I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 51: Break into the Law Tower!

When the battle space disappeared, Shen Zhui and Gu Luohe reunited and appeared together in the viewing hall.


"We actually lost to Shen Zhui!" Gu Luohe stood on the same spot, and no foreigner approached. They just stood far away, not daring to step forward. Guluohe's expression was terrifyingly gloomy.

"How could I lose? It's impossible to lose, it shouldn't be! My strength is already close to General Kingo. Although my field is weaker, my clan's magical power can predict the opponent's attacks, and he... ..." Gu Luohe clenched his fists tightly, almost crushing his teeth.

He is not willing to give in!

Especially the last sentence before Shen Zhui Shengli.

‘Gu Luohe, thank you for your training. I won’t be polite for the 1.2 million contribution points. ’

This means that Shen Zhui's final creation of the realm and mastery of the third-level rules and artistic conception were completely achieved in battle, which means that he indirectly helped his breakthrough!

"The evolution of rules and the birth of a domain is such a rare thing. It cannot be broken in just one or two life-and-death battles."

"This Shen Zhui actually used me as a challenge, and fully comprehended the first level of the realm? And the realm was sixty miles away from the beginning, which is much stronger than me!" Gu Luohe's body trembled slightly.

He knew that Shen Zhui hid his strength, but he himself also hid his strength.

Even in order to research this ten-mile field and prepare for this year's ranking competition, Guluohe even exchanged time acceleration in reality, spending a million contribution points in exchange for a hundred years of accelerated retreat.

Ten months have passed in the secret realm, but Gu Luohe has been practicing for a hundred years!

Precisely because he had not mastered the ten-mile field after practicing in seclusion, he couldn't wait to challenge Shen Zhui as soon as he came out, and he placed a bet of 1.2 million in one breath.

In his opinion, a newcomer like Shen Zhui has never accepted a mission and has absolutely no contribution points to exchange for time acceleration. He is an absolute sure winner!

But I didn’t expect that in the end, I still lost!

1.2 million contribution points, of which 500,000 contribution points belong to Gu Luohe himself, while the remaining 700,000 are collected by the talented people in the alien alliance.

This loss... not only will he suffer, but the other alien talents will also be implicated!

It is conceivable that Gu Luohe's prestige in the alliance will not be as good as before... After all, this world is such a reality. If Gu Luohe leads others to suffer losses, he will not be so kind next time!

When he lost this battle, he not only lost 500,000 yuan, but also suffered a blow to his prestige. What made Guluohe even more angry...

Both times he provoked an alien alliance but failed and was punished.

Shen Zhui not only won and made a lot of money, but also broke through the realm and successfully mastered the field.

Gu Luohe played a major role in Shen Zhui's breakthrough!

Of course, the main reason for Shen Zhui's breakthrough was that due to the hard work of King Jianhuang and himself, he had reached the perfection of the second-level artistic conception early and was in a state where he could break through at any time. Guluohe's hidden strength exploded, and with the hope of many talents in West Antarctica and the stimulation of 1.2 million contribution points, Shen Zhui resisted the pressure and pierced the last layer of window paper. Even without the Guluo River, breakthroughs would only be in the near future.

Gu Luohe was unwilling to give in, but he could only watch because the contribution points had automatically been assigned to Shen Zhui's name.

"Gu Luo He, next time something good like this happens, remember to come to me again." Shen Zhui looked at Gu Luo He with a smile.

1.2 million contribution points arrived. Although he had to distribute some to his friends in West Antarctica, he himself also earned 420,000 contribution points.

Moreover, the two battles against the alien alliance also made him famous and established his prestige. Whatever he wants to do in the future, with such a record at the forefront, he will definitely receive a large amount of support.

"Hmph." Gu Luohe snorted coldly. There is nothing more. If you lose, you lose. Any harsh words at this time are pale and ridiculous.

"What a waste!" Xiao Zhang, the prince of the Bajiu tribe not far away, stared at Guluohe coldly. "I actually let Shen Zhui break through on the spot, causing me to lose three million contribution points."

"If you are not as skilled as others, then you must be willing to admit defeat." Lin Xiu said coldly.

"Bad luck!" Xiao Zhang flashed his fingertips, and Gao Luo's token suddenly gained three million contribution points.

After that, Xiao Zhang didn't even look at the foreign talents and left the viewing hall directly.

"This Xiao Zhang is really aloof and arrogant." Yu Lin shook his head.

