Landing on the island in the center of the lake went extremely smoothly, with no barriers blocking us or water monsters attacking us. ,

As soon as I set foot on the island in the middle of the lake, I saw many huge corpses, both land and water, surrounded by a large wasteland with jagged rocks and curved spikes. The entire island was filled with an eerie and eerie atmosphere.

Carefully exploring the island in the middle of the lake, Shen Zhui relied on the weak induction from the Holy Word Order to lead the team behind him to wander among the strange rocks and light mountains. There were many huge cave entrances on the mountains, and there seemed to be a powerful force. Ruowu's attraction comes from many holes.

"Did you find the dragon blood grass you wanted?" After flying for a quarter of an hour, Shen Zhui quietly sent a message to Wang Jingwen.

"Not yet." Wang Jingwen said. "Don't worry, help Brother Shen get rid of this demon dragon first, and then look for it slowly."


As soon as he arrived at the island in the middle of the lake, Shen Zhui had a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell which one it was.

It stands to reason that they have forty silver-armored imperial soldiers with sixth-level magical powers, plus twelve geniuses like Xia Feng as coolies. This demonic dragon is just a magical-level warrior, so it should not be a problem.

So why do you feel this way?

"Doctor Han." Xia Feng on the side seemed to notice something strange about Shen Zhui, and immediately asked in a low voice: "Doctor Han, did you find anything wrong?"

"I'm just worried that this demonic dragon will be harmful to you all." Shen Xuikou mumbled nonsense.

"Doctor Han, don't worry. This is just a demon dragon of a lower level. We can let the demon dragon be beheaded without Dr. Han's intervention." Zhang Meng flattered him.

Shen Zhui smiled in his heart, just waiting for your words.

"Haha, if it is true as you all said, then after returning from this trip, Han will definitely report the truth to the chief concubine and will not bury your merits!"

"Don't take it seriously, this is what you should do." Zhang Meng pretended to be modest, but his eyes were a bit eager to try.

Just when Shen Zhui, Xia Feng and others were making excuses, suddenly

"Swiss, swiss, swish," a sound of squirming gravel sounded, which immediately stopped everyone in their tracks.

Powerful auras emerged from the cave, and there were so many of them that in the blink of an eye, hundreds of them appeared within the sensing range of everyone's consciousness!

"What? There are so many!"

"Every breath of this breath is no lower than the fifth level of supernatural power!"

"It's a stone-armored snake demon, be careful!" Someone suddenly exclaimed and looked towards a cave.

I saw huge snake heads four to five meters high appearing in the cave, spitting out scarlet snake letters, and the inverted triangular eyes flashed with a cold light. There was a third vertical eye on the top of these snake heads. It is surrounded by dark gray scales.

In Shen Zhui's Holy Word Order, news about the snake demon suddenly appeared:

The stone-armored snake demon has fifth-level magical power. Its scales are indestructible. With its raised eyes, it can use its innate magical power to turn everything into stone.

"Brother Shen, what should I do?" Wang Jingwen was also shocked. "So many big basilisks."

"Don't worry, listen to my command." Shen Zhui rolled his eyes and shouted immediately.

"The Silver Armored Imperial Army obeyed the order and formed a formation to protect me and the prince."

"Yes." Forty silver-armored forbidden troops immediately formed an encirclement, tightly surrounding Shen Zhui and Wang Jingwen, with their n-points facing the outside. In an instant, a silver barrier was formed, while Xia Feng and others were excluded. outside.

Xia Feng was stunned.

What's going on? We're still outside!

Shen Zhui's face turned red and he said with a trace of solemnity: "Fellow warriors, I and Wang Gongcheng are using secret techniques to locate the demonic dragon. If you can't be disturbed, these snake demons will be left to you. ^^"

After saying that, Shen Zhui sat down cross-legged without saying a word and closed his eyes.

He didn't intend to waste his energy here. Besides, if he made a move, it would be easy to reveal his secret. After all, he was now a disguised magical power, and the fighting King Kong and the two-headed dragon eagle were too conspicuous.

""Xia Feng, Zhang Meng, Meng Cheng, Luo Shubai and other twelve people were also speechless.

What's the agreement that we won't be allowed to take risks? Why are you hiding so neatly now?

However, Xia Feng and others did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Now, they all have to listen to this fifth doctor, and they can only do whatever they are told.

"Let's take action and deal with these snake demons quickly." Xia Feng immediately ordered.

For the children of these big families, four to five hundred snake demons, although troublesome, are not considered life-threatening.

