I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 91: The clone mutates!

When the power of the seven fire source crystal diamonds began to be injected into the clone...


"Damn it!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The cold will impact quickly impacted the clone's mind.

The clone's consciousness was the original consciousness, but this cold will could not shake Shen Zhui's mind at all.

For Shen Zhui, protected by the Nine Ghost Soul Sword and Blood Origin Armor, the soul is almost invincible!

The biggest difficulty for him in absorbing the Fire Source Crystal Diamond is that his body cannot bear the pain and will collapse and be burned. And once the body collapses, the absorption stops.

But for the clones, the seven clones have only absorbed the first fire source crystal diamond. The strength of the clone's divine body can only be withstood by the first one.

"Chichi~~" A stream of red energy rushed into the clone's body, constantly transforming the clone's body, meridians, and flesh.

As clones, each clone also has the ultimate golden bone, and there is no problem in receiving the first one.

Soon, the clone's absorption ended quickly.

I have experience in absorbing it, and the speed of absorption by the clone is faster and easier than the first one I absorbed before!

"Successful." Shen Zhui's true self looked at the seven clones, and the seven clones were also feeling the changes in their respective bodies.

"Huh? Didn't you feel any changes?" Shen Zhui scanned the bodies of the seven clones carefully, but he didn't feel any strange changes.

"Whoosh whoosh~" One of the clones suddenly rose into the sky.

This was Feng Xing's clone. After Shen Zhui absorbed the first fire source crystal diamond, he immediately asked the clone to start testing.

The Fengxing clone is just flying with divine power, the simplest straight line forward.

"Boohoo~" The body shot out like a sharp arrow, and soon Fengxing's clone jumped a thousand meters away.

"Speed, no change."

"Still so fast." Shen Zhui frowned.

Under the monitoring of the huge spiritual consciousness, every move of the clone while flying is completely visible.

He let Feng Xing's clone fly for a while, moving left and right, while the other six clones also attacked each other.

They tested the defense power, attack power, etc.

Half an hour later...

"Huh?" Shen Zhui summoned the seven clones and his eyes lit up.

"The changes in other places are difficult to detect, but this endurance has been greatly improved."

"The originally summoned clone will only last for half an hour at most if you try your best, and the divine power of the separated clone will be at its bottom."

"But now, half an hour has passed, and I still have about 30% of the divine power in my seven-part body!"

"Although the speed, strength, and attack power have not changed, the divine power has become stronger!"

Shen Zhui quickly came to a conclusion.

Because the clone does not have a cave world, there is no such thing as a soul.

But the energy of the Fire Source Crystal Diamond was absorbed. Where did the energy go?

The answer is, the divine body!

The upper limit of the capacity of the divine body has been expanded. Although this change is not obvious yet, it proves that the combat power of the clone is constantly improving!

"Take it!" Shen Zhui took the seven clones back into his body.

Shen Zhui wanted to see if there were any changes in him.

"Huh?" After receiving this, Shen Zhui immediately felt that something was slightly wrong.

There is a clone space in Shen Zhui's body. This clone space has seven bubbles of different colors, which are the positions of the clones.

Released, it consumes divine power. If the clone is recovered without fighting, the divine power will naturally be returned.

In the past, Shen Zhui felt relaxed when returning his divine power, but this time, he found a feeling of swelling everywhere in his body.

A surging power surged through his body.

It wasn't until half an hour later that this feeling gradually weakened and Shen Zhui got used to it.

"This, this..." Shen Zhui's eyes widened.

Whoa, Shen followed his hand and punched forward.

"Boo~" The air suddenly dented, and a fist condensed in front of him, hitting the mountain range hard.

"Bang!" The top of the mountain was suddenly cut off in half!

"Hahaha." Shen Zhui burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while, Zen almost thought that Shen Zhui was possessed by a demon, and worriedly said: "Shen Zhui, don't scare me, what happened!"

"Haha, my combat power has increased seven times." Shen Zhui said with a happy smile.

"Huh?" Zenxin was also stunned.

"Seven times better?"