Among General Jinwu, there are three foreign races and seven human races. Among them, Xiao Zhang, as the prince of the Bajiu tribe, is also one of the foreign races.

However... Xiao Zhang is too aloof and doesn't even bother to form a group. Even if he has some interactions with foreigners, it is only because the other party is strong enough, such as Guluohe.

But once Guluohe lost, Xiao Zhang had no idea of ​​standing up for the alien alliance, and he had no sense of community at all.

As for the other two? One is ranked sixth and is in retreat, and the other is Tuosen who is ranked first!

There is no need for Tuo Sen. In the Wuhou Secret Realm, the talents are divided into levels, that is, 'Tuo Sen' and the other talents are not at the same level at all. Moreover, Tuo Sen's information only indicated that he was a member of a foreign race. No one knew what race Tuo Sen was, and he did not associate with foreigners at all.

When the result of the battle between Shen Zhui and Gu Luohe came out, all the talents cheered and celebrated.

"Champion Hou, well done!"

"Shen Zhui, awesome!"

"It's time to suppress the arrogance of these aliens!"

"Haha, brother, don't make that birdman annoying with your pun..."

"Mom, I was wrong. I should have supported Shen Zhui. My 20,000 contribution points..."

"You deserve it. Who told you not to suppress Shen Zhui? What's your point? Gu Luohe and Xiao Zhang lost more than four million together..."


After all, the number of human talents in the secret realm is much greater, and there are also more people who emotionally support Shen Zhui.

However, some people were a little annoyed that the bet was not placed on Shen Zhui this time. After all, Gu Luohe was apparently stronger.

But no one expected that Shen Zhui would come back and defeat Gu Luohe.

After Gu Luohe used his domain, his whip technique, speed, and suppression power all increased by a hundredfold, making him a sure winner. Having a field and not having a field are two completely different concepts. Coupled with the Kashgar tribe's talent prediction, Shen Zhui's hope of winning is slim.

"Shen Zhui!"

"Brother Shen, congratulations." Jin Rong and others came over and waved excitedly. The Jinwu generals Gao Luo and Lin Xiu left directly. Only Yu Lin came to congratulate them.

On the other side of the Alien Alliance, the situation is bleak. Guluohe is already the trump card of the Alien Alliance. Jinwu generals Xiao Zhang and Tuosen will not help them at all. Even if they want to challenge back, no one can come.

If you go on, you just keep giving away money!

"Wait, I will surpass you sooner or later, and then I will make you spit out the money!" Gu Luohe stamped his feet bitterly, and without even saying a word, he directly exited the Virtual God Realm.


In a separate space, King Jianhuang and King Nuoan watched the battle scenes.

"How about it, not bad." King Jian Huang said with a smile. "Can this kid still fall into the eyes of King Nuoan?"

"Well, it's just a piece of material." King Nuoan nodded. "But let's forget about accepting a disciple. I'm used to being free, and I don't want to have anything to do with that lunatic Zhao Xing. For the sake of King Jianhuang, you can let this guy come to my place for guidance in the future."

"Okay, then I will thank you first for Shen." King Jianhuang smiled. He did not expect King Nuoan to really accept a disciple. After all, this true god of time and space is used to living alone. No, obviously you don't care about this at all.


The True King's secret realm is in another independent space.

There is a cold blue palace floating on the ocean. The three words "Peichuan Mansion" are written on the palace door plaque.

In the main hall, King Peichuan was sitting on the throne, and above the head of a black-robed shadow, Shen Zhui's two battles were replayed, one against the black bear and the other against Guluohe.

"King Peichuan, eleven months!"

"It's all planned. From the time he entered the secret realm to now, Shen Zhui has only been practicing for eleven months!" The voice of the black-robed shadow was soft and charming, full of endless temptation.

"But in eleven months, his two growths were too fast. Eleven months ago, he was a guy who didn't even master the 'Chaos Breeding', and now he has entered the third level."

"What can you do!" King Peichuan snorted coldly. "This Shen Zhui never goes out on a mission. He has been hiding in the secret realm, or he is practicing in the False God Realm."

Even if I want to take action, I have no chance!

After all, the secret realm is the absolute core of Great Zhou, and even the God King cannot kill anyone.

"This is your business!"

“The sooner, the easier it is!”

"The later it is, the harder it will be!"

"It's up to you!"

After that, the black robed shadow disappeared from the spot.

"You!" King Peichuan was also very angry. In fact, he didn't really want to kill Shen Zhui. He was more considering the possibility of turning things around. But now he doesn't dare to point it out directly.

