo of the rules of the secret realm almost every day, and the number of real text fantasy beasts is getting smaller and smaller, with only fifty remaining. Thousands of heads.

However, among the sounds of these rules, the name "Xia Tian" somewhat surprised Shen Zhui.

"Summer, is it a coincidence?"

Shen Zhui had a deep grudge with Prince Liang's Mansion, so of course he had a detailed understanding of Prince Liang's Mansion.

With the authority of General Shenwei, it is very simple to investigate these messages.

Xia Hong had an only son, Xia Xia, who was studying in Daxia Academy.

However, Shen Zhui didn't think too deeply about it. There were hundreds of thousands of adventurers in this secret territory, and maybe some of them had the same name.


Day 30, early morning.

In one morning, the number of Zhenwen fantasy beasts had dropped to less than 100,000.

And Shen Zhui also heard the names of three acquaintances in the voice of rules:

"Jiang Tianming defeated the guards of Taixu Mansion and obtained a copy of "Binghuo True Text"."

"Chen Qingshan climbed Jintai Mountain and obtained the cultural treasure "Five Domain Peaks"."

"Lan Chenguang completed the 'Zhaowen Mansion' challenge and won a 'Golden Crown'."

"Haha, it's Jiang Tianming and the others." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

Shen Zhui had long known about the cooperation between the Bian Army and Daxia Academy, but it had been settled about a year ago.

Among them, there are thirty places in the Wu'an Army, and those given are to the hidden strong men in the army, or some veteran magical powers. But this was a secret he only learned after he became General Shenwei.

In fact, if Shen Zhui breaks through to the magical realm later, he will be able to occupy a spot in the next round. However, he was only in the Lingqiao realm at the beginning, and he won a Holy Word Token from Chen Qingyu, so Shen Zhui did not occupy a place in the army later.

For the sake of safety and to prevent the tricks of Prince Liang's Mansion, his master also told him to set off early and not with the people of Wu'an Army.

Youfen is stationed in General Shenwei's Mansion and is looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuyuan.com. No one knows that Shen Zhui has actually quietly come to Daxia Academy.

"There are only about 70,000 true text fantasy beasts left."

"Kill at this rate, and soon the real text phantom beasts in this first level will disappear completely. If you can't survive today... it's time to take action!" Shen Zhui glanced at the message in the Holy Word Order, and then quietly controlled Observed the surrounding situation carefully.

Soon, Shen Zhui's mind completely presented Cui He's environment, and then his mind continued to calculate the assassination route.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Zhui's true self, led by Tu Xingfen, sank into the ground and moved quietly towards the direction of Cui He.

"One, two, three... five third-level supernatural powers, one white guard, plus Cui He, there are seven people in total!" Shen Zhui stared coldly at Cui He, who was searching for treasures in the eight-story building.

"Wait a little longer, wait until the white guard leaves..." Shen Zhui stopped and stopped moving.

The black guard is good at soul attacks, while the white guard is good at melee combat. Shen Zhui tried his best to minimize his surprise during the sneak attack.

According to his observations, Cui He would send a guard every time to supervise his men's collection of treasures, either a white guard or a black guard.

Shen Zhui understood very well that when faced with an elite genius from a big family who had many treasures and cards, he would either not take action, or he would only have one chance to kill the opponent once he made a move.

Time passed quietly, and half an hour later, Shen Zhui finally had the best opportunity!

Cui He didn't know why, but he suddenly sent everyone out, and he was the only one left in the pavilion!

"What a great opportunity!" Shen Zhui's eyes flashed, and he quietly entered the tall building.

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