"Not bad." Shen Zhui's eyes showed excitement.

Swish, swish, the seven clones reappeared behind Shen Zhui.

At this moment, Shen Zhui punched again.

"The clone is recycled into the body, and the overall strength of the original body becomes stronger."

"When the clone is released, my true strength will not be affected. It still consumes divine power."

"It's as if this great magical power has fed me back and raised my limits."

"This change can be called a clone increase!" Shen Zhui said excitedly.

It wasn't until this moment that Shen Zhui discovered the terrifying aspect of this magical power.

Improving the combat power of the clone is equivalent to increasing the combat power of the original body!

"I originally thought it was strange why since I gained the magical power of the Great Dao, every time I advance to a higher level, my combat power becomes much stronger than my body."

"I think as the clone becomes stronger, this magical power also subtly strengthens the original body."

"Before, the clones only practiced secret techniques and were not aware of it, but this fire source crystal diamond essentially changes the clones and transforms them! The seven major clones transform together and feed back to the original body. This change is immediately obvious!"

"That's right, there is no reason why the great magical power is not as good as the talented clone of the void beast. It turns out that I was too weak before and didn't develop the potential of this clone." Shen Zhui sighed with emotion.

"Then what are you waiting for? Keep absorbing!" Zen Xin said excitedly.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui also nodded heavily.

Swish swish~ The seven clones began to absorb the second fire crystal diamond again.


The mysterious power rushed into the clone's body, and then the seven clones started the second round of changes again.

The muscles and bones all over the body became more crystal clear, emitting a faint white light.

When the absorption was completed, Shen Zhui took the clone back into his body again, and a feeling of expansion came. The original body continued to adapt to the amplification effect brought by the clone.

Everything was as expected by Shen Zhui. When the second round of seven fire source crystal diamonds were absorbed by the clone, I also felt the power emanating from the colorful clone space and integrating into the whole body.

The avatar increases fourteen times!

When Shen Zhui got used to the sudden increase in power, he immediately punched again. As expected, his strength was much stronger than before.

"Sure enough, I have become stronger again, but the amplification multiplier brought by this clone is still too weak. Unlike the original body, fusing the second one will make my divine body and cave sky stronger by thousands of times." Shen Zhui Feeling secretly.

Obviously, a large part of the energy of this fire source crystal diamond is first used to transform the clone's physique and allow it to undergo fundamental transformation.

After the transformation is completed, the clone will feed back the original body.

Otherwise, according to the energy of fourteen fire source crystal diamonds, it is enough to increase the cave and divine body of this deity thousands of times.

But now, it's only fourteen times.

"However, although the increase is very weak, I have one more way to increase my ultimate combat power than others."

"The seven clones will increase seven times each time they are absorbed."

"And as more particles are absorbed, the increase will definitely be more than seven times as simple as that." Shen Zhui looked forward to it.

Every time one more Fire Source Crystal Diamond is absorbed, there will be different changes.

After all, the farther back you go, the more you absorb. It was only doubled at the beginning. Could it be that it would only be doubled later? Of course it's impossible.

After this second round of absorption was completed, Shen Zhui discovered keenly that the increase brought by the seven clones to the main body this time was a little more than seven times.

"Continue!" Shen Zhui released the seven clones again, and then began the third round of absorption.

The seven clones all looked at the fire source crystal diamond in their palms, slowly getting smaller. At the same time, the blood-colored lines made the skin turn red. There was a trace of pain on the faces of the clones, but more of excitement.

A fiery red secret pattern appeared on the internal muscles and bones of the seven clones. This secret pattern seemed to be born and engraved on the golden bones.


After the third round of absorption, the seven clones got into Shen Zhui's body.

Shen Zhui's face turned red and he swung out a punch. The extreme power of Gengjin immediately flattened the surrounding mountains.

"This time, the increase provided by each clone is about 1.5 times. It has indeed become stronger!" Shen Zhui couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Three rounds of absorption consume twenty-one fire source crystal diamonds.

The clone becomes stronger, but the increase it brings to the original body is not just as simple as one time, but 24.5 times!