"King Peichuan." Wen said, and not long after, another figure appeared in the hall.

"Fan Hongyi?" King Peichuan frowned slightly.

"I may have a way to solve your recent troubles." Fan Hongyi said softly. "I wonder if you would like to hear it."

"What can I do?" King Peichuan's heart moved.

"This is not the place for chatting." Fan Hongyi shook his head. "Someone will come to your fiefdom to talk with you in a few days."


December 2, Manor No. 9527 Zheng

Shen Zhui was in Wanhua Tower, chatting with the Seventh Prince Ji Chen and Zixuan through the Fugue Order.

The wandering order can connect to the outside world, and Shen Zhui occasionally chats with family and friends. However, since the flow of time outside is different from that inside, Shen Zhui does not need to have intensive conversations.

After all... even Shen Zhuishi only spoke once. But in the eyes of the outside world, the adopted father and mother, Zixuan Jichen and others, are all connected.

"Did you defeat Nagu Luohe?"

"It's really amazing." Zixuan smiled.

"Haha, who is your fiancé? He is a champion!" Shen Zhui said with a smile. "How can I not be awesome if I can marry you?"

"Shen Zhui, you are becoming more and more slippery. You dare to do this in front of my seventh brother..." Zixuan's face turned red. Although she also enjoyed this kind of relaxed chat with each other, Ji Chen, after all, It's next to it.

"It's okay, just treat me as air." Ji Chen said with a smile. If there weren't many rules in the palace, he wouldn't have to be accompanied by Ji Chen every time. "I'm going out first, you guys chat."

"Your Highness, thank you." Shen Zhui also said gratefully.

Seeing the seventh prince walking away, Zixuan started chattering: "Shen Zhui, in this palace, father and the others..."


After ending the call, Shen Zhui turned off the Fugue Order and sat in the Wanhua Building to practice quietly.

"Shen Zhui, I got Bai's bet compensation and two hundred thousand contribution points." Zen Xin's somewhat excited voice echoed in Shen Zhui's mind.

"Huh? Are we here?" Shen Zhui also opened his eyes and checked his contribution balance.

Shen Zhui (9527), remaining contribution points: 1.84 million.

"Haha, 1.84 million, not bad." Shen Zhui smiled happily.

The 1.2 million contribution points from the gambling battle were distributed to friends in West Antarctica, and they advanced and retreated together, winning together and losing together.

Therefore, after Shen Zhui's victory, he only received 420,000 contribution points.

But he also borrowed extra zero to participate in his own bet.

Of course, just in case, Shen Zhui didn't borrow too much, just three hundred thousand. In order to prevent intentional trading, the markets opened by the true gods also have a betting limit, which is 300,000.

Of course, Shen Zhui fell on him all at once, and in the end...according to the odds, he won about 1.3 million! After deducting the cost of 300,000 yuan, the net profit is 1 million!

In addition to the gains from the gambling war itself, Shen Zhui's contribution points are now approaching the two million mark!

"One million and eighty-four thousand contribution points, I'm afraid that's all I can get for dangerous level missions now." Shen Zhui thought to himself.

Some tasks issued by the imperial court are also based on the talents' own strength.

A dangerous level mission, given that Shen Zhui is currently at the fifth level of the Venerable realm, if he wanted to venture out of Wuhou City in reality, he would at most be able to take on this kind of mission.

Of course, if you want more contribution points, you can also choose life-and-death missions!

However, the death rate was too high. He had been in the secret realm for less than a year, and King Jianhuang did not recommend Shen Zhui to do this at all.

"Aside from this contribution, the biggest gain is the breakthrough of the artistic conception of the rules to the third level, the evolution of the rules, and the birth of the field." Shen Zhui said with emotion.

Comprehension of rules and artistic conception cannot be sold even with money.

In fact, Shen Zhui also experienced the existence of the realm during the simulated battle against General King Wu.

However, the fields of Kingo Generals are extremely mature, and their use is very subtle, even in more than one level.

But this Guluo River is only a ten-mile territory.

This just gives Shen Zhui a direction!

Fighting in a field that was too strong might not be that helpful. Instead, it was a field like Gu Luohe who was half-dabbled and had just understood it. Shen Zhui had a flash of inspiration and successfully achieved his own field.

"The rules go from conception, to birth, and finally to evolution. The use of the power of Gengjin is a step-by-step process, but in fact, this level requires countless insights and groping before finally constructing perfect and stable rules. field."