"Shuashuashua" The twelve people are worthy of being the pride of the people and the elites of the family.

Facing hundreds of snake monsters with fifth-level supernatural powers, he didn't panic at all.

Either there are magic puppets to protect you, or there are high-level protective magic weapons.

The hundreds of snake monsters on the opposite side not only refused to retreat, but took the initiative to attack.

For a time, the barren mountain was filled with light, precious light overflowing, rumbles and vibrations, and the sound of beasts roaring could be heard endlessly.

Shen Zhui quietly observed the field, among which Xia Feng, Zhang Meng, Luo Shubai, and Meng Cheng performed best.

"The fifth-level advanced magic weapon is a series of mother-and-son pearls. The magic weapon automatically rotates at the master's magic weapon at high speed. Anything within a thousand meters that enters will be strangled to pieces."

"The fifth-level advanced return armor allows the wearer to exert ten times his own strength, and completely ignores attacks with magical powers below level seven, and can even block the petrified magical powers!"

"And the three fifth-level intermediate thorn puppets are comparable to three seventh-level warriors with magical powers. They are good at double swords and can shoot a round of spikes."

"and this"

"They are all wealthy people!" Shen Zhui drooled at the sight.

Each of these people uses no lower than fifth-level intermediate magic weapons, and they have at least one or two of them.

If any one piece were sold outside, it would be worth a sky-high price, equivalent to less than half of Shen Zhui's previous net worth!

"Brother Shen, what's wrong with you?" Wang Jingwen shook Shen Zhui.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Shen Zhui came to his senses and glanced at Wang Jingwen.

"The way you looked at them just now was scary, don't you think?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Are you after their magic weapons? Do you want to steal them?" Wang Jingwen asked excitedly.

"Can you speak?" Shen Zhui rolled his eyes. "They want to give it to me themselves, how can they call it robbery?"

"" Wang Jingwen was stunned. Is there such a thing? This was the first time he had seen someone talk about cheating so confidently.

"Isn't this good? They all helped us complete the task of killing demons." Wang Jingwen is a kind-hearted person after all, and he still can't get over this hurdle in his heart.

"Jing Wen." Shen Zhui said in a persuasive way. "Look, they take so many treasures, but they don't actually use them that much. Some people can't even use one-tenth of them. Do you think this is a waste?"

Wang Jingwen nodded.

"Then do you know that in the border area, many soldiers with seventh-level magical powers use fourth-level magical weapons?"

"But these wealthy young men have done nothing for the country and are useless on the battlefield. They rely on their families to suck the blood of the people, but they occupy such good resources. The soldiers on the frontier fought bloody battles, but they often died because of insufficient equipment. If you die at the hands of a demon, which one do you think is worse?"

"The soldiers of the border army are even worse." Wang Jingwen said.

"That's right." Shen Zhui patted Wang Jingwen on the shoulder and said. "Look, I didn't force them. They wanted to give these treasures to the soldiers. I just resold them to earn some errand fees. I didn't do this to trick them, but to do good deeds for them."

"Okay, it seems to make sense, but"

"Stop it," Shen Zhui said. "From now on, when you are wandering around outside, you will gradually feel that there is nothing wrong with me doing this. They came over."

Wang Jingwen was still standing behind, thinking about something, but Shen Zhui had already emerged from the siege of the Silver Armored Forbidden Army and was walking towards Xia Feng and other young masters.

"Haha, you are indeed young heroes. You have wiped out so many water monsters in one battle, eliminating a major hidden danger for the Royal City Army. You have worked hard." Shen Zhui smiled.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome. This is the responsibility of my subordinates." Xia Feng had a trace of fatigue on his face. The five hundred snake demons and the petrification magical power still made them a little embarrassed, and it took a lot of effort.

"I wonder if your Excellency can find out the location of the demonic dragon?"

"We found the general direction." Shen Zhui nodded.

"Where?" Xia Feng and others asked quickly.

Shen Zhui stretched out his hand and pointed: "A hundred miles to the east is where the demon dragon's lair is!"

"In this case, without further ado, let's set off immediately!"


As he got closer and closer to the demon dragon's lair, the strange feeling in Shen Zhui's heart became stronger and stronger.

Traveling hundreds of miles along the way, the holy words in my arms are getting hotter and hotter.


When they came to a wide lake inside an island in the middle of the lake,

"How courageous are you, a mere third-level supernatural power, to actually dare to break into the island in the middle of the lake?" A loud voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the two of them. As the voice sounded, the ripples on the lake surface became larger and larger. .