"This change in me is a trivial matter, the main point is the clone!"

"Originally, my clone's combat power, not counting the Divine Body Blood Explosion Technique, was at most the level of the Elementary True God. However, after integrating these three fire source crystal diamonds, I have already reached the threshold of the Intermediate True God!"

"I would like to ask a respectable person, whose clone can have such combat power?"

"I'm afraid even that void beast won't be much stronger than me at the venerable level!" Shen Zhui was excited.

Of course, he guessed that the clone of the void beast was still stronger than himself, but that was because the clone of the void beast had its own innate magical power.

For example, teleportation clones have a strong understanding of the original laws of space and are gifted with magical powers to teleport. Compared with peak races, they are still incomparable.

But in terms of combat power, if the clone learns powerful secret techniques, its plasticity is still very high. No worse than the potential of the Void Beast!

"Continue to fuse the fourth one." Shen Zhui released the clone excitedly.

The function of the Fire Source Crystal Diamond is really incredible. As the perception increases, so does the power! Although the increase in each fire source crystal diamond is not much, the accumulation is still very exaggerated. Moreover, Shen Zhui transformed into seven clones at once. This improvement is even more exaggerated.

If it were to be improved normally, the clone would not know how many secret treasures it would consume and how much time it would take to achieve this kind of improvement.

For example, Shen Zhui's avatar's trump card "Divine Body Blood Explosion Technique" only improved after spending millions of contribution points, purchasing secret techniques, and purchasing auxiliary holy fruits.

The Fire Source Crystal Diamond has fundamentally improved the combat power of the clone.

"The heaven-defying fire source crystal diamond has doubled!"

The clone continued to absorb the fourth fire source crystal diamond. This time, Shen Zhui discovered that each of the clones after absorbing the fire source crystal diamond brought about twice the increase to the original body.

"A total increase of thirty-eight and five times!"

"Continue to absorb the fifth one!"

As the fifth round of absorption began, Shen Zhui found that the clone's body was struggling.

And the pain is doubled.


The seven clones let out an extremely painful cry.

The roar shook the sky, and Shen Zhui's clone's face turned ferocious.

Although this pain was transmitted to the main body through the clone and then weakened, the clone's life body was trembling.

"It hurts too much!" I also fell to the ground, gritting my teeth and carrying it.

If I can't bear it, I can imagine that the absorption will directly fail this time.

"hold onto!"


The seven clones and the main body gritted their teeth and persisted.

At the same time, Shen Zhui's true self continued to use his strength to heal the clone's injuries.

The key to absorption is that the body cannot collapse. If it collapses, all efforts will be wasted.

"Master! Master!" Huang Tao and Chi Lian looked at Shen Zhui and the seven clones with anxious expressions on their faces.

As the masters who directly control their souls, Huang Tao and Chi Lian can also feel Shen Zhui's pain at this moment.

Even their souls were trembling.

"Ahhh!" The seven clones kept roaring and waving their bodies, trying to vent the pain and relieve the torture, causing the surrounding mountains to be destroyed in a mess.

"What secret technique is master practicing?" Huang Tao's teeth chattered.

"I don't know, I hope the master can survive." Chi Lian was also trembling.

They all seemed to feel the pain. Also extremely worried.

If Shen Zhui dies, they will also die.


The fifth round of absorption is finally completed.

The clone almost turned into a bloody man, and the entire skin surface became red.

However, I finally got through it.

Waves of reddish energy began to repair the injuries on the clone's body.

Shen Zhui also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the clone can absorb five is the limit." Shen Zhui felt a little regretful. The clone's body is still weaker than the original.

After all, I have absorbed six of them, and now I have almost absorbed the seventh one.

The clone's body is not as powerful as the original one.

"After absorbing these five fire source crystal diamonds, the increase my clone brought to me has reached fifty-three times!"

"The terrible fire crystal diamond." Shen Zhui couldn't help but marvel at the magic of this fire crystal diamond.

Generally, there are three main aspects for cultivators to improve their combat power.

The first is the understanding of the law.

The second is the increase in divine body.