"An imperfect and unstable field is just like my previous battle with Vic. It can only influence but cannot completely suppress Vic."

"But now, with my domain alone, I can prevent a venerable like Vic from reaching his peak," Shen Zhui sighed.

No wonder Tuosen, who was ranked number one, didn't even need to use his sword. He defeated every opponent just in the rules field.

The artistic conception of the fourth level rules is all-encompassing, that is the strong man after the ninth level of the domain!

"The realm of Tuosen is still too far away for me. What I have to do now is to use my contribution points to purchase the second level of the "Reincarnation Sword Technique", the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Technique, and I can also purchase the sixth level. "

The sixth level of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Art: 500,000 contribution points.

The second level of the Samsara Sword Technique: 500,000 contribution points.

After deducting one million contribution points, Shen Zhui handed over all the remaining 840,000 contribution points to Zen Xin.

In addition to the resources of the real avatar and the original body, letting Zen Heart bet in the public duel field is also an investment.

"You should take it easy. No one dares to bet with me now. If I lose everything, I will have to take risks." Shen Zhui joked.

"What bad words!" Zenxin's eyes widened.

"Haha, okay, I'll leave it to you." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

The Zen Heart has been waiting for inheritance in the cave world since the early days of the Age of Enlightenment. It has been lonely for 30,000 years. Now that the Zen Heart can do something interesting, Shen Zhui certainly supports it.

"There's still one month left!" Shen Zhui's eyes dimmed. "In one month, it's time for the ranking battle. It's time to try out the Law Tower, Divine Body Tower, and World Tower."

There is still one month left, and it is certain that no one will bet against him in the gambling battle. If he knows his strength and still dares to bet against him, then he must be very confident. Shen Zhui will certainly not be stupid enough to agree.

If you want to improve, the best way is of course to enter the original hole.

If you pass the ninth floor of the three pagodas, you will get a free opportunity to gain enlightenment!

"There is only one month left, a free quota for Primordial Cave meditation, just use it!"

The next morning, Shen Zhui entered the False God Realm and moved from his manor to the square in front of the Law Tower.

The clouds and mist were lingering, and many talents gathered in front of the square. Most of them were people from the General's Secret Realm. There were many more people than usual. Because the ranking battle is approaching, many people want to hone themselves through the Law Tower.

"Shen Zhui."

"It's Shen Zhui who's here."

"The Champion is here."

Many venerable-level talents greeted him one after another, and even some with peak magical powers in the general's secret realm looked at Shen Zhui with admiration.

"Everyone." Shen Zhui also smiled and cupped his hands one by one, and then walked towards the Law Tower.

"Shen Zhui has been stuck on the sixth floor of the Law Tower. I wonder how far he can go this time?"

"Being able to defeat Guluohe and research the field must be at least the tenth level, right?"

"Is it possible to have the 12th floor, or even higher?"


Everyone was talking about the fact that among the fourteen new commanders of Wuhou Secret Realm, only Shen Zhui had not broken through the ninth floor, and even Lu Yuanwei had already broken through to the eleventh floor. But Shen Zhui stayed on the sixth floor.

So many people are looking forward to how far Shen Zhui can go.  ……… Virtual space Zheng   In the endless grassland, looking for the book garden www. zhaoshuyuan.com Shen Zhui's body appeared out of thin air. Since he passed through the sixth floor before, as soon as Shen Zhui appeared, he went directly to the seventh floor. “Huh~” Shen Zhui took a long breath and muttered. "The first-level ordinary body of this Venerable is really weak." The Principle Tower weakens the divine body, suppresses the hole's increase, and only relies on the understanding of the Principle to get through the level! After Shen Zhui chose the magic uniform, not long after, the rows of silver-armored guards slowly appeared on the grassland. On the seventh floor, there are a total of seventy seventh-level venerables, and all of them master the intermediate rules! “Hahaha, ninety-five-two-seven? It took ten months for a Jinwu commander to break into the seventh floor?” The seventy silver-armored guards all laughed in unison. "As the leader of the Wuhou Secret Realm, you are really weak!" "The ranking battle is approaching, I think you will be moved to the General's Secret Realm soon!" "So much nonsense!" Shen Zhui shook his head helplessly. . “Zheng!” The sword was in hand, and the mask covered his head, leaving only his cold eyes exposed. "Kill!" Shen Zhui dodged and jumped into the group of silver-armored guards. Zheng's breakthrough to the Law Tower has officially begun!

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