I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 54: The ranking battle begins!

After the breakthrough, Shen Zhui left the Law Tower and broke into the Divine Body Tower and the World Tower respectively.

Many talents know that Shen Zhui wants to crush the Black Bear of the Bear Demon Clan in terms of strength. If the Law Tower has gone so far, what will happen to the performance of the Divine Body and the World Tower?

"Let's go and take a look."

"It is rumored that the tenth floor of the Divine Body Tower is the threshold for the true god's physical body to fuse with the three souls and seven souls."

"The twelfth floor of the World Tower is the threshold of the true god-level cave world."

"Shen Zhui has a golden body at the extreme level. I don't know how far he can go."

"The divine body is strong, and the hole is not too weak. I guess it should be the ninth level, right? After all, the black bear has passed through the ninth level."

"Hiss~ If this is the case, how strong must the combined combat power of Shen Zhui's three towers be?"


Under the sea, the Divine Body Tower.

Relying only on the divine body to fight, suppress the amplification of the hole, and block all understanding of laws.

This made it very difficult for Shen Zhui, who had just finished breaking through the Law Tower, to adapt.

The Divine Body Tower cannot even be used like the Divine Weapon Armor.

What we are considering is the most extreme gambling environment, and it also makes many talents think about a question:

When you can only fight hand to hand, how much fighting power do you have left?

"Drink!" The surface of Shen Zhui's skin exuded a golden light. This golden light was different from before, with a hint of starlight.

Opposite Shen Zhui was an ape-like savage with thick hair and explosive muscles.

According to the intelligence, Shen Zhui also learned...

This divine body tower has only one kind of opponent.

It comes from a long-lost race - the ape demon clan.

The ape demons are physically powerful and extremely good at fighting. They extract the essence of the sun and moon for food, and their magical powers have nothing to do with their understanding of the rules. They are all related to their physical bodies.

However, the ape demons who fall into a rage can easily lose their minds. This is also the reason why the ape demons disappear in the long river of history. Even if they exist now, there are only a few sporadic ape demons and they cannot become a group.


At the Hedojo, King Jianhuang, King Yaohuang, and King Sabertooth also turned their attention to the Divine Body Tower.

"He's starting to break into the Divine Body Tower." King Jianhuang said expectantly.

"With the ultimate golden body, breaking into the Divine Body Tower is a huge advantage." King Yaohuang also smiled.

"I don't know how well he has cultivated his divine body." The Saber-Tooth King said slowly. "But if he can defeat the bear demon, he should have no problem passing the ninth level."



The tenth floor.

"Bang bang bang!" Two figures, one tall and one short, were entangled together, fighting hand to hand.

Every punch and kick hit the flesh, making a tooth-wrenching sound.

The first level of the Venerable, fighting against the ape demon at the peak of the Venerable!

Every attack is immediately followed by the next attack. The body shape of the battle changes, always controlled within three or four meters, and the attack frequency is extremely high.

It is almost a decisive battle within a square inch, so breaking into this divine body tower is also called a square inch battle.

Of course, the Gray Rock tribesman's move against Xiao Zhang was a close-quarters fight, tightly restraining Xiao Zhang, and almost using the instant kill formation to kill both of them.

It is conceivable that physical combat can sometimes be a lethal weapon.

"Bang!" After who knows how long, Shen Zhui shouted angrily, and finally found the opportunity to punch the ape demon with all his strength, in the eye socket.

"Kaka~" The sound of broken bones sounded, and the ape demon clan figure collapsed.

"Tenth floor, pass!" A voice prompt sounded.

Half an hour later, Shen Zhui was ejected.

On the eleventh floor, the pass failed.

"My current divine body is more than a thousand times stronger, but I still can't pass the eleventh floor. The improvement of this divine body tower is really harsh." Shen Zhui stood in front of the square and shook his head.

It is one thing to increase the divine body, but it is another thing to fight with the divine body. The ape demon clan is naturally good at physical combat, and can only fight with the physical body. Hand-to-hand combat has formed an instinct, and every part of the body, hands, Elbows, knees, soles of feet... they are all like divine weapons.

The ape demon clan represents the pinnacle of physical fighting skills!

It was very difficult to defeat the ape demons in hand-to-hand combat. Shen Zhui estimated that he would have to upgrade his divine body to a higher level to have any hope of passing the eleventh level.


The World Tower of the Three Great Pagodas.

After coming out of the Divine Body Tower, Shen Zhui moved directly to the World Tower, because the two pagodas themselves were on the bottom of the sea and were twin towers.

The World Tower is more brutal than the Divine Body Tower.

In the World Tower, there are no enemies, just earth oppression.

The breaker is hiding in his own cave world.

Terrifying external forces oppress the cave world and attack the intruders from all directions.

The pressure at each level is stronger than the previous one.

The ninth floor of the World Tower.

"Boom boom~" Shen Zhui stayed in his cave world.

The entire consciousness is completely enveloped in every part of the cave wall, paying attention to the performance after being oppressed. This is also the purpose of the World Tower.

Just like the cave world is a big drum, now there are countless heavy hammers in the outside world, knocking on the walls of the cave world.

In the face of attacks, attacks that are close to the limit can also allow the breaker to discover the shortcomings of his own hole, including the world structure, rule distribution, weaknesses in the boundary wall, etc.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Every attack was extremely terrifying, enough to make the cave of a peak venerable collapse, but Shen Zhui was safe and sound, sitting firmly in the cave.

"The cave world created by Qijue is really powerful, and the effect of breaking through the 99th floor of the netherworld is slowly becoming apparent." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

Because the divine body was cultivated late, it only passed the tenth level, so it is not very proud.

But the cave world?

Breaking through the 99th floor of the Netherworld, coupled with the presence of the Seven Hearts of the World, the Qijue increased the upper limit... resulting in Shen Zhui's hole increasing by nearly ten thousand times.

The ninth level, according to normal data, is only five thousand times. After all, the stronger and more stable the hole is, the higher the multiple of the explosive growth rate will be.

"My holes and divine body are my most proud assets." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

"The average true god is only at the twelfth level. Let's see which level I can get to." Shen Zhui continued to wait. "If you can surpass the 18th level, you will almost certainly become a top true god in the future!"

Soon, the tenth level arrives.

Shen Zhui's cave world began to tremble slightly. Every pressure and heavy hammer attack would cause gusts of wind in the cave world.

"This is already equivalent to a self-explosion hole of the ninth level of the Venerable, and it directly hit my hole." Shen Zhui said secretly. He estimated that if he could reach the tenth level, he would basically be able to explode with an increase of more than 6,000 times.

At present, this data can only be achieved by the ten Kingo generals, and only four or five people under Kingo's command can achieve it.

The drumming gradually stopped and the tenth floor passed.

A quarter of an hour later, the eleventh floor of the World Tower!

"Boom!" A blast rang in Shen Zhui's ears, and immediately after, the sky suddenly dented.

Sitting in the hole and looking at it, it felt like a sledgehammer was slamming down on the hole, trying to break through!

"So strong!" Shen Zhui frowned and stared above.

"Boom, boom, boom~" A series of explosions, intensive attacks and huge pressure made Shen Zhui's entire cave run wildly, and a gray aura constantly filled the cave walls.

For half an hour, the hole also shook for half an hour.

However, a depression is always just a depression. The strong resilience of the cave world was demonstrated when he broke into the World Tower!

Level 11, passed!

The twelfth floor begins!

"Bang!" The attack and oppression are coming!

The seven hearts of the world suddenly trembled, and the cave wall, in addition to being dented, also suddenly had cracks like glass!

"Block!" Shen Zhui stared at Kong. At this moment, Shen Zhui also felt some minor flaws in the cave world.

"Chichichi~" The mist filled the air crazily, repairing the cracks.

Cracks are widespread, but repairs are not slow either.

"Dong dong dong dong!" The sound of hammering and crackling was like raindrops, hitting Shen Zhui's heart again and again. At the same time, each flaw and weakness was also clearly presented in Shen Zhui's heart.

The structure of the cave world is not perfect, but usually, who would dare to discover it in this way? If it is crushed, it is simply seeking death.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Chi chi chi~"

Hit again and again, dented and cracked.

But the cave world, the heart of the seven worlds, has made up for it time and time again.

The speed of compensation is comparable to the speed of damage caused by a normal attack.

Shen Zhui's hole is in a state of cracking.

Repeatedly for a long time.

The explosion stopped.

Shen Zhui also breathed a sigh of relief.

The nine-thousand-fold hole increase made his hole defense reach the threshold of a true god even though it was not protected by laws!

Although... lacks a legal structure, Shen Zhui's hole is wider and has more potential than that of ordinary true gods.

One is potential and the other is qualitative change.

The rule hole alone is comparable to the law hole of the True God. Of course, Shen Zhui has greater potential!

Level 12, passed!

And after passing the twelfth floor...

The secret realm of the God King, the Palace of the God King.

In this vast ocean of divine power, the radiance of divine power permeates everything, and in the Temple of the God King, there are three great beings, staring at the scene in the World Tower.

"The Divine Body Tower, the tenth floor. The World Tower, the twelfth floor."

"Another extreme golden body." The voice of a great being echoed on the ground.

"Although he is still a little worse than the original Zhao Xing, his training time is still short and his potential is greater." Another great being commented. "His extreme golden body seems to be even more special."

"Listed as a key observation and protection list, on par with Na Tuo Sen"

"It should be so." The great being sitting on the central throne nodded.


At this moment, Shen Zhui didn't know that he had entered the high-level view of the great God King's Palace. At this moment, he had already entered the adjacent thirteenth floor of the World Tower.

"Thirteenth floor, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Shen Zhui stared at the sky.


A feeling of heart palpitations came.

"Boom~" A thunderous sound directly penetrated the cave world.

"Click, click, click, click!"


The entire cave world, from the boundary wall to the heart of the world, was shattered in this virtual god world and completely turned into powder!

"What! This..." Shen Zhui's consciousness darkened and he was instantly ejected.

Outside the World Tower, Shen Zhui's figure appeared in the square.

"It penetrated my hole at once, and completely annihilated the entire hole in one fell swoop. There was no chance of repair." Shen Zhui couldn't help but sigh.

My own cave world barely reaches the threshold of a true god, but since there is no law to protect it, and the structure is not perfect, it cannot be compared with the real law cave.

When the attack exceeds the limit of repair, it will naturally break instantly.

"There is still a lot of room for improving the structure of the cave." Shen Zhui thought in his mind.

"It stands to reason that my current holes have increased by ten thousand times, and I can definitely survive the thirteenth floor, or even higher!"

"I have not reached the limit of the improvement of the hole. Although the foundation is strong... But it is like comparing bubbles and stone balls. They are both large in size, but the stone balls are stronger!"

"It seems that the secret method of the cave cannot be ignored." Shen Zhui said secretly.

After practicing at the second level of Qijue for so long, Shen Zhui has always been very satisfied, but... once he entered this secret realm, Shen Zhui discovered that there was still a lot of room for improvement, and he was far from reaching his limit!

However, reaching the twelfth level is enough to stand out from the crowd. Among General Kingo, several are only at the 11th level.

"Shen Zhui, you have now received six opportunities in the Law Tower, two opportunities in the Divine Body Tower, and three opportunities in the World Tower."

"The total is eleven opportunities, a total of eleven months of time to comprehend the original cave!" Zenxin said excitedly.

"Yes." Shen Zhui also happily looked at his Fugue Token and found that there were indeed eleven free opportunities for enlightenment.

"But the ranking battle is about to begin. You'd better not retreat first. Use it once at most, otherwise you will miss the ranking battle." Zenxin said.

"Yes, I understand." Shen Zhui nodded.

The ranking battle starts in less than a month.

First, starting from the General's Secret Realm, 100,000 people were screened out to 10,000 places.

Ten thousand people compete with ten thousand people in Wuhou’s secret realm!

Wait until the new members of Wuhou Secret Realm are established.

Select another hundred people to gain the qualifications to challenge the commander of one hundred kings!

After that, two hundred people fought with each other to decide one hundred new Kingo leaders!

The top ten commanded by Kingo can challenge General Kingo!

The new ten Kingo generals can challenge the True King's Secret Realm!

After many selections, among the four secret realms, the General's Secret Realm and the Wuhou Secret Realm have to go through a round of reshuffle!

The strong go up, the weak go down!

Of course, the personnel in the True King's Secret Realm will not change much.

Because...it is too difficult to challenge the True King's Secret Realm. Even if it is a ranking battle once every ten years, fifty years have passed, and the number one Kingo general 'Takusen' has great hope. .

For the rest, hope is slim.

Such multiple screenings take a lot of time, and Shen Zhui is now the commander of King Wu, so when he comes on stage, it will be a relatively late round.

It still takes a month to enter Yuanshi Cave to comprehend.

"Whoosh~" Shen Zhui bowed his hands to the congratulatory and admiring crowd around him, and quickly left.

He broke through the tenth floor of the Divine Body Tower and the twelfth floor of the World Tower, destined to cause an uproar.

However... the most indispensable thing in the secret realm is talent. Although Shen Zhui has achieved great success in the three world towers, he has the most balanced talent.

However, everyone has also seen many monsters, such as Tuosen... the Venerable level, who has broken through the thirty-level Law Tower in the past fifty years.

So everyone marveled for a while, and then quickly dispersed and began to prepare for the upcoming ranking battle.


The real world, the secret realm, the entrance to Yuanshi Cave.

"Sea Crossing King." Shen Zhui said respectfully. "I want to use up a free opportunity to enter the primitive cave for enlightenment."

"Shen Zhui." Sea Crossing King smiled and nodded, his attitude was very kind. "Go, but don't miss the ranking battle."

"Yes. Thank you King Crossing the Sea." Shen Zhui bowed respectfully, and then quickly rushed into the gray vortex gate.

"He is really a hard-working guy." The Sea Crossing King nodded slightly, and then continued to close his eyes, as if he was petrified.


In the original cave, the seven original regular stars slowly appeared in the night sky.

"Going directly into the Primordial Cave to understand is different from King Jianhuang's inherited crystal ball. Here, it is easier to understand the essence of the rules." Shen Zhui closed his eyes and felt the clear understanding of the rules being transferred to his mind. It was a completely different experience in the outside world.

Even in the Virtual God Realm, using contribution to create the original space is not as strong as the original hole in the real world.

Without wasting time, Shen Zhui quickly focused on the seven original rule stars.

"Buzz~" A pulling force came, and Shen Zhui's mind fell on the seven original stars.

“The birth of chaos—the birth of the origin—the evolution of rules—all-encompassing—the death of the origin.”

Entering Yuanshi Cave for the second time, Shen Zhui's perception was completely different.

When he watched the chaotic birth of the stars' rules again, Shen Zhui could clearly sense the power of the rules taking shape in the stars, how to take shape and gain momentum...

And when the star expands and the origin is born, the endless vitality is continuous, just like the power of a sword, endless, and can make the opponent fall into his own offensive.

The ultimate goal of every knife attack is to directly transform the target's regular evolution into a state of nothingness and disorder, and place it on the object, where it will either break into powder or be cut in two.

When placed on a cultivator, the vitality is completely cut off and irreversible. Only by reversing time and space can it be resurrected.

Practicing secret techniques and exercises means learning sentences without a foundation. Even with the guidance of a teacher, the understanding of each sentence will be deviated, or even go completely in the opposite direction and fall into a dead end.

But to understand the Origin Star... is to directly grasp the meaning of every word and understand one or even multiple original meanings contained in it. In this way, even if complex words and sentences are formed, they can be clearly understood and mastered without misunderstanding.

Shen Zhui has been able to fully understand the concepts of 'Chaos Breeding' and 'Original Birth', and his mastery is perfect.

As for the 'evolution of rules', he only understood 10% of the 10% artistic conception.

After all, the domain has nine levels, and each level represents a deeper understanding of the artistic conception of the rules.

Shen Zhui is now at the first level of the domain, close to the second level. Of course, there is still a long way to go.

"In this month, I have only comprehended the third level of 'rule evolution'. As for the all-encompassing and origin-destruction in the future, it is very difficult to study now, and I may even get nothing, so there is no need to waste time." Shen Zhui said secretly.

He waved his hand, and the seven stars changed accordingly. They only evolved in three stages in turn, and the last two stages were skipped directly.

Time passed one by one, and Shen Zhui was immersed in the evolution of the three major stages, constantly comprehending.

Compared with direct learning in a systematic way, this feeling of "getting" one's own is more comfortable and transparent. Shen Zhui's understanding also allowed him to constantly confirm what he had learned and slowly improve.

"Buzz~" At a certain moment, the seven stars suddenly stopped moving and stopped evolving.

The starlight went out and only darkness remained.

A repulsive force woke up Shen Zhui and pulled him out.

"The time has come." Shen Zhui raised his head with some reluctance. "One month, so fast."

He now somewhat understands why those true gods often stay in seclusion for decades or even hundreds of years.

It is indeed easy to immerse yourself in deep understanding.

"It takes absolutely no effort to comprehend the origin star of Yuanshi Cave. You can gain something every time, and it is done step by step."

"The realm established in this way is extremely stable." After Shen Zhui flew out of the original cave, he reluctantly looked back at the gray door.

"In just one month, the rules of the third chapter of Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com have evolved, and I have gained a lot."

"When I start practicing the second level of the "Reincarnation Sword Technique" and improve my field, I'm afraid there will be a huge leap forward." There was a smile on Shen Zhui's lips.

It is naturally easier to master the essence and practice sword skills.

"Shen Zhui, you're finally out. The ranking battle has already begun." Zen Xin's voice appeared in Shen Zhui's mind.

"Huh? It's already two years ago? When will you reach the level of commander of Wuhou Secret Realm?" Shen Zhui asked.

"I estimate that nine thousand people can be selected in about half a month. You must quickly practice the second level of the Samsara Sword Technique and try to integrate the top rules." Zen Xin reminded. "A few ruthless characters have appeared this time. Don't let your boat capsize in the gutter."

"Got it!" Shen Zhui smiled slightly and entered the training room. "Then let's get started!"

"After comprehending the Primordial Cave for so long, the power of Gengjin has completely filled the heart of the world."

"Gold and space are the main artistic conceptions of the second level of the Samsara Sword Technique. The combination of each other is the greatest power!"

"It's time to start trying to integrate top rules." A glint flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes.

Swish~ His figure appeared in the training room.

Liuhe Daozang was spread out, and Shen Zhui fell into the state of enlightenment.

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