I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 26: Holy Wen Beast

"Champion Hou, are you going to challenge Mr. Fan?"

"Where does he get his confidence? Mr. Fan is at the peak of his venerable status, and he has mastered three war poems to the level of the true divine words!"

"The Word of the True God is an exaggeration, but it is very possible that it contains a trace of the power of law. Moreover, the Hall of Talents did not cast it by myself, but with the help of the true text puppet, so the power is slightly weaker."

"Then wouldn't Shen Zhui be weaker?"

"Hey, this is really asking for embarrassment!"

"It's a good thing to be arrogant, but it's not easy for the generals to defeat the civil servants. Maybe his master Lu Yuanwei still has a glimmer of hope."

"Okay, this is Wu Hou! Wu Hou should have this courage, just be more arrogant!"

"Zhang Wengu is a disciple of the left prime minister. Shen Zhui turned around and dragged Fan Hongyi into the water. Even if he loses, it is not a shame."


Everyone in Guanwen Hall was talking a lot.

Some people feel that Shen Zhui is overestimating his abilities and asking for trouble. Some generals from the Ministry of War gave Shen Zhui a thumbs up. How about not being real first and then actually doing it? This courage alone is worthy of their praise.

After all, not everyone has the courage to challenge the strong.

"Fan Shaobao, will you agree?" Everyone immediately focused their attention on Fan Hongyi and looked at the prince Shaobao.

Facing Shen Zhui's gaze and everyone's eyes, Fan Hongyi didn't care at all, but there was a slight surprise in his eyes about Shen Zhui's reaction. Because this was not what he expected

In his opinion, if this champion has any wisdom, he should not challenge himself, because no matter who it is, he will not win if he provokes him, and will only become more embarrassed.

Fan Hongyi stood up slowly. He bowed his hands to the great scholar in the hall and the two princes in a very polite manner and said, "Since the champion is so elegant, the subordinates will only accompany him to join in the fun and will not be included in the results of this Moon Flower Banquet competition."

"It should be so." Fourth Prince Ji Dan nodded. The three great scholars, Li Qingzheng, Lin Zhizhong, and Liu Haoran, also nodded slightly.

In their opinion, Fan Hongyi's strength is already at the top level of the younger generation. He has won several first places at other banquets. If he comes to the Yuehua Banquet, it will be unfair to the others.

However, this move changed its taste in Shen Zhui's eyes.

"What a retreat in order to advance! In this way, it seems that I have brought humiliation on myself, and he, Fan Hongyi, is so upright and honest." Shen Zhui sneered in his heart, and became a little more wary of Fan Shaobao.

As the saying goes, a dog bites but does not bark. A silent hypocrite like Fan Hongyi is more difficult to deal with than ten enemies on the frontal battlefield.

"In that case, please, Mr. Champion." A smile appeared on Zhang Wengu's face, and he stretched out a hand to invite Mr. Shen Zhui.

Shen Zhui nodded lightly and walked straight to the Hall of Talents.

The three halls of excellence are divided into poetry, classics and policy. Each has specialization.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Zhui walked into the poetry hall on the left.

He was more familiar with the classics than Yu Zi, but if he was good at it, he might not be as good as the scholars who had studied it for many years.

As for policy theory, it is also difficult to develop, because he is Wuhou and holds a high position. Policy theory is to criticize the current shortcomings of national policies for people's livelihood. As a Marquis of Wu, if you write steadily, you will fall into mediocrity; if you write something radical, you will be exploited by others. He certainly doesn't give people the chance to criticize him.

"This Wengu cannot be targeted at me without any reason. It seems to be the instruction of Mr. Fan."

"Did he already know about Zixuan and me?" Shen Zhui thought in his mind. He thought it was very possible. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to step on himself at such a big banquet for no reason.

Just as he was thinking about it, Shen Zhui had already entered the Hall of Talents.

There is plenty of light in the Hall of Talents. Although there are many people, they are all sitting quietly in their seats.

There are many short cases, futons, pens, inks, papers and inkstones in the main hall.

There was a faint white light curtain surrounding the seated scholars attending the banquet, covering them and making it difficult to see what was inside.

Shen Zhui found an empty place and sat down. Immediately, a light rose two meters away from him, separating himself from the outside world.

At the same time, a gentle but powerful force of law sealed his cave world, and his spiritual thoughts could not be transmitted.

For the sake of fairness, all the scholars and celebrities participating in the competition have the same specifications of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and cannot communicate with the creatures in the cave world to prevent others from helping.

After entering the barrier, Shen Zhui looked at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of the case and fell into deep thought.

As soon as he came in, he knew the rules of this competition.

