"Master Liu, there is no need to be polite." Ji Liang smiled. "As the county registrar, you are responsible for the temple's large and small sacrificial affairs. I want to ask you, in the three years since Wei Wenhe took office, have you discovered that he has committed corruption, perverted the law, and abused his private power?"

Liu Qing glanced at Wei Wenhe, hesitated for a moment and said, "Go back to the inspection envoy, yes."

Wei Wenhe was expressionless and seemed not surprised.

Ji Liang's face was full of smiles and he became more and more proud.

Chen Feng and Ma Wu glared at Liu Qing, and Chen Feng couldn't help shouting: "Shut up! Liu Qing, what are you talking about!"

Ji Liang glanced at Chen Feng coldly, and then shouted: "I am asking you a question, is it your turn to interrupt? Next time, don't blame me for punishing you for disrespect!"

"Master Liu, just speak out!"

Liu Qing nodded and took out a small statue of a god from his arms. This statue held a mirror and discerned yin and yang with its eyes. It was the god responsible for supervision in the Seven Divisions!

"Sir, these are all the illegal actions of Magistrate Wei since he took office, including the six of the seven divisions of the temple: picketing, rewarding good, punishing evil, reporting quickly, increasing salary, and giving longevity!"

"Except for the Yin and Yang Division, which has no authority to investigate, the total number of incidents involved is 362..."

Liu Qing handed the miniature statue to Ji Liang, then lowered his head and remained silent, ignoring the hostile and angry looks around him. He even ignored someone who cursed him in a low voice.

"Okay, very good!" Ji Liang stared at Wei Wenhe coldly. "Wei Wenhe, what else do you have to say?"

Wei Wenhe stared at Liu Qing, then shook his head and said, "I have nothing to say."

"Very good!" Ji Liang ordered: "I am announcing that Wei Wenhe has suspended all duties as county magistrate and returned to the city to cooperate with my investigation. Before the results come out, all matters of the county government should be handled by Chief Secretary Liu, who will act as the county magistrate. !”

"The rest of the people involved in this case will be sent to the county jail. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

Ji Liang shouted loudly, and then several red lights emitted from the miniature statue, first covering Wei Wenhe, Wang Long, Chen Feng, and Ma Wu.

Then, the red light continued to spread, passing over Shen Zhui, Rong Zimo, Zhao Hu, Han Mao...

Almost 90% of the county government personnel present were convicted as suspects in the case!

Especially Shen Zhui, he felt as if he was suffocated by the red light, and the cold light in Ji Liang's eyes wanted to engulf him.


Wei Wenhe gently flicked his sleeves and stood in front of Shen Zhui. Shen Zhui suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

A golden light shone from Wei Wenhe's big seal, and then Ji Liang's order was directly bounced. At the same time, the imprisonment on everyone was completely lifted!

"What?" Ji Liang was shocked and didn't know why his order failed!

After a moment, a flash of horror suddenly flashed in his eyes. "You, you actually have imperial inscriptions and sacred pages on you..."

"Hmph! I had expected that there was someone behind the Li family. How could a mere county-level prominent family attract such attention from Dayuan Mansion." Wei Wenhe waved his hand coldly. "Do it!"

"Yes!" Everyone was excited, but they didn't expect that things would turn around again.

"Sir, save me!" Li Mingtai and others suddenly looked desperate.

However, the killing has already begun.

The sins of the Li family members have appeared, and at this moment they have lost the power of the Yin God's blessing. Most of them are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

"Kill!" Shen Zhui shouted angrily and rushed forward. Everyone in the Wu squad room took action together, and for a moment, blood flowed like a river.

"Okay, Wei Wenhe, you are indeed very good. I have to deal with a few people personally, let's go!" Ji Liang and the two Lingqiao realms quickly picked up several people from the Li family and fled.

"No need to chase." Wei Wenhe frowned and watched Li Mingtai and others being taken away. "Deal with the rest of the Li family first, they won't be able to escape."



The head of the Li family and several core members escaped, and the power of the Li family was basically destroyed.

For a time, the prisons in Heyuan County were overcrowded, while outside, countless members of the Li family were executed, with only a small number of people escaping.

The gods of the Li and Yang families were destroyed, and the two major family forces that had long dominated the county government were uprooted and completely disappeared overnight.

I heard that even the head of the family has lost his trace and his life and death are unknown.