"Wow!" The water rippled, and several red lights appeared around the inner lake. Stone pillars engraved with dragon statues suddenly rose from the water.

Shen Zhui and Wang Jingwen vaguely saw something as if there was something huge swimming rapidly inside. With the sound of rushing water, a huge ominous force came from the water, hitting everyone's souls.

Shen Zhui suddenly felt the pressure increase sharply. The Bloodborne Divine Armor kept shaking. The others were also staggering, but they soon used their own methods to regain their balance.

"This demonic dragon is truly extraordinary in strength. The impact of its will alone is unimaginable. Ordinary people coming here would probably be frightened into confusion and succumb to the will of the demonic dragon." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

"Everyone, be careful." Xia Feng drew out the long sword from his waist, a faint purple light appeared on his robes, and looked at the lake warily.

At the same time, the inexplicable and weird feeling in Shen Zhui's heart reached its extreme.

At this moment, dozens of jet-black rays of light suddenly shot out from the churning water waves. There were knives, swords, halberds, sledgehammers, broadaxes and many other weapons, which turned into streams of light and broke out from the water, with a sound like thunder and a powerful force. Lightning strikes everyone individually.

"Form up!" Shen Zhui shouted, and immediately ordered forty silver-armored forbidden troops to form a formation to protect himself and Wang Jingwen.

Seeing that Shen Zhui had excluded the twelve of them, Xia Feng and others were too lazy to say anything and quickly used their methods to deal with the crisis at hand.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang" dozens of weapons continuously impacted the formation of the Silver Armored Forbidden Army, forcing the Silver Armored Forbidden Army to continuously shrink their formation.

Shen Zhui took a closer look and found that these weapons were tangible and intangible, but were formed using the heavy water in the inner lake. Every time it collides and disappears, it turns into a cloud of black water vapor, eroded by cold air.

The fact that the water-bending soldiers had such power made Shen Zhui very wary.

However, the Forty Silver Armored Forbidden Army is not a fuel-efficient lamp. This sudden attack failed to break through the n formation barrier.

Xia Feng's side was more at ease, with treasures to protect their bodies, and they seemed very calm.

The attacks of these magic weapons were exquisite and powerful, and they continued continuously for more than a minute.

Shen Zhui had been paying attention to the huge figure under the lake. The bottomless water seemed to block the detection of spiritual thoughts. Shen Zhui could only observe with his naked eyes a long shadow swimming rapidly underneath.

The demonic dragon is good at making waves, so this is undoubtedly its lair!

Shen Zhui was trying to trick Xia Feng and others into dealing with this demonic dragon.

But he never thought that Xia Feng and others would actually take the initiative.

"Luo Shubai, Zhang Meng, enter!" Xia Feng roared, the purple light on his body burst out, and a faint shadow of a crown appeared behind him.

Luo Shubai opened the folding fan in his hand, flew into the air, rose up in the wind, and landed on the lake.

A blue ray of light emerged from the folding fan and shot onto the water, calming down the turbulent waves on the lake.

Thirty-six dripping silver-white beads appeared around Zhang Meng, soared into the air, and immediately rushed behind Xia Feng.

The rest of the people also followed, and together they entered the sky above the lake. The sword energy spread horizontally, and the treasure light overflowed, and suddenly fell into the lake water.

"Rumble" The twelve people completely suppressed the lake surface in just a moment.

"Ang" a dragon's roar came from the water, and calmness was restored for a short time.

"To be defeated so easily?" Shen Zhui was stunned. Based on his understanding of past missions, this magical dragon wouldn't have such strength, would it?

"And this dragon's roar." Shen Zhui frowned slightly.

He glanced at the rising stone pillars around him, as if trying to find something.

at this time

"Bang bang bang" twelve water pillars rose into the sky, immediately shaking Xia Feng and the other twelve people away, and smashed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ten dragon-patterned stone pillars around the lake lit up, and a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the lake.

"Crash!" A huge dragon head suddenly emerged from the lake.

"Boom!" The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning roared, and strong winds howled.

"Kakakaka" the ground rolled, the ground shook, as if it was about to crack.

"Ang" A pale yellow light flashed across the dragon scales, and a roar suddenly condensed into substantial ripples, sweeping towards everyone.

Seeing the dragon head at this time, Shen Zhui finally understood where his familiar strange feeling came from.

"Thunder, ditches and rivers, commanding water to become soldiers, calling for wind and rain."

"The head has two horns, and there are wings and nine claws under the ribs."

"Holy crap, this is actually a Yinglong!!" Shen Zhui's expression changed drastically. 11

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