The Yuehua Banquet competition only looks at talent and not realm, so when the great scholars of Guanwen Hall give the order, everyone will enter the "Sacred Wen Realm" with their spiritual thoughts and condense a new "body".

Everyone has the literary heritage of the Venerable Realm for participants to write poems.

In other words, even if the advanced state enters it, as long as it can be composed into a poem, it can exert its power.

Afterwards, a common enemy will appear in the Holy Word Realm - the Holy Word Beast.

The Holy Wen Beast is powerful and has a defense that reaches the level of a true god. Every half hour, it will emit a sweeping halo that covers all directions and attacks the scholars and celebrities who enter the True Wen world indiscriminately. And it gets stronger each time.

At the beginning, it is only the power of the Spirit Bridge Realm, but each time it increases by a larger level, after three times, it will reach the power of the True God level. Since then, it has maintained this power and released it once every half hour.

If the Holy Text Beast is killed in the end, the ranking will be based on who caused the most damage to the Holy Text Beast. If the holy text beast is not killed, but the spiritual thoughts of the scholars are destroyed, the ranking will be based on the duration of persistence.

"This poetry competition is quite interesting." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.


Just when Shen Zhui entered the Hall of Talents to figure out the rules, in a group of exquisite pavilions at the Moon Flower Banquet, elegant pavilions stood here, towering into the clouds, able to take in the entire Moon Flower Banquet scene.

Compared with the bustle of Guanwen Hall, it is much quieter here.

Wenya Pavilion is the best-located and most luxurious high-rise building in the loft group.

Here are three young women dressed in luxurious clothes, sitting in the living room. Sitting here are the three most noble princesses of the Zhou Dynasty, Princess Anle, Princess Qinghui and Princess Anping.

There is a light curtain in the viewing hall. What was printed on it was the lively scenes at the Yuehua Banquet.

"Why haven't the competitions in the Hall of Talents started yet? I'm almost sleepy waiting." Princess Qinghui, the youngest, complained in a coquettish voice. "Brother Huang and Teacher really can't be faster, sister Zixuan, can't you?"

Zixuan raised her head from a pile of fruit plates and said vaguely: "Uh-huh, what did you just say? Ah, it's quite delicious... you try it."

"Sister Zixuan, you don't look like a princess!" Princess Qinghui said dissatisfied. "You're like this, I'm afraid Mr. Fan won't even dare to want you..."

Zixuan frowned, and a piece of fruit immediately flew from her hand, and flew accurately into the mouth of the heroine Qinghui Announcement,

"I can't even stop your mouth even if you eat! If you dare to act recklessly, you will be beaten!"

Princess Qinghui's eyes widened, feeling aggrieved, and she quickly looked at Princess Anping in the middle. "Sister Yue, look, she bullied me again..."

"Okay." Princess Anping looked dignified, sat upright, and slowly took a sip of tea. "You two quarrel whenever we meet. It gives me a headache and I can't stop for a while."

"What's wrong with Mr. Fan?" Princess Qinghui asked with admiration. "In the future, he will definitely inherit the title of King Wu, and the left prime minister is still his father. Maybe he can continue to be the left prime minister in the future..."

"Hmph, if you like that Fan Hongyi, then I'll let you marry him." Zixuan glared at Qinghui fiercely. "Fan Hongyi was just shadowed by his ancestors and has never even been on the battlefield. I feel sick when I see his hypocritical appearance..."

"Xuan'er." Princess Anping interrupted Zixuan and continued. "Be careful if word gets out."

"It's best to spread the word." Zixuan hummed. "It's best to spread the news to the left prime minister and make him give up."

"You..." Princess Anping was quite helpless. Although she was much older than Zixuan, in terms of status and maternal power, she was not as favored as Zixuan.

"Look at the Guanwen Hall -" At this moment, Princess Qinghui suddenly pointed at the water curtain in the hall and shouted. "The champion actually provoked Young Master Fan."

"What?" Zixuan immediately looked up and took in the entire scene in Guanwen Hall.

"Shameless." Zixuan cursed angrily. She was so smart, how could she not see that Zhang Wengu was Fan Hongyi's man, and he deliberately fell in love with Shangrao in public? How could she bear it?

"This champion is overestimating his abilities..." Princess Qinghui sneered twice. She was about to continue ordering something when she noticed a cold evil aura coming from the left side. She turned around and faced Zixuan's cold eyes. Looking at him, he immediately subconsciously closed his mouth.

A fruit as big as a head keeps enlarging in the eyes...

"Bang~" Princess Qinghui suddenly jumped up in fright and jumped to the side.

Seeing that Princess Anping couldn't persuade her, she simply closed her eyes and calmed down, pretending not to see it.