For a time, people inside and outside the city clapped their hands and applauded, and Weiwen River's reputation was unparalleled.


But in fact, everyone inside the county government is not relaxed.

County government office, Wuban main hall.

"Master Liu...Why did Master Liu do this?" Rong Zimo felt a little sad. Master Liu's final appearance was tantamount to a betrayal.

"For what else? Regardless of whether the county magistrate is dismissed or transferred, with today's performance, he Liu Qing is the best candidate for the new county magistrate of Heyuan! Haha, this piece of shit... It was in vain that Han Mao thought he was a Good official!" Han Mao kicked him bitterly. "It's a pity that he still didn't think of the county master's methods, but he was still too kind. He just let him go home... he really should be in jail."

Shen Zhui sighed.

Thinking about it this way, it's hard to say whether their whereabouts were leaked by He Tong or Chief Liu.

"Zhizhizhi~" The door to the martial arts room was suddenly opened.

Shen Zhui looked up and saw Wang Long walking in.

"grown ups."

"Shen Zhui, come over."

"Yes." Shen Zhui nodded. Since the battle of the Li family, the county magistrate had summoned many brothers one by one, and now it was finally his turn.

In the back hall of the county government office, in a study room.

"Here you go, no need to be polite, sit down." Wei Wenhe waved his hand and motioned for Shen Zhui to sit down.


At this time, Wei Wenhe's aura dissipated. Although he was still wearing the official uniform, he lost his majesty and gained more kindness.

Shen Zhui looked at Wei Wenhe's face and then remembered that this wise and courageous county magistrate was only a young man five or six years older than him.

"You seem to have a lot of doubts."

"There are indeed many things I don't understand." Shen Zhui nodded.

Wei Wenhe smiled and said: "Actually, there's nothing complicated about it."

"Then Ji Liang asked Liu Qing to collect evidence that I broke the law. It was just a small crime."

"For example, in the Punishment Division, a master of the Li family came to me secretly. According to the law, the punishment for the crime committed by this person is between one and three years. The lightest punishment is twenty lashes, and the most severe punishment is to have the Dantian destroyed."

"I told him that to get a lighter sentence, he needed to perform great merits. He agreed, so I used the temple to minimize his sins."

"Another example is the Secretary for Rewarding Goodness. Take you as an example. At that time, you were in the eighth level. You were not supposed to be promoted to the ninth level, but I made an exception and promoted you."

"It's equivalent to dealing with matters involving the power of the temple. Between the big and the small, I have chosen the largest or the smallest a total of 362 times. There is no middle. Do you understand?"

Shen Zhui nodded in understanding. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Wei Wenhe continued to explain: "As a local county magistrate, you should not be too negative or too extreme in your actions. Whether it is rewarding good or punishing evil, or increasing salary and longevity, you should adopt the golden mean."

"But three years ago when I took office in Heyuan County, the government affairs and manpower here were in ruins. If I could imitate the gentleness and gentleness of the previous county magistrate and not use drastic measures, let alone overthrowing the two major families, it would be difficult for even government orders to leave the city."

"Use extraordinary measures in emergency situations!" Wei Wenhe shook his head and said. "I am asked to quickly change the rotten status quo and change the people to a Heyuan County with He Qing Haiyan, and yet I am asked to stick to the old rules and be impartial. How can such a good thing be possible? Of course I chose a radical approach without hesitation. "

"Originally, even if this matter was put on the surface, it was not a big deal, and I didn't take it to heart at all. But Liu Qing happened to keep an eye on me and recorded all my actions in the past three years, and I encountered this problem again. The situation changed, which gave Ji Liang a reason to hold him accountable."

Shen Zhui couldn't help but ask: "Then why are you safe now, sir?"

Wei Wenhe smiled and said: "I destroyed two Yin gods and killed countless criminals from the Li and Yang families. This is merit. Although I will be suppressed by the superiors and chip away again and again, this merit is merit and cannot be escaped."

"This little thing can't hurt me at all. I'm afraid you also know that I was born in Beijing. It's impossible to get rid of me over this little thing."

"Today, the head of the Li family and several of his nephews and descendants have been taken away by Ji Liang. Although the success has not been fully achieved, it will be impossible for the Li family to make a comeback within decades."

After a pause, Wei Wenhe looked at Shen Zhui: "In this battle, you have made great contributions, and it is no exaggeration to be in the first place. I am thinking about how to reward you, Shen Zhui, do you have any requests?"

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