I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 18: Provocation!

The camp of the Kuzu Camp stood on a trapezoidal mountain, with rows of low and simple shacks stacked in a pyramid shape. Looking from a distance, there are only a few figures walking around, a scene of destruction and desolation.

Lin Ze led Shen Zhui to a tall pavilion at the foot of the mountain.

Soon, several soldiers came over aggressively to check under the pavilion. However, seeing that Lin Ze was wearing fine armor and had a strong aura, they just waited not far away.

"Shen Zhui, in front of you is the garrison of the Kuzu Camp, called Guilty Mountain. I can only send you here."

"Brother Lin, you're welcome." Shen Zhui hurriedly handed over his hand. Lin Ze, a master of qi training in the late stage of the Inspiration Realm, could suppress even the warriors at the peak of the innate world. Being able to do this to him, Shen Zhui, who was at the peak of the acquired world, was already commendable.

Lin Zedao: "I have left a unique restriction on your identity badge. If anything happens, you can use the badge to find me at any time."

"I would like to thank Brother Lin."

Lin Ze waved his hand and said, "I told you not to be polite. Without your help in catching Na Wugu, I would have been working in vain for a year."

After hearing what he said, Shen Zhui stopped talking.

Lin Ze waved to the group of waiting soldiers.

Soon, the Xiantian realm warrior who was the leader of the group of soldiers ran over.

"grown ups."

"May I have your name?"

"My lord, my name is Xia Ping, a second-class sergeant. I am responsible for guarding the third area of ​​Guilty Mountain."

Lin Ze nodded, took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, flicked them, and put them into Xia Ping's arms.

Feeling the weight of the banknote in his arms, Xia Ping's eyes flashed with joy and he became more respectful.

"I won't make any other requests," Lin Ze said. "If my little brother needs anything in Guilty Mountain, you can send someone to Tianxin Palace to make a few trips for him. I know your rules. It's okay to make a trip to collect some benefits, but don't have any other thoughts. Understand ?"

"Don't worry, sir." Xia Ping nodded.

Guilt Mountain is equivalent to a super-sized prison, and Xia Ping is equivalent to the cell leader somewhere.

Who would not want to come out of a slave camp?

For those with certain backgrounds, relatives and families will definitely provide money and materials so that their relatives can strengthen their strength and survive the dangerous battlefield.

The hard soldiers have no military merit and are not allowed to leave the Guilty Mountain. If they want to cultivate resources, they naturally have to rely on these prison guards to pass them on.

Of course, if you don't have any background and don't take care of yourself beforehand, you may get embezzled by these prison bosses and you won't be able to complain.

Shen Zhui, who had been working in the county government for many years and was no stranger to the position of prison cell leader, quickly figured out the key and couldn't help but feel more grateful to Lin Ze in his heart.

After explaining, Lin Ze warned: "Shen Zhui, come out alive."



Lin Ze left, and Xia Ping took Shen Zhui to the Mountain of Guilt.

With the money provided by Lin Ze as a foundation, Xia Ping's attitude towards Shen Zhui became enthusiastic and he answered almost every question.

"Brother Shen, there are more than 400 people in this third area, ranging from the seventh level of the day after tomorrow to the peak of the day after tomorrow."

"Going up are the first and second areas. They are both suffering from the Xiantian realm and have masters from the Lingqiao realm."

"There are no other rules except that you can't kill anyone and can't leave your area."

"The interval between each recruitment mission is about seven days. Of course, it also depends on the specific arrangements above. Sometimes the interval is longer, sometimes the interval is shorter. Brother Shen, your identity token requirement requires you to complete eight recruitments before you can leave. A miserable soldier’s identity.”

"Every time you complete a recruitment mission, you will not get nothing. Although there is no military merit reward, the money and materials obtained on the battlefield will not be confiscated. Brother Shen is an extraordinary weapon. If you come back from completing the recruitment mission, you can hand over the seized items to me. , to exchange for training needs."

"For the rest of the daily expenses, if you are not used to this free meal, you can also redeem it. Of course, there will be ugly talk ahead, and my brothers who are running errands cannot go in vain."

Shen Zhui nodded and said, "It should be so."

Under the leadership of Xia Ping, Shen Zhui quickly arrived at the third area halfway up the mountain.

"Brother Shen, this is the third area." Xia Ping said with a smile. "All the changes of clothes are in this package. As for the place to live, Brother Shen can choose any vacant room to live in. I have left a personal restriction in your identity badge. If anything happens, you can contact me at any time."

Shen Zhui nodded, and after explaining, Xia Ping left.

"This is the Kuzu Camp, the third area?" Shen Zhui looked at the rows of low houses around him.

"There are no rules except that you can't leave the exclusive area at will and you can't kill people. It's really random here." Shen Zhui said secretly.

At the end of this flattened street, there were two teams of soldiers guarding it. On both sides of the street, there were shantytowns crowded together. They only had a roof and four walls. The layout was a bit like the container houses in the previous life.

Shen Zhui's arrival caused a small commotion. Many warriors standing at the door looked at Shen Zhui with hostile eyes.

But after walking a few hundred meters, Shen Zhui saw a dozen acquired ninth-level warriors, the lowest of which was also acquired seventh-level warriors. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

These people are full of sinister aura, and when they use the system's ability, at a glance, different sin points appear above their heads.

The values ​​ranged from large to small, but only a few reached the system's killing standards.

"The sin value of these people is between those who can be killed and those who cannot be killed. No wonder they are sent to the slave camp. Once the number of recruitments is completed, they can restore their innocence and eliminate their sins. I don't know that these eight recruitments of mine, To what extent."

While walking and thinking, Shen Zhui came to a house and stood in front of it.

It was an empty room, with the door ajar.

Shen Zhui was about to go in, but suddenly, a shout came from the side.

"Stop! This is my room!"

Shen Zhui took a look and saw a young man with a beard pointing at him a few meters away.

After thinking about it, Shen Zhui stopped, looked back, and continued to walk a distance until he came to the empty room next to the wall.

"This room is mine too!" The voice came again.

When the warriors around him saw this, they immediately looked at the newcomer Shen Zhui with joking eyes.

This bearded man is an acquired peak martial artist. He can occupy three rooms all the time, so he is naturally very powerful.

"You want to occupy three rooms by yourself?" Shen Zhui looked at the man.

The bearded young man walked over with a half-smile, rubbing his fists.

"I have a big butt and a big fist. I can't live in one house. Why, do you have any objections?"

Shen Zhui put down the package in his hand and nodded: "That's the truth."

Then, Shen Zhui extended his fist and curled his index finger in the direction of the bearded young man.

The provocation is clearly evident!

"Arrogant!" The bearded man rushed over angrily and punched Shen Zhui in the face.

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