"Sit down and don't talk nonsense to me anymore." Zixuan glanced at Princess Qinghui lightly.

"I know..." A trace of anger flashed in Princess Qinghui's eyes, but she did not dare to say any more.

Zixuan glanced at the other party indifferently, and then continued to turn her head to look at the light screen, with a trace of worry in her eyes.


"Boom~" The doors of the three Halls of Talents closed. The fourth prince Ji Dan and the seventh prince Ji Chen stood up and announced that the competition in the Halls of Talents was about to begin.

The topics prepared by the three great Confucian scholars on the meaning and policy of the classics were also announced.

The meaning of the scriptures was nothing, but the theme of the policy discussion shocked everyone.

Because the content of this theme is surprisingly the same as ‘destroying ancestral ancestry and abandoning temples’ that caused huge repercussions in the past few years!

Just when the outside world was talking about it.

Within the realm of sacred texts.

On a wide grassland, Shen Zhui's spiritual thoughts appeared on the grass out of thin air.

"Is this the body in the holy text world?" Shen Zhui looked around and found that the body was filled with majestic power and was composed of many small words. There are pens, inks, paper and inkstones in front of him, which are the same as those in the palace. His physical defense is about the first level of a Venerable.

"In other words, based on their body alone, each person can survive the attack of the sacred beast for at most one and a half hours. If he still can't write a poem after the fourth time, he will be eliminated." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

The holy beast attacks once every half hour. The first time is the peak power of Lingqiao, the second time is the peak power of supernatural powers, the third time is the peak power of the Venerable, and the fourth time is the level of true gods.

According to this rule, in the third time, many people may not be able to withstand it, because the body defense in this sacred world is only at the beginning level of the Venerable. You cannot use anything that has nothing to do with poetry in the Divine Weapon Technique. You can only improve your strength through poetry.

"Three souls wandering around, seven souls have spiritual springs..." A chanting voice came from beside Shen Zhui. He turned around and saw a fair-skinned scholar who was writing "Fu on Strengthening the Body".

A faint golden light flashed across the tip of the pen, and then the words floated into the body. In Shen Zhui's perception, the white scholar's aura became significantly stronger, and the body's strength instantly reached the peak state of the venerable.

"What an amazing amplification poem of the Holy Word." Shen Zhui sighed slightly.

Holy words and poems are divided into three categories: attack, defense, and amplification.

And what this scholar wrote is undoubtedly an amplified poem. With this sacred poem to protect his body, he can at least survive the third round.

"Swish, swish, swish~" I saw golden light blooming on the grassland not far ahead, and many scholars and celebrities began to compose poems to prepare for the sacred beast that was about to appear.

Those who were able to attend the end of the Yuehua Banquet were not slow to respond. They all seized the time and refused to let go of any opportunity. After all, if you can stand out, you will definitely be favored by the big guys in Guanwen Palace, and your future will be bright.

"Bang~" The ink ball on the pen tip of a young man in the front left exploded, and the entire holy page was destroyed. He nervously started writing again, but he made mistakes one after another. Shen Zhui was keenly aware that this man's literary spirit had dropped by about 10%. This is the consequence of the poem failing to be completed and being criticized.

"It seems that Wen Qi needs to be used sparingly." Shen Zhui thought to himself. "But I'm not worried about not being able to succeed."

"Roar~" Just when Shen Zhui was thinking, he looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com On the grassland ahead, a huge voice gradually turned from faint to thick, and a giant beast that looked like a unicorn and was a hundred feet tall appeared. In front of everyone.

The holy beast has arrived!

"What a terrible smell." Shen Zhui's heart trembled. The aura of the holy beast is like a vast ocean, with an astonishing momentum, almost like a true god!

Fortunately, the holy beast didn't attack randomly, it just stayed in place quietly.

At this time, someone started to move, and streaks of golden light rushed towards the Saint Wen Beast, impacting on the Saint Wen Beast's body.

Groups of soldiers in golden armor lined up and charged with guns, which was the sacred poem "Broken Formation" of attacking the enemy. There is a cold current blowing through, strong winds blowing, and someone triggers the Linwei as an attack...

Various chanting sounds could be heard constantly, and Shen Zhui's eyes were opened for a moment.

Half an hour passed quickly.

"Boom~" The huge beast's hooves stamped suddenly, and a huge shock wave came from all directions, rushing towards his body.

Shen Zhui swayed slightly, feeling his hand shaking and the pen tip almost shifting.

"I've written so much, it's almost done." Shen Zhui muttered. "Take one first and see how powerful it is."

Shen Zhui put away his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and immediately approached the holy beast in front of him.

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