The third is the increase in the cave sky.

But now, Shen Zhui has another way - clone amplification.

Don't look at the fact that the clone has only brought a fifty-three-fold increase to Shen Zhui.

However, Shen Zhui's divine body has now increased by eight thousand times!

The increase in the cave sky is fifteen thousand times!

With every step forward, the increase in combat power is terrifying.

Moreover, the avatar's plasticity is still very high. He is just a master now. What if he breaks through to the true god level?

I'm afraid it will be able to absorb more fire source crystal diamonds. When the time comes, it will have one more increase than others, and its combat power will be completely crushing!

"Absorbing the fire source crystal diamond has also enhanced my clone field."


The seven clones all displayed their fields together, and this field was vast, layer by layer.

Nowadays, Shen Zhui's clone domains are all in the sixth level of domain, but after the sixth level, there is a faint tendency to change to the seventh level.

After nine years of training, my golden thunder domain has reached the eighth level.

The domain of clones is the sixth level.

The space domain is five layers.

Now, the clone has become stronger, making it easier for Shen Zhui to control the field. It won't be long before he evolves into the seventh level!

"Once all my clone domains reach the ninth level and merge with each other, I'm afraid even Tuosen will be able to fight me." Shen Zhui clenched his fist.

The fire source crystal diamond has improved the physical quality, and Shen Zhui's original body has been strengthened, which also makes it easier to control the clone, and the artistic conception of the rules can naturally be improved to a higher level.

The benefits brought by the fire source crystal diamond are all-round. It is easy to sense the original laws of heaven and earth, and the changes in the natural field are more obvious.

After a while, Shen Zhui began to try to let his clone absorb the sixth fire crystal diamond.

But at the beginning, the energy of the fire source crystal diamond directly wiped out the consciousness in the clones, causing the seven clones to lose control and fall limply to the ground.

The severe pain caused the clone to lose control immediately and fall into a coma.

At the same time the body begins to break down.

The sixth one, absorption failed!


"No, we've reached our limit."

"If you want your clone and your true self to continue to improve, you can only go to the realm gate mentioned by Katsuhiro."

After waiting for a long time and returning to his peak state, Shen Zhui stood on the mountain range, his eyes full of longing.

"Buzz~" With a thought, Shen Zhui released the teleporting clone of the void beast.

"Human!" Katsura's phantom appeared in front of Shen Zhui. He first looked at the surrounding environment. He seemed to be relieved when he saw that the worst outcome was not the worst.

"Take me to the boundary gate!" Shen Zhui said calmly.

"This is impossible!" Katsura screamed immediately. "Unless you let go of my clone!"

"If you don't lead the way, I will kill your clone immediately!" Shen Zhui said coldly. "What's more, even if you don't lead the way, the third floor is so big. Do you think I can't find it?"

"If you go, you will die. If you don't go, you will die!" Shen Zhui said. "Take me there. Once I come out, I might even let your clone live."

"But if you don't agree, do it right away. Make your own choice!"

After saying that, Shen Zhui put the butcher knife on the head of the void beast.

Above the first two vertical eyes of the twelve channels is the life core of this void beast clone.

Once Shen Zhui kills him, with the current weakness of his clone, there is no way to regain his divine body.

"Humans, the Realm Gate is too dangerous!" Katsuhiro advised.

"It's none of your business!"


After a moment of silence, Katsuhiro raised his head and said. "Okay, human, I'll take you there."

"I hope you won't break your promise!"

"As soon as you leave the realm gate, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and let my clone go."

"Hmph, lead the way." Shen Zhui pointed to the Starry Sky Bridge.

Xuying glanced at the clone on the ground and flew towards the Starry Sky Bridge unwillingly.

Shen Zhui ordered Huang Tao and Chi Lian to pick up the clone, and then quickly flew forward following the phantom.

An hour later.

After following Katsura for a long distance, Katsura suddenly stopped.

"We're here!" Katsura pointed to the void ahead. "That's the gate."

"Huh?" Shen Zhui looked up and was suddenly shocked.

"This door